How to add or inc to an array in a update query? - mongodb

If I have a doc which has an array which contains a items which represents counts for a day, perhaps like :-
data : [ {'20141102' : 2 },{'20141103' : 4 } ]
when I do an update, and I have a string '20141103' and then later a '20141104' I want to either inc the array entry or add a new array entry. Is this possible with an update?

Yes, it's feasible. I tried like this:
(run on mongo shell; both client and server are V2.6.4)
function tryAndFine(coll, key, value) {
var entry = {};
entry[key] = value;
var parent = 'data';
var prefix = parent + '.';
function incrementOnly() {
var criteria = {};
criteria[prefix + key] = {$exists : true};
var update = {};
update[prefix + "$." + key] = value;
var result = coll.update(criteria, {$inc : update});
// if increment fails, try to add a new one
if (result.nModified == 0) {
function addNewElement() {
var criteria = {};
criteria[prefix + key] = {$exists : false};
var update = {};
update[parent] = entry;
var result = coll.update(criteria, {$push : update}, {upsert : true});
// if exists, try to increment the count
if (result.upserted == 0 && result.nModified == 0) {
// run entry
// test
var c = db.c;
tryAndFine(c, '20141103', 1);
tryAndFine(c, '20141103', 1);
tryAndFine(c, '20141104', 1);
tryAndFine(c, '20141105', 1);
tryAndFine(c, '20141104', 1);
// output
"_id" : ObjectId("54577e1a3502852bd4ad2395"),
"data" : [ {
"20141103" : 2
}, {
"20141104" : 2
}, {
"20141105" : 1
} ]


update values in dict in Mongodb

I have values as mentioned below for more than 2000 users in my mongodb.
User -1 :
myClocks_s" : "[{"clockId":"2","clockLabel":"Tambaram","hasClock":true},{"clockId":"12","clockLabel":"Park town","hasClock":true}]"
User -2 :
I would like to change the clockid for all the locations. The new clockid for chennai will be 6 instead of 5.5 , the new clock id for tambaram will be 1 instead of 2 and so on . How can this be achieved ?
Runs in about 1.3 seconds for 2000 entries in a collection.
var newClockIds = {
} {
var didSomething = false;
d['myClocks_s'].forEach(function(item) {
w = newClockIds[item['clockLabel']];
if(undefined != w) {
item['clockId'] = w;
didSomething = true;
if(didSomething) {
// Update key/criteria is the incoming _id for the doc which is unique.
rc ={_id:d['_id']}, {$set: {"myClocks_s": d['myClocks_s']}});
// Ensure success
if(rc['nMatched'] != 1 && rc['nModified'] != 1) {
print("? could not update id", _id);

How can I get documents with some conditions?

I have some objects:
var array = [];
var obj1 = new Object();
obj1.category = 0;
obj1.sequence = 0;
obj1.otherAttr = 1;
var obj2 = new Object();
obj2.category = 1;
obj2.sequence = 2;
obj1.otherAttr = 2;
var obj3 = new Object();
obj3.category = 4;
obj4.sequence = 3;
obj1.otherAttr = 3;
and I have collection in MongoDB:
I wanna insert these objects. But Before insert these, I want check overlapping category and sequence between these and document in MongoDB unrelated to otherAttr or anotherAttr. For example, I have objects like top, the result I need is :
I tried to $match. But can't check some conditions in many attributes.

SQL to MapReduce: where clause with a select statement

How could i translate an sql query to mongodb map reduce when the where clause constains a select statement?
For example
sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
p_partkey = l_partkey
and p_brand = 'Brand#23'
and p_container = 'MED BOX'
and l_quantity < (
0.2 * avg(l_quantity)
l_partkey = p_partkey
I've tried this mapreduce, but seemingly it did not work.
mapreduce: "lineitem",
query: {
"partsupp.ps_partkey.p_brand": "Brand#23",
"partsupp.ps_partkey.p_container": "MED BOX"
map: function() {
var data = {l_extendedprice: 0, l_quantity:0, total_l_quantity: 0 };
data.l_extendedprice = this.l_extendedprice;
data.l_quantity = this.l_quantity;
data.total_l_quantity = 1;
emit("avg_yearly", data);
reduce: function(key, values) {
var data = {l_extendedprice: 0, l_quantity:0, total_l_quantity: 0 };
var sum_l_quantity = 0;
/*sum the l_quantity and total_l_quantity*/
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
sum_l_quantity += values[i].l_quantity;
data.total_l_quantity += values[i].total_l_quantity;
/*calculate the average l_quantity and multiply*/
var avg_l_quantity = 0.2 * (sum_l_quantity / data.total_l_quantity);
/*sum l_extendedprice and divide */
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if( values[i].l_quantity < avg_l_quantity ) {
data.l_extendedprice += values[i].l_extendedprice;
data.l_extendedprice = data.l_extendedprice / 7.0;
return data;
out: 'query017'
Has another way to do it? Is it possible to do it in the query clause of mapreduce? Or i only had mistaked in my code?
The schema
"_id" : ObjectId("511b7d1b3daee1b1446ecdfe"),
"l_quantity" : 17,
"l_extendedprice" : 21168.23,
"l_discount" : 0.04,
"l_shipdate" : ISODate("1996-03-13T03:00:00Z"),
"l_commitdate" : ISODate("1996-02-12T03:00:00Z"),
"l_receiptdate" : ISODate("1996-03-22T03:00:00Z"),
"l_shipmode" : "TRUCK",
"l_comment" : "blithely regular ideas caj",
"partsupp" : {
"ps_availqty" : 6157,
"ps_supplycost" : 719.17,
"ps_partkey" : {
"p_partkey" : NumberLong(155190),
"p_name" : "slate lavender tan lime lawn",
"p_mfgr" : "Manufacturer#4",
"p_brand" : "Brand#44",
"p_size" : 9,
"p_container" : "JUMBO JAR",
"p_retailprice" : 1245.19,
"p_comment" : "regular, final dol"

MongoDB map reduce count giving more results than a query

I have a collection users in Mongo and I execute this map reduce which I believe is the equivalent of a COUNT(*) GROUP BY origin:
> m = function() { for (i in this.membership) {
... emit( this.membership[i].platform_profile.origin, 1 );
... } }
function () {
for (i in this.membership) {
emit(this.membership[i].platform_profile.origin, 1);
> r = function( id, values ) { var result = 0;
... for ( var i = 0; i < values.length; i ++ ) { result += values[i]; }
... return result; }
function (id, values) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
result += values[i];
return result;
> db.users.mapReduce(m, r, {out : { inline: 1}});
"results" : [
"_id" : 0,
"value" : 15
"_id" : 1,
"value" : 449
But if I try to count how many documents have this field set to a specific value like 1, I get fewer results:
db.users.count({"membership.platform_profile.origin": 1});
What am I missing?
Are your count queries using a sparse index by any chance? My only guess there would be if some other query criteria resulted in documents absent from from index to be ignored from the count.
I recreated your schema with some fixture data and the results between map/reduce and simple count queries are in agreement:
var map = function() {
for (i in this.membership) {
emit(this.membership[i].platform_profile.origin, 1);
var reduce = function(id, values ) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
result += values[i];
return result;
var origins = {1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c", 4: "d"};
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
var membership = [];
for (var o in origins) {
if (0 == i % o) {
membership.push({ platform_profile: { origin: origins[o] }});
}{ membership: membership });
db.users.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: {inline: 1}}).results.forEach(function(result){
print(result["_id"] + ": " + result["value"]);
for (var o in origins) {
print(origins[o] + ": " + db.users.count({"membership.platform_profile.origin": origins[o]}));
Here's the output:
$ mongo --quiet mr_count.js
a: 1000
b: 500
c: 334
d: 250
a: 1000
b: 500
c: 334
d: 250
You can use the following map/reduce for the equivalent of COUNT(*) GROUP BY origin
Map/Reduce Functions :
map = function() {
if(!this.membership) return;
for (i in this.membership) {
if(!this.membership[i].platform_profile || !this.membership[i].platform_profile.origin) return;
emit(this.membership[i].platform_profile.origin, 1);
reduce = function(key, values) {
var count = 0;
for (v in values) {
count += values[v];
return count;
result = db.runCommand({
"mapreduce" : "users",
"map" : map,
"reduce" : reduce,
"out" : "users_count"
I had the same issue. I replaced x.length by Array.sum(x) in the reduce function (assuming you emit 1 in the map function) and it works. I agree x.length should work too, but I cannot explain why it does not.

mongodb map emit keys from subdocument

I have a document which includes a subdocument:
"_id" : ObjectId("XXXXX"),
"SearchKey" : "1234",
"SearchTerms" : {
"STA" : ["1"],
"STB" : ["asdfasdf"],
"STC" : ["another"]
The SearchTerm elements are not fixed - sometimes we'll have STA without STC, for example.
I can do this:
var map = function() {
for (key in this.SearchTerms)
emit(key, 1);
but I can't do this:
var map = function() {
for (var i=0; i< this.SearchTerms.length; i++)
emit(this.SearchTerms[i], 1)
because the latter doesn't produce any results after the reduce. Why not?
As an aside - what I need to do is count the cross-product of the search terms over all documents, that is, find the incidence of (STA and STB) and (STA and STC) and (STB and STC) in the case above. If someone knows how to do that right away, that works even better.
As always, thanks for the help
The key that you emit should be a composite of both keys.
var map = function() {
if(!this.SearchTerms) return;
for(var i = 0 ; i < this.SearchTerms.length; i++){
var outerKey = this.SearchTerms[i];
for(var j = i + 1; j < this.SearchTerms.length; j++){
var innerKey = this.SearchTerms[j];
// assuming you don't care about counting (STA and STC) separately from (STC and STA),
// then order doesn't matter, lets make sure both occurences have the same key.
var compositeKey = (outerKey < innerKey) ? outerKey+"_"+innerKey : innerKey+"_"+outerKey;
emit(compositeKey, 1);
This is because this.SearchTerms is a dictionary/subdocument and not an array. this.SearchTerms[0] doesn't exist.
For the second question: something like this should work:
for (key1 in this.SearchTerms)
for (key2 in this.SearchTerms)
if (key1 < key2)
key = [key1, key2];
emit(key, 1);