Change ref of hash in Perl - perl

I ran into this and couldn't find the answer. I am trying to see if it is possible to "change" the reference of a hash. In other words, I have a hash, and a function that returns a hashref, and I want to make my hash point to the location in memory specified by this ref, instead of copying the contents of the hash it points to. The code looks something like this:
%hash = $h->hashref;
My obvious guess was that it should look like this:
\%hash = $h->hashref;
but that gives the error:
Can't modify reference constructor in scalar assignment
I tried a few other things, but nothing worked. Is what I am attempting actually possible?

An experimental feature which would seemingly allow you to do exactly what you're describing has been added to Perl 5.21.5, which is a development release (see "Aliasing via reference").

It sounds like you want:
use Data::Alias;
alias %hash = $h->hashref;
Or if %hash is a package variable, you can instead just do:
*hash = $h->hashref;
But either way, this should almost always be avoided; simply use the hash reference.

This question is really old, but Perl now allows this sort of thing as an experimental feature:
use v5.22;
use experimental qw(refaliasing);
my $first = {
foo => 'bar',
baz => 'quux',
\my %hash = $first;
Create named variable aliases with ref aliasing
Mix assignment and reference aliasing with declared_refs

Yes, but…
References in Perl are scalars. You are trying to alias the return value. This actually is possible, but you should not do this, since it involves messing with the symbol table. Furthermore, this only works for globals (declared with our): If you assign a hashref to the glob *hash it will assign to the symbol table entry %hash:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
sub a_hashref{{a => "one", b => "two"}}
our %hash;
*hash = a_hashref;
printf "%3s -> %s\n", $_, $hash{$_} foreach keys %hash;
This is bad style! It isn't in PBP (directly, but consider section 5.1: “non-lexicals should be avoided”) and won't be reported by perlcritic, but you shouldn't pollute the package namespace for a little syntactic fanciness. Furthermore it doesn't work with lexical variables (which is what you might want to use most of the time, because they are lexically scoped, not package wide).
Another problem is, that if the $h->hashref method changes its return type, you'll suddenly assign to another table entry! (So if $h->hashref changes its return type to an arrayref, you assign to #hash, good luck detecting that). You could circumvent that by checking if $h->hashref really returns a hashref with 'HASH' eq ref $h->hashref`, but that would defeat the purpose.
What is the problem with just keeping the reference? If you get a reference, just store it in a scalar:
$hash = $h->hashref
To read more about the global symbol table, take a look at perlmod and consider perlref for the *FOO{THING} syntax, which sadly isn't for lvalues.
To achieve what you want, you could check out the several aliasing modules on cpan. Data::Alias or Lexical::Alias seem to fit your purpose. Also if you are interested in tie semantics and/or don't want to use XS modules, Tie::Alias might be worth a shoot.


How to access a sub through symbol table for main:: and name of sub in a scalar variable

Suppose I have a function foo (or ::foo, or main::foo if you prefer), and I define
use strict;
my $sub_name = 'foo';
I want to invoke foo indirectly, as "the function whose name is stored in $sub_name". (For the sake of this example, assume that the invocation should pass the list 1, 2, 3 as arguments.)
I know that there's a way to do this by working with the symbol table for main:: directly, treating it like a hash-like data structure.
This symbol-table incantation is what I'm looking for.
I've done this sort of thing many times before, but I have not programmed Perl in many years, and I no longer remember the incantation.
(I'd prefer to do this without having to resort to no strict, but no biggie if that's not possible.)
I'd simply use a symbolic reference.
my $sub = \&$qualified_sub_name; # \&$symbol is except from strict 'refs'.
But you requested that we avoid using symbolic reference. That's way too complex. (It's also might not handle weird but legit misuse of colons.)
my $pkg = \%::;
my $sub_name = $qualified_sub_name;
$pkg = $pkg->{$1} while $sub_name =~ s/^(.*?::)//sg;
my $sub = $pkg->{$sub_name};
$sub = *{ $pkg->{$sub_name} }{CODE}
if ref(\$sub) eq 'GLOB'; # Skip if glob optimized away.
You can use can:
my $sub_name = 'foo';
my $coderef = main->can($sub_name);
As others have mentioned, you should note that this can return also methods like "can" or "isa".
Also, if $sub_name contains Some::Module::subname, this will also be called.
If you're not sure what's in $sub_name, you probably want a different approach.
Use this only if you have control over $sub_name and it can contain only expected values. (I assumed this, that's why I wrote this answer.)

Perl - Two questions regarding proper syntax for dereferencing

as a newbie I am trying to explore perl data structures using this material from atlanta perl mongers, avaliable here Perl Data Structures
Here is the sample code that I've writen, is the same as but contains additional two pragmas: use strict; use warnings;.
my %name = (name=>"Linus", forename=>"Torvalds");
my #system = qw(Linux FreeBSD Solaris NetBSD);
sub passStructure{
my ($arg1,$arg2)=#_;
if (ref($arg1) eq "HASH"){
elsif (ref($arg1) eq "ARRAY"){
if (ref($arg2) eq "HASH"){
elsif (ref($arg2) eq "ARRAY"){
sub printArray{
my $aref = $_[0];
print "#{$aref}\n";
print "#{$aref}->[0]\n";
print "$$aref[0]\n";
print "$aref->[0]\n";
sub printHash{
my $href = $_[0];
print "%{$href}\n";
print "%{$href}->{'name'}\n";
print "$$href{'name'}\n";
print "$href->{'name'}\n";
There are several points mentioned in above document that I misunderstood:
Page 44 mentions that those two syntax constructions: "$$href{'name'}" and "$$aref[0]" shouldn't never ever been used for accessing values. Why ? Seems in my code they are working fine (see bellow), moreover perl is complaining about using #{$aref}->[0] as deprecated, so which one is correct ?
Page 45 mentions that without "use strict" and using "$href{'SomeKey'}" when "$href->{'SomeKey'}" should be used, the %href is created implictly. So if I understand it well, both following scripts should print "Exists"
[pista#HP-PC temp]$ perl -ale 'my %ref=(SomeKey=>'SomeVal'); print $ref{'SomeKey'}; print "Exists\n" if exists $ref{'SomeKey'};'
[pista#HP-PC temp]$ perl -ale ' print $ref{'SomeKey'}; print "Exists\n" if exists $ref{'SomeKey'};'
but second wont, why ?
Output of two beginning mentioned scripts:
[pista#HP-PC temp]$ perl
Using an array as a reference is deprecated at line 32.
Linux FreeBSD Solaris NetBSD
[pista#HP-PC temp]$ perl
Using an array as a reference is deprecated at line 32.
Linux FreeBSD Solaris NetBSD
Many people think $$aref[0] is ugly and $aref->[0] not ugly. Others disagree; there is nothing wrong with the former form.
#{$aref}->[0], on the other hand, is a mistake that happens to work but is deprecated and may not continue to.
You may want to read
A package variable %href is created simply by mentioning such a hash without use strict "vars" in effect, for instance by leaving the -> out of $href->{'SomeKey'}. That doesn't mean that particular key is created.
Update: looking at the Perl Best Practices reference (a book that inspired much more slavish adoption and less actual thought than the author intended), it is recommending the -> form specifically to avoid the possibility of leaving off a sigil, leading to the problem mentioned on p45.
Perl has normal datatypes, and references to data types. It is important that you are aware of the differerence between them, both in their meaning, and in their syntax.
Type |Normal Access | Reference Access | Debatable Reference Access
Scalar | $scalar | $$scalar_ref |
Array | $array[0] | $arrayref->[0] | $$arrayref[0]
Hash | $hash{key} | $hashref->{key} | $$hashref{key}
Code | code() | $coderef->() | &$coderef()
The reason why accessing hashrefs or arrayrefs with the $$foo[0] syntax can be considered bad is that (1) the double sigil looks confusingly like a scalar ref access, and (2) this syntax hides the fact that references are used. The dereferencing arrow -> is clear in its intent. I covered the reason why using the & sigil is bad in this answer.
The #{$aref}->[0] is extremely wrong, because you are dereferencing a reference to an array (which cannot, by definition, be a reference itself), and then dereferencing the first element of that array with the arrow. See the above table for the right syntax.
Interpolating hashes into strings seldom makes sense. The stringification of a hash denotes the number of filled and available buckets, and so can tell you about the load. This isn't useful in most cases. Also, not treating the % character as special in strings allows you to use printf…
Another interesting thing about Perl data structures is to know when a new entry in a hash or array is created. In general, accessing a value does not create a slot in that hash or array, except when you are using the value as reference.
my %foo;
$foo{bar}; # access, nothing happens
say "created at access" if exists $foo{bar};
$foo{bar}[0]; # usage as arrayref
say "created at ref usage" if exists $foo{bar};
Output: created at ref usage.
Actually, the arrayref spings into place, because you can use undef values as references in certain cases. This arrayref then populates the slot in the hash.
Without use strict 'refs', the variable (but not a slot in that variable) springs into place, because global variables are just entries in a hash that represents the namespace. $foo{bar} is the same as $main::foo{bar} is the same as $main::{foo}{bar}.
The major advantage of the $arg->[0] form over the $$arg[0] form, is that it's much clearer with the first type as to what is going on... $arg is an ARRAYREF and you're accessing the 0th element of the array it refers to.
At first reading, the second form could be interpreted as ${$arg}[0] (dereferencing an ARRAYREF) or ${$arg[0]} (dereferencing whatever the first element of #arg is.
Naturally, only one interpretation is correct, but we all have those days (or nights) where we're looking at code and we can't quite remember what order operators and other syntactic devices work in. Also, the confusion would compound if there were additional levels of dereferencing.
Defensive programmers will tend to err towards efforts to make their intentions explicit and I would argue that $arg->[0] is a much more explicit representation of the intention of that code.
As to the automatic creation of hashes... it's only the hash that would be created (so that the Perl interpreter and check to see if the key exists). The key itself is not created (naturally... you wouldn't want to create a key that you're checking for... but you may need to create the bucket that would hold that key, if the bucket doesn't exist. The process is called autovivification and you can read more about it here.
I believe you should be accessing the array as: #{$aref}[0] or $aref->[0].
a print statement does not instantiate an object. What is meant by the implicit creation is you don't need to predefine the variable before assigning to it. Since print does not assign the variable is not created.

Error using intermediate variable to access Spreadsheet::Read sheets

I'm no expert at Perl, wondering why the first way of obtaining numSheets is okay, while the following way isn't:
use Spreadsheet::Read;
my $spreadsheet = ReadData("blah.xls");
my $n1 = $spreadsheet->[1]{sheets}; # okay
my %sh = %spreadsheet->[1]; # bad
my $n2 = $sh{label};
The next to last line gives the error
Global symbol "%spreadsheet" requires explicit package name at line xxx
I'm pretty sure I have the right sigils; if I experiment I can only get different errors. I know spreadsheet is a reference to an array not directly an array. I don't know about the hash for the metadata or individual sheets, but experimenting with different assumptions leads nowhere (at least with my modest perl skill.)
My reference on Spreadsheet::Read workings is If there are good examples somewhere online that show how to properly use Spreadsheet, I'd like to know where they are.
It's not okay because it's not valid Perl syntax. The why is because that's not how Larry defined his language.
The sigils in front of variables tell you what you are trying to do, not what sort of variable it is. A $ means single item, as in $scalar but also single element accesses to aggregates such as $array[0] and $hash{$key}. Don't use the sigils to coerce types. Perl 5 doesn't do that.
In your case, $spreadsheet is an array reference. The %spreadsheet variable, which is a named hash, is a completely separate variable unrelated to all other variables with the same identifier. $foo, #foo, and %foo come from different namespaces. Since you haven't declared a %spreadsheet, strict throws the error that you see.
It looks like you want to get a hash reference from $spreadsheet->[1]. All references are scalars, so you want to assign to a scalar:
my $hash_ref = $spreadsheet->[1];
Once you have the hash reference in the scalar, you dereference it to get its values:
my $n2 = $hash_ref->{sheets};
This is the stuff we cover in the first part of Intermediate Perl.

Use data structure references more commonly

I have been reading some of the perl513*delta files and I have seen some of the new features coming to Perl 5.14. Beginning with Perl 5.13.7 many of the array/hash functions will work on array/hash refs as well. While this probably is seen mostly as syntactic sugar, or Perl doing what you expect, I wonder, will/should this change the paradigm of declaring data structures in Perl? With the known caveat that it breaks compatibility with eariler Perl's, what would be the arguements for and against using anonymous structures primarily?
For example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.13.7;
my $hashref = {
english => 'hello',
spanish => 'hola',
french => 'bon jour'
foreach my $greeting (keys $hashref) {
say $hashref->{$greeting}; #use say since we need a later version anyway
rather than the more traditional way using a named hash (%hash).
P.S. If this is seen are augmentative I can change to CW, but I am curious to hear some perspectives.
The ability to use certain array and hash functions on references is just syntactic sugar and need not impact the way you work with first level plural structures. There are several reasons for this:
given my $array = [1 .. 10]
List processing functions like map, grep, sort, reverse, print, say, printf and many others still need to be passed proper lists, so this means using #$array vs the simpler #array with these functions.
The for/foreach loop needs to be passed a list, requiring #$array
$array is always true, to determine the length you need to write #$array
while ($array) { infinite loop }
while (#$array) { what you probably wanted }
while (#array) { no room for error here }
sub-scripting a real #array as $array[$idx] is marginally faster (~15%) than $array->[$idx] since a dereference does not need to happen on each access. The difference with hashes is smaller, around 3%, due to the overhead of the hashing function.
Basically, by moving to all references, you get a different set of functionality that needs to use the dereferencing sigils. Instead, take advantage of pre v5.13.7 functionality for anything you are declaring for immediate use my #array; my %hash; and utilize the new syntax shortcuts in areas where you would have used excessive #{ ... } or %{ ... } constructs with the applicable functions.
I don't believe this upcoming change will break backward compatibility. Now you get an error on keys $hashref, with perl 5.14 it will be working. So effectively no current code could be using such feature.
Good syntactic sugar is important. Perl itself is "only" syntactic sugar over C which sugars assembler which sugars machine code.
This will not change how my top level usage per your example, but will help to reduce the awkward syntax found when using complex structures, ie "push #($this->{somekey}), $stuff" becomes "push $this->{somekey}, $stuff".

Why do I see HASH(0xABCDEF) in my Perl output?

I am running perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris-64int
I am calling print on an array:
print "#vals\n";
and the output looks like:
HASH(0x229a4) uid cn attuid
or another example:
#foo = {};
push(#foo, "c");
print "#foo I am done now\n";
with output of:
HASH(0x2ece0) c I am done now
Where is HASH(0x2ece0) coming from?
Your braces in #foo = {} are creating it. The braces create an unnamed hash reference.
If you want to set #foo to an empty list, use #foo = ()
The key to understanding this sort of problem is that you get an extra item in the output. It's not too important what that item is.
In general, the first thing you'd want to do when your container variable has more (or less) in it than you expect is to look at it's contents. The Data::Dumper module comes with Perl and can pretty print data structures for you:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper( \#foo );
Once you see what is in your container, you can start to work backward to find out how it got in there. You'd eventually end up noticing that right after you initialized #foo that it already had one element, which isn't what you wanted.
Another trick is to check the number of elements in the list:
print "There are " . #array . " elements in \#array\n";
If you get a number you don't expect, work backward to find out when the extra element showed up.
You accidentally have a hash reference in #foo. When you print a reference out without dereferencing it (almost always by accident), you get a debugging string (the type of reference it is and a memory location).
I think you want my #foo = (); push #foo, "c"; rather than what you have now. On the other hand, you can also simply say my #foo; to create the array. You don't need to explicitly mark it as empty with ().
See perldoc perlreftut and perldoc perlref for more on references.
Your code should be written like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #foo;
push #foo, "c";
print "#foo I am done now\n";
You don't need to initialize variables in Perl, if you want to have an empty variable. You should however use my to declare a local variable. And you don't need parentheses around built-in functions, that just adds clutter.