Matlab reversed 2d interpolation interp2 - matlab

I have a function V that is computed from two inputs (X,Y). Since the computation is quite demanding I just perform it on a grid of points and would like to rely on 2d linear interpolation. I now want to inverse that function for fixed Y. So basically my starting point is:
X = [1,2,3];
Y = [1,2,3];
V =[3,4,5;6,7,8;9,10,11];
Is is of course easy to obtain V at any combination of (X,Y), for instance:
Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,1.8,2.5)
Vq =
But how would I find X for given V and Y using 2d linear interploation? I will have to perform this task a lot of times, so I would need a quick and easy to implement solution.
Thank you for your help, your effort is highly appreciated.

EDIT using additional info
If not both x and y have to be found, but one of them is given, this problem reduces to finding a minimum in only 1 direction (i.e. in x-direction). A simple approach is formulating this in a problem which can be minizmied by an optimization routine such as fminsearch. Therefore we define the function f which returns the difference between the value Vq and the result of the interpolation. We try to find the x which minimizes this difference, after we give an intial guess x0. Depending on this initial guess the result will be what we are looking for:
% Which x value to choose if yq and Vq are fixed?
xq = 1.8; % // <-- this one is to be found
yq = 2.5; % // (given)
Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,xq,yq); % // 8.3 (given)
% this function will be minimized (difference between Vq and the result
% of the interpolation)
f = #(x) abs(Vq-interp2(X, Y, V, x, yq));
x0 = 1; % initial guess)
x_opt = fminsearch(f, x0) % // solution found: 1.8

Nras, thank you very much. I did something else in the meantime:
function [G_inv] = G_inverse (lambda,U,grid_G_inverse,range_x,range_lambda)
for t = 1:size(U,1)
for i = 1:size(U,2)
xf = linspace(range_x(1), range_x(end),10000);
[Xf,Yf] = meshgrid(xf,lambda);
grid_fine = interp2(range_x,range_lambda,grid_G_inverse',Xf,Yf);
idx = find (abs(grid_fine-U(t,i))== min(min(abs(grid_fine-U(t,i))))); % find min distance point and take x index
G_inv is supposed to contain x, U is yq in the above example and grid_G_inverse contains Vq. range_x and range_lambda are the corresponding vectors for the grid axis. What do you think about this solution, also compared to yours? I would guess mine is faster but less accurate. Spped is, however, a major issue in my code.


How to do circular convolution between 2 functions with cconv?

I was asked to do circular convolution between two functions by sampling them, using the functions cconv. A known result of this sort of convolution is: CCONV( sin(x), sin(x) ) == -pi*cos(x)
To test the above I did:
w = linspace(0,2*pi,1000);
l = linspace(0,2*pi,1999);
but the result I got was:
which is absolutely not -pi*cos(x).
Can anybody please explain what is wrong with my code and how to fix it?
In the documentation of cconv it says that:
c = cconv(a,b,n) circularly convolves vectors a and b. n is the length of the resulting vector. If you omit n, it defaults to length(a)+length(b)-1. When n = length(a)+length(b)-1, the circular convolution is equivalent to the linear convolution computed with conv.
I believe that the reason for your problem is that you do not specify the 3rd input to cconv, which then selects the default value, which is not the right one for you. I have made an animation showing what happens when different values of n are chosen.
If you compare my result for n=200 to your plot you will see that the amplitude of your data is 10 times larger whereas the length of your linspace is 10 times bigger. This means that some normalization is needed, likely a multiplication by the linspace step.
Indeed, after proper scaling and choice of n we get the right result:
res = 100; % resolution
w = linspace(0,2*pi,res);
dx = diff(w(1:2)); % grid step
stem( linspace(0,2*pi,res), dx * cconv(sin(w),sin(w),res) );
This is the code I used for the animation:
hF = figure();
subplot(1,2,1); hS(1) = stem(1,cconv(1,1,1)); title('Autoscaling');
subplot(1,2,2); hS(2) = stem(1,cconv(1,1,1)); xlim([0,7]); ylim(50*[-1,1]); title('Constant limits');
w = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
for ind1 = 1:200
suptitle("n = " + ind1);
% export_fig(char("D:\BLABLA\F" + ind1 + ".png"),'-nocrop');

Finding roots in data

I have data that look like this:
These are curves of the same process but with different parameters.
I need to find the index (or x value) for certain y values (say, 10).
For the blue curve, this is easy: I'm using min to find the index:
[~, idx] = min(abs(y - target));
where y denotes the data and target the wanted value.
This approach works fine since I know that there is an intersection, and only one.
Now what to do with the red curve? I don't know beforehand, if there will be two intersections, so my idea of finding the first one and then stripping some of the data is not feasible.
How can I solve this?
Please note the the curves can shift in the x direction, so that checking the found solution for its xrange is not really an option (it could work for the data I have, but since there are more to come, this solution is probably not the best).
Shameless steal from here:
function x0 = data_zeros(x,y)
% Indices of Approximate Zero-Crossings
% (you can also use your own 'find' method here, although it has
% this pesky difference of 1-missing-element because of diff...)
dy = find(y(:).*circshift(y(:), [-1 0]) <= 0);
% Do linear interpolation of near-zero-crossings
x0 = NaN(size(dy,1)-1,1);
for k1 = 1:size(dy,1)-1
b = [[1;1] [x(dy(k1)); x(dy(k1)+1)]] \ ...
[y(dy(k1)); y(dy(k1)+1)];
x0(k1) = -b(1)/b(2);
% Some data
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1e2);
y = sin(x);
% Find zeros
xz = data_zeros1(x,y);
% Plot original data and zeros found
figure(1), hold on
plot(x, y);
plot(xz, zeros(size(xz)), '+r');
axis([0,2*pi -1,+1]);
The gist: multiply all data points with their consecutive data points. Any of these products that is negative therefore has opposite sign, and gives you an approximate location of the zero. Then use linear interpolation between the same two points to get a more precise answer, and store that.
NOTE: for zeros exactly at the endpoints, this approach will not work. Therefore, it may be necessary to check those manually.
Subtract the desired number from your curve, i.e. if you want the values at 10 do data-10, then use and equality-within-tolerance, something like
TOL = 1e-4;
IDX = 1:numel(data(:,1)); % Assuming you have column data
IDX = IDX(abs(data-10)<=TOL);
where logical indexing has been used.
I figured out a way: The answer by b3 in this question did the trick.
idx = find(diff(y > target));
Easy as can be :) The exact xvalue can then be found by interpolation. For me, this is fine since i don't need exact values.

find the line which best fits to the data

I'm trying to find the line which best fits to the data. I use the following code below but now I want to have the data placed into an array sorted so it has the data which is closest to the line first how can I do this? Also is polyfit the correct function to use for this?
p = polyfit(x,y,n)
f = polyval(p,x);
PS: I'm using Octave 4.0 which is similar to Matlab
You can first compute the error between the real value y and the predicted value f
err = abs(y-f);
Then sort the error vector
[val, idx] = sort(err);
And use the sorted indexes to have your y values sorted
y2 = y(idx);
Now y2 has the same values as y but the ones closer to the fitting value first.
Do the same for x to compute x2 so you have a correspondence between x2 and y2
x2 = x(idx);
Sembei Norimaki did a good job of explaining your primary question, so I will look at your secondary question = is polyfit the right function?
The best fit line is defined as the line that has a mean error of zero.
If it must be a "line" we could use polyfit, which will fit a polynomial. Of course, a "line" can be defined as first degree polynomial, but first degree polynomials have some properties that make it easy to deal with. The first order polynomial (or linear) equation you are looking for should come in this form:
y = mx + b
where y is your dependent variable and X is your independent variable. So the challenge is this: find the m and b such that the modeled y is as close to the actual y as possible. As it turns out, the error associated with a linear fit is convex, meaning it has one minimum value. In order to calculate this minimum value, it is simplest to combine the bias and the x vectors as follows:
Xcombined = [x.' ones(length(x),1)];
then utilized the normal equation, derived from the minimization of error
beta = inv(Xcombined.'*Xcombined)*(Xcombined.')*(y.')
great, now our line is defined as Y = Xcombined*beta. to draw a line, simply sample from some range of x and add the b term
Xplot = [[0:.1:5].' ones(length([0:.1:5].'),1)];
Yplot = Xplot*beta;
plot(Xplot, Yplot);
So why does polyfit work so poorly? well, I cant say for sure, but my hypothesis is that you need to transpose your x and y matrixies. I would guess that that would give you a much more reasonable line.
x = x.';
y = y.';
then try
p = polyfit(x,y,n)
I hope this helps. A wise man once told me (and as I learn every day), don't trust an algorithm you do not understand!
Here's some test code that may help someone else dealing with linear regression and least squares
% matlab code
% good video to work out by hand if you want to test
function [a0 a1] = rtlinreg(x,y)
a1 = (n*sum(x.*y) - sum(x)*sum(y))/(n*sum(x.^2) - (sum(x))^2); %a1 this is the slope of linear model
a0 = mean(y) - a1*mean(x); %a0 is the y-intercept
[a0 a1] = rtlinreg(x,y); %a1 is the slope of linear model, a0 is the y-intercept
x_model =min(x):.001:max(x);
y_model = a0 + a1.*x_model; %y=-186.47 +4.70x

How do I plot relations in matlab?

I want to plot relations like y^2=x^2(x+3) in MATLAB without using ezplot or doing algebra to find each branch of the function.
Does anyone know how I can do this? I usually create a linspace and then create a function over the linspace. For example
Can I do something similar for the relation I have provided?
What you could do is use solve and allow MATLAB's symbolic solver to symbolically solve for an expression of y in terms of x. Once you do this, you can use subs to substitute values of x into the expression found from solve and plot all of these together. Bear in mind that you will need to cast the result of subs with double because you want the numerical result of the substitution. Not doing this will still leave the answer in MATLAB's symbolic format, and it is incompatible for use when you want to plot the final points on your graph.
Also, what you'll need to do is that given equations like what you have posted above, you may have to loop over each solution, substitute your values of x into each, then add them to the plot.
Something like the following. Here, you also have control over the domain as you have desired:
syms x y;
eqn = solve('y^2 == x^2*(x+3)', 'y'); %// Solve for y, as an expression of x
xval = linspace(-1, 1, 1000);
%// Spawn a blank figure and remember stuff as we throw it in
hold on;
%// For as many solutions as we have...
for idx = 1 : numel(eqn)
%// Substitute our values of x into each solution
yval = double(subs(eqn(idx), xval));
%// Plot the points
plot(xval, yval);
%// Add a grid
Take special care of how I used solve. I specified y because I want to solve for y, which will give me an expression in terms of x. x is our independent variable, and so this is important. I then specify a grid of x points from -1 to 1 - exactly 1000 points actually. I spawn a blank figure, then for as many solutions to the equation that we have, we determine the output y values for each solution we have given the x values that I made earlier. I then plot these on a graph of these points. Note that I used hold on to add more points with each invocation to plot. If I didn't do this, the figure would refresh itself and only remember the most recent call to plot. You want to put all of the points on here generated from all of the solution. For some neatness, I threw a grid in.
This is what I get:
Ok I was about to write my answer and I just saw that #rayryeng proposed a similar idea (Good job Ray!) but here it goes. The idea is also to use solve to get an expression for y, then convert the symbolic function to an anonymous function and then plot it. The code is general for any number of solutions you get from solve:
close all
syms x y
FunXY = y^2 == x^2*(x+3);
%//Use solve to solve for y.
Y = solve(FunXY,y);
%// Create anonymous functions, stored in a cell array.
NumSol = numel(Y); %// Number of solutions.
G = cell(1,NumSol);
for k = 1:NumSol
G{k} = matlabFunction(Y(k))
%// Plot the functions...
hold on
for PlotCounter = 1:NumSol
hold off
The result is the following:
n = 1000;
[x y] = meshgrid(linspace(-3,3,n),linspace(-3,3,n));
z = nan(n,n);
z = (y .^ 2 <= x .^2 .* (x + 3) + .1);
z = z & (y .^ 2 >= x .^2 .* (x + 3) - .1);
It's probably not what you want, but I it's pretty cool!

Calculate distance, given a set of coordinates

my question is quite trivial, but I'm looking for the vectorized form of it.
My code is:
HubHt = 110; % Hub Height
GridWidth = 150; % Grid length along Y axis
GridHeight = 150; % Grid length along Z axis
RotorDiameter = min(GridWidth,GridHeight); % Turbine Diameter
Ny = 31;
Nz = 45;
dy = GridWidth/(Ny-1);
dz = GridHeight/(Nz-1);
if isequal(mod(Ny,2),0)
iky = [(-Ny/2:-1) (1:Ny/2)];
iky = -floor(Ny/2):ceil(Ny/2-1);
if isequal(mod(Nz,2),0)
ikz = [(-Nz/2:-1) (1:Nz/2)];
ikz = -floor(Nz/2):ceil(Nz/2-1);
[Y Z] = ndgrid(iky*dy,ikz*dz + HubHt);
Currently I am using this solution, which has reasonable performances:
coord(:,1) = reshape(Y,[numel(Y),1]);
coord(:,2) = reshape(Z,[numel(Z),1]);
dist_y = bsxfun(#minus,coord(:,1),coord(:,1)');
dist_z = bsxfun(#minus,coord(:,2),coord(:,2)');
dist = sqrt(dist_y.^2 + dist_z.^2);
I disagree with Dan and Tal.
I believe you should use pdist rather than pdist2.
D = pdist( [Y(:) Z(:)] ); % a compact form
D = squareform( D ); % square m*n x m*n distances.
I agree with Tal Darom, pdist2 is exactly the function you need. It finds the distance for each pair of coordinates specified in two vectors and NOT the distance between two matrices.
So I'm pretty sure in your case you want this:
pdist2([Y(:), Z(:)], [Y(:), Z(:)])
The matrix [Y(:), Z(:)] is a list of every possible coordinate combination over the 2D space defined by Y-Z. If you want a matrix containing the distance from each point to each other point then you must call pdist2 on this matrix with itself. The result is a 2D matrix with dimensions numel(Y) x numel(Y) and although you haven't defined it I'm pretty sure that both Y and Z are n*m matrices meaning numel(Y) == n*m
A more correct solution suggested by #Shai is just to use pdist since we are comparing points within the same matrix:
pdist([Y(:), Z(:)])
You can use the matlab function pdist2 (I think it is in the statistics toolbox) or you can search online for open source good implementations of this function.
look at this unswer: pdist2 equivalent in MATLAB version 7