Update: Eclipse and one drive - eclipse

I have a desktop and a laptop which i bring to uni. Is there a way to put eclipse workspace on One Drive (sky drive) and then be able to work on it from multiple computers? I have tried it but it seems to mess up the folders. I.e. the package folder is now a standard folder.
I found this link but I'm not too sure it will work. Anyone willing to explain if this will work?
Here's the link: http://www.howtogeek.com/174765/how-to-sync-any-folder-with-skydrive-on-windows-8.1/

If you want to store the workspace there, you need to make sure that the project files such as .project and .classpath, which are automatically generated by Eclipse, are also stored. Otherwise, Eclipse won't recognize the folders as project directories.
Still even if you store all files you can encounter problems in some cases if you're using different versions of Eclipse across different computers, and with different plugins, features and so on. A simple solution is to also store the Eclipse installation itself so that you use the same Eclipse across all computers.

OneDrive does not (yet!) support syncing files that start with periods, like the .eclipse settings folders. Because of this you will not see those items sync over OneDrive.

Make NEW FOLDER in onedrive. Then run Eclipse with this folder. Run Eclipse with this folder in another computer.


Working on eclipse project in subversion

I have a 20 member dev team working on a development project.
To provide greater control we have created a workspace with necessary projects and configurations (like project preferences, set-ups etc) in IBM RAD.
The idea is to have the pre-configured project in subversion so that when the dev team members checkout the project they get a complete workspace, so that they do not have to configure setups them selves.
However the problem is everytime someone checks out the workspace IBM RAD will also edit the .metadata (and some other folders and properties file) folder that has been checked in.
Idea is the developer should not have to change anything except the source code folders or application specific files.
I think many other teams might have faced situations like this.
Can anybody provide the best practices/process/references on how this is done in development projects?
I think svn ignore will solve your problem.
check http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch07s02.html
The svn:ignore property contains a
list of file patterns which certain
Subversion operations will ignore.
Perhaps the most commonly used special
property, it works in conjunction with
the global-ignores run-time
configuration option (see the section
called “Config”) to filter unversioned
files and directories out of commands
svn status, svn add, and svn import.
You cannot stop IBM RAD from updating .metadata folder and Eclipse doesn't support splitting workspace folder as it does for the configuration folder.
The best solution would be to setup your build scripts to be able to setup your workspace based on some .zip file(s), where you've captured the required settings for the workspace. This will give the closest thing to automatic workspace setup without having to deal constantly with changed files in .svn.

Where does Eclipse store settings and plugins in userdir?

I've just installed a new Linux distro on my box and want to move my Eclipse home from the old /home/username/ to my new one. Because I changed the desktop, I don't want to copy all hidden folders from ~/. So which directories do I need copy in order to have all my installed plugins?
I've already copied ~/.eclipse/ and it definitely contains files related to the plugins but Eclipse won't load them. Any hints?
We've eventually found the directory containing all that stuff by accident. Somehow we broke it and Eclipse refused to start on my coworker's computer:-)
See ~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins or wherever your workspace resides.
As far as I know, Eclipse stores its plugins in its installation directory (eclipse). They might reside in eclipse/plugins or eclipse/dropins. You can copy the whole eclipse directory from your old box.

How to delete Eclipse completely (including settings and plugins) from Mac OS X?

My Eclipse with GAE broken and works strangely.
So I deleted Eclipse from Application folder, but there is garbage left. I re-downloaded fresh new eclipse, but it runs with old settings, and broken GAE structure remained.
How can I DELETE completely Eclipse from my Mac? (without any kind of settings/plugins/logs etc.)
Eclipse itself will be installed where you've unzipped the file you've downloaded. This directory contains Eclipse.app, configuration/, plugins/ and features/ (amongst others).
Your workspace/ directory (in your home directory by default) contains all your projects and various settings too, in workspace/.metadata/ (see dot files if you want to have a look). Deleting the workspace will delete your own project files of course, so you would need to make sure you have a way to restore them from a clean version (for example from a version control system if you're using one).
If you don't want to delete your entire workspace, it might be worth moving it away and then copying the projects back in, leaving the new workspace/.metadata/ clean, to see if this fixes your problem.
Add ~/Library/Caches/org.eclipse.platform.ide to the list
Im not sure if this is the right place for such kind of questions...But r u using any applications such as "app cleaner"?
if not try it... http://en.softonic.com/s/app-remover:mac

Sharing Eclipse directory on Dropbox between Windows and Mac OS X

This question was close to mine, but not quite.
I have a Windows desktop and a MacBook Pro. I'd like to be able to keep my Eclipse workspace in my Dropbox folder. The problem is that many project settings change between platforms: references to JREs, JDKs, and other libs.
Every discussion I've seen of this problem seems to suggest taking advantage of the source control system's ignore functionality, so that such-and-such file remains local-only and thus able to remain platform-specific. But when you're working with a real single shared folder, that class of solution doesn't apply.
Have you had luck working with a Java Eclipse project living in a single folder shared over the network, cross-platform?
I have my Eclipse workspace inside Dropbox with all my project folders within, but use the new-ish "Selective Sync" feature of Dropbox to make sure that the .metadata folder is not synced.
This means my Mac and Windows machines have their own .metadata folders but the project folders remain in sync.
Seems to be working so far...
Use source control with individual workspaces. By doing it this way you lose the capability of two developers making changes to the same file. You also run a higher risk of people stepping on each other. With Subversion (or others) source control is free and gives you traceability.
Perhaps the way to have less problems is just to share the source folder, neither workspace settings nor bin folder.
Just put your source folder in Dropbox.
Create the project on site1 and then:
Right click over the project, choose properties
--> Java Build path --> Source tab
--> Link source button
Then create a link to your source folder in Dropbox and assign it a name (e.g. src2)
Make the same for site2.
All your source files must be in your share source folder in Dropbox.
Of course you must configure on each site the settings like libraries and other stuff but this task is less frequently and perhaps desirable because you have two different environments.
For anyone else having trouble getting this to work, try File->Import->General->File System. Be sure to select Create links in workspace from the Advanced options. Seems like the cleaner solution and you can keep using your usual workspace.

Eclipse and copying workspaces

What do I have to do to copy a complete workspace from one computer to another and be simply able to continue working on it on the other computer?
In general, a filesystem copy should be sufficient. If you run into problems with your projects, try removing the project from the workspace (without deleting the files) and then re-add the project, which will rebuild the metadata.
Make sure you shut down eclipse before you copy the workspace, and that the target computer has the same (or higher) eclipse version, including the same plugins.
Check that your workspace actually contains all the projects - when creating a project, it's possible to have its files situated outside the workspace.
If your projects use any external libraries installed on the system, install these on the other system in the same place (or adjust the paths).
Then, there should be no problem.
You shouldn't have any issues with a straight filesystem copy as long as your eclipse versions match up.
If they don't, the project metadata may not load correctly
You need to copy the whole folder which you select as your workspace at startup (or you once selected). All settings are included in there (even the opened files).
I use rsync for this. Works great.