Dynamic table name for INSERT INTO query - postgresql

I am trying to figure out how to write an INSERT INTO query with table name and column name of the source as parameter.
For starters I was just trying to parametrize the source table name. I have written the following query. For now I am declaring and assigning the value of the variable tablename directly, but in actual example it would come from some other source/list. The target table has only one column.
tablename text;
tablename := 'Table_1';
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO "Schemaname"."targettable"
FROM "schemaname".'
Although the query runs without any error no changes are reflected at the target table. On running the query I get the following output.
Query OK, 0 rows affected (execution time: 296 ms; total time: 296 ms)
I want the changes to be reflected at the target table. I don't know how to resolve the problem.

Audited code
_tbl text := 'Table_1'; -- or 'table_1'?
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO schemaname.targettable(column_name)
FROM schemaname.' || quote_ident(_tbl); -- or "Schemaname"?
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Always use an explicit target list for persisted INSERT statements.
You can assign variables at declare time.
It's a wide-spread folly to use double-quoted identifiers to preserve otherwise illegal spelling. You have to keep double-quoting the name for the rest of its existence. One or more of those errors seem to have crept into your code: "Schemaname" or "schemaname"? Table_1 or "Table_1"?
Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?
When you provide an identifier like a table name as text parameter and escape it with quote_ident(), it is case sensitive!
Identifiers in SQL code are cast to lower case unless double-quoted. But quote-ident() (which you must use to defend against SQL injection) preserves the spelling you provide with double-quotes where necessary.
Function with parameter
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO schemaname.targettable(column_name)
FROM schemaname.' || quote_ident(_tbl);
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT foo('tablename'); -- tablename is case sensitive
There are other ways:
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter


Declare and return value for DELETE and INSERT

I am trying to remove duplicated data from some of our databases based upon unique id's. All deleted data should be stored in a separate table for auditing purposes. Since it concerns quite some databases and different schemas and tables I wanted to start using variables to reduce chance of errors and the amount of work it will take me.
This is the best example query I could think off, but it doesn't work:
do $$
declare #source_schema varchar := 'my_source_schema';
declare #source_table varchar := 'my_source_table';
declare #target_table varchar := 'my_target_schema' || source_table || '_duplicates'; --target schema and appendix are always the same, source_table is a variable input.
declare #unique_keys varchar := ('1', '2', '3')
select into #target_table
from #source_schema.#source_table
where id in (#unique_keys);
delete from #source_schema.#source_table where export_id in (#unique_keys);
end ;
The query syntax works with hard-coded values.
Most of the times my variables are perceived as columns or not recognized at all. :(
You need to create and then call a plpgsql procedure with input parameters :
(my_target_schema text, my_source_schema text, my_source_table text, unique_keys text[])
'WITH list AS (INSERT INTO %1$I.%3$I_duplicates SELECT * FROM %2$I.%3$I WHERE array[id] <# %4$L :: integer[] RETURNING id)
DELETE FROM %2$I.%3$I AS t USING list AS l WHERE t.id = l.id', my_target_schema, my_source_schema, my_source_table, unique_keys :: text) ;
$$ ;
The procedure duplicates_suppress inserts into my_target_schema.my_source_table || '_duplicates' the rows from my_source_schema.my_source_table whose id is in the array unique_keys and then deletes these rows from the table my_source_schema.my_source_table .
See the test result in dbfiddle.
As has been commented, you need some kind of dynamic SQL. In a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE or a DO statement to do it on the server.
You should be comfortable with PL/pgSQL. Dynamic SQL is no beginners' toy.
Example with a PROCEDURE, like Edouard already suggested. You'll need a FUNCTION instead to wrap it in an outer transaction (like you very well might). See:
When to use stored procedure / user-defined function?
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE pg_temp.f_archive_dupes(_source_schema text, _source_table text, _unique_keys int[], OUT _row_count int)
-- target schema and appendix are always the same, source_table is a variable input
_target_schema CONSTANT text := 's2'; -- hardcoded
_target_table text := _source_table || '_duplicates';
_sql text := format(
'WITH del AS (
WHERE id = ANY($1)
INSERT INTO %I.%I TABLE del', _source_schema, _source_table
, _target_schema, _target_table);
RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql; -- debug
EXECUTE _sql USING _unique_keys; -- execute
CALL pg_temp.f_archive_dupes('s1', 't1', '{1, 3}', 0);
db<>fiddle here
I made the procedure temporary, since I assume you don't need to keep it permanently. Create it once per database. See:
How to create a temporary function in PostgreSQL?
Passed schema and table names are case-sensitive strings! (Unlike unquoted identifiers in plain SQL.) Either way, be wary of SQL-injection when concatenating SQL dynamically. See:
Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter
Made _unique_keys type int[] (array of integer) since your sample values look like integers. Use a the actual data type of your id columns!
The variable _sql holds the query string, so it can easily be debugged before actually executing. Using RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql; for that purpose.
I suggest to comment the EXECUTE line until you are sure.
I made the PROCEDURE return the number of processed rows. You didn't ask for that, but it's typically convenient. At hardly any cost. See:
Dynamic SQL (EXECUTE) as condition for IF statement
Best way to get result count before LIMIT was applied
Last, but not least, use DELETE ... RETURNING * in a data-modifying CTE. Since that has to find rows only once it comes at about half the cost of separate SELECT and DELETE. And it's perfectly safe. If anything goes wrong, the whole transaction is rolled back anyway.
Two separate commands can also run into concurrency issues or race conditions which are ruled out this way, as DELETE implicitly locks the rows to delete. Example:
Replicating data between Postgres DBs
Or you can build the statements in a client program. Like psql, and use \gexec. Example:
Filter column names from existing table for SQL DDL statement
Based on Erwin's answer, minor optimization...
create or replace procedure pg_temp.p_archive_dump
(_source_schema text, _source_table text,
_unique_key int[],_target_schema text)
language plpgsql as
_row_count bigint;
_target_table text := '';
select quote_ident(_source_table) ||'_'|| array_to_string(_unique_key,'_') into _target_table from quote_ident(_source_table);
raise notice 'the deleted table records will store in %.%',_target_schema, _target_table;
execute format('create table %I.%I as select * from %I.%I limit 0',_target_schema, _target_table,_source_schema,_source_table );
execute format('with mm as ( delete from %I.%I where id = any (%L) returning * ) insert into %I.%I table mm'
,_source_schema,_source_table,_unique_key, _target_schema, _target_table);
RAISE notice 'rows influenced, %',_row_count;
if your _unique_key is not that much, this solution also create a table for you. Obviously you need to create the target schema yourself.
If your unique_key is too much, you can customize to properly rename the dumped table.
Let's call it.
call pg_temp.p_archive_dump('s1','t1', '{1,2}','s2');
s1 is the source schema, t1 is source table, {1,2} is the unique key you want to extract to the new table. s2 is the target schema

What Identifier in "EXECUTE FORMAT" with "FOR ... IN" loop "record" variable/iterator that uses dot/period "." for Column name in PLPGSQL Procedure?

I am using a basic plpgsql EXECUTE... FORMAT dynamic script with a FOR...IN loop. The problem is, the LOOP has a variable/pointer (like any FOR LOOP in any language) that iterates through the query result set of the SELECT... query in the EXECUTE. I need to make the column name part after the period/dot in temprecord.column_name dynamic, and thus use an Identifier (i.e. %I, %s, %L) for it, As you know, the way to get data (In this column is an ALTER TABLE sql statement) out of this variable/pointer is to use the "dot notation", that is, i.e.
/* Output employee names from column "names" in Employee table */
FOR temprecord IN
FROM %I t', ''Employee'')
So the above works fine when I hardcord temprecord.names. The problem is I want the column name dynamic, so if different callers/methods call my function, I can select different columns through the temprecord iterator, and EXECUTE this data.
I tried many times what I have below and the best response I have gotten so far is that the sql query that I have in the column (as I stated above) executed, however, it showed an syntax error and truncation error, but I clearly noticed it was returned the all three columns of my table and concatenating the columns together. But I know the real problem is the variable temprecord not picking up on the dot notation that specifies column name i.e. temprecord.column_name_here, that's why it returns all columns and throws truncation here. As I stated above, it works when hardcoded.
/* Using the $$ for string formatting here */
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_proc(drop_or_add text)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
temprecord record;
col_nm text;
col_nm := concat_ws('_','sql',drop_or_add); -- SHOULD CONCATENATE TO COLUMN NAME, I.E. sql_drop OR sql_add WHICH HOLDS SQL "ALTER TABLE..." QUERY
FOR temprecord IN
EXECUTE format($f$ SELECT t.col1, t.col2, t.col3%s
FROM some_tbl t
WHERE t.col4 = %L, drop_or_add, 'blue')
EXECUTE format($f$ %I.%s $f$, "temprecord", col_nm);
Hopefully none of this syntax is confusing, nor my logic. Again, I am simply looping with the temprecord iterator variable and trying to access some columns of my database table, that holds some SQL statements and needs to be dynamic based on the argument passed to my Procedure. So, potentially EXECUTE temprecord.sql_drop or EXECUTE temprecord.sql_add can execute.
I always used the %s in my other plpgsql scripts when I access a column of table using dot notation i.e. tbl1.id = tbl2.% and it's always worked fine. I have tried basically every combination possible, but I'll list a few here, i.e.
EXECUTE format($f$ %I.%s $f$, "temprecord", col_nm);
EXECUTE format($f$ %I%s $f$, "temprecord", '.sql_drop');
EXECUTE format($f$ %I.%s $f$, temprecord, col_nm);
EXECUTE format($f$ %I.%I $f$, "temprecord", col_nm);
EXECUTE format($f$ %I.%I $f$, "temprecord", "col_nm");
the string passed to EXECUTE statement have to be valid SQL command. It cannot be an expression.
The PL/pgSQL is almost static language - there are some dynamic features, but almost it is static typed language. Overusing EXECUTE statement is generally bad idea. It can work, but the code will be very unreadable and not well maintainable.
For dynamic access to record, the best way is (today) using transformation to json:
postgres=# create or replace function fx(nm varchar(64))
returns void as $$
r record;
r2 record;
for r in execute format('select v as %I from generate_series(1,3) g(v)', nm)
raise notice '%', (row_to_json(r))->>nm;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
postgres=# select fx('foo');
│ fx │
│ │
(1 row)
I was able to find a solution, however, I absolutely tried every combination of Identifiers and I could not get this to work when concatenating the record iterator and the column name in the EXECUTE FORMAT block. So my solution was just stick stick a CASE statement before the second EXECUTE... and then directly pass that String variable to the EXECUTE and use only one identifier. It seemed like the problem was any time I was trying to divide/split up the temprecord.column_name inside the FORMAT i.e. EXECUTE FORMAT($f$ %I.$s $f$, temprecord,column_name), it would just not work. However, I am able to do this with regular Tables and Columns in SELECT.. FROM WHERE t1.col1 = t2.%, so I'm not sure if its just different with the record variable because its part of a FOR... IN LOOP or something.
WHEN drop_or_add ILIKE '%drop%' THEN
v_exect_sql := temprow.sql_drop;
WHEN drop_or_add ILIKE '%add%' THEN
v_exect_sql := temprow.sql_add;
EXECUTE format($f$ %s $f$, v_exect_sql); -- Have to pass the `temprecord.column_name` all as one Identifier or would NOT work for me

using execute in postgres returns syntax error

I'm trying to debug this adn find out why I'm getting syntax error:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.myfunc(_report_id integer, _cutoff_date date)
RETURNS record
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
_deliverable_id RECORD ;
FOR _deliverable_id IN
SELECT deliverable_id FROM public.deliverables where report_id=_report_id
execute format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report.products_%I',_deliverable_id);
When I execute this, I get:
syntax error at or near ""(1111)""
1111 is one deliverable for sure, so this leads me to think it has something to do with the execute statement format, or the way I'm using %I?
%I is replaced as a whole identifier. If you want to concatenate things, you need to do it before replacement.
You can test/debug this for yourself by inspecting the result of the format() function:
select format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report.products_%I',42);
returns DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report.products_"42"
you need to use:
select format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report.%I',concat('products_', 42));
which correctly returns DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report.products_42
(obviously you need to replace 42 with your variable.

Return variable in postgres select

This covers most use cases How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script? but not the select clause.
This code produces an error column "ct" does not exist"
declare CT timestamp := '2020-09-04 23:59:59';
select CT,5 from job;
I can see why it would interpret CT as a column name. What's the Postgres syntax required to refer to a variable in the context of the select clause?
I would expect that query to return
'2020-09-04 23:59:59',5
for each row in the job table.
Addendum to the accepted answer
My use case doesn't return rows. Instead, the result of the select is consumed by an insert statement. I'm transforming rows from staging tables into other tables and adding value like the import date and the identity owning the inserts. It's these values that are provided by the variables - they are used in several such transforms and the point of the variable is to let me set each value once up the top of the script.
Because the rows are consumed like this, it turns out that I don't need a function wrapping this code. It's a bit inconvenient to test since I can't run the select and look at the outcome without copying it and pasting in literals, but at least it's possible to use variables. My working script looks like this:
declare ct timestamp := '2020-09-04 23:59:59';
declare cb int := 2;
declare iso8601 varchar(50) := 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';
declare USAdate varchar(50) := 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
delete from dozer_wheel_loader_equipment_movement where created = ct;
INSERT INTO dozer_wheel_loader_equipment_movement
(site, primary_category_id, machine, machine_class, x, y, z, timestamp_local, created, created_by)
select site ,mc.id ,machine , machineclass ,x,y,z,to_timestamp(timestamplocal, iso8601), ct, cb
from stage_dozer_csv d join machine_category mc on d.primarycategory = mc.short_code;
There is a lot of worthwhile related reading at How to declare a variable in a PostgreSQL query
There are few things about variables in PostgreSQL.
Variable can not be used in Plain SQL in Postgres. So you have to use any pl language i.e. plpgsql to use this. You have tried the same in your example.
In your DO block you have missed the Begin and End, So you have to write it like below
declare CT timestamp := '2020-09-04 23:59:59';
select CT,5 from job;
But when you read the official documentation of DO Statement, it says DO will allow to run the anonymous code but it returns void, that's why above code will throw following error:
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 4 at SQL statement
So there is only one way - wrap this code block in a Function like below:
create or replace function func() returns table(col1 timestamp, col2 int )
declare ct timestamp := '2020-09-04 23:59:59';
return query
select CT,5 from job;
language plpgsql
and you can call it like below:
select * from func()
You can not use variable in normal SQL statement in Postgres.
You have to use any Procedural Language i.e. plpgsql to use variable.
DO Block doesn't return any value so you can not use select statement like above in DO block. It is good for non-returning queries i.e. insert, update, delete or grant etc.
Only way to return a value from procedural language code block is - you have to wrap it in a suitable PostgreSQL Function.

syntax error when calling plpgsql function

I'm working on a project that involves calculating the percent of an industry cluster's cost structure that comes from in-region transportation costs. I'll have one table for each industry cluster with the detailed cost breakdown (naics, amount, inregion_amt), a lookup table transpo_industries with all transportation naics, and a summary table cluster_costs that I want to eventually contain each industry cluster's name (c_name), the total cost (tot_cost), and the in-region transportation costs (inregion_transpo). The table is already populated with all the industry names, which match the table names for the corresponding industry clusters.
Since I need to run through at least 15 industry clusters and would potentially like to re-run this code with smaller subsets of the data, I'm trying to create a function. The following code creates the function without error, but when I try to call it, I get a syntax error ("ERROR: syntax error at or near "clustercosts" SQL state: 42601")
Can anyone help point out where I'm going wrong?
create or replace function clustercosts(tblname text) RETURNS void
AS $$
EXECUTE 'update cluster_costs set tot_cost= (select sum(amount) from '||tblname||'), inregion_transpo = (select sum(inregion_amt) from '||tblname||', transpo_industries where '||tblname||'.naics=transpo_industries.naics) where c_name='||tblname||;
$$ Language plpgsql;
A version using format() gives me the same error:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION udate_clustercosts(tblname text)
EXECUTE format(
'update cluster_costs'
'set tot_cost= (select sum(amount)from %I),'
'inregion_transpo = (select sum(inregion_amt) from %I, transpo_industries where %I.naics=transpo_industries.naics)'
'where c_name=%I',tblname);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Your problems start at the design stage. With a proper DB design you wouldn't need dynamic SQL for this to begin with.
I'll have one table for each industry cluster ...
Don't. This should be a single table (like cluster_details) with a FK column (like cluster_id) referencing the PK of the table listing industry clusters (like industry_cluster).
It's also questionable that you materialize a computed aggregate with your UPDATE. Use a VIEW (or function) instead to get current sums. Your base query would be something like:
, sum(cd.amount) AS sum_amount
, (SELECT sum(inregion_amt)
FROM transpo_industries
WHERE naics = cd.naics) AS sum_inregion_amt
FROM industry_cluster ic
LEFT JOIN cluster_details cd USING (cluster_id)
WHERE ic.name = 'Cluster 1';
As for the question asked: since the error is triggered by the function call and the error message clearly references the function name, the problem lies with the call, which is missing in the question.
There are other problems in your function definition, as has been pointed out in the comments - none of which are related to the error message you presented.
You have been bitten by the fact, that you want to use single quotes within quoted string. You can avoid that using dollar-quoted string constants as explained in the documentation.
The problem arises because you want to use single quote within SQL statement, because you want to pass value of tblname as a string constant.
Here I use $a$ to quote within the function body, quoted with $$:
create or replace function clustercosts(tblname text) RETURNS void
AS $$
EXECUTE $a$ update cluster_costs set tot_cost= (select sum(amount) from $a$ || tblname || $a$), inregion_transpo = (select sum(inregion_amt) from $a$ || tblname || $a$, transpo_industries where $a$ || tblname || $a$.naics=transpo_industries.naics) where cluster_costs.c_name='$a$ || tblname || $a$'$a$;
$$ language plpgsql;
It's valid to insert nearly any identifier between the dollar signs and is a common pattern for nesting quotes in functions, exactly as in your case.
I create the tables you describe:
create table tblname (naics int, amount int, inregion_amt int);
create table transpo_industries (naics int);
create table cluster_costs (c_name text, tot_cost int, inregion_transpo int);
testdb=> SELECT clustercosts('tblname');
(1 row)
No errors, SQL executed.