Adding a MATLAB GUI to a MATLAB code - matlab

I am asked by my professor to add a GUI for my Matlab code. My program receives an image as an input and returns a string.
The GUI should enable me to browse the image and then display it. Then I need to use that image in the Matlab code.
To browse and display the image, I created a pushbutton control and wrote the following in its callback
[baseFileName, folder] = uigetfile('*.jpg');
fullFileName = [folder baseFileName];
rgbImage = imread(fullFileName,'jpg');
I added a second pushbutton and the Matlab code (which has a file name main.m) inside its callback. This function needs the image displayed above as an input, and its output (which is a string) needs to be displayed in the GUI.
I am facing a few problems:
I want the image to be displayed in a specific position.
How can I call the function in the push button?
How can I access and use the image in the first push button to the second push button?

Some hints on how you can get started with your problems:
You could create an axes object in your figure, whose position can be defined. then just plot the image on that axes. Do all that in the callback
Calling a function from a callback should not be a problem
Save the image in structure, then you can use for example setappdata and getappdata to pass it between callbacks, i.e. when your figure handle is h.fig and your structure called d:
in the first callback, and to retrieve it, in the second:
d = getappdata(h.fig,'d');


how to save figure of gui plot which will run on a computer that does not have matlab

I have made a Gui program that I compile to EXE application which lots csv file into graph data. I buit a save button but I do not know how save figure with different name each time cause (savefig anduisave both uses matlab program). I am posting my code below if anyoff you guys figure out how to save gui figue into image or anything that does require matlab to open. Last function is the callback function for save button.
function ma_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% i tried uisave but not possible to run computer without matlab cause mcr
% does not run uisave
% i tried copyopbj but since i did not put a name on my figure it did not
% work
If you are trying to save a kind of image from your figure, then the best option which supports many aspects, is using print function.
I have already done this in a compiled app and it works perfect. Using print function you can set different file type(vector formats like *.svg are also supported), resolution(dpi), and so many others.
Although you can use print function directly on the figure, but I found that the best way (More Customization like removing or adding some objects and changing many options) is to follow this steps:
Create another figure with Visible='on' but a position that is out of screen with the same width and height of Main Figure.
normalized position = [-1, -1, ?, ?]. (Create this figure in start up and don't destroy it until your app exits, let call it Print Figure).
Copy your figure content (or the parts you are interested in) using copyobj to that figure (you may need to set Parent property of some key objects like panels to this new figure). They would look exactly as they look in the main figure, because they have the same properties. you can add or remove some objects in this step.
Change aspect ratio of "Print Figure" for a better output.
Print this figure with all options (file format, dpi, ...) you need. in my own GUI i allowed the user to change this settings with an input dialog.
In my app i used functions like winopen to show the output, and output directory to the user, when the print task was done. Print process takes some time, specially if dpi is huge, so it is also a good idea to inactivate buttons and show wait cursor.
a simple usage would be:
print(MainFigure, 'myFileName', '-dpng', '-r300')

Matlab update plot in one GUI based on activity in second GUI

In one GUI (viewer) I have an image that shows a 2D slice through a 3D image cube. A toolbar button opens a second GUI (z-profile) that plots a 2D graph showing the z-profile of one pixel in the image cube. What I want is to be able to update this plot dynamically when a different pixel is clicked in the original viewer GUI. I've looked in to linkdata but I'm not sure if that can be used to link across two GUIs. Is there a simple way to do this without re-creating the second GUI each time a new pixel is clicked and feeding in the new input location?
You can definitely doing it without recreating the second GUI every time.
Without knowing your specific code I would say that you should store a reference to the second GUI in the first GUI, then in a callback for clicking a pixel in the first GUI, change data in the second GUI via the stored reference (e.g. figure handle). You can store arbitrary data in a figure, for example by using function guidata. A bit of code.
figure2 = figure();
figure1 = figure('WindowButtonDownFcn',#myCallback);
guidata(figure1, figure2);
function myCallback(obj,eventdata)
figure2 = guidata(obj);
Even easier but a bit more error-prone would be to use global variables for storing the references.

turn on colorbar programmatically in clustergram

I know that one can insert a colorbar by clicking the colorbar icon in the clustergram GUI. Is there a way to do it programmatically?
I tried
cgo = clustergram(data)
This makes a colorbar in a new figure window. How can a colorbar be created with proper positioning in a clustergram figure as if the button was clicked?
There is a function buried away (HeatMap.plot>showColorbar) that neatly positions the colorbar to the left of both the heat map and the dendogram (the lines). Just running colorbar(...) will mess up the relative positioning of the dendogram and the heatmap. So you need to somehow run the callback or carefully duplicate all of the position computations. It's easier to just run the callback. Here's how.
To create the colorbar programmatically for a clustergram, and keep the color bar button in sync, you need to use the button's assigned callback and set the button's state.
Create the clustergram:
load filteredyeastdata
cgo = clustergram(yeastvalues(1:30,:),'Standardize','Row');
Get the handle for color bar button:
cbButton = findall(gcf,'tag','HMInsertColorbar');
Get callback (ClickedCallback) for the button:
ccb = get(cbButton,'ClickedCallback')
ccb =
[1x1 clustergram]
That gives us a handle to the function assigned by the callback (#insertColorbarCB), and the function's third input argument (the clustergram object). The button's handle and an empty event object are implicitly the first two arguments.
Change the button state to 'on' (clicked down):
Run the callback to create the colorbar:
Note that the button State must be changed to 'on' first, otherwise the callback won't do anything.
I just managed to solve this problem.
What I did:
I added this function to the clustergram code (I put it at line 1486)
function insertColorbarCBALWAYS(obj)
hFig= gcbf;
obj.Colorbar = true;
and then at line 415 of the clustergram.m file I added this line of code
to call the above function. Save and go: now the colorbar will always be there, once the clustergram is drawn.
Previous method was not working for me so I made this workaround.
One may even save the new clustergram code as clustergramCM such that you can draw cgram in both ways.

How to do GUI programming in matlab

I am trying to learn GUI programming in matlab and for that purpose i am trying to create a simple multiplication calculator. I have done some programms in matlab without GUI but i am having difficulty in understanding GUI programming in Matlab. I have created the GUI but i dont know how to do the programming for that.
This is my GUI i made
EDIT TEXT 1; string= 0
EDIT TEXT 1; tag= edit1
EDIT TEXT 2; string= 0
EDIT TEXT 2; tag= edit2
STATIC TEXT 1; string= X
STATIC TEXT 1; tag= text3
STATIC TEXT 2; string= 0 (for showing results)
STATIC TEXT 2; tag= result
PUSHBUTTON; String= Calculate
PUSHBUTTON; tag=push_calc
i saved the given GUI in the name of "add" and created add.m . Can you tell me how to do programming for given gui.
The basic idea of matlab gui programming is the following:
Set up the figures
Enter the message loop
Both steps are taken care of by using the matlab gui editor (guide). The important thing is that you give control of the program flow over to the message loop. In order to get things done, you can tell the message loop to call a function whenever something happens.
In the gui editor, right click your pushbutton and select "View Callbacks -> Callback". This will automatically create such a function in you .m file where you can specify what happens when you push the button.
For a better understanding take a look at the Callback property of the pushbutton. Guide will have entered something like add('push_calc_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) which calls the main function (add) as a wrapper for your new callback function. You could have done that by yourself in the property editor or programmatically in the startup code.
I guess you want the following to happen:
Get the string values of edit1 and edit2
Convert the strings to numeric values
Perform the calculation
Set the string value of text3 to the string representation of the result
You can access the properties of the gui elements by using the handles available to you as the third function argument and the get and set functions. The handles structure is created by guide and the elements are named the same as the tag you specified.
In matlab code, this could look like this:
% --- Executes on button press in push_calc.
function push_calc_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to push_calc (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
x_string = get( handles.edit1, 'String');
y_string = get( handles.edit2, 'String');
x_numeric = str2num( x_string );
y_numeric = str2num( y_string );
result_numeric = x_numeric * y_numeric;
result_string = num2str( result_numeric );
set( handles.result, 'String', result_string);
Edit: The question is what is handles.edit1 and so on.
Whenever you want to do something with a widget like a button or a textbox, you have to be able to tell matlab exactly what widget you mean. Guide does a few things behind the scenes. One of them is to call uicontrol, which creates the widget and returns a random but unique number. This is a bit like a bank account number in the way that it is a handle to a resource that can be used to manipulate it. When you create a new pushbutton in guide and assign the tag "clickme" in the property editor, guide creates the pushbutton and stores the handle in a structure handles.clickme. That gives you an easy way to get the handle of any widget that you created if you can still remember what tag you assigned it.
Let's take the first line of the function:
x_string = get( handles.edit1, 'String');
That calls the function get with some number you should not care about as long as it the same number that matlab associates with the edit1 widget and a property name from the property editor, in this case 'String'. That would be the same as you clicking through all the window elements until the property editor shows a tag of 'edit1', and for that object you find the value for the property named 'String'.
The properties get updated automatically whenever you type in new text, move a slider, change the window size and so on. It works the other way around, too. If you modify the 'Position' property with set( handles.edit1, 'Position', [20 20 100 30]), then the widget is automatically moved and re-sized to the specified position.

How can i get object using his handle in Matlab?

I try to make a small image aquisition and procesing tool in Matlab.
My code:
himage is a handle to image object, then i need to show image handles by himage. I have to try imshow function.
I have handle to image object, i know how to access to object properties using his handle but how can i get object by his handle?
If your preview function contains a call to imshow somewhere, you capture the handle like so:
himage = imshow(source)