Stream a movie on Netflix on LG Smart TV - television

I am trying to stream a movie on Netflix on LG Smart TV using the connect SDK. I know that I can start the YouTube app using the ConnectSDK, but can someone help me understand how I can use ConnectSDK to play a particular video on netflix on my LG Smart TV given the video ID?

The answer you are looking for can be found in the Android API Sampler for Connect SDK. Here is a snippet that may help you out.
device.getLauncher().launchNetflix("<< NETFLIX CONTENT ID >>", new Launcher.AppLaunchListener() {
public void onSuccess(LaunchSession session) {
public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) { }


Play Spotify Preview in Flutter

I wanna play spotify track's preview in my app(Like instagram story music section). Its simple Spotify preview example url
But when I try just_audio or audioassets plugin
I get error like this.
codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
How can I play spotify preview mp3 in my app?
Do it Hope this will help you ,
void dispose() {

Retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages

I would like to retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages using their API, but the official documentation is not very clear on this point =>
I tried to use the API to retrieve comments of a video with my live video id (endpoint =>[LIVE_VIDEO_ID]/comments), but it doesn't return any chat messages...
Do you know if it's possible?
Ok, I've searched a little bit more and I found a more elegant way to do that avoiding the scraping method.
In fact the embed chat page (returned by the chat_embed_url) use EventSource to get notified when a new message arrived.
With this good NPM package, I've been able to retrieve chat messages in only 5 lines:
var EventSource = require('eventsource');
var url = '[USERNAME]-[CHANNEL_ID]';
var es = new EventSource(url);
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
A comment on a video is different from the chat feature, this is why chat messages don't appear in comments.
You can't get individual chat messages so far, but you can get the chat embed code on two different ways:
using the Dailymotion API, you can request the chat_embed_html or chat_embed_url fields on the video object
or you can get it directly from the video pages on dailymotion games, by clicking on the settings icon below the chat, and click "copy embed code"

google tv HTML5 template video not playing

I have downloaded the HTML5 Template2 for Google TV, I have modified the DataProvider.js file in order to hard-code my videos, video-thumbnails links & info.
This site works very well on a chrome browser when running on a computer.
here is my site
I made an APK with Phonegap for android and it plays very well for my Nexus7.
However, when I downloaded the same APK to my Visio-Co start google tv buddy box, the app display perfectly but the videos don't play at all.
Also When I try to go on my site using the chrome browser inside google tv, the site itself display properly, but again the videos don't play.
This is a sample of what my dataProvider.js looks like
var gtv = gtv || {
jq: {}
/** * DataProvider class. Defines a provider for all data (Categories, Images & Videos) shown in the template.
gtv.jq.DataProvider = function() {
var x = new gtv.jq.DataProvider();
gtv.jq.DataProvider.prototype.getData = function() {
var tourism = [
title: 'Welcome to Haiti',
thumb: '',
description: ['Bienvenue en Haiti'],
subtitle: 'La Perle des antilles'
var data = {
categories: [
name: 'Tourisim',
videos: tourism
How can I make the videos play on chrome when I access my site inside google tv?
How can I make the videos play in my Google APK APP installed on my Visio-costar google tv?
Any help will be greatly appreciate thanks so much.

Creating a docked music player for SoundCloud and mp3s

I'm trying to create a website that pulls free songs from multiple sources and lets users play them by clicking on their cover art, and launching them in a docked music player on the bottom of the page. Soundcloud's api offers me a lot of songs, but they are in a streaming api format, not in mp3 form.
The music players that SoundCloud offers are great for these streaming songs, but it won't work with the mp3s I'm pulling from other sites. Mp3 players like Jplayer are great for the mp3s, but I can't figure out how to get it to work with the streaming soundcloud format.
Think of a site like
They pull their audio tracks from many sources but it is all playable through their one player.
Any help with this would be great.
Check SoundCloud API
There is a stream_url property for every track that's streamable outside of SoundCloud.
You need to register your app on Soundcloud and get API Key. With that key you can stream the tracks in your own player.
Edit, thanks to gryzzly. Example of SoundCloud API used with jPlayer:
$(document).ready(function() {
var apiRequest;
$.get(SOUNDCLOUD_API + '/tracks/6981096.json' + CLIENT_ID)
function handleResponse (soundData) {
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
// stream_url is good enough for jPlayer,
mp3: soundData.stream_url + CLIENT_ID
swfPath: ""
And you can check it live at

Sending a file throught a Post with HTTPBuilder in Grails

I am developing a Facebook Application an i wanna send a video file from myServer to Facebbok User`s Timeline. This is the page with the explanation but its a PHP code.
My app is on Grails, and im looking in HTTBuilder class but can't find a way to do this.
Do someone know how to do it?
If isnt possible to do this with HTTPBuilder, in my app, i am using Spring Social Facebook Plugin on Grais
I found the interface MediaOperations but i dont know how to use this interface and use the method postVideo to upload a Video.
Will try to help a bit. You may use MediaOperations interface for this operation. Spring Social Facebook Plugin configures a service called Facebook for you. You can use it via dependency injection.
Here is a simple code example:
class FacebookService {
Facebook facebook
def uploadVideo(String videoFileName, String title, String description) {
try {
def videoResource = new FileSystemResource(videoFileName)
facebook.mediaOperations().postVideo(videoResource, title, description)
return true
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error to upload video to facebook", e)
return false
The video is loaded from the file in the FS by specified file path/name from videoFileName variable. This means, user need to upload the video first, and code should save it to some file in FS first, then upload. Usually this is the best case, as video files are large. Maybe there is a sense to upload the video to facebook in separate thread and don't give the user to wait.