Android Async Task does not update UI when application is in background - android-activity

The application I am working on downloads and parses a large xml file to populate UI elements, namely search and a spinner. This is done through an async task. If the user decides to switch out of the application during this, the information is downloaded correctly, but then when the application is resumed, the UI will not be updated.
Is this because the changes can't be made while the application is not active? What is the best way to go about checking whether the UI was not updated on resume? Or instead should I be doing something with the Async task, checking whether the UI thread is available? I'm having a hard time debugging this because it involves leaving the application which ends the debugger.

You can achieve this scenario through the broadcast receive.
Follow the step:
Solution 1:
Step 1;
Register the broadcast receiver before executing the Asyntask.
Step 2:
send Broadcast in onPostExecute method of Asyntask.
step 3:
And then you can able receive your broadcast message in your activity.
and do whatever you want.
Solution 2:
Otherwise you can use Interface Call back for this Scenario.
Hope It will help you.

It should'nt. App being in background means View objects may or may not be there. Actually the entire process may be stopped or just deleted by android.
Use a Service to truly do processing in background. When processing is complete but UI is not there, post a notification to let user know, OR, save the results and provide it to UI the next time it binds to your service and ask for same thing (a.k.a caching).

The application in background may not be live. The O.S may destroy it in case of memory constrains.
The trick is to try an alternate logic.
When the application moves from background to foreground onresume() is called ,you could try saving the data to db and update the content on the resume call.
FYI.onPause() and OnResume() is called when the application goes background and foreground respectively.


Is there a standard / built-in way to handle race conditions with CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation?

I'm building my first CloudKit application, and am using CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation on startup to get any new records changed while the current device was offline.
I am also calling CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation when I receive a subscription notification of changes.
It is possible the subscription notification could come in before the startup call finishes. I am currently using a lock to prevent the 2nd call from starting until the recordZoneFetchCompletionBlock handler is called, signalling that the first one is done. This works, but it also smells a bit hacky.

Ensuring Completion of Operations During app Termination in Flutter

Let's say we have a Flutter app where we want to save some persistent data using shared preferences.
(We don't want to save the data persistently every time the user changes it because the UI depends directly on the data, and in order to save it we need to use await async, and that lags the UI), so we use WidgetsBindingObserver to detect when the app goes to the background in order to use that event as an efficient catch-all opportunity to save the data.
So, we have some code like this in the root page of our app:
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
// went to Background
myPersistentData.instance.write(); // <-------------- this is an async operation
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
// came back to Foreground
This seems to work, but I'm concerned that the lifecycle could progress beyond "paused" (pause>stop>finish) so quickly that this "trailing" operation doesn't have time to finish... and thus the data would not be saved.
Is this a legitimate concern?
I would say as much as possible try to avoid calling async operations in the dispose or lifecycle methods of widgets, while you may be concerned that it may/may not complete i would recommend like the dart docs states here:, "Not all futures need to be awaited.", "You should use unawaited to convey the intention of deliberately not waiting for the future.". But generally, i'd avoid calling async functions in these methods.
It should be a concern for sure because the time available for an app to run in background is limited and not defined.
Based on the memory resources needed for the most important app, which is the one in foreground, the system may kill your app faster or at a later point in time. In either scenarios you don't have much time to complete the tasks, this event should be used to do fast clean up like killing tasks that are started, clearing token or maybe saving a token or a session info.
There are also scenarios which will cause problems for this approach, like the pone runs out of battery or the OS crashes, in this case you don't have any notification of app going into bg. Or the user force quits your app.
In your case, I would say you have another concern, saving data in shared preferences shouldn't affect your UI only if:
you save it synchronously which is a no no
you save a huge chunk of data in shared prefs, in this case you should use a database.
and a less likely scenario, you have a race condition while you save in shared prefs which are not thread safe.
I would suggest to rethink a bit your approach on this matter, maybe you can spawn async operations that save the data in certain points of the app (user exits a screen or whatever) while also keeping a copy in memory. Maybe is better to save it using a database. In the end is your decision, but my advice would be, don't rely on the app running in bg time.
For something like this, there is no way you can continue a service purely in Flutter. That's bummer of course but there are work-arounds you can use to do that.
If you want to approach this problem in a more convenient but difficult way, you can always create a service in native (Kotlin/Java in case of Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS) and call your native functions using MethodChannels. Your native service can be alive even if you kill your app. Think of Push-notifications service where even if you kill your app, Push service is always alive to serve your notification.

Updating complication with Swift 3 and background task

For watchOS 3, Apple suggests updating the complication with WKRefreshBackgroundTask instead of using getNextRequestedUpdateDate.
How can I determine the time between two updates using the new approach?
I would only hack my data requesting (from an url) into getCurrentTimelineEntry and would update the complication, but I think that's not really what Apple would recommend.
A short code example would be a big help.
I generally covered this in a different answer, but I'll address your specific question here.
You're right that you shouldn't hack the complication controller to do any (asynchronous) fetching. The data source should only be responsible for returning existing data on hand as requested by the complication server. This was true for watchOS 2, and is still true in watchOS 3.
For watchOS 3, each background refresh can schedule the next one.
Overview of the process:
In your particular case, you can wait until your WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask task finishes its downloading. At that point, schedule the next background refresh before completing your existing background task.
At that future time, your extension will be woken up again to start the entire background process again to:
Request new data from your web service
Handle the reply and update your data store
Tell the complication to update itself (which will use the new data on hand).
Update the dock snapshot
Schedule an upcoming background refresh task
Mark your current task as complete.
You can even chain a series of different background sub-tasks where each sub-task handles a separate aspect of a refresh cycle, and is responsible for scheduling the following sub-task.
Sample code:
If you haven't seen it, Apple provides its WatchBackgroundRefresh sample code to demonstrate part of this. You can use
to schedule (either the initial, or) a future task before the present task completes.
Although their example uses a refresh button to schedule the next background refresh, the concept is the same, whether it is a user action or background task that schedules the next request).

Why my form go to the top of my screen when my UI freeze?

I have a little issue with a form in a delphy XE2 application:
It's an old issue on this application and i have begin to work on it just since a little time.
When the user choose to launch the process with a button's event, my application launch a connexion with an OPCServer , an SQLServer and construct the form for a good following of data take on the tow servers.
The construction of my form involves a blockage of the interface (for approximately 15 sec) because of lot's of data which are necessary for make it.
When it freeze, if the user want drag the form, she go far away, and usually with the TMainMenu which go out of the screen. After that, it's impossible to use the application because we can't drag and we need to close and re-open.
In the old version, the form be already construct before the connexion. So the modification for a dynamic form isn't in link with this issue.
Life of my event :
-Open connexion with OPC Server
-Open SQL Connexion
-Send SQL Command Text
-FieldByName('') for update my UI (Button.Caption// TPage.TStaticText.Caption // TPage.Label1.Caption)
-FieldByName('') for update an array of record
-Close SQL Connexion
-Open SQL Connexion
-Send SQL CommandText
-FieldByName('') for update an other array of record
So I haven't MainForm modification can change its position.
I'm a young developer, so I don't know why it moving and what I can make for repair that...
If you want a part of code, ask me what and i edit this, it's very long and i don't want spam answer.
Thank's for read.
The core of your problem is that you have a lengthy process (form construction) which completely blocks the main thread so your application isn't able to process normal Windows messages at the same time. That is why when you move your application it doesn't properly update its interface.
Now based on your description you already have this form construction process split into multiple steps so you could call Application.ProcessMessages between them.
This will force your application to update its UI part.
But beware calling Application.ProcessMessages often could hurt your application performance quite a bit. Why? It is usually a lengthy process because it forces your application to process all the messages that are in its queue.
Normally not all of these messages get processed as soon as they arrive. Windows groups them in the message queue by their priority list, making sure that high priority messages like WM_PAINT are processed as soon as possible while some other low priority messages like demand for application to respond to OS so that OS can see if the application is still working are mostly processed when application is idle or when they are in queue for certain amount of time.
So that is why Application.ProcessMessages can be so slow as it forces your application to process all messages regardless of their priority.
Also bear in mind that using Application.ProcessMessages can in certain scenarios actually become a bit dangerous.
Let me give you an example:
Lets say that clicking on a button starts a lengthy job which can take some time to finish. Now in order to allow your form to be updated you call Application.ProcessMessages in certain intervals. So far it is all good. But what happens if user clicks on that button again?
Since you are calling Application.ProcessMessages which forces your application to process all the messages and since clicking on button creates a MouseClick message which then fires buttons OnClick event which then executes the OnClick method that has been assigned to buttons OnClick event in the end this will cause the same method that was executed on first button click to be executed again.
So now you have this method partially done from first button click and same method executing again for second mouse click. Now the method that was executed from the second click will finish first and then the method that was started from first button click but was interrupted with Application.ProcessMessages handling the second button click will continue its execution to the end.
This all can lead to strange bugs which are hard to track, because you as a programmer normally don't predict that your end user might have clicked the button twice.
So to avoid this I strongly recommend you implement some safeguard mechanisms to prevent such scenarios by temporarily disabling a button for instance.
But the best solution is always to show your user that your application is working which in most cases will dissuade them from clicking the button again, but unfortunately not always.
You should also take a good care when dynamically constructing a form to enable the controls only after all of the controls have been successfully constructed. Failing to do so the user might click on one of your controls and that control could attempt to access some other control which hasn't yet been created at the time. The result hard to track bug which causes Access Violation.
You might also consider showing a splash screen at start instead of half built form. Why?
For once it is much nicer to see and it tells your users to wait a bit. And for second having main form hidden until it is fully created makes sure that user won't be doing any clicks on it prematurely.

Data driven view iOS app

I am new to objective-c/cocoa programming. I am making an application which is to constantly sync with a server and keep its view updated.
Now in a nutshell, heres what I thought of: Initiate an NSTimer to trigger every second or two, contact the server, if there is a change, update the view. Is this a good way of doing it?
I have read elsewhere that you can have a thread running in the background which monitors the changes and updates the view. I never worked with threads before and I know they can be quite troublesome and you need a good amount of experience with memory management to get most out of them.
I have one month to get this application done. What do you guys recommend? Just use an NSTimer and do it the way I though of...or learn multithreading and get it done that way (but keep in mind my time frame).
I think using separate thread in this case would be too much. You need to use threads when there is some task that runs for considerable amount of time and can freeze your app for some time.
In your case do this:
Create timer and call some method (say update) every N seconds.
in update send asynchronous request to server and check for any changes.
download data using NSURLConnection delegate and parse. Note: if there is probability that you can receive a huge amount of data from server and its processing can take much time (for example parsing of 2Mb of XML data) then you do need to perform that is a separate thread.
update all listeners (appropriate view controllers for example) with processed data.
continue polling using timer.
Think about requirements. The most relevant questions, IMO, are :
does your application have to get new data while running in background?
does your application need to be responsive, that is, not sluggish when it's fetching new data?
I guess the answer to the first question is probably no. If you are updating a view depending on the data, it's only required to fetch the data when the view is visible. You cannot guarantee always fetching data in background anyway, because iOS can always just kill your application. Anyway, in your application's perspective, multithreading is not relevant to this question. Because either you are updating only in foreground or also in background, your application need no more than one thread.
Multithreading is relevant rather to the second question. If your application has to remain responsive while fetching data, then you will have to run your fetching code on a detached thread. What's more important here is, the update on the user interface (like views) must happen on the main thread again.
Learning multithreading in general is something indeed, but iOS SDK provides a lot of help. Learning how to use operation queue (I guess that's the easiest to learn, but not necessarily the easiest to use) wouldn't take many days. In a month period, you can definitely finish the job.
Again, however, think clearly why you would need multithreading.