Remove here-doc syntax coloring on emacs - emacs

Hi is there a way to remove the here-doc syntax highlighting in emacs useing cperl-mode
It is highlighting the entire thing as a "String" which is technically correct but I do not want it to do that. When i program in pico/nano I make my own regular expressions to do syntax highlighting and it works great because it colors the here-docs like it colors the rest. It would be nice to learn how to create or where to insert my existing syntax highlighting regex's.
For example
print <<EOF;
This is not colored but "this is colored liek a string"
In emacs the entire thing is colored like a string which I dislike. How can i either turn here-doc syntax coloring off or edit the regular expressions directly like i do with pico?


How to disable AUCTeX highlighting?

I'm trying to use GNU Emacs 26.3 + AUCTeX 12.2.3 and it seems to work, but the colors it shows in the source code are very annoying, specially in amsmath environment such as align, because it uses only one color for the whole block. I would like to ignore auctex highlighting so the code looks the same as before installing auctex package, this is something like this: source code before AUCTeX
I deleted some strings like "align" from "Font Latex Math Environments" so it doesn't use the font locking for math environments, and now it looks like normal text: current source code
It's better that one color, yes, but there are several commands that doesn't highlight and I would like them to. (Not highlighted commands occurs outside the align too). Another option would be adding a generic alphabetic string next to \ as a keyword so it would be highlighted but I also don't know how to achieve this.

Shell Script doesn't color multiline <<EOF statement

I'm working with a shell script in VSCode,
I'd like to be able to collapse the function.
In order for me to do that, the 'EOF' word has to have some whitespace before it.
But if I put whitespace before it, the entire coloring of the file is ruined (including all the functions appearing thereafter)
Is there a setting / or another way to do it so it will not behave like this?
With EOF word at the beginning of the line
With some whitespace before the EOF

Emacs highlighting: how to deal with highlighting messed up by unusual usage of special characters?

In Emacs configuration modes (e.g. conf-xdefaults-mode or conf-space-mode), some special characters are used in unusual ways, for instance when they define keybindings. This messes up the highlighting for the rest of the buffer.
The ranger rc.conf file uses conf-space-mode which greatly helps its readability. But lines such as:
map # console shell -p%space
map "<any> tag_toggle tag=%any
mess up the highlighting since # usually defines a comment and is followed by font-lock-comment-face until the end of the line and " defines the beginning of a string and is followed by font-lock-string-face until it encounters a closing quote.
Escaping those characters is not an option because it would prevent them from defining the keybindings.
Possible solution:
The best solution I can think of is to fiddle with font lock settings for those configuration modes to remove the highlighting after those special characters. But I will then loose the proper highlighting after those characters when it is suitable.
A compromise could be to keep highlighting after # since this only messes up one line and there are a lot of comments in those configuration files, while removing the highlighting after single and double quotes since those mess up the entire rest of the buffer and strings are not so common in configuration files.
What is the proper way to deal with these situations?
Is there a way to reset the highlighting at a point in the buffer? or to insert a character which would affect the highlighting (to fix it) without affecting the code? or is there a way to "escape" some characters for the highlighting only without affecting the code?
The easy way
It's probably easiest to just live with it but keep things constrained. Here, I took ranger's default rc.conf and re-arranged some of the font-lock errors.
Let's ignore the blue "map" for now. We have two visible font-lock errors. The map #... is font-locking as a comment, and the map "... font-locking as a string to the end of the buffer. The first error is self-constrained. Comments end at the end of the line. The second error we constrain by adding a comment. (I don't know if ranger would accept comments in the middle of the line, so I'm only using beginning-of-line comments here.)
The second error is now constrained to one line, but a couple more errors have popped up. Quickly adjusting these we get.
This is something that I could live with, as I'm not in conf files all day long (as opposed to say, source code.) It would be even neater if our new "comments" could be included on the same line.
The hard way
You'll want to use Emacs font-lock-add-keywords. Let's get back to that blue map in the first image. It's rendering blue because conf-space-mode thinks that a string, followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by an opening brace should be rendered in font-lock-type-face (the actually regexp that triggers this is ^[_space__tab_]*\\(.+?\\)[_space__tab_\n]*{[^{}]*?$ where _space_ and _tab_ are actual space and tab characters.)
We can override this in a simple fashion by evaluating
'(("^\\<\\(map\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
and reloading the buffer with C-x C-v RET. Now, every time that the word "map" appears at the beginning of a line it's rendered as font-lock-variable-name-face (yellow in our example.)
You can make this change permanent by adding a hook to your init file.
(add-hook 'conf-space-mode-hook (lambda ()
'(("^\\<\\(map\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))))
This method doesn't appear to work for your comment (#) and string (' ") delimiters as they're defined in the syntax table. Modifying the syntax table to provide special cases is probably more effort than it's worth.

codemirror string coloring multiple lines

I'm using codemirror for javascript code coloring, and when I put a string in quotes "like this" it is colored just fine.
But when I put a string with a line break "like
this" the color is messed up on the second line.
Is there any way to make sure the color starts with the first quote and ends with the second quote, even if there is a line break?
JavaScript doesn't allow multi-line strings. You can use a backslash before the newline, or use template literals (backtick-quoted strings), but if you don't, you aren't writing valid JavaScript, and that is the reason why the CodeMirror mode doesn't highlight your code as you expected.

How do I fix the perl syntax error "missing right curly or square bracket" using VIM?

Compiling (or executing) a perl program with unmatched array braces ("[ ]") or scope brackets ("{ }") causes the "missing right curly or square bracket" syntax error. Perl often reports the source as your last code line ("at EOF"), which could be far removed from the actual missing piece.
Example perl error message:
Missing right curly or square bracket at ./ line 100, at end of line
syntax error at ./ line 100, at EOF
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
How do vi or Vi IMproved (VIM) users troubleshoot this error message? I've added an answer with some VIM enhancements. Please add your own ideas, practices, or vi plugins.
NOTE: Original question posted with VIM version that didn't highlight perl braces and brackets. Many newer versions do this; see for more info.
How to troubleshoot this error right now:
In VIM, pick an opening {, [, or ( symbol. The % command jumps between matching { }, [ ], and ( ) pairs. Mismatches will jump to an unexpected location.
Install perltidy, run it, and look for oddly indented code blocks.
How to prevent future errors:
StackOverflow question 719476 shows how to modify VIM brace/bracket syntax coloring for braces/brackets. (Some versions don't do this by default.)
Karl Guertin's AutoClose plugin auto-matches [, (, {, ", ' symbols when typed.
perltidy script reformats perl for readability, which can expose mismatched symbols.
User a paid nerd said: "Use perltidy within VIM editor with nmap."
nmap \g mt:%!perltidy<CR>'t
Use consistent {} matching indentation (general tip, not specific to this perl error).
sub foo {
sub bar
You can use the % command to match braces/brackets/parentheses in vim. So use that to search for unmatched characters.
I constantly use perltidy to reformat my code. When I reformat code that's missing a terminator, further code indents strangely and I can quickly trace upward to locate the problem.
Bonus: I use this mapping to instantly reformat the file and not lose the cursor position:
nmap \g mt:%!perltidy<CR>'t
Use padre. Click Perl->Find Unmatched Brace. It moves your cursor right to the problem.
I came to this page with the same problem. Using perltidy and vim were of no help, the indenting looked fine after perltidy. I had an extra open brace before a 'sub' keyword for some reason. Padre solved the problem in one-click.
use syntax highlighting, vim almost always get this right, and has a very sophisticated perl syntax highlighting scheme.
:syntax on
It sounds like you may be talking about a teaching situation, in which case teaching good indentation will solve most of these issues.
However, sometimes I'm on a server with no niceties like vim and perltidy, and I use a quick'n'dirty technique to find the syntax error - just add a right-curly at different points in your code until the line number changes, and there's your trouble spot.
If you don't see any missing braces :
Replacing \r with \n can help to fix this issue if the file created in windows and trying to use in Linux.
I got this error in a script that appeared to have perfectly matched curly and square braces... except that I had used bash-style syntax which actually commented out the second half of one line (with the second half of a curly brace pair).
The error went away when I changed this line:
to this:
Use regular expression to narrow down where offending code. Example using shell, pcregrep
cat |pcregrep '[\{]{1}[\w\W^}^{]{90,}'
varying 90 as needed for limiting block length before expecting an ending brace.
As a simple re-statement and combination of #Ether and #Matthew Glidden:
Intent shown like this ( vi command like this )
Go to top of file ( 1G )
Search for brackets ( /[[({] then press "Enter" )
That's "slash" "open square brace" "open square brace" "open round brace" "open curly brace" "close square brace"
As a regex, we're searching for a custom character class which is all opening braces.
Find end matching bracket ( % )
Find starting bracket again ( % )
Find next opening bracket ( n )
Repeat from 3 until you've checked all brackets in file.
Works as far back as vi on HP-UX 11.11 (like ~2001).