Copyright statement not building - apache-fop

For me, this builds the preface content, but no copyright matter. The file location is correct.
From my ditamap:
<notices format="dita" href="preface/src/c_copyright.xml" linking="none" navtitle="Copyright and disclaimer" scope="local" toc="no" type="concept">
<preface navtitle="nested Preface inside">
<topicref format="ditamap" href="maps/GSGettingStarted_preface.ditamap" navtitle="GSGettingStarted_preface">
Am I using the notices element incorrectly?


Interactive book [Minecraft 1.8.8 Spigot]

This question is about Spigot 1.8.8 (Minecraft).
Hello! I want to create an interactive book (click and hover events) and don't know how. I searched many hours but found nothing that worked for me.
I tried this code:
ItemStack book = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
BookMeta bookMeta = (BookMeta) book.getItemMeta();
BaseComponent[] page = new ComponentBuilder("Click")
.event(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, ""))
.event(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, new ComponentBuilder("Thanks for hovering").create()))
But bookMeta.spigot().addPage() does not exists.
Please help! I have to use 1.8.8
To my knowledge, there is no fix for this without using NMS. I see that you've read the documentation on the spigot website, but that only applies to newer versions. However, someone has already described how to do it with NMS in this post:

TS2339: Property 'application' does not exist on type 'RequestContext' MS word addin

This is driving me mad - i am developing what i thought was a simple addin for MS word using React and office JS.
I am loading in my app, I have a working manifest and can sideload the app which renders as expected, until i try to create my word interactivity. I have fallen on the first hurdle, i need my addin to get a docx document, and then load - which should be possible using createDocument(base64) then load.
my problem is that: context => {
var MyDoc = context.application.createDocument(getMyDocument());
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
fails to compile with the error TS2339: Property 'application' does not exist on type 'RequestContext'.
however I can refer to context.document which will compile and add in paragraphs of text. I do not know where im going wrong at all.
Office version is Mac 2016 16.2 (181125) so should easily accept Word 1.3 API which has the functionality.
Googling has given no meaningful results which suggests its something i have missed rather than a common mistake.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have finally resolved this issue, it is down to the react library #types/office-js being out of date. The add-in was created using yeoman generator, and the #types/office-js had a version of 0.051^. I changed the package in packages.json and ran npm install to update to the latest (0.0170 at time of writing), which includes the contexts to work with the later versions of the word API, including createDocument and this worked.

Some subpanels are empty in contact module's detail view

Some subpanels are empty in contact module's detail view. Permissions are Okey and I did both "Rebuild Relationships" and "Quick Repair and Rebuild".
FYI : I am using SuiteCRM Version 7.9.5 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (version de construction 509)
Please see attachment below :
Best regards.
Got it ! For somehow I found in custom/Extensions/modules/Leads/Ext/Vardefs/file.php a definition for contact module:
$dictionary ['Contact'] ['fields'] ['field_name'] ['labelValue'] = 'a_value';
So the right definition instead is :
$dictionary ['Lead'] ['fields'] ['field_name'] ['labelValue'] = 'a_value';
And this impacted also the subpanels in contact modules.
Best regards.

getStructureId returns the real ID minus 1?

this is the code I am using :
JournalArticle article = null;
article = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(classPk);
String structureId = article.getStructureId();
When I debugged I found that structureId is always the real structureId but minus 1 !!!
Why ?? I need to know if it's Liferay bug ...
thank you,
I am Liferay 6.2 ce ga2.
JournalArticle's field structureId is equivalent not to DDMStructure.structureId, but to DDMStructure.structureKey. I admit, that can be really confusing.
This is due to the DDMStructure's object generation mechanism. When you add new structure using Control Panel, the structureKey is generated automatically using counterLocalService (check this code). As it happens just before the structureId is generated, it is always smaller by one.
See following Jira tickets, where it is explained the structureId vs structureKey issue:

Enterprise Library Logging tracelistener extension issue with resolving ILogFormatter

I have been sitting with a problem for quite a while now and I just can't seem to find what I'm missing.
I have written a custom trace listener component for Enterprise Library 5.0 for the Logging application block which works but the configured ILogFormatter just won't resolve and so I always end up with the basic string text when it gets handled by my component.
I saw in the enterprise library source code that they use the "Container.ResolvedIfNotNull()" method. It doesn't seem to work for me. I need it to write out a custom formatted string for my component to use. You know, not just the message but the timestamp, machinename, threadId, etc.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Like I've mentioned on this site:
When you create your CreationExpression in the TraceListener data class make sure you have a flat constructor definition. To put it in other words, don't return:
() => new MyTraceListener(new TraceListenerConfig(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...));
just have it in the constructor of the MyTraceListener:
() => new MyTraceListener(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...);