Gtk::ScrolledWindow disable scroll to focused child - gtk

I have a very big Gtk::EventBox in a Gtk::ScrolledWindow.
The moment I do grab_focus() at my Gtk::EventBox,
the Gtk::ScrolledWindow scrolls to the top of the Gtk::EventBox.
How can I disable this behaviour ?

Gtk::EventBox does not inherit Gtk::Scrollable
and therefor gets wrapped with a Gtk::Viewport
when it gets added to a Gtk::ScrolledWindow.
To disable scroll to focused child you need to change the focus_hadjustment/focus_vadjustment
//Disable scroll to focused child
auto viewport = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Viewport*>(m_scrolled.get_child());
if (viewport) {
auto dummy_adj = Gtk::Adjustment::create(0,0,0);


CaptionPanel -> CaptionLayoutPanel

I want to use the CaptionPanel inside a Layout Panel (DockLayoutPanel) .
The problem is that there is no CaptionLayoutPanel(like SimpleLayoutPanel) implementation and therefore if I want to use
this panel inside a Layout Panel, all childs will loose the resize events because the "resize-chain" is broken through the CaptionPanel.
Is there any workaround?
Extend CaptionPanel and implement the ProvidesResize and RequiresResize interfaces
CustomCaptionPanel extends CaptionPanel implements RequiresResize,ProvidesResize {
public void onResize() {
if (getContentWidget() instanceof RequiresResize) {
((RequiresResize) getContentWidget()).onResize();
The easiest solution is not to use CaptionPanel.
If you want children to respond to resize events, add a layer to your LayoutPanel that will hold a caption (Label), and another layer that will contain a child widget that you want to respond to resize. You can style these widgets any way you like (e.g. a Label can look like a tab or a panel with some background and rounded corners, etc.)
An alternative solution is style your CaptionPanel as Roddy of the Frozen Peas suggested, and then add a ResizeHandler to your window. When triggered, you can set the size of a child widget to
myChildWidget.setSize(myCaptionPanel.getOffsetWidth() + "px", myCaptionPanel.getOffsetHeight() + "px");

How to set a Popup to be always visible on the top in GWT

I have a loading popup that I need to display on the top of the page, even if the user scroll down.
What I tried so far is to set the popup position as follows
setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth()/2 , 0);
The popup shows up on the absolut top.
The situation can be resolved easily if you view it from a different angle: Not the popup position should adjust to the page - instead, the page should scroll behind the centering popup, e.g.:
final ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel();
pagePanel = new FlowPanel();
Now add the entire page contents to pagePanel (instead of adding them directly to rootPanel).
Then you can create popups like this:
final PopupPanel popupPanel = new PopupPanel();
You'll still have to re-center the popup when the window resizes, but apart from that, the popup will always be at the center in front of the scrolling page.
To achieve this you can implement Window.addWindowScrollHandler. It will always be on top whatever you do.
DialogBox dialog = new DialogBox();
Window.addWindowScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler() {
public void onWindowScroll(ScrollEvent event) {
dialog.setPopupPosition((Window.getClientWidth() - widthOfDialog) / 2, event.getScrollTop());
Hope this helps.. Thanks..
The solution that worked for me is this
setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth()/2 , Window.getScrollTop());

GWT: How do I create a TabsLayoutPanel with horizontal scroll bars?

I'm using GWT 2.4. I'm trying to create a tabs panel that has multiple tabs, so many that sometimes they exceed the allotted horizontal boundaries. How can I make a horizontal scroll bar appear? Here is how I'm creating my tabs panel now ...
tabsPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(BAR_HEIGHT_IN_EM, Style.Unit.EM);
final List<ScrollPanel> tabs = new ArrayList<ScrollPanel>();
for (final Node tabNode : documentNode.getChildren()) {
// Get the tab's child widgets and add them
// into the tab panel.
final ScrollPanel childpanel = new ScrollPanel();
tabsPanel.add(childpanel, tabName);
} // for
As you can see, I tried width="100%", but no scroll panels appear that allow me to see the excess tabs.
Thanks, - Dave
There is no built in way to do this with the TabLayoutPanel, but looking at it's code it is possible to do this:
SimplePanel tab = (SimplePanel) getTabWidget(0).getParent();
FlowPanel tabBar = (FlowPanel) tab.getParent();
LayoutPanel container = (LayoutPanel) tabBar.getParent();
Element tabBarContainerLayer = container.getWidgetContainerElement(tabBar);
DISCLAIMER: untested

Facebook Application iFrame Fixed Element

I would like to have a fixed element (a DIV) in the iFrame for my Facebook Application. So when the user scrolls down the page, that element is still fixed on the top of the browser window?
The basic: You add stuff to a bag, while you are scrolling down, and a fixed DIV will show you your "score" while you add these things to the bag. The "score counter" should always be visible while scrolling.
Thank you!
This is not possible if you are using facebook's iframe auto-resize features. Once the iframe is resized so that scrolling is not necessary, the only scroll available will be the one of the parent window. However, the child iframe has no information about the scroll of the parent window (since they are not on the same domain...) and trying to listen to scroll events or scroll position will only return that the scrollbar is at position 0, or topmost.
You can however listen to click events and extract the offset of the click event or the clicked element.
Some examples:
$('.clickme').click(function(e) {
var top;
// Using click position (e.pageY and e.pageX available)
top = e.pageY;
// Using clicked element position
top = $(this).offset().top;
$('#moveme').css({'top': top - 100 + 'px'}); //
Maybe you can base your interaction on this principle instead?
I don't know about you Erik but this really doens not help me much.
Could FB.Canvas.getPageInfo help?
Maybe that would help : I was ussing
(function() {
var el = $("header:first");
var elpos_original = el.offset().top;
var elpos = el.offset().top;
var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop();
var finaldestination = windowpos;
if(windowpos<elpos_original) {
finaldestination = elpos_original;
} else {

GXT LayoutContainer with scrollbar reports a client height value which includes the area below the scrollbar

I have this code which sets up a "main" container into which other modules of the application will go.
LayoutContainer c = new LayoutContainer();
parentContainer.add(c, <...>);
Then later on, I have the following as an event handler
pContainer = c; // pContainer is actually a parameter, but it has c's value
pContainer.setLayout(new FitLayout());
LayoutContainer wrapperContainer = new LayoutContainer();
wrapperContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
LayoutContainer west = pWestContentContainer;
BorderLayoutData westLayoutData = new BorderLayoutData(LayoutRegion.WEST);
wrapperContainer.add(west, westLayoutData);
LayoutContainer center = new LayoutContainer();
wrapperContainer.add(center, new BorderLayoutData(LayoutRegion.CENTER));
So in effect, the container called 'west' here will be where the module's UI gets displayed. That module UI then does a simple rowlayout with two children. The botton child has RowData(1, 1) so it fills up all the available space.
My problem is that the c (parent) container reports a height and width value which includes the value underneath the scrollbars. What I would like is that the scrollbars show all the space excluding their own space.
This is a screenshot showing what I mean:
alt text
Try adding padding equivalent to the scroll bars size 14px? on the container where the Scroll.Always is being applied