Can we do conditional imports in Scala? - scala

say I have the following code:
package my
class Foo
class Bar extends Foo
object Chooser {
val isFoo = true
I import Foo as:
import my.{Foo => MyClass}
I want to be able to do something like:
If Chooser.isFoo, then:
import my.{Foo => MyClass}
import my.{Bar => MyClass}
I have used Foo in my code as something like this:
object MyObj {
val a = new MyClass
// ...
Are there any hidden features of Scala that let me use Bar in place of Foo without modifying the code of MyObj at all. Also what would be the best way to design such code in future so that such extensions are easy?

There isn't but I'm guessing you are more interested in different implementations at runtime than in conditional type import. Your Chooser.isFoo sounds like something that happens during runtime and not in the type system.
One example of how you could do it, since the common type for Foo and Bar is Foo:
val a: Foo =
if (Chooser.isFoo) new my.Foo
else new my.Bar
Edit based on your edit: you could delay the choice by having an abstract type or a type parameter, like so:
class MyObj[T :> Foo] {
val a: T
val anInstance = new MyObj[Foo]
val anotherInstance = new MyObj[Bar]
Note the type bound that says that T must be a subclass of Foo, or else you wouldn't know anything about what you can do with a T.

Happen to see this old post & a little curious why it can't do conditional imports in Scala? Maybe old version limit, not sure? But see this, we can import in any place of scala code.
For your scenario, it could be:
package my
class Foo {
class Bar extends Foo
object Chooser {
val isFoo = true
object MyObj extends App {
if (Chooser.isFoo) {
import my.{Foo => MyClass}
val a = new MyClass
} else {
import my.{Bar => MyClass}
val a = new MyClass
run output:
C:\abc\abc>scalac try.scala
C:\abc\abc>scala my.MyObj


Why do IntelliJ worksheets mess with the class name?

You would think a class named "Foo" would actually be named "Foo", but apparently not:
class Foo {
val bar = 5
val name = this.getClass.getName
def pkg = this.getClass.getPackage.getName
val q = new Foo()
println(s"The name is ${}")
However, it is not:
defined class Foo
q: Foo = Foo#31e64c64
The name is $line111.$read$$iw$$iw$Foo
Can anyone explain what the IntelliJ Scala Worksheet is doing here?
(And if you were wondering, pkg: String = $line111)
It looks like the Worksheet uses a similar approach to the Scala REPL, namely to wrap each line into a separate, nested object.
The reason this is done this way, is that by the standard Scala semantics, a lot of things you would want to do in a REPL / Worksheet would be illegal. For example, you want to redefine a class when you realize you made a mistake:
class Foo {
def baR(x: Int) = x
// Oops! Typo.
class Foo {
def bar(x: Int) = x
// error: Foo is already defined as class Foo
// class Foo {
// ^
If the REPL or Worksheet had the same semantics as Scala, you wouldn't be able to fix typos, redefine vals, etc. Therefore, the code is instead compiled as if each line / declaration were a separate object, with some clever nesting, and importing.

Import Scala object based on value of commandline argument

Lets say I have the following structure:
- main
- scala
- model
- One.scala
- Two.scala
- main
- Test.scala
where Test.scala extends App and takes in a parameter:
object Test extends App {
val param: String = args.head
// Based on param, I want to use either One or Two?
// sbt run Two
How do i use definitions in either One.scala or Two.scala depending on the runtime value of param.
Appreciate any/all inputs..
Make sure that One and Two share some common interface, choose the instance of this interface at runtime, then import the members of the instance:
trait CommonInterface {
def foo(): Unit
object One extends CommonInterface { def foo() = println("1") }
object Two extends CommonInterface { def foo() = println("2") }
object Main extends App {
// check args etc...
val ci = if (args(0) == "one") One else Two
import ci._
// do something with `foo` here

How store methods vals without recreating them every method call

I have Scala class which methods use a lot of regex. Each class method use some regex patterns.
Looking from the perspective of code modularity I should store those patterns in method:
class Bar {
def foo() {
val patt1 = "[ab]+".r
val patt2 = "[cd]+".r
But this approach is quite inefficient. Patterns are recompiled on each method call.
I could move them directly to class:
class Bar {
val fooPatt1 = "[ab]+".r
val fooPatt2 = "[cd]+".r
but in case when I have 30 methods it looks ugly.
I ended up with some hybrid solution using val and anonymous function:
val z = {
val patt1 = "[ab]+".r
val patt2 = "[cd]+".r
() => { /* ... */ }
but I am not sure if using val to store function have some drawbacks compared to def. Maybe there is other clean solution to store methods constants without polluting the class?
Using a val is perfectly fine. There might be a (very) small performance hit, but in most (99.9%) of the applications that's not a problem.
You could also create a class for the method
// The extends is not needed, although you might want to hide the Foo type
class Foo extends (() => ...) {
val patt1 = "[ab]+".r
val patt2 = "[cd]+".r
def apply() = {
Then in the class:
class Bar {
val foo = new Foo
Another solution is using traits
trait Foo {
private lazy val patt1 = "[ab]+".r
private lazy val patt2 = "[cd]+".r
def foo() = ...
class Bar extends Foo with ...
Note that if you have different methods like that in a single class, it can be sign that the single responsibility principle is violated. Moving them to their own class (or trait) can be a solution for that problem as well.
I would put every method with the necessary regex in it's own Trait:
class Bar extends AMethod with BMethod
trait AMethod {
private val aPattern = """\d+""".r
def aMethod(s: String) = aPattern.findFirstIn(s)
trait BMethod {
private val bPattern = """\w+""".r
def bMethod(s: String) = bPattern.findFirstIn(s)
easy to test (object AMethodSpec extends Properties("AMethod") with AMethod ...)
I took into account Chris comment. Putting patterns to companion object is probably the most efficient approach but very unclean when we have more methods.
EECOLOR solution is less efficient but cleaner. Traits prevents recreating patterns on each method call. Unfortunately, scala do not use same compiled pattern accross multiple class instances:
(new X).patt1==(new X).patt1 // would be false.
I've combined those two approaches and instead traits I used objects.
object X {
object method1 {
val patt1 = "a".r
object method2 {
val patt1 = "a".r
class X {
def method1 = {
import X.method1._
def method2 = {
import X.method2._
(new X).method1 == (new X).method1 // true
(new X).method2 == (new X).method2 // true
Although this approach works, I think scala should provide some solution for that problem out of box. Patterns are the simplest example. We could have other immutable objects which initialization is much more expensive.
Extracting method internals somewhere outside is still unclear. It would be nice to do it like with lazy vals. Adding one modificator should ensure that value is instance only once across all instances and methods calls. It would be something like that:
def method1 {
static val x = new VeryExpensiveObject

Scala - construction order and early definition syntax

I'm trying to learn Scala and thought I would begin by reading "Scala for the Impatient". There he cites the problem of construction order by using the following classes:
class Animal {
val range: Int = 10
val env: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](range)
class Ant extends Animal {
override val range: Int = 2
and then he explained why the env ends up being an empty Array[Int] and proceeds to explain ways to prevent that, including the early definition syntax.
But... can't I prevent that just by doing this:
class Animal(val range: Int = 10) {
val env: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](range)
/* do animal stuff */
class Ant(override val range: Int = 2) extends Animal(range) {
/* do ant stuff */
??? Why is the early definition syntax really necessary?
I think a better way to look at the need for early instantiation comes from mixing in traits. With traits, you won't have a constructor that you can tweak to get around this kind of issue. Consider this very trivial and completely unrealistic example:
trait Foo{
val bar:String
val barLength = bar.length()
object MyFoo extends Foo{
val bar = "test"
As it stands right now, this code will throw a NullPointerException when MyFoo is created because bar will not yet be defined when bar.length() is invoked. But if you used early initialization, and redefined MyFoo as:
object MyFoo extends {val bar = "test"} with Foo{
then everything works just fine.

scala: How to get the class in its own constructor

I need access to the Class of the object being constructed in its own constructor (for various detailed reasons I don't think are relevant to my question).
I want something like this
class Foo(val i:Int)
class Bar extends Foo(this.getClass.getName.length)
val b = new Bar
to print 3 ("Bar".length). But it doesn't. If the code above is inside some other object, "this" refers to that object. If the code above is not inside some other object (just in some package), the compiler complains with
error: this can be used only in a class, object, or template
class Bar extends Foo(this.getClass.getName)
CLARIFICATION: I can't change Foo to use a val in its body instead of its constructor because Foo's API already exists and is fixed (so, yes, i must be a constructor parameter). It needs an integer argument at constructor time, but that integer can only be calculated with access to the Class.
(I know the example above is still silly and degenerate. If people care, I can explain in detail why I need the class in my real project,
Surely, the class of the object being constructed is known to the compiler and runtime during construction. With what syntax can I get it? (Is there no such syntax? If not, I wonder why. I'm surprised it there doesn't seem to be a simple, standard way to get this.)
A lazy val solves this problem:
object Early
abstract class Foo { val name: String }
class Bar extends Foo { lazy val name = getClass.getName }
main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val b = new Bar
% scala Early
Not sure whether this is possible in a clean way. If you like hacks you could do
class Bar extends Foo((new Exception).getStackTrace.apply(0).getClassName)
However I strongly advertise against it!
This appears to satisfy your requirement without using a lazy val and without altering the base class:
scala> class Base(val name: String)
defined class Base
scala> class Derived extends Base(classOf[Derived].getName)
defined class Derived
scala> new Derived name
res0: String = Derived
You are going to have to explain your motivation for wanting to do this. Does name have to be a constructor parameter of Foo or can it be an abstract member? Does it have to be a val or will a def do.
You can do this
class Foo(val name: String)
class Bar extends Foo("") {
override val name = getClass.getName
and new Bar().name will give Bar
But I suspect that if your true motivation is known then there is a better way to do what you really want.
How about
class Bar extends Foo(classOf[Bar].getName.length)
What about this:
class Foo(otherName: Option[String] = None) {
val name = otherName.getOrElse(this.getClass.getName)
class Bar extends Foo()
val b = new Bar