Implement Scala-style String Interpolation In Scala - scala

I want to implement a Scala-style string interpolation in Scala. Here is an example,
val str = "hello ${var1} world ${var2}"
At runtime I want to replace "${var1}" and "${var2}" with some runtime strings. However, when trying to use Regex.replaceAllIn(target: CharSequence, replacer: (Match) ⇒ String), I ran into the following problem:
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val placeholder = new Regex("""(\$\{\w+\})""")
placeholder.replaceAllIn(str, m => s"A${m.matched}B")
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No group with name {var1}
at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(
at scala.util.matching.Regex$Replacement$class.replace(Regex.scala:722)
at scala.util.matching.Regex$MatchIterator$$anon$1.replace(Regex.scala:700)
at scala.util.matching.Regex$$anonfun$replaceAllIn$1.apply(Regex.scala:410)
at scala.util.matching.Regex$$anonfun$replaceAllIn$1.apply(Regex.scala:410)
at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:743)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1174)
at scala.util.matching.Regex.replaceAllIn(Regex.scala:410)
... 32 elided
However, when I removed '$' from the regular expression, it worked:
val placeholder = new Regex("""(\{\w+\})""")
placeholder.replaceAllIn(str, m => s"A${m.matched}B")
res2: String = hello $A{var1}B world $A{var2}B
So my question is that whether this is a bug in Scala Regex. And if so, are there other elegant ways to achieve the same goal (other than brutal force replaceAllLiterally on all placeholders)?

$ is a treated specially in the replacement string. This is described in the documentation of replaceAllIn:
In the replacement String, a dollar sign ($) followed by a number will be interpreted as a reference to a group in the matched pattern, with numbers 1 through 9 corresponding to the first nine groups, and 0 standing for the whole match. Any other character is an error. The backslash (\) character will be interpreted as an escape character and can be used to escape the dollar sign. Use Regex.quoteReplacement to escape these characters.
(Actually, that doesn't mention named group references, so I guess it's only sort of documented.)
Anyway, the takeaway here is that you need to escape the $ characters in the replacement string if you don't want them to be treated as references.
new scala.util.matching.Regex("""(\$\{\w+\})""")
.replaceAllIn("hello ${var1} world ${var2}", m => s"A\\${m.matched}B")
// "hello A${var1}B world A${var2}B"

It's hard to tell what you're expecting the behavior to do. The issue is that s"${m.matched}" is turning into "${var1}" (and "${var2}"). The '$' is special character to say "place the group with name {var1} here instead".
For example:
scala> placeholder.replaceAllIn(str, m => "$1")
res0: String = hello ${var1} world ${var2}
It replaces the match with the first capturing group (which is m itself).
It's hard to tell exactly what you're doing, but you could escape any $ like so:
scala> placeholder.replaceAllIn(str, m => s"${m.matched.replace("$","\\$")}")
res1: String = hello ${var1} world ${var2}
If what you really want to do is evaluate var1/var2 for some variables in the local scope of the method; that's not possible. In fact, the s"Hello, $name" pattern is actually converted into new StringContext("Hello, ", "").s(name) at compile time.


How do i replace whitespace with underscore and encode values in scala array / list

I have a spark scala dataframe which has column "Name"
I have extracted the values of that column in to scala array[string]
org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
I want to replace whitespaces with _ and encode that value in to utf-8 (any encoding is fine as long as it replaces special chars with something else)
so if there are any special chars those will be removed. later i want to use those in file path .
var org_name = orgsFlatDF.rdd.collect
.map( _.getString(2))
This is how i am extracting those vals ^^. I haven't found any method which I can use to do that. Replace or replaceall doesn't work on array
I tried this :
org_name.replace("\\s", "")
That didn't work .
if name is : new $ high school it should gets converted to new_$_high_school then encoded to new_%24_high_school
There are a couple of issues with what you are asking.
Java/Scala Arrays don't have a replace method. Even if they did have a replace method, would they replace the values they hold or the characters in a String they hold?
Let's assume this line org_name.replace("\\s", "") didn't compiled and org_name is indeed a an Array[String] holding one element.
scala> val org_name=Array("SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL")
val org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
scala> org_name(0).replace(" ","_")
replace("\\s","_") wouldn't work because it represents a \s string. "\" represents \. That's only way you'd be able to define strings containing other escape codes like \n or \t.
PS: to transform all the string in the array use" ","_")), this gives you back another another array.

How to replace pound sign £ in scala

In sales column i have values with pound sign £1200. It is not readable by Data frame in scala, please help me for the same. i want column value in double, 1200. I am using below method but its not working.
def getRemovedDollarValue = udf(
(actualSales: String) => {
val actualSalesDouble = actualSales
.replace(",", "")
.replace("$", "")
.replaceAll("\\s", "_").trim().toDouble
You need write: .replace("\u00A3","") instead of escaping .replace("\\u00A3","").
But I prefer just: .replace("£", "") - it is more readable.
I think the proposed solutions and comments all work but don't address the confusion behind why your code isn't working.
From the Pattern docs:
Thus the strings "\u2014" and "\\u2014", while not equal, compile into the same pattern, which matches the character with hexadecimal value 0x2014.
replace and replaceAll are both replacing all occurrences in a String, but only replaceAll is taking in a regular expression. You're passing in "\\u00A3" which will work as a pattern, but not a unicode literal due to the added backslash. As already suggested, either use replace with a unicode literal or the actual symbol, or change to replaceAll.

Scala string formating exercises error: not compiling

I am working on the exercises from
For the following question, m answer seems incorrect but I do not know why.
val c = 'a' //unicode for a
val d = '\141' //octal for a
val e = '\"'
val f = '\\'
"%c".format(c) should be("a") //my answers
"%c".format(d) should be("a")
"%c".format(e) should be(")
"%c".format(f) should be(\)
your answer should be enclosed in quotes
"%c".format(e) should be("\"")
"%c".format(f) should be("\\")
because it wouldn't recognize string unless it's enclosed in quotes
Your last two lines are invalid Scala code and cannot be compiled:
// These are wrong
"%c".format(e) should be(")
"%c".format(f) should be(\)
The be() function needs to be passed a String, and neither of those calls are being passed a String. A String needs to start and end with a double-quote (there are some exceptions).
// In this case you started a String with a double-quote, but you are never
// closing the string with a second double-quote
"%c".format(e) should be(")
// In this case you are missing both double-quotes
"%c".format(f) should be(\)
In this case the code should be:
"%c".format(e) should be("\"")
"%c".format(f) should be("\\")
If you want a character to be treated literally in a String, you need to "escape" it with a backslash. So if you want to literally show a double-quote, you need to prefix it with a backslash:
And as a String:
Similarily for a backslash:
As a String:
Using an IDE makes this easier to see. Using IntelliJ the String is green but the special non-literal characters are highlighted in orange.
Check quote signs.
You can run Scala code online and check yourself here:

How to strip everything except digits from a string in Scala (quick one liners)

This is driving me nuts... there must be a way to strip out all non-digit characters (or perform other simple filtering) in a String.
Example: I want to turn a phone number ("+72 (93) 2342-7772" or "+1 310-777-2341") into a simple numeric String (not an Int), such as "729323427772" or "13107772341".
I tried "[\\d]+".r.findAllIn(phoneNumber) which returns an Iteratee and then I would have to recombine them into a String somehow... seems horribly wasteful.
I also came up with: phoneNumber.filter("0123456789".contains(_)) but that becomes tedious for other situations. For instance, removing all punctuation... I'm really after something that works with a regular expression so it has wider application than just filtering out digits.
Anyone have a fancy Scala one-liner for this that is more direct?
You can use filter, treating the string as a character sequence and testing the character with isDigit:
"+72 (93) 2342-7772".filter(_.isDigit) // res0: String = 729323427772
You can use replaceAll and Regex.
"+72 (93) 2342-7772".replaceAll("[^0-9]", "") // res1: String = 729323427772
Another approach, define the collection of valid characters, in this case
val d = '0' to '9'
and so for val a = "+72 (93) 2342-7772", filter on collection inclusion for instance with either of these,
for (c <- a if d.contains(c)) yield c
a.collect{ case c if d.contains(c) => c }

Scala string pattern matching for mathematical symbols

I have the following code:
val z: String = tree.symbol.toString
z match {
case "method +" | "method -" | "method *" | "method ==" =>
println("no special op")
case "method /" | "method %" =>
println("we have the special div operation")
case _ =>
Is it possible to create a match for the primitive operations in Scala:
"method *".matches("(method) (+-*==)")
I know that the (+-*) signs are used as quantifiers. Is there a way to match them anyway?
Thanks from a avidly Scala scholar!
val z: String = tree.symbol.toString
val noSpecialOp = "method (?:[-+*]|==)".r
val divOp = "method [/%]".r
z match {
case noSpecialOp() =>
println("no special op")
case divOp() =>
println("we have the special div operation")
case _ =>
Things to consider:
I choose to match against single characters using [abc] instead of (?:a|b|c).
Note that - has to be the first character when using [], or it will be interpreted as a range. Likewise, ^ cannot be the first character inside [], or it will be interpreted as negation.
I'm using (?:...) instead of (...) because I don't want to extract the contents. If I did want to extract the contents -- so I'd know what was the operator, for instance, then I'd use (...). However, I'd also have to change the matching to receive the extracted content, or it would fail the match.
It is important not to forget () on the matches -- like divOp(). If you forget them, a simple assignment is made (and Scala will complain about unreachable code).
And, as I said, if you are extracting something, then you need something inside those parenthesis. For instance, "method ([%/])".r would match divOp(op), but not divOp().
Much the same as in Java. To escape a character in a regular expression, you prefix the character with \. However, backslash is also the escape character in standard Java/Scala strings, so to pass it through to the regular expression processing you must again prefix it with a backslash. You end up with something like:
scala> "+".matches("\\+")
res1 : Boolean = true
As James Iry points out in the comment below, Scala also has support for 'raw strings', enclosed in three quotation marks: """Raw string in which I don't need to escape things like \!""" This allows you to avoid the second level of escaping, that imposed by Java/Scala strings. Note that you still need to escape any characters that are treated as special by the regular expression parser:
scala> "+".matches("""\+""")
res1 : Boolean = true
Escaping characters in Strings works like in Java.
If you have larger Strings which need a lot of escaping, consider Scala's """.
E. g. """String without needing to escape anything \n \d"""
If you put three """ around your regular expression you don't need to escape anything anymore.