How to adjust multiple rows of labels in Xcode so that they occupy around 70 % of screen height? - swift

I'm trying to build an app that has just a single portrait oriented view. There is a title on top and results label at the bottom of the view, these are locked to top and bottom and center, no problem here.
Now this is the tricky part. I have 9 rows of labels, most single row but couple span out to 2 rows. I want them to spread out evenly between the title and the result-label.
I lock the first label to top-left, lock the leading edges and then set equal vertical distance constraints between the labels. Otherwise ok but the last labels on 3.5 inch display overrun my results -label.
So I adjust either the fontsize or make vertical distance between labels smaller or both. 3.5 inch problem fixed but now there is a big empty gap between the last label and result. On iPhone 6 its really ugly.
I have tried all sorts of methods but can't just get this working.
So basically: how do I reserve 10 % of view height from top and 20 % from bottom and tell Xcode to use the rest 70 % (and all of it) for my 9 rows of label, evenly?
Thanks for help!
Would have posted an image but no rank for such things...

If I understand you right, you need several flexible spaces that will all be the same size. One space in-between each of the labels.
Create UIViews to put between each label, set them all to have equal widths or heights and anchor each one to the views it is supposed to sit between.
I got this idea from another SO question: Springs in Auto Layout: Distribute views evenly, with constraints, in Xcode 5


Unity list item is leaving extra space in high resolution

I have a vertical Scroll List. I have developed this app for resolution 768*1024. In this resolution my List is working fine. But when I run my app in higher resolution(1440*2960) it leave some space around all 4 direction.
I have also tried with changing Layout element min height dynamically, but Spacing issue is still exist.
Vertical and horizontal layout set element position in (screen width/height divided by a number of elements) * element number, in other words, they space out all elements evenly across canvas space. To achieve what you want you either have to enable child control size -> height option or write a script that aligns your elements in the center of the screen and one after another taking in consideration their height.

Auto Layout issues

I am trying to get a layout working where I have 9 squares set 3 x 3 and on all device sizes, they are square.
I have tried endless ideas to make it work but can't seem to get it to stay squares on all devices.
I attached below, a picture showing the results and current constraints on the top left corner square.
Any help would be awesome!
The best approach would be use the stackView. The advantage will be you do not have to deal with the much constraints. So select the first rows three view horizontally then click on the Embed in Stack button whose axis should be horizontal inside your storyboard. Follow the same for second and third rows. Also inside stackview you can mention the spacing you want.
So now you have three stackView for all the three rows. After that select all three stackView then click on the Embed in Stack button and whose axis should be vertical and you can mention the spacing you want.
So advantage of doing that is you do not have to worry about the constraints. Finally you only have to apply the constraint on your main stackView which hold all your child stackView
While I totally agree that UIStackView is a great option, you can also add Aspect Ratio constraints (with a Multiplier of 1) to your squares and ensure that they remain squared (as nothing about your current layout demands that your views should be squares).
If you want your 9 squares to remain in the center of the superview, I recommend adding them to an invisible intermediate view and center that within the superview.

Autolayout Contraints for a View from XIB

I am loading a view (shaped a circle) from a circle. I want to make sure, the circle's size adapts to various screen sizes. So far I tried placing the view inside another view, pinning the margins to the superview and then setting the superview's aspect ratio to 1:1. This gives me a circle. However, now, I want to change its size. Currently, the superview's size is specified by another subview in it, a label. Depending on the contents of the label, the superview's size changes (I have set the label's font size to Autoshrink). If I try to add a constant to the margin constraints it works, but looks the same size across different screen sizes. Also, I tried adding a multiplier, while the multiplier works for trailing and bottom margins, top and leading margins don't get affected by setting the multiplier. Below is a screenshot of the IB (Today View is the shape in the question).
You have a good start - aligning both center X & Y, 1:1 ratio. All you need to add is two sets of top/bottom and leading/trailing constraints with different priorities. Here's an example, which combined with the three constraints you have, would center a view in all orientations with a 10 point border along the narrower axis:
Priority == 750
Top == 10 points
Bottom == 10 Points
Leading == 10 points
Trailing == 10 points
Priority == 1000
Top >= 10 points
Bottom >= 10 Points
Leading >= 10 points
Trailing >= 10 points
You may see errors/warnings while doing this because IB doesn't know how to render it, but once you've completed this, you'll have what you need.
From memory, there are points and pixels. When and where possible, try to think in terms of points. About the only time you may wish to think in terms of pixels is with images. (There may be other measurements of graphics, but again, I'm writing from memory.)
Points should be consistent across device size - so if you have a 100x100 square in a 4 inch iPhone screen, it will be the same size on a 12.9 inch iPad Pro.
More importantly, the margins can be set the same using auto layout. A 25 point margin will be the same on both of those screen. So in my example above, you will get pretty much the largest rectangle possible across all devices since you are setting margins, not view size.
I did a dive into screen sizes last year, and these are the current screen sizes:
//iPad Pro 1366x1024
//iPad 1024x768
//iPad Mini 1024x468
//iPhone 6 Plus 736x414
//iPhone 6 677x375
//iPhone 5 568x320
//iPhone 4 480x320
So based on this the above constraints would yield a 300x300 square on an iPhone 4 (iPhone SE also) as the narrowest axis will be 320 less two 10 point margins. And on an iPad Pro 12.9 inch it will be a 1004x1004 square.
When you create constraints in code, you can also create a layoutMarginGuide with this code:
let margins = view.layoutMarginsGuide
This should be the same thing as keeping the "contain to margins" checkbox checked in IB. Essentially this is the recommended size of margins for each device. (I believe this should also include the status bar, tab and navigation bars, and even the iPhone "phone call top banner (sic)". But I've had some issues with this so YMMV.)
Putting this all together, what you are defining through "auto layout" is a very fluid way of maximizing the size of a square (or in your case, a square turned into a circle). By setting two sets of margins, one set equal to but with a high priority, you are letting auto layout know that it may break this over required constraints. The second set with greater than or equal to values is required.
Thus, in a 480x320 device, the top/bottom margin constraints that cannot be met ("equal to") can be broken, and in landscape the leading/trailing ones that cannot be met will be broken. Remember, you already set the center X/Y, so the view will be centered, and you set the 1:1 ratio so it will be square. (As long as you did not touch the priorities - the default is required.

What is wrong with these auto layout constraints?

What I aim:
I want to have a table cell, in which every cell is horizontally divided in two halves. The upper half will contain 4 labels, and the lower half will contain 4 values which correspond to these labels.
Of these 4 items in every horizontal half, each of the last 3 items will occuppy 2/7 of total width, and the remaining 1 item will occupy the remaining of the total width, which is 1/7 of total width.
What I tried:
Putting a horizontal stack view in the content view of table cell.
Which will contain two vertical stack views
Where the upper vertical stack view will contain the labels and the lower vertical stack view will contain the values.
In short, I did this:
But I am getting these conflicts:
I really don't understand why I am getting these conflicts. I feel like I have provided enough constraints for auto layout to do the layout correctly.
Could you please tell me what is wrong here?
I'm on Xcode 8 and using iPhone 7 Plus as view, if that would make any difference.
This is a simpler case, and it isn't working as well:
As you have provided the detail nobody can get understand and help to resolve your auto-layout issues, I suggest you to clear all constraints and try re-apply all the constraints again , give proper leading and trailing with x and y position the constraints will definitely works good,
Once you will try to apply twice or thrice you ll get know the exact problem and it will be get resolved quickly.
For auto-layout more practice needed to understand it briefly.
Hope it will help to you,

Evenly aligning things in IB

I have ten labels on a view positioned vertically. I need to evenly space them. Does IB have any type of setting that will do this?
If you select individual labels and drag them around the view, they should "snap" to certain guides around the interface. If you drag an element close to another element it should snap to about 8 pixels away, and that's the standard spacing between elements on the iPhone.
If you want more precise control, you can select an element and use the arrow keys to move it around one pixel at a time.
You can also use the Align Horizontally/Vertically in Container menu items from the Layout menu.
Do the math and then type in the X,Y coordinates. Unfortunately, I think that is the easiest way.
If you are OK using Apple's guideline spacing, dragging one label near another will generate a dashed line at a certain point. Do this for each label below the next, and they will be evenly spaced.