How to use the container to resolve a collection of viewmodels associated with a model? - mvvm

Big Picture goal: I'd like to edit models in a Data window that is full of property pages that edit the given model. I'd like to mark the models with multiple interfaces that they satisfy. For each interface, an associated propertypage viewmodel and view exist.
What I'm struggling with is how can I resolve the Collection of property page viewmodels from a given model that satisfies 1-N interfaces.
I was wondering if I could put a property page view model factory within the container? I would try to resolve a collection of property page viewmodels from the container, and the container would use the factory to correctly generate the viewmodels needed. I could hand that collection of viewmodels to a data window, which would use the ViewModelToViewConverter to generate the views of the viewmodels.
Is it possible to register a factory with the container? Is this the best way to achieve this goal? I suppose I could have the data window's viewmodel handle converting the model to a collection of viewmodels, but that feels out of scope.

I think you can create a list (ObservableCollection) of models that you want to edit in the main view model. Then you create an ItemsControl with a custom view as data template:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyModels}">
<myViews:ModelEditorView />
Then you have this view model which is automatically created for your ModelEditorView:
public class ModelEditorViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ModelEditorViewModel(MyModel model /*, other dependency injections here*/)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => model);
Model = model;
public MyModel Model { get; private set; }
Then everything will be created for you automatically.


MVVM - ViewModel/Model binding

I have some doubts about what are the best practices for MVVM using parent-child model relations.
In that specific case there are two models (data classes) called Group and Contact. The group is containing a list of contacts. Both of them are are implementing INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
In the view, there is a treeview displaying the hierarchy using DataTemplate and the associated ViewModel contains an ObservableCollections property.
I am wondering what is the best practice design in this case.... Having one property like above in the ViewModel which is bind to the xaml or createing a ViewModel for each model (like GroupViewModel and ContactViewModel) and instead of ObservableCollections having an List.
What is the best way (design wise)? Shoudl I bind the Model or the ViewModel to the xaml?
I'm afraid, you mixed some things up. The basics of MVVM are
Model - Contains the data the application is working with. It should be kept as simple as possible.
ViewModel - Reflects the state of the application and contains the business logic. It's the business layer.
View - Interprets the ViewModel to provide a visual representation of the business layer and its state.
With this three parts, it's pretty easy to provide separation of concerns and a decoupled architecture. If you want to read more, click here.
Back to your questions:
In that specific case there are two models (data classes) called Group and Contact. The group is containing a list of contacts. Both of them are are implementing INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
That's a bit odd. Usually, you don't need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in the model classes, since the VM should handle value changes from the view.
But it's imaginable to have that mechanism in the model layer too. But since you don't want to track changes on this layer and IMHO the VM should take care about, you don't need it.
[...] Having one property like above in the ViewModel which is bind to the xaml or createing a ViewModel for each model (like GroupViewModel and ContactViewModel) [...]
Yes, this is usually the approach. For each model class, which should be passed to the view layer, you would create a ViewModel.
[...] and instead of ObservableCollections having an List.
That's definitely a No. If you use a List<T>, the view would not be aware of the changes (add, remove) to collection.
What is the best way (design wise)? Shoudl I bind the Model or the ViewModel to the xaml?
Simply stick to MVVM. The view is aware of the VM, but the VM is not aware of the view. Additionally the VM is aware of the model, but the model isn't aware of it. That implies, that you should always bind the VM to the View.
The following is totally legit.
public class Address : ViewModelBase // implements INotifiedPropertyChanged a.s.o.
public string Street { /* you know what comes here */ }
public string ZipCode { /* ... */ }
public string City { /* ... */ }
/* more properties */
public class Person : ViewModelBase
public string Name { /* ... */ }
public Address Address { /* ... */ }

Questions on changing from WinForms to WPF

I have recently been looking for a way to bind data in WinForms using MVVM.
I ended up creating a custom implementation of the MVVM pattern.
However, due to the lack of two-way binding, I have decided to give WPF a try.
I already have the Model, which encapsulates the non-ui functionality. For example the Model reads a configuration file, has a few properties, listens for incoming data on a socket, and saves incoming packets if needed.
Some of the Model's properties throws an exception if they are set out of range. I.e. the validation is done in the Model.
How is validation usually done in WPF? I have read a good deal of articles, and there seems to be some consistency in putting validation in the ViewModel. In fact, most articles only use ViewModel and View. Has the Model been buried?
Glad to see your decision to move away from custom implementations of MVVM when so much already exists that just ... works.
WPF is very strong for two way binding and that gives it its' greatest strengths.
The view model is bound to the view and acts as the mechanism to communicate with the data layer. Also Entity Framework (if you are on framework 4.0) will give you a great data layer for populating your entities in your ViewModel. This basically becomes your Model. It gives you an encapsulated form of UnitOfWork as well as Repository patterns.
While your view model in all examples are usually on a one-to-one basis, if the design calls for it you can have view models that span multiple views. I have a "menu" which displays key identifiers from each item in the list and a detail form that shows all fields for editing from the same object. So I span the view between the two.
You can hard code the view model in the xaml binding it to the datacontext or you can use Unity and inject the viewmodel into the view. Unfortunately the injection requires adding one public property for the purpose of setting the datacontext. So you'd have code like this:
public class MyView:Window
public MyView(MyViewModel model)
ViewModel = model;
public MyViewModel ViewModel
set{ this.DataContext = value; }
So the rest is just TwoWay binding for each field and the setter can encapsulate single value editing. Your error message can even be bound to a text field on the form and it displays when the value is not null.
Also if you dig into Unity you will also get a truly great function called Event Aggregation which basically provides a vehicle for publish/subscribe of events and that ties into your ICommand implementation when getting a button click handled.

Simplifying ICommand/RelayCommand in a MVVM approach

I'm pushing myself to make the applications I write simpler, and I've taken some steps to do that, but I'm left with an interesting problem that doesn't at all feel like it would be unique to me. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I have a ViewModel that keeps a collection of model objects. The view is a ListView that displays all of the objects in the collection. The model objects have all the logic in them to manipulate them. Inside the ListView row for each item I have a button, and that button needs to be wired to call a method on the model object.
To get this to work I need to add a command binding, but to the parent window data context, that passes a parameter of the model object in the row, all so that model object can be used inside the ViewModel (the parent window data context) to call the method on the model object that's being passed in.
This seems really much more complex than it needs to be. I'm willing to throw out anything I've done already, there are no sacred cows, I just want this to be done in a simpler method that will be easy to look back on in a year and figure out what I was doing.
{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}},
Create a presenter class in your ViewModel for the model objects and have a collection of those. You can then put the ICommand property on those instead and pass a reference to the method you want to call in the parent datacontext.
Perhaps something like the following:
public class ModelPresenter : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Model _model;
public ModelPresenter(Model model, Action<Model> parentAction)
_model = model
_action = parentAction;
public ICommand MyAction
get { return new RelayCommand(() => _parentAction(_model)); }
It also sounds like you might be binding to Properties of your model your view. You shouldn't do this as it can cause a memory leak if your models aren't implementing INotifyPropertyChanged (see:

Model View Presenter - how to implement complex Properties in an IView interace

I am finding it difficult understanding how best to implement 'IView' interface properties which are not simple types, and was wondering how others approach this in a Model View Presenter application.
The articles i've read are really good but none of them seem to approach more complex Views where you have List<> properties which are of an interface type which represent a class in your domain model, i.e. IPerson, or IName etc.
I will try to outline a scenario as briefly as i possibly can.
Presume i have a requirement for a View to ultimately persist a list of names, each consisting of 3 properties 'Forename', 'Surname', and 'Title'.
Typically i will have a domain model with a class called 'Name' with the 3 properties. This domain model will implement an Interface (in a separate 'Interfaces' class Library) called 'IName'.
Now in the 'Views' namespace in my 'Interaces' library i have an interface called 'IViewNames'. This is the view interface which any view which wants to ultimately persist the list of names will implement.
How to define this 'IViewNames' interface puzzles me. If i give it a property like so:
public List<IName> Names {get;set;}
then my implementing concrete view will ultimately have a complex property 'Names' which will need a 'getter' which loops through the fields on the View, somehow instantiate an instance of 'IName', set its properties, add to a List, before returning the List. The 'setter' will be just as complex, receiving a list of 'INames' and iterating through them setting fields on the View.
I feel like this is breaking one of the major goals of the MVP approach, which is being able to thoroughly test the application code without any concrete View implemntations. After all, i could easily write a presenter which looks at the 'View.Names' property and sends it on to a Service Layer, or set the 'View.Names' property when receiving a list of 'Name' objects back from the Service Layer. I could easily write a lot of tests which ensure everything works, everything except from that COMPLEX property in the View.
So my question is, how do others approach IView properties which are not simple types, but are in fact types of your domain model? (well types of interfaces which represent your domain model, as i clearly dont want a reference from my Presentation Layer to my Domain Model layer).
I'm more than certain there is a known technique to achieving this in an elegant way, which adheres to the Model View Presenter goals, more than my example approach does.
Thanks in advance for any help people.
I have not worked much on the MVP design pattern but will surely try my hands on it.
Approach1 : DataBinding
In this case you can also create individual properties in IView and bind these properties in presenter to the model properties. This way, your view will not get complicated. The experience is fast and seamless as the values from UI can be directly used in model. Changing the property value in model will reflect in UI immedietly. You may have to use NotifyPropertyChange events for this.
Approach 2 : Complex Types
You can try creating List or Tuples to store these values and use the values in the presenter. You may have to use events or actions to reflect the value from model to view and vice versa.
Please let me know if it helped you. Thanks.
I have lifted this explanation from one of the articles I am writing on my website
Presenter to View Communication
There are two styles utilised for populating the View with data from the Presenter and Model that I have used. The only difference between them is how tightly coupled you mind your View being to the Model. For the example of this, we will have the following as our Model:
public class Person
public int ID { get; private set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public String FirstName { get; set; }
public String LastName { get; set; }
Public Genders Gender { get; set; }
Method 1: Using the Model
Now our View code:
public interface IEmployeesView
void ClearList();
void PopulateList(IEnumerable<Person> people);
And finally the Presenter:
public class IEmployeesPresenter
public void Display()
This method of population produces a link between the Model and the View; the Person object used as a parameter in PopulateList.
The advantage of this is that the concrete implementation of the IEmployeesView can decide on what to display in its list of people, picking from any or all of the properties on the Person.
Their are two disadvantages of this method. The first is that there is nothing stopping the View from calling methods on the Person, which makes it easy for lazy code to slip in. The second is that if the model were to change from a List<Person> to a List<Dog> for instance, not only would the Model and the Presenter need to change, but so the View would too.
Method 2: Using Generic Types
The other method population relies on using Tuple<...>, KeyValuePair<,> and custom classes and structs:
Now our View code:
public interface IEmployeesView
void ClearList();
void PopulateList(IEnumerable<Tuple<int, String> names);
And finally the Presenter:
public class IEmployeesPresenter
public void Display()
var names = _model.AllEmployees.Select(x => new Tuple<int, String>(x.ID, x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName));
The advantages of this method of population is that the Model is free to change without needing to update the View, and the View has no decisions to make on what to display. It also prevents the View from calling any extra methods on the Person, as it does not have a reference to it.
The down sides to this method, are that you loose strong typing, and discoverability - It is quite obvious what a Person is but what a Tuple<int, String> is less obvious.

MVVM/WPF: Using a ObservableCollection<T> as a list in a domain model, is that good/bad?

I have aggregated models like Customer:Order:Product.
As my View is bound to the BillingViewModel which has a Property Customers of type ObservableCollection
and ONE customer in this collection has a "list" of orders
named ObservableCollection
and ONE order in this collection has a "list" of products
named ObservableCollection
Well I need the ObservableCollection`s for databinding but should a domain model really have a ObservableCollection ? normally it has a
List or IEnumerable !
Is this bad habit or having side effects?
I append an explanation to the above what is right:
class Customer
int CustomerID {get;set;}
ObservableCollection<Order> { get;set;}
class BillingViewModel
ObservableCollection<Customer> _customers;
public BillingViewModel()
Customers= GetAggregatedCustomersOrdersProductsFromRepository();
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customers
get{ return _customers;}
_customers = value;
I hope its more clear now! I have ObservableCollection in my ViewModel and Model!
From the examples I have read it appears that one practices is to take your Domain model Customer:Order:Product and rearrange it into MainViewModel:CustomerViewModel:OrderViewModel:ProductViewModel when it reaches the client side. This would allow you to mark any of the VMs dirty and save only when needed. It would also allow you to compose your View of many Views each driven by their own VM, so if later you decided to change the View from one large Screen into many Modals it would be fairly seamless. The reason for the MainViewModel, is more of a Controller then a ViewModel, its duty would be to get the Domain Model and break it apart into the VMs and also could be the Controller for how your Views will be displayed (Grouped or Modal), it could also contain Commands such as SaveAllDirty.
It depends on if those properties need the built in change notification. If you have some kind of logic that depends on doing something when those change state, then it's fine. If it's only there to support data binding and that class is not itself a ViewModel, then I think it's bad form.