Liquidsoap on windows, how to install LADSPA plugin - liquidsoap

I have the official windows package of liquidsoap-1.0.1
How can I install LADSPA plugin? I tried to put the dll-files of the plugins into "plugin" folder and run --list-plugin, but liquidsoap doesn't read them. thanks


How to install a plugin on xl-release?

I have downloaded CA-LISA plugin from and have received both .zip and .jar files. I am now stuck at installing the plugin. What are the steps to install the plugins manually ?
To install simply place the plugin in the < XL_RELEASE >/plugins directory, then restart XL Release. You will then have the ability to create the appropriate tasks. Please let me know if this helps, or if you need any further assistance.

List plugins with plugman

I'm reviewing plugman, but it seems it is quite completed to use and I can't figure out how I'm I supposed to know which plugins are installed. How can I know which plugins are installed? How do I version this?
Good question. Since config.xml holds only cross platform installations using cordova plugin command, any plugins installed using plugman is not listed there. I couldn't find a command to list the installed plugins in plugman documentation. I usually look at the plugins folders directly inside the platform directory. For example, if I want to see plugins in Android, I go to:
Here I can see the plugins installed from plugman.

Configuring Gstreamer with Eclipse CDT Juno for GStreamer plugin development

I have Eclipse CDT installed in my Ubuntu 13.10. I'm new to GStreamer plugin development,and I came to know that Anjuta is being used by many developers. I don't know what features it does have, but I like to work on Eclipse, because of its autocomplete and handy shortcuts.
So, I want to know, First thing, What to download for GStreamer Plugin development in C, and
how to configure GStreamer's plugin development libraries with Eclipse CDT,
and the last one, how to launch and run the Gstreamer plugin, that I have developed.
Suggestions on how to start GStreamer Plugin development is most welcome :)
I'm currently reading GStreamer's plugin writers guide, so I would definitely appreciate a step by step instructions for the above process.
I'm developing gstreamer plugins with eclipse under linux. You need to:
install the gstreamer-devel packages
then if you want to get a plugin working really fast: download gst-template
git clone git://
and read the README files inside: you can get your first plugin by
cd gst-template/gst-plugin/src
../tools/make-element myplugin
then you compile this and you should have your first working gstreamer plugin. (concretely I copy the myplugin.c and myplugin.h generated to my eclipse environment where I compile them)
/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 (or-0.10)
and in the linker - Miscelaneous:
`pkg-config --libs gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-app-1.0`

Install Eclipse plugin from outside Marketplace

My Eclipse Marketplace/Install New Software links are not working. Is there any other way to install a plugin in Eclipse? Can you please tell me where I can download a plugin independently and install in Eclipse manually?
Thanks in advance!
You can install a plugin from an archive.
In install new software
Click on Add
Under Location Click Archive
Another simpler way: Some plugins have an Install button on the Marketplace website (e.g. this) which you can simply drag & drop to Eclipse.
If you just have a plugin rather than an install package (also known as an update site) then copy the plugin to the dropins folder in the Eclipse install and restart Eclipse.

How to install the JSystem plugin for Eclipse

As per the JSystem documentation it's stated that the installer of JSystem has a little checkbox which install the eclipse plugin, but the screenshot on the manual it's for Windows XP( and right now I'm using ubuntu 12.04 with Eclipse Juno. I just installed JSystem here and can't find that little checkbox.
Also the documentation is sparse and short. Does anybody know how to install the JSystem plugin for Eclipse?
Thank you!
Actually, the Eclipse plugin is no longer part of the JSystem installation.
If you still want to use it, you can grab one of the older installation packages from SourceForge
(Version 5.7.02 would do the trick).
If are having problems with the Linux installation, you can install it on windows and copy manually the com.ignis.eclipse.plugin_5.7.02 jar from the jsystem/runner/Eclipse folder to the Eclipse plugins folder.
After restarting the Eclipse, you would be able to create a new JSystem project using the plugin.
One of the main reasons that the plugin is no longer provided and supported is that JSystem is now using Maven and most of the plugin functionality is now done via Maven archetypes.
To learn more about it please refer to the Getting started guide