Spline cubic with tridiagonal matrix - matlab

I wrote this code for my homework on MATLAB about cubic spline interpolation with a tridiagonal matrix. I follow all the steps of the algorithm and I really don't find my error.
The code it's ok with second grade functions but when I put, for example, sin(x) the result is not a spline and don't know why because with the other function I have no problems. Can anyone help me to find the error? Thanks
close all
clear all
clf reset
ff = #(x) sin(x);
x = [-2 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];
for i = 1: length(x),
omega(i) = ff(x(i));
n = length(x);
h = zeros(n - 1, 1);
for i = 1: n - 1,
h(i) = x(i + 1) - x(i);
a = zeros(n, 1);
b = zeros(n, 1);
d = zeros(n, 1);
f = zeros(n, 1);
for j = 2: n - 1,
a(j) = 2*(h(j) + h(j - 1));
b(j) = h(j - 1);
d(j) = h(j);
f(j) = 6 * (omega(j + 1) - omega(j) / h(j)) - (6 * (omega(j) - omega(j - 1)) / h(j - 1));
% Starting conditions
a(1) = -2;
f(1) = 0;
a(n) = 4;
f(n) = 0;
% Coefficents
c = tridiag(a, b, d, f);
t = linspace (x(1), x(n), 301);
for k = 1: length(t),
tk = t(k);
y(k) = spline_aux(x, omega, c, tk);
z(k) = ff(tk);
plot(t, z, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2)
hold on;
plot(t, y, 'r.', x, omega, 'go')
grid on
function [x] = tridiag(a, b, d, f)
n = length(f);
alfa = zeros(n, 1);
beta = zeros(n, 1);
alfa(1) = a(1);
for i = 2: n,
beta(i) = b(i) / alfa(i - 1);
fprintf (' i: %d beta: %12.8f\n', i, beta(i))
alfa(i) = a(i) - (beta(i)*d(i - 1));
fprintf (' i: %d alfa: %12.8f\n', i, alfa(i))
y(1) = f(1);
for i = 2: n,
y(i) = f(i) - beta(i)*y(i - 1);
x(n) = y(n) / alfa(n);
for i = n - 1: 1,
x(i) = (y(i) - (d(i)*x(i + 1))) / alfa(i);
function [s] = spline_aux(x, w, c, tk)
n = length(x);
h = zeros(n - 1, 1);
for i = 1: n - 1,
h(i) = x(i+1) - x(i);
for i = 1: n - 1,
if (x(i) <= tk && tk <= x(i+1))
s1 = c(i)*((x(i+1) - tk)^3)/(6*h(i));
s2 = c(i+1)*((tk - x(i))^3)/(6*h(i));
s3 = (w(i)/h(i) - (c(i)*h(i)/6))*(x(i+1) - tk);
s4 = (w(i+1)/h(i) - (c(i+1)*h(i)/6))*(tk - x(i));
s = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4;

Thats because you are not using Matlab's for correctly
in the function function [x] = tridiag(a, b, d, f)
the last for reads for i = n - 1: 1 but that will never execute, you shoudl writte:
for i = n - 1:-1:1
Then works. You should notice that it didt work in ANY previous attempt, not only with sin(x)


Why does changing the boundary conditions cause the finite difference algorithm to diverge?

I wrote a finite difference algorithm to solve the wave equation which is derived here.
When I ran my code, the plotted graphs of the numerical and analytical solution deviated, which is the problem I am trying to solve. The finite difference algorithm is given in the snippet.
t_min = 0;
t_max = 10;
rps = 400; % Resolution per second
nt = t_max * rps;
t = linspace(t_min, t_max, nt);
dt = t(2) - t(1);
x_min = 0;
x_max = 8;
rpm = 100; % Resolution per menter
nx = x_max * rpm;
x = linspace(x_min, x_max, nx);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
c = 3; % Wave speed
A = pi; % Amplitude
L = x_max; % Rod lenght
w_o = 1; % Circular frequency
Cn = c * (dt / dx); % Courrant number
if Cn > 1 % Stability criteria
error('The stability condition is not satisfied.');
U = zeros(nx, nt);
U(:, 1) = zeros(nx, 1);
U(:, 2) = zeros(nx, 1);
U(1, :) = A * sin(w_o * t);
U(end, :) = zeros(1, nt);
for j = 2 : (nt - 1)
for i = 2 : (nx - 1)
U(i, j + 1) = Cn^2 * ( U(i + 1, j) - 2 * U(i, j) + U(i - 1, j) ) + 2 * U(i, j) - U(i, j - 1);
figure('Name', 'Numeric solution');
surface(t, x, U, 'edgecolor', 'none');
grid on
xlabel('t ({\its})');
ylabel('x ({\itm})');
title('U(t, x) ({\itm})');
To find the bug, I tryed to change the boundary conditions and see if my graph would look better. It turned out that it did, which means that the code in my double for loop is ok. The boundary conditions are the problem. However, I do not know why the code works with the new boundary conditions and does not with the old ones. I am hoping that somebody will point this out to me. The code I ran is given in the snippet.
t_min = 0;
t_max = 1;
rps = 400; % Resolution per second
nt = t_max * rps;
t = linspace(t_min, t_max, nt);
dt = t(2) - t(1);
x_min = 0;
x_max = 1;
rpm = 100; % Resolution per menter
nx = x_max * rpm;
x = linspace(x_min, x_max, nx);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
c = 3; % Wave speed
A = pi; % Amplitude
L = x_max; % Rod lenght
w_o = 1; % Circular frequency
Cn = c * (dt / dx); % Courrant number
if Cn > 1 % Stability criteria
error('The stability condition is not satisfied.');
U = zeros(nx, nt);
U(:, 1) = sin(pi*x);
U(:, 2) = sin(pi*x) * (1 + dt);
U(1, :) = zeros(1, nt);
U(end, :) = zeros(1, nt);
for j = 2 : (nt - 1)
for i = 2 : (nx - 1)
U(i, j + 1) = Cn^2 * ( U(i + 1, j) - 2 * U(i, j) + U(i - 1, j) ) + 2 * U(i, j) - U(i, j - 1);
figure('Name', 'Numeric solution');
surface(t, x, U, 'edgecolor', 'none');
grid on
xlabel('t ({\its})');
ylabel('x ({\itm})');
title('U(t, x) ({\itm})');

Compute a matrix inverse by repeatedly solving n linear systems

I am trying to solve this problem. But I keep getting an error.
This is my First Code.
% Program 3.3
function [L, U, P] = lufact(A)
[N, N] = size(A);
X = zeros(N, 1);
Y = zeros(N, 1);
C = zeros(1, N);
R = 1:N;
for p = 1: N-1
[max1, j] = max(abs(A(p:N, p)));
C = A(p,:);
A(p,:) = A(j + p - 1,:);
A(j + p -1, :) = C;
d = R(p);
R(p) = R(j + p -1);
R(j + p - 1) = d;
if A(p,p) == 0
'A is Singular. No unique Solution'
for k = p + 1:N
mult = A(k,p)/A(p,p);
A(k,p) = mult;
A(k,p + 1:N) = A(k, p + 1:N) - mult *A(p, p + 1:N);
I=(1:N)'*ones(1,N,1); J=I';
L = (I>J).*A + eye(N);
U = (J>=I).*A;
P = zeros(N);
for k=1:N
X(N) = Y(N)/A(N,N);
for k = N-1: -1: 1
X(k) = (Y(k) - A(k, k+1:N)*X(k+1:N))/A(k,k);
And This is my 2nd Code which I'm using to solve this problem.
function B = Ques3(A)
% Computes the inverse of a matrix A
[L,U,P] = lufact(A);
N = max(size(A));
I = eye(N);
B = zeros(N);
for j = 1:N
Y = forsub(L,P*I(:,j));
B(:,j) = backsub(U,Y);
But I keep getting an error in MATLAB,
>> Ques3(A)
Unrecognized function or variable 'forsub'.
Error in Ques3 (line 12)
Y = forsub(L,P*I(:,j));

Undefined function or variable 'x'

I am trying to evaluate two matrixes which I defined outside of the function MetNewtonSist using subs and I get the error Undefined function or variable 'x' whenever I try to run the code.
[edit] I added the code for the GaussPivTot function which determines the solution of a liniear system.
syms x y
f1 = x^2 + y^2 -4;
f2 = (x^2)/8 - y;
J = jacobian( [ f1, f2 ], [x, y]);
F = [f1; f2];
subs(J, {x,y}, {1, 1})
eps = 10^(-6);
[ x_aprox,y_aprox, N ] = MetNewtonSist( F, J, 1, 1, eps )
function [x_aprox, y_aprox, N] = MetNewtonSist(F, J, x0, y0, eps)
k = 1;
x_v(1) = x0;
y_v(1) = y0;
while true
k = k + 1;
z = GaussPivTot(subs(J, {x, y}, {x_v(k-1), y_v(k-1)}),-subs(F,{x, y}, {x_v(k-1), y_v(k-1)}));
x_v(k) = z(1) + x_v(k-1);
y_v(k) = z(1) + y_v(k-1);
if norm(z)/norm([x_v(k-1), y_v(k-1)]) < eps
N = k;
x_aprox = x_v(k);
y_aprox = y_v(k);
function [x] = GaussPivTot(A,b)
n = length(b);
A = [A,b];
index = 1:n;
for k = 1:n-1
max = 0;
for i = k:n
for j = k:n
if A(i,j) > max
max = A(i,j);
p = i;
m = j;
if A(p,m) == 0
disp('Sist. incomp. sau comp. nedet.')
if p ~= k
aux_line = A(p,:);
A(p,:) = A(k, :);
A(k,:) = aux_line;
if m ~= k
aux_col = A(:,m);
A(:,m) = A(:,k);
A(:,k) = aux_col;
aux_index = index(m);
index(m) = index(k);
index(k) = aux_index;
for l = k+1:n
M(l,k) = A(l,k)/A(k,k);
aux_line = A(l,:);
A(l,:) = aux_line - M(l,k)*A(k,:);
if A(n,n) == 0
disp('Sist. incomp. sau comp. nedet.')
y = SubsDesc(A, A(:,n+1));
for i = 1:n
x(index(i)) = y(i);
By default, eps is defined as 2.2204e-16 in MATLAB. So do not overwrite it with your variable and name it any word else.
epsilon = 1e-6;
Coming to your actual issue, pass x and y as input arguments to the MetNewtonSist function. i.e. define MetNewtonSist as:
function [x_aprox, y_aprox, N] = MetNewtonSist(F, J, x0, y0, epsilon, x, y)
%added x and y and renamed eps to epsilon
and then call it with:
[x_aprox, y_aprox, N] = MetNewtonSist(F, J, 1, 1, epsilon, x, y);

matlab: not enough input arguments error

I am new to Matlab and trying to find a solution to the error of my code:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in F9>f (line 42)
y = (2 - 2*t*x) / (x^2 + 1) ;
Error in F9 (line 18)
e = euler(f, trange(1), y0_value, h, trange(end));
function [] = F9()
% Euler's Method to solve given functions
% Set initial values
hi = [1/2, 1/4];
trange = [0, 2];
y0_value = 1;
% Set functions' and exact functions' handles
% Calculate and show results
% Loop for functions
for i = 1:2
fprintf('Function #%d\n', i)
exact_value = f_exact(trange(end));
% Loop for h
for h = hi
% Euler calculations
e = euler(f, trange(1), y0_value, h, trange(end));
fprintf('\nh: %f\n', h);
fprintf('\nEuler: %f \n', e(end));
fprintf('Error: %f\n\n', abs((e(end)-exact_value)/exact_value));
fprintf('Exact: %f\n\n', exact_value);
% Euler's Method
function y = euler(f, t0, y0, h, tn)
n = (tn-t0)/h;
% Initialize t, y
[t, y] = deal(zeros(n, 1));
% Set t0, y0
t(1) = t0;
y(1) = y0;
for i = 1:n
t(i+1) = t(i) + h;
y(i+1) = y(i) + h/2 * (f(t(i), y(i))+ f(t(i+1) , y(i) + h * f(t(i), y(i))));
% Functions to solve
function y = f(t, x)
y = (2 - 2*t*x) / (x^2 + 1) ;
function y = f_exact(x)
y = (2*x + 1) / (x^2 + 1);
When you pass f to euler you need to pass it as a handle, i.e. precede it with a #:
e = euler(#f, trange(1), y0_value, h, trange(end));

MATLAB sparse matrices: Gauss Seidel and power method using a sparse matrix with CSR (Compressed Sparse Row)

this is my first time here so I hope that someone can help me.
I'm trying to implementing the Gauss-Seidel method and the power method using a matrix with the storage CSR or called Morse storage. Unfortunately I can't manage to do better then the following codes:
function [y] = gs_morse(aa, diag, col, row, nmax, tol)
[n, n] = size(A);
y = [1, 1, 1, 1];
m = 1;
while m < nmax,
for i = 1: n,
k1 = row(i);
k2 = row(i + 1) - 1;
for k = k1: k2,
y(i) = y(i) + aa(k) * x(col(k));
y(col(k)) = y(col(k)) + aa(k) * diag(i);
k2 = k2 + 1;
y(i) = y(i) + aa(k) * diag(i);
if (norm(y - x)) < tol
m = m + 1;
for i = 1: n,
x(i) = y(i);
I was able only to implement the power method but I don't understand how to use the former matrix... so my code for power method is:
function [y, l] = potencia_iterada(A, v)
x = v(:);
y = x/norm(x);
l = 0;
for k = 1: numiter,
x = A * y;
y = x / norm(x);
l0 = x.' * y;
if abs(l0) < eps
l = l0;
Please anyone can help me for completing these codes or can explain me how can I do that? I really don't understand how to do. Thank you very much