How do I implement a line of sight in NetLogo whereby
A turtle calculates/counts all turtles between it and the a given patch on the line of sight.
Let's say that each turtle has a turtles-own called target, which is the given patch, you can ask each turtle to face the target patch and count all the turtles between it and the given patch:
ask turtles [
face target
let n 1
let c 0
while [patch-ahead (n - 1) != target][
ask patch-ahead n [
if any? turtles-here [set c (c + 1)]
set n (n + 1)
print (word who " has " c " turtles on the line of sight")
A while loop doesn't look very clean in NetLogo but it works.
See Line of Sight Example, in the Code Examples section of NetLogo's Models Library.
Very similar to Dr_stein
To-report count-turtles-on-line-to[target]
Let c 0
Let d distance target
Face target
While d > 0
Let c c + count turtles-on patch-ahead d
Let d d - 1
Report c
I would suggest using the patches-ahead reporter from this answer:
to-report patches-ahead [ dist step ]
report patch-set map patch-ahead n-values (dist / step) [ step + ? * step ]
You can use it like this:
to setup
create-turtles 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
ask turtles [
let target one-of patches
face target
show (word
count other turtles-on patches-ahead distance target 0.1
" turtles between me and " target)
I am new to NetLogo and I am trying to reproduce When I open, it says that it was produced in NetLogo 5.2 and I am running NetLogo 6.3 so I may need to update code. When I try to run I get a math operation produced a non-number on the following line in the to go section:
let target min-one-of neighbors [ elevation + ( count turtles-here * 9999999) ]
This is the complete to go section:
to go
if count turtles > 0 [set move-speed count turtles with [moved? = true] / count turtles]
if count turtles = 0 [stop]
ask patches with [exit = 1] [ask turtles-here[die]]
ask turtles [
set moved? false
let target min-one-of neighbors [ elevation + ( count turtles-here * 9999999) ]
if [elevation + (count turtles-here * 9999999)] of target < [elevation] of patch-here
[ face target
move-to target
set moved? true
ask target [set path path + 1]]
if Show_path? [ask patches with [elevation < 9999999][let thecolor (9.9 - (path * 0.15)) if thecolor < 0.001 [set thecolor 0.001] set pcolor thecolor]]
And the complete code is here:
Thank you in advance for any guidance
Many of the patches have invalid (NaN) values for their elevation, which then causes the error you are getting when you try to use them in an arithmetic operation. I'm not conversant in the gis extension, so I can't tell you why it seems to be assigning invalid elevations to these patches, but if you run setup and then enter in the command center
ask patches [show elevation]
you will see which ones are invalid and may then be able to trace how they came to be that way. Perhaps the gis extension has changed the way it works with the data files since NetLogo v5?
Not exactly sure why it worked but I replaced
let target min-one-of neighbors [ elevation + ( count turtles-here * 9999999) ]
let target min-one-of neighbors [ elevation ]
And the simulation ran
I am trying to compare the local variables of a turtle, with its neighbors and trying to find out the total number of neighbors which match this criterion
total-nearby = total number of neighbors.
I am checking according to the color of the turtles, if the color is different, then I will check for the attributes/variables
Error: A patch can't access a turtle or link variable without specifying
which agent
total-similar-nearby ; sum of previous two variables
;;then assigning multiple number of turtles with different values to the local variables.
ask turtles[
repeat total-nearby
if color = [color] of one-of neighbors
[set d1 d1 + 1]
if color != [color] of one-of neighbors
if native = [ native ] of one-of neighbors
[set a 1]
if language = [ language ] of one-of neighbors
[set b 1]
if income = [ income ] of one-of neighbors
[set c 1]
if maritalstatus = [ maritalstatus ] of one-of neighbors
[set d 1]
] set p a + b + c + d
if p >= 50 [set d1 d1 + 1]
neighbors is a patch variable, not a turtle variable. So, the turtles in your model use the primitive neighbors, they are querying an agentset of patches when they want to query an agentset of turtles. There are several ways for turtles to evaluate nearby turtles, such in-radius or in-cone, but in this case if you're wanting the turtles that are specifically on the patches directly adjacent, you could use the other, turtles-on, and neighbors primitives to get what you're looking for. For a simple example, have a look at this toy model:
to setup
ask n-of 300 patches [
sprout 1 [
set color one-of [ red blue ]
to go
ask turtles [
; Make an agent-set of turtles on neighboring patches
let nearby-turtles other turtles-on neighbors
; If there are any turtles on neighboring patches,
; assume the color from one of them.
if any? nearby-turtles [
set color [color] of one-of nearby-turtles
Check out the dictionary definitions for other, turtles-on, and neighbors for more information.
I am doing boarding processes model with anti-Covid measures. I would like to know if any of you could help me.
I would like to enforce that the minimum distance between turtles will be 4 patches.
I would like to identify if there is an interference, that is, that a previous turtle occupies a seat that prevents a new agent from passing through.
I don't know how to insert this in my code:
to go
; stop when all the pessengers have found a seat
if not any? turtles with [seated? = false]
set counter counter + 1
(foreach (sort turtles with [seated? = false] ) [a ->
ask a [
; check if we have reached the correct row of seats
ifelse [seat-row] of patch-at 1 -1 = assigned-seat-row
; only seat the passenger if he/she has stored the luggage OR if we don't take luggages into account
ifelse luggage-store-ticks = 0 or storing-luggage-takes-time = false
let seat patch-at 1 -1
set xcor [pxcor] of seat
set ycor assigned-seat-number
set seated? true
set luggage-store-ticks luggage-store-ticks - 1
let passenger-ahead one-of turtles-on patch-ahead 1
ifelse passenger-ahead != nobody
set speed [speed] of passenger-ahead
if xcor != airplane-door-x-cor
[fd speed]
set speed default-speed
fd speed
You could extend your existing patch-ahead 1 to also look at the patches 2, 3 and 4 ahead. But I think it would be easiest to use in-cone 5 10 or similar. That will look ahead in a cone shape, 10 degrees on either side of the heading and a distance of 5. So you could do something like:
let potential-blockers turtles in-cone 5 10
let blocker min-one-of potential-blockers [distance myself]
That should (not tested) find the closest turtle approximately in front and name it "blocker" so that you can do things like check if it's far enough away, match speed (see the basic traffic model in the NetLogo models library)
I would like a turtle to go to the closest patches with most turtles if a threshold of a given variable is met for 5 ticks.
My code is:
to move
let count-tick 5
if var >= 9.5 [
set count-tick count-tick - 1
if count-tick = 0 [
ask turtle [
let nearest-group min-one-of (patches with [sum turtles >= 3] in-radius 3 ) [ distance myself ]
move-to nearest-group ;; go to the biggest crowd near you
ask turtle [ ;; once there do the following
set shape "star"
set color red
The issue I have is that a) I am unsure how to say the patch with >= 3 turtles closest to you at the given range of 3 (attempted code above) and b) how to say once there, change your shape.
Revised to keep a permanent variable to track whether the variable is high enough 5 times in a row.
[ count-tick
; wherever you create the turtles, you need to `set count-tick 5`
to move
ifelse var >= 9.5
[ set count-tick count-tick - 1 ]
[ set count-tick 5 ]
if count-tick = 0
[ let nearest-group min-one-of (patches with [count turtles >= 3] in-radius 3 ) [ distance myself ]
move-to nearest-group ;; go to the biggest crowd near you
set shape "star"
set color red
First, you are already within an ask turtles code block from the procedure calling this move procedure. So you don't need the additional ask turtles. Look up ask in the NetLogo Dictionary, it iterates through the turtles, running all the code for each turtle in turn.
Second, you need count turtles rather than sum turtles as sum is to add up values.
Note that there is no error checking in this, you may have problems if there are no patches within radius of 3 that have at least 3 turtles.
I want to extract a node with highest degree centrality from the network. I don't want to extract a node with max links only. I want to extract the node along with the nodes adjacent to it.
Below is the code. In this code, I have loaded a network using nw extensions.
extensions [nw]
turtles-own [ explored? ]
to setup
crt 25
ask turtles [fd random 15]
to load-graph
let filename user-file
if (filename != false) [
nw:load-graphml filename [
set shape "circle"
set size 1
nw:set-context turtles links
to extract_deg
let n turtles with [my-links = max [count link-neighbors] of turtles]
ask n [show other turtles network:in-link-radius 1 turtles]
to layout
ask turtles [ set size sqrt count my-links ]
layout-spring turtles links 0.5 2 1
ask turtles [
facexy 0 0
fd (distancexy 0 0) / 100 ]
The code below will choose one of the nodes with largest degree (just remove one-of if you want all of them), turn it red and make its network neighbours green.
You don't need the expression [my-links = max [count link-neighbors] of turtles], standard NetLogo includes the very useful with-max primitive. However, I think your construction would have worked if you had counted my-links (like let n turtles with [count my-links = max [count link-neighbors] of turtles]). Then you have some syntax errors in the next line (the extension is nw and you don't need the turtles.
to extract_deg
let maxk-set one-of turtles with-max [count my-links]
ask maxk-set
[ set color red
ask other nw:turtles-in-radius 1 [set color green]