can a site hosted on use an external mongoDB? - deployment

I don't think they can, and a quick check with
MONGO_URL=mongodb://XXX meteor deploy
seems to spin up a new database. if anyone can confirm if this is not possible, or if there's some other method... thanks!


What are the APIs heroku uses to manage postgres DB?

How the Heroku CLI tool manages DBs. What are the APIs they use? The tasks I am trying to do from the app are create/delete a postgres DB, create a dump, and import a dump using python code and not from the console or cli.
There is no publicly defined API for the Heroku Data products, unfortunately. That said, in my experience, the paths are fairly stable and can mostly be reasoned out. This CLI plugin might give you a head start on trying to work out the routes you'd need to hit in order to achieve your goals.

Is there a way to host an app that uses MongoDB Atlas on Heroku without paying for an addon?

I am in the process of teaching myself deployment to Heroku, and trying to host a simple MERN stack application to Heroku. So far, every tutorial I've worked on (at least four so far) has told me to use the addon mLab, which is 1) being depricated and 2) currently requires payment.
I've also now tried to use object Rocket which also requires a monthly payment. Is it possible to connect my Heroku app to MongoDB without payment? Perhaps without an add-on? I'm looking to turn around and teach others how to deploy their applications to Heroku, but if there is payment involved, that would be a real issue.
Edit: just to clarify, I am aware that MongoDB atlas is free, but what I'm not aware of, is way to connect Atlas to my Heroku app in a way that is free.
Use the Atlas free tier. No addons are needed.
To connect to your MongoDB Atlas db is best achieved using Mongoose - a node module - at least that is what I am doing with my recently created React/Atlas application. Mongoose is available for Angular as well and makes working with Atlas very easy. A google search will provide many tutorials, I'm sure.

pythonanywhere with mlab(mongoDB)

when I try to connect to my application deploy at Pythonanywhere database does not working, its seems that he can't reach to him.
when I am using my computer and run the app all seems to be perfect.
any one any ideas?
Thanks very much.
Hey after checking out I found that pythonanywhere required paid plan in order to use mlab services, or others services.

Best Meteor Host and Full Details

Could any one tell me the detail for Meteor Deployment A-Z. I know about mupx and I've deployed client's Meteor apps to server. But i wanna know about A-Z detail for which server hosting is best for it and how to use it? And what about mongodb? We use local in development. What when we deploy it? What is the limit of it?
Meteor best hosting platform is HEROKU. And Best build package is Meteor Buildpack
And database usage you can integrate mLab in heroku dashboard. Many packages are available depending on your data usage.

Deploying Meteor App to own server

I have a completed meteor project and is currently deployed on the meteor website. I would like to move it to my own website, which is currently hosted by GoDaddy.
How do I install Node and Mongo on my server (linux) and then run my meteor project? I received ssh access to my server, so I assume I can do this, but I'm just not sure how.
So how exactly do I proceed?
Additional Info:
I'm not exactly sure what of linux it is. On GoDaddy, it simply says linux.
When I ssh, it shows me:
Also, I having my website simply show the webpage would work too. An explanation on how to do this would work.
Discover Meteor has a chapter on deployment which helps to answer this question. For ubuntu-based servers they recommend meteor-up. I haven't used it, but it's probably worth checking out. Previous versions of the book recommended meteoric.
I wrote my own set of bash scripts using a few ideas from meteoric, but I already had a lot of experience doing deployment scripting. Frankly there's nothing quite like figuring it all out yourself, but doing sysadmin tasks doesn't appeal to everyone and it can be hard to pick up in a hurry.