CSS Template Selector for generic id - dom

I have multiple tables in my file and I want to search only those tables that have id = table-<SOME_VALUE>
for specific id(table) I am using
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(content);
Elements tableRows = doc.select("#table");
Please suggest me if there is any option to find all those tables that starts with 'table-'.

Here is the code for my problem
Reference Link:


typoscript data and where

col2.10.data = DB:pages:{$plugin.mx_esyswebsite.settings.navigation.footerSecondColEntry}:title reads the title from the record with the uid $plugin.mx_esyswebsite.settings.navigation.footerSecondColEntry from the pages table.
Now I need for english the value from the table pages_language_overlay. But here there must be a where clause instead of the uid:
where pid = $plugin.mx_esyswebsite.settings.navigation.footerSecondColEntry
How can I do this?
col1.10.data = DB:pages_language_overlay:???{$plugin.tx_esyswebsite.settings.navigation.footerFirstColEntry}:title
When you use the RECORDS object TYPO3 will handle the language overlay automatically. Documentation is here: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/ContentObjects/Records/Index.html

How to search across all the fields?

In Lucene, we can use TermQuery to search a text with a field. I am wondering how to search a keyword across a bunch of fields or all the searchable fields?
Another approach, which doesn't require to index anything more than what you already have, nor to combine different queries, is using the MultiFieldQueryParser.
You can provide a list of fields where you want to search on and your query, that's all.
MultiFieldQueryParser queryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(
new String[]{"title", "content", "description"},
new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_41));
Query query = queryParser.parse("here goes your query");
This is how I would do it with the original lucene library written in Java. I'm not sure whether the MultiFieldQueryParser is available in lucene.net too.
Two approaches
1) Index-time approach: Use a catch-all field. This is nothing but appending all the text from all the fields (total text from your input doc) and place that resulting huge text in a single field. You've to add an additional field while indexing to act as a catch-all field.
2) Search-time approach: Use a BooleanQuery to combine multiple queries, for example TermQuery instances. Those multiple queries can be formed to cover all the target fields.
Example check at the end of the article.
Use approach 2 if you know the target-field list at runtime. Otherwise, you've got to use the 1st approach.
Another easy approach to search across all fields using "MultifieldQueryParser" is use IndexReader.FieldOption.ALL in your query.
Here is example in c#.
Directory directory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(VirtualIndexPath)));
//get analyzer
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_29);
//get index reader and searcher
IndexReader indexReader__1 = IndexReader.Open(directory, true);
Searcher indexSearch = new IndexSearcher(indexReader__1);
//add all possible fileds in multifieldqueryparser using indexreader getFieldNames method
var queryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_29, indexReader__1.GetFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption.ALL).ToArray(), analyzer);
var query = queryParser.Parse(Criteria);
TopDocs resultDocs = null;
//perform search
resultDocs = indexSearch.Search(query, indexReader__1.MaxDoc());
var hits = resultDocs.scoreDocs;
click here to check out my pervious answer to same quesiton in vb.net

Web2py - Multiple tables read-only form

I've searched around the web for a way to achieve this, and found multiple solutions. Most of them had messy code, all of them drawbacks. Some ideas involved setting default values of all the db fields based on a record. Others worked by appending multiple SQLFORMs, which resulted in differences in indentation on the page (because it's 2 HTML tables in 1 form).
I'm looking for a compact and elegant way of providing a read-only representation of a record based on a join on two tables. Surely there must be some simple way to achieve this, right? The Web2py book only contains an example of an insert-form. It's this kind of neat solution I am looking for.
In the future I will probably need multi-table forms that provide update functionality as well, but for now I'll be happy if I can get a simple read-only form for a record.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
This seems to work for me:
def test():
fields = [db.tableA[field] for field in db.tableA.keys() \
if type(db.tableA[field]) == type(db.tableA.some_field)]
fields += [db.tableB[field] for field in db.tableB.keys() \
if type(db.tableB[field]) == type(db.tableB.some_field)]
ff = []
for field in fields:
ff.append(Field(field.name, field.type))
form = SQLFORM.factory(*ff, readonly=True)
return dict(form=form)
You could add in field.required, field.requires validtaors, etc. And also, since you're using SQLFORM.factory, you should be able to validate it and to updates/inserts. Just make sure that the form you are building using this method contains all of the necessary information to validate the form for update -- I believe you can add them easily to the Field instantiation above.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and you need to get the values of the record in question to pre-populate the form based on a record id (after form is defined)... also.. I just realized that instead of those list comprehensions, you can just use SQLFORM.factory and provide the two tables:
def test():
form = SQLFORM.factory(db.tableA, db.tableB, readonly=True)
record = ... (query for your record, probably based on an id in request.args(0))
for field in record.keys():
if (*test if this really is a field*):
form.vars[field] = record[field]
return dict(form=form)
Some tweaking will be required since I only provided psuedo-code for the pre-population... but look at: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/7#Pre-populating-the-form and the SQLFORM/SQLFORM.factory sections.

wordpress 3.2.1 database query

i am trying to make a simple selection in a wordpress table (created by a plugin). the table is named reduceri , and has the following columns: id, post, category.
so, i am trying to take all the category values, when the post is equal to the current post id.
the way i am doing the query is:
$the_query = "
SELECT $wpdb->reduceri.category
FROM $wpdb->reduceri
WHERE $wpdb->reduceri.post = ".$post_id."
$my_reduceri = $wpdb->get_results($the_query);
but when i var_dump the $my_reduceri all i get is an empty array: array(0) { } even though there should actually be some results... any idea where i am wrong (in the query)?
thank you
Did you declared global $wpdb; before using this query?

Zend GData Spreadsheet WorksheetID

What is the $worksheetId from the Zend GData documentation supposed to be?
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery();
$query->setSpreadsheetQuery('name=John and age>25');
$listFeed = $spreadsheetService->getListFeed($query);
The documentation uses that $worksheetId several times, but I can't seem to see where to get that from a spreadsheet.
If you don't know the worksheet identifiers, you have to perform a first query to retrieve the worksheets metafeed for your spreadsheet:
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_DocumentQuery();
$feed = $spreadsheetService->getWorksheetFeed($query);
Then, you iterate $feed->entries and each entry will represent a worksheet and have an identifier.
The $worksheetId is the worksheet identifier.
Worksheets have a gid identifier (1,2,....) that you can see directly in the url of the document when is opened.
Unfortunately you can't access to them through API with that id.
Use instead the codes that you find in the following discussion:
Worksheet GIDs