play framework plugin not working in intellij 13.1 ultimate - plugins

I am using intellij idea 13.1 ultimate and play support is added in my settings -> plugin option as shown in the figure below
but intellij still showing the errors for play functions and classes .I am also not able to run play from intellij.
Any help would be appreciated.


Cannot select the scala sdk when using Intellij after installed the scala plugin

Everyone, thanks for your attention.
I'm using Intellij IDEA 2017.2 in windows 7, with Scala plugin installed.(I downloaded directly from the web and installed it from local disk.)
But when I wanna to add Scala sdk through "Project Structure-Global Libraries" , I clicked the menu "Scala sdk" which is shown in the picture below, it didn't appear by the popup window as expected, i.e, it didn't present anything.
So I cannot select the Scala sdk.
the picture describes the scenario
What should I do to make it work in Intellij? My scala version is 2.12.2.
Any advices will be appreciated.
Thanks for viewed and replied.I have found the problem.
It's wired. After I created a new project, I added scala sdk successfully within this project's structure.
I had the same issue with the Scala SDK selection doing nothing. (IntelliJ CE 2018.1 on macOS 10.13.2). To change my version of Scala (in this case going from 2.12 to 2.11 for Spark support), I deleted the 2.12 SDK from Global Libraries and noticed that IntelliJ could still build/run the project. So I changed the symlink it was reading the Scala library from to point to a 2.11 install. After restart IntelliJ still has no Scala SDK under Global Libraries and the button to add it still doesn't work, but it is using 2.11 which is all I needed.
I also tried Jimmy Liu's fix of creating a new Scala project but it didn't seem to have an effect.

Building a Play 2.6 project from IntelliJ builds nothing

I'm running my head into the ground trying to create a new "hello-world" level blank Play 2.6 project. I have successfully opened and run one of their example starter projects from the Play site in IntelliJ, and it works without issue.
However when creating my own I follow all the steps:
New project -> Play 2.x -> Setup as pictured:
And about 10 seconds later, this is all I get:
From my understanding, the whole structure should be available and displaying to me.
I don't know if it matters, but my Scala version is 2.12.1 and my IntelliJ version is the full version 2017.1 . I checked and the Playframework Support plugin is enabled, and so is Scala.
I'm also open to creating a "blank" one in SBT and then importing it into Scala, but unsure of how to do that either.
Thanks for the help.
Refresh your IDE, the latest Intellij IDEA version (2017.2) with up to date plugins creates a new Play 2.x project without a problem.

Play framework support in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

I installed IDEA version 15 with the Scala plugin, but Play projects are enabled only in the Ultimate edition. I'm new to Scala and Play, any issues if I run Play outside of IDEA? Would Play "hot deploy" any changes I make in scala source code?
Just open it as an SBT project and it's fine.
This is how it works: (1) create a project using play/activator, (2) open IntelliJ and import as SBT project (accept all defaults), (3) run the project in a command line (externally to IntelliJ), (4) edit project source files in IntelliJ - when you update a file, it is automatically compiled (you can see that refreshing the url localhost:9000)
Play works great outside of IntelliJ. I have developed play applications using Sublime Text and Atom. You'll get the errors in the console, or in the web application itself.
There's also a NetBeans plugin now (, and the official ScalaIDE should also support it (although I've never tried using it).

Why does IDEA mark certain parts of Play code red?

I'm pretty new to the Play framework. I've been trying to configure it so I can use it with IntelliJ Ultimate.
I use following:
IntelliJ Ultimate 14.03
Scala plugin for IntelliJ 1.2.1
Play Framework 2.3.7 (the one that works online 1,2MB)
Scala 2.11
JDK 1.7
Windows 7
My problem is all about the fact that i can't make the errors disappear. Below is a simple example. When I create something more complicated (mapping etc.) I get entire blocks of red (also it does not suggest any code for the more complicated code).
What I've tried to fix it:
- deleting .idea folder and generating it again
- cleaning sbt
- generating a Play app from inside activator and also from IntelliJ
- re-installing IntelliJ
This is how I create the app from inside IntelliJ
I'm new both to Scala and Play, but I've done some research and I didn't end up with working solution. The same project works on Eclipse, but I would like to stick with IntelliJ.
The Scala plugin 1.2.1 is fairly outdated (given the development stage/pace of the Scala support in IntelliJ IDEA).
As of today, Jan, 29th, you should really be using the latest version of the Scala plugin 1.3.

Play2 project in Intellij 12

Can someone explain me how to import your idea project for Play2 support on Intellij 12?
I've just bought the upgrade from version 10 to 12. It used to work fine with Intellij 10 (with scala support only). When using play idea and importing the project on Intellij 12 it doesn't seem to work, there is no more highlighting, even in scala files that were actually working with version 10.
It seems I'm not the only one to have troubles with Play2 support in Intellij 12 so if someone can help it would be nice :)
Please check that you have installed Scala and Play 2.0 Support plug-ins from the repository.
Then check that .scala extension is assigned to Scala Files in Settings | File Types.
See also these links:
Getting Started with Play 2.0 in IntelliJ IDEA 12
Play Framework 2.0 Tutorial
Well, importing an existing Play 2 project with IntelliJ is still not very easy, even with the new Play plug-in.
Upvote this issue to get a nice Import utility for your existing Play 2 projects.