Passing records to ffi - fay

When I pass a record to javascript, it works:
data Record = Record {
elem :: String
doSomethingForeign :: Record -> Fay ()
doSomethingForeign = ffi " callJsFun(%1) "
But when the function is not monomorphical, the record is not evaluated, one needs to do it manually:
class Passable a
instance Passable Record
instance Passable Text
doSomethingForeign' :: (Passable a) => a -> Fay ()
doSomethingForeign' = ffi " callJsFun(Fay$$_(%1)) "
This is the simple case, when the extra typing of Fay$$_ isn't that annoying, but if I pass more complex structures with type parameters to js, then adding just Fay$$_ won't solve it. I'd like to know the rule, when the evaluation to native js types is applied and where not.

The thunks will remain and type conversions won't happen if you have a type variable or Ptr X in the FFI, in contrast to a concrete type or Automatic a where the opposite applies.
I think what you want here is :: Passable a => Automatic a -> Fay () to force any thunks. It should be equivalent to separating this into two functions with a monomorphic argument. Using Automatic with a foreign type such as Text will only force the thunk and not do any type conversions.


Unwrap Maybe values from nested records

I have a series of nested records of config information in PureScript that I want to pass to a JavaScript function. These records predominantly consist of Maybe-typed values. Is there a way I can serialize this to JavaScript objects which omit the Nothing-valued methods and unwrap the Just-valued methods?
I've taken a shot at writing this in JavaScript using semi-hacky instanceof checks, but it's been very painful, e.g. because there is no easy way to stop the recursion (I can't differentiate my records from random other JavaScript objects). Is there a better way?
One option is to use the purescript-nullable package. You can turn Maybe values into Nullable values using toNullable :: forall a. Maybe a -> Nullable a. The resulting runtime representation is appropriate for passing to JavaScript functions, since toNullable (Just value) becomes value during runtime and toNullable Nothing becomes null during runtime.
Another option is to use the purescript-simple-json package. You can use the write :: forall a. WriteForeign a => a -> Foreign function to turn a record with Maybe values into a record where Just value is replaced with value and Nothing is replaced with undefined. This approach should more straightforward for your use case of nested records with Maybe values.
You can use genericEncodeJson from Data.Argonaut and set the omitNothingFields flag to true. This flag does exactly what you expect.
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (logShow)
import Data.Argonaut.Generic.Aeson (options)
import Data.Argonaut.Generic.Encode (Options(..), genericEncodeJson)
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
data TheRecord = TheRecord { a :: Maybe Int, b :: Maybe String, c :: String }
derive instance gRecord :: Generic TheRecord
main =
-- Prints {"c":"Always here","a":42}
logShow $ genericEncodeJson (Options o { omitNothingFields = true }) rec
rec = TheRecord { a: Just 42, b: Nothing, c: "Always here" }
Options o = options

Why does passing some functions in scala require _

Getting to know scala better, I came across a behaviour I cannot explain.
The below code works fine:
def triple(x: Double) = 3 * x
However, If I call the scala ceil function in math library then I will need to pass an _ for it to work
def valueAtOneQuarter(f: (Double)=> Double) = f(0.25)
valueAtOneQuarter(sqrt _)
What is special about the _ in this context from the function call in the earlier piece of code.
The underscore is actually expanded to a function.
So sqrt _ gets turned into the function a => sqrt(a).
You will notice that this expanded function matches the parameter type f of the valueatonequarter method.
In more general terms, the underscore is sometimes needed to flag to the compiler to turn the method (a method is declared using def) into a function (methods and functions are similar but not the same thing). The compiler will attempt to automatically convert the method to a function for you but in some cases it needs additional pointers (like an explicit type declaration or _). See here for a full explanation of eta expansion and partial functions:
A method and a function are not the same in Scala.
You define a method this way:
def method(x:Double):Double = ...
But you define a function using this way:
val func = (x: Double):Double => {...}
when you pass a function as a parameter to a method it must be a function, but not a method.
So you must use underscore to make a function from a method.
Sometimes Scala uses “Eta Expansion” capability to automatically convert the method into a function. But in some cases you must do it manually
Answering since the existing answers don't really explain when _ is needed, just "sometimes" or "in some cases".
A very important concept to understand in Scala is expected type. In your first example the expected type for argument of map is Double => B with some unknown B; in the second it's Double => Double. When the expected type is a function type and a method name is passed, it'll be automatically converted to a function. So, as comments say, the second example works without _. It's only necessary where there is no expected type, say
val f = sqrt _
There can also be issues when the method is overloaded, but there just adding _ generally won't work either; instead, you'll specify the argument type to show which method is used, e.g. max(_: Int, _: Int) or max(_: Double, _: Double).
Thanks seems _ has different meaning in different context in scala
Yes, quite a few: What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

Pattern matching on List[T] and Set[T] in Scala vs. Haskell: effects of type erasure

Would the Haskell equivalent of the code below produce correct answers?
Can this Scala code be fixed to produce correct answers ? If yes, how ?
object TypeErasurePatternMatchQuestion extends App {
val li=List(1,2,3)
val ls=List("1","2","3")
val si=Set(1,2,3)
val ss=Set("1","2","3")
def whatIsIt(o:Any)=o match{
case o:List[Int] => "List[Int]"
case o:List[String] => "List[String]"
case o:Set[Int] => "Set[Int]"
case o:Set[String] => "Set[String]"
but I would expect it to print:
You must understand that by saying o:Any you erase all the specific information about the type and further on the type Any is all that the compiler knows about value o. That's why from that point on you can only rely on the runtime information about the type.
The case-expressions like case o:List[Int] are resolved using the JVM's special instanceof runtime mechanism. However the buggy behaviour you experience is caused by this mechanism only taking the first-rank type into account (the List in List[Int]) and ignoring the parameters (the Int in List[Int]). That's why it treats List[Int] as equal to List[String]. This issue is known as "Generics Erasure".
Haskell on the other hand performs a complete type erasure, which is well explained in the answer by Ben.
So the problem in both languages is the same: we need to provide a runtime information about the type and its parameters.
In Scala you can achieve that using the "reflection" library, which resolves that information implicitly:
import reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
def whatIsIt[T](o : T)(implicit t : ru.TypeTag[T]) =
if( t.tpe <:< ru.typeOf[List[Int]] )
else if ( t.tpe <:< ru.typeOf[List[String]] )
else if ( t.tpe <:< ru.typeOf[Set[Int]] )
else if ( t.tpe <:< ru.typeOf[Set[String]] )
else sys.error("Unexpected type")
Haskell has a very different approach to polymorphism. Above all, it does not have subtype polymorphism (it's not a weakness though), that's why the type-switching pattern matches as in your example are simply irrelevant. However it is possible to translate the Scala solution from above into Haskell quite closely:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Set
whatIsIt :: Dynamic -> String
whatIsIt a =
if | Just (_ :: [Int]) <- fromDynamic a -> "[Int]"
| Just (_ :: [String]) <- fromDynamic a -> "[String]"
| Just (_ :: Set Int) <- fromDynamic a -> "Set Int"
| Just (_ :: Set String) <- fromDynamic a -> "Set String"
| otherwise -> error "Unexpected type"
main = do
putStrLn $ whatIsIt $ toDyn ([1, 2, 3] :: [Int])
putStrLn $ whatIsIt $ toDyn (["1", "2", "3"] :: [String])
putStrLn $ whatIsIt $ toDyn (Data.Set.fromList ["1", "2", "3"] :: Set String)
Set String
However I must outline boldly that this is far from a typical scenario of Haskell programming. The language's type-system is powerful enough to solve extremely intricate problems while maintaining all the type-level information (and safety). Dynamic is only used in very special cases in low-level libraries.
GHC does even more type erasure than the JVM; at runtime the types are completely gone (not just the type parameters).
Haskell's approach to types is to use them at compile time to guarantee that no ill-typed operation can ever be carried out, and since Haskell doesn't have OO-style subtyping and dynamic dispatch, there's no purpose at all to keeping the types around. So data is compiled to a memory structure that simply contains the right values, and functions are compiled with baked-in knowledge of the structure of the types on which they operate1, and just blindly expect their arguments to have that structure. That's why you get fun things like segmentation faults if you mess with unsafeCoerce incorrectly, not just a runtime exception saying the value was not of the expected type; at runtime Haskell has no idea whether a value is of any given type.
So rather than Haskell giving "the right answer" to the equivalent program, Haskell disallows your program as unsafe! There is no Any type in Haskell to which you can cast whatever you want.
That's not 100% true; in both Haskell and Scala there are ways of keeping type information alive at runtime. Essentially it's done by creating ordinary data structures that represent types, and passing them around together values that are of those types, so at runtime you can refer to the type representation object for information about the type of the other object. There are library and language facilities in both languages to let you use this mechanism at a higher (and more principled) level, so that it's easier to use safely. Because it requires the type tokens to be passed around, you have to "opt-in" to such features, and your callers have to be aware of it to pass you the required type tokens (whether the actual generation and passing of the token is done implicitly or explicitly).
Without using such features, Haskell provides no way to pattern match on a value that could be of type List Int or Set String to find out which one it is. Either you're using a monomorphic type, in which case it can only be one type and the others will be rejected, or you're using a polymorphic type, in which case you can only apply code to it that will do the same thing2 regardless of which concrete type instantiates the polymorphic type.
1 Except for polymorphic functions, which assume nothing about their polymorphic arguments, and so can basically do nothing with them except pass them to other polymorphic functions (with matching type class constraints, if any).
2 Type class constrained polymorphic types are the only exception to this. Even then, if you've got a value a type that's a member of some type class, all you can do with it is pass it to other functions that accept values in any type that is a member of that type class. And if those functions are general functions defined outside of the type class in question, they'll be under the same restriction. It's only the type class methods themselves that can actually "do something different" for different types in the class, and that's because they are the union of a whole bunch of monomorphic definitions that operate on one particular type in the class. You can't write code that gets to take a polymorphic value, inspect it to see what it was instantiated with, and then decide what to do.
Of course Haskell prints the right answer:
import Data.Set
import Data.Typeable
main = do
let li=[1,2,3]
let ls=["1","2","3"]
let si=Data.Set.fromList[1,2,3]
let ss=Data.Set.fromList["1","2","3"]
print $ typeOf li
print $ typeOf ls
print $ typeOf si
print $ typeOf ss
Set Integer
Set [Char]

Scala parameters pattern (Spray routing example)

Sorry about the vague title...wasn't sure how to characterize this.
I've seen/used a certain code construction in Scala for some time but I don't know how it works. It looks like this (example from Spray routing):
path( "foo" / Segment / Segment ) { (a,b) => { // <-- What's this style with a,b?
In this example, the Segements in the path are bound to a and b respectively inside the associated block. I know how to use this pattern but how does it work? Why didn't it bind something to "foo"?
I'm not so interested in how spray works for my purpose here, but what facility of Scala is this, and how would I write my own?
This code is from a class that extends Directives. So all methods of Directives are in scope.
There is no method / in String, so an implicit conversion is used to convert String to PathMatcher0 (PathMatcher[HNil]) with method /.
Method / takes a PathMatcher and returns a PathMatcher.
Segment is a PathMatcher1[String] (PathMatcher[String :: HNil]).
Method / of PathMatcher[HNil] with PathMatcher[String :: HNil] parameter returns a PathMatcher[String :: HNil].
Method / of PathMatcher[String :: HNil] with PathMatcher[String :: HNil] parameter returns a PathMatcher[String :: String :: HNil]. It's black magic from shapeless. See heterogenous lists concatenation; it is worth reading.
So you are calling method path with PathMatcher[String :: String :: HNil] as a parameter. It returns a Directive[String :: String :: HNil].
Then you are calling method apply on Directive with Function2[?, ?, ?] ((a, b) => ..) as a parameter. There is an appropriate implicit conversion (see black magic) for every Directive[A :: B :: C ...] that creates an object with method apply((a: A, b: B, c: C ...) => Route).
PathMatcher contains rules for path parsing. It returns its result as an HList.
The "foo" matcher matches a String and ignores it (returns HNil).
The A / B matcher combines 2 matchers (A and B) separated by a "/" string. It concatenates the results of A and B using HList concatenation.
The Segment matcher matches a path segment and returns it as a String :: HNil.
So "foo" / Segment / Segment matches a path of 3 segments, ignores the first one and returns the remaining segments as String :: String :: HNil.
Then black magic allows you to use Function2[String, String, Route] ((String, String) => Route) to process String :: String :: HNil. Without such magic you would have to use the method like this: {case a :: b :: HNil => ...}.
Black magic
As #AlexIv noted:
There is an implicit conversion pimpApply for every Directive[A :: B :: C ...] that creates an object with method apply((a: A, b: B, c: C ...) => Route).
It accepts ApplyConverter implicitly. Type member In of ApplyConverter represents an appropriate function (A, B, C ...) => Route for every Directive[A :: B :: C ...].
There is no way to create such implicit values without macros or boilerplate code. So sbt-boilerplate is used for ApplyConverter generation. See ApplyConverterInstances.scala.
Senia's answer is helpful in understanding the Spray-routing directives and how they use HLists to do their work. But I get the impression you were really just interested in the Scala constructs used in
path( "foo" / Segment / Segment ) { (a,b) => ... }
It sounds as though you are interpreting this as special Scala syntax that in some way connects those two Segment instances to a and b. That is not the case at all.
path( "foo" / Segment / Segment )
is just an ordinary call to path with a single argument, an expression involving two calls to a / method. Nothing fancy, just an ordinary method invocation.
The result of that call is a function which wants another function -- the thing you want to happen when a matching request comes in -- as an argument. That's what this part is:
{ (a,b) => ... }
It's just a function with two arguments. The first part (the invocation of path) and the second part (what you want done when a matching message is received) are not syntactically connected in any way. They are completely separate to Scala. However, Spray's semantics connects them: the first part creates a function that will call the second part when a matching message is received.
Some additional note to senia answer, which is really good.
When you write something like this:
path("foo" / Segment / Segment) { (a,b) => {...} }
you are calling apply method on Directive like senia wrote, but there is no apply method in Directive, so spray is using implicit conversion to happly method. As you can pimpApply is implemented with typeclass pattern ApplyConverter, which is defined only for Directive0 by default. As you can see it's companion object extends ApplyConverterInstances, which is generated with sbt-bolierplate plugin
Why don't you look into source?
As for me, it could be implemented as follows
method path takes arbitrary type parameter, some pattern-object of that type and a function from that type:
def path[T](pattern:Pattern[T])(function:Function[T, `some other type like unit or any`])
the pattern is constructed with two tricks.
The String is either "pimped" to have method / or has an implicit convertion to Pattern[Nothing]
the Pattern[T] has method / that constructs another pattern with some new type. The method takes single argument (some ancestor of Segment). I guess — Pattern[T2]:
trait Pattern[T] {
def `/`[T2](otherPattern:Pattern[T2]):Pattern[(T,T2)]
So the first argument of path allows to determine the constructed type of pattern as being the pair. Thus we get proper type for the second argument.
The actual matching work is done inside path. I thought it was out of the questions scope.

About Scala's assignments and setter methods

Edit: The bug which prompted this question has now been fixed.
In the Scala Reference, I can read (p. 86):
The interpretation of an assignment to
a simple variable x = e depends on the
definition of x. If x denotes a
mutable variable, then the assignment
changes the current value of x to be
the result of evaluating the
expression e. The type of e is
expected to conform to the type of x.
If x is a parameterless function
defined in some template, and the same
template contains a setter function
x_= as member, then the assignment x =
e is interpreted as the invocation
x_=(e) of that setter function.
Analogously, an assignment f .x = e to
a parameterless function x is
interpreted as the invocation f.x_=(e).
So, for instance, something like this works fine:
class A {
private var _a = 0
def a = _a
def a_=(a: Int) = _a = a
I can then write
val a = new A
a.a = 10
But if I define the class like this, adding a type parameter to method a:
class A {
private var _a = 0
def a[T] = _a
def a_=(a: Int) = _a = a
then it doesn't work any more; I get an error: reassignment to val if I write a.a = 10. Funny enough, it still works with no type parameter and an implicit parameter list, for instance.
Arguably, in this example, the type parameter is not very useful, but in the design of DSLs, it would be great to have the setter method called even if the getter has type parameters (and by the way, adding type parameters on the setter is allowed and works fine).
So I have three questions:
Is there a workaround?
Should the current behavior be considered a bug?
Why does the compiler enforce a getter method to allow using the syntactic sugar for the setter?
Here's what I'm really trying to do. It's rather long, sorry, I meant to avoid it but I realized it was more confusing to omit it.
I'm designing GUIs with SWT in Scala, and having huge fun using Dave Orme's XScalaWT, which immensely reduces the amount of needed code. Here's an example from his blog post on how to create an SWT Composite that converts °C to °F degrees:
var fahrenheit: Text = null
var celsius: Text = null
_.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, true)),
text(fahrenheit = _),
text(celsius = _),
"Fahrenheit => Celsius",
{e : SelectionEvent => celcius.setText((5.0/9.0) * (fahrenheit - 32)) }
"Celsius -> Fahrenheit",
{e : SelectionEvent => fahrenheit.setText((9.0/5.0) * celsius + 32) })
The argument to each of the widget-constructing methods is of type (WidgetType => Any)*, with a few useful implicit conversions, which for instance allow to directly specify a string for widgets that have a setText() method. All constructor functions are imported from a singleton object.
In the end, I'd like to be able to write something along these lines:
val fieldEditable = new WritableValue // observable value
editable <=> fieldEditable,
editable = false
caption = "Editable",
selection <=> fieldEditable
This would bind the editable property of the textfield to the selection of the checkbox through the WritableValue variable.
First: named arguments are not applicable here, so the line editable = false has to come from somewhere. So, along the widget-constructing methods in the singleton object, I could write, conceptually,
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
... but this works only if the getter is also present. Great: I'd need the getter anyway in order to implement databinding with <=>. Something like this:
def editable[T <: HasEditable] = new BindingMaker((widget: T) => SWTObservables.observeEditable(widget))
If this worked, life would be good because I can then define <=> in BindingMaker and I can use this nice syntax. But alas, the type parameter on the getter breaks the setter. Hence my original question: why would this simple type parameter affect whether the compiler decides to go ahead with the syntactic sugar for calling the setter?
I hope this makes it a bit clearer now. Thanks for reading…
UPDATE Deleted the entire previous answer in light of new information.
There's a lot of very odd stuff going on here, so I'm going try try and explain my understanding of what you have so far:
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
This is a setter method, and exists purely so that it can give the appearance of beinng a named parameter
in your DSL. It sets nothing and actually returns a Function.
editable <=> fieldEditable,
editable = false
This is calling the textField factory method, with what looks like a named param, but is actually the setter method defined previously.
Amazingly, the approach seems to work, despite my initial concern that the compiler would recognize this as a named parameter and produce a syntax error. I tested it with simple monomorphic (non-generic) methods, though it does require the getter method to be defined for the setter to be seen as such - a fact that you've already noted.
Some amount of "cleverness" is often required in writing a DSL (where it would otherwise be totally forbidden), so it's no surprise that your original intent was unclear. This is perhaps a completely new technique never before seen in Scala. The rules for setter and getter definitions were based on using them as getters and setters, so don't be surprised if things crack a little when you push at the boundaries like this.
It seems the real problem here is the way you're using type params. In this expression:
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
The compiler has no way of inferring a particular T from the supplied argument, so it will take the most general type allowed (HasEditable in this case). You could change this behaviour by explicitly supplying a type param when using the method, but that would seem to defeat the entire point of what you're seeking to achieve.
Given that functions can't be generic (only methods can), I doubt that you even want type bounds at all. So one approach you could try is to just drop them:
def editable_=(value: Boolean) = (subject: HasEditable) => subject.setEditable(value)
def editable = new BindingMaker((widget: HasEditable) => SWTObservables.observeEditable(widget))