closures and withUnsafeBufferPointer() in swift - swift

I'm just trying to get my head around closures in swift.
I want to use the withUnsafeBufferPointer method of an array. In the simplest form, I can do something like this successfully:
var aa:[UInt8] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
var bb = aa.withUnsafeBufferPointer({$0.baseAddress})
I can also do this:
var bb = aa.withUnsafeBufferPointer({pointerVal in pointerVal.baseAddress})
however, I cannot do this without generating an error in xcode:
var bb = aa.withUnsafeBufferPointer({pointerVal in return pointerVal.baseAddress})
"Cannot convert the expression's type '((ST5)->(ST5)->ST4)->((ST5)->ST4)->ST4' to type 'R'
In the first two assignments, the return statement is implied. If I put it in explicitly, things fail. I cannot reconcile this with the documentation from Apple. (see chapter on closures in The Swift Programming Language). I want to put a more complex closure into this, which requires a return statement. What do I have to do in order to accomplish that?

Unless the closure contains only a single expression, you need to the specify parameters and the return type:
var bb = aa.withUnsafeBufferPointer({pointerVal -> UnsafePointer<UInt8> in return pointerVal.baseAddress})
or annotate the variable so that the compiler can infer the type:
var bb : UnsafePointer<UInt8> = aa.withUnsafeBufferPointer({pointerVal in return pointerVal.baseAddress})
But you should use the pointer to the array buffer only inside the closure.
Storing the pointer in a variable like this is unsafe because the array might
be deallocated, the compiler does not know that is is referenced via bb.


Swift 5 storing and passing KeyPaths

Let's say I have the following class:
class User: NSObject {
var name = "Fred"
var age = 24
var email = ""
var married = false
I want to be able to write a generic function that takes in a list of KeyPaths for a known class type, read the values and print to screen. The problem is, the I can't get the following code to compile as the type of the KeyPath's Value is not known, and will be different for each time. What do I have to do to make this work generically?
Consider the following:
struct KeyPathProperties<T> {
var name: String
var relatedKeyPaths: [KeyPath<T, Any>]
extension KeyPath where Root == User {
var properties: KeyPathProperties<Root> {
switch self {
case \
return KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\Root.age, \])
fatalError("Unknown key path")
This line fails to compile:
return KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\Root.age, \])
with this error:
Cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<User, Int>' to expected element type 'KeyPath<User, Any>'
This is what I wish to be able to do, for instance:
let myUser = User()
var keyPathProps = KeyPathProperties(name: "name", relatedKeyPaths: [\User.age, \])
for keyPath in props.relatedKeyPaths {
print("Value: \(myUser[keyPath: keyPath])")
The above won't compile of course. Essentially I want to store keyPaths in an array at runtime, so I can generically at some point in time get values out of the User. I need to know if I can re-write the above in some way where the compiler can safely and correctly determine the type of the keyPath's value at runtime.
This is a conceptual use case for a much more complex architectural issue I'm trying to solve with hopefully less code.
At runtime I wish to keep track of the properties that get modified - these properties are held in a modifiedProps array in each object / instance. At some point at runtime, I wish to be able to enumerate over this array of KeyPaths and print their values like so:
for modifiedKeyPath in self.modifiedProps {
print ("\(self[keyPath: modifiedKeyPath])"
In short - I need to be able to capture the generic type of the KeyPath within KeyPathProperties. How do I achieve this?
SIDE NOTE: I can already easily achieve this by using Swift 3 style string based KeyPaths (by adding #objc to the class properties). I can store an array of keyPaths as strings and later do:
let someKeyPath = #keyPath(
myUser.value(forKeyPath: someKeyPath)
I just cannot do this with Swift 4 KeyPaths generically.
The error tells you what your misconception is:
Cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<User, Int>'
to expected element type 'KeyPath<User, Any>'
You seem to think that you can use a KeyPath<User, Int> where a KeyPath<User, Any> is expected, ostensibly on the grounds that an Int is an Any. But that's not true. These are generic types, and generic types are not covariant — that is, there is no substitution principle for generics based on their parameterized types. The two types are effectively unrelated.
If you need an array of key paths regardless of their parameterized types, you would need an array of PartialKeyPath or AnyKeyPath. It seems that in your use case the root object is the same throughout, so presumably you want PartialKeyPath.

Swift function object wrapper in apple/swift

After reading:
I understood that Swift function pointer is wrapped by swift_func_wrapper and swift_func_object (according to the article in 2014).
I guess this still works in Swift 3, but I couldn't find which file in best describes these structs.
Can anyone help me?
I believe these details are mainly part of the implementation of Swift's IRGen – I don't think you'll find any friendly structs in the source showing you the full structure of various Swift function values. Therefore if you want to do some digging into this, I would recommend examining the IR emitted by the compiler.
You can do this by running the command:
xcrun swiftc -emit-ir main.swift | xcrun swift-demangle > main.irgen
which will emit the IR (with demangled symbols) for a -Onone build. You can find the documentation for LLVM IR here.
The following is some interesting stuff that I've been able to learn from going through the IR myself in a Swift 3.1 build. Note that this is all subject to change in future Swift versions (at least until Swift is ABI stable). It goes without saying that the code examples given below are only for demonstration purposes; and shouldn't ever be used in actual production code.
Thick function values
At a very basic level, function values in Swift are simple things – they're defined in the IR as:
%swift.function = type { i8*, %swift.refcounted* }
which is the raw function pointer i8*, along with a pointer to its context %swift.refcounted*, where %swift.refcounted is defined as:
%swift.refcounted = type { %swift.type*, i32, i32 }
which is the structure of a simple reference-counted object, containing a pointer to the object's metadata, along with two 32 bit values.
These two 32 bit values are used for the reference count of the object. Together , they can either represent (as of Swift 4):
The strong and unowned reference count of the object + some flags, including whether the object uses native Swift reference counting (as opposed to Obj-C reference counting), and whether the object has a side table.
A pointer to a side table, which contains the above, plus the weak reference count of the object (on forming a weak reference to an object, if it doesn't already have a side table, one will be created).
For further reading on the internals of Swift reference counting, Mike Ash has a great blog post on the subject.
The context of a function usually adds extra values onto the end of this %swift.refcounted structure. These values are dynamic things that the function needs upon being called (such as any values that it has captured, or any parameters that it has been partially applied with). In quite a few cases, function values won't need a context, so the pointer to the context will simply be nil.
When the function comes to be called, Swift will simply pass in the context as the last parameter. If the function doesn't have a context parameter, the calling convention appears to allow it to be safely passed anyway.
The storing of the function pointer along with the context pointer is called a thick function value, and is how Swift usually stores function values of known type (as opposed to a thin function value which is just the function pointer).
So, this explains why MemoryLayout<(Int) -> Int>.size returns 16 bytes – because it's made up of two pointers (each being a word in length, i.e 8 bytes on a 64 bit platform).
When thick function values are passed into function parameters (where those parameters are of non-generic type), Swift appears to pass the raw function pointer and context as separate parameters.
Capturing values
When a closure captures a value, this value will be put into a heap-allocated box (although the value itself can get stack-promoted in the case of a non-escaping closure – see later section). This box will be available to the function through the context object (the relevant IR).
For a closure that just captures a single value, Swift just makes the box itself the context of the function (no need for extra indirection). So you'll have a function value which looks like a ThickFunction<Box<T>> from the following structures:
// The structure of a %swift.function.
struct ThickFunction<Context> {
// the raw function pointer
var ptr: UnsafeRawPointer
// the context of the function value – can be nil to indicate
// that the function has no context.
var context: UnsafePointer<Context>?
// The structure of a %swift.refcounted.
struct RefCounted {
// pointer to the metadata of the object
var type: UnsafeRawPointer
// the reference counting bits.
var refCountingA: UInt32
var refCountingB: UInt32
// The structure of a %swift.refcounted, with a value tacked onto the end.
// This is what captured values get wrapped in (on the heap).
struct Box<T> {
var ref: RefCounted
var value: T
In fact, we can actually verify this for ourselves by running the following:
// this wrapper is necessary so that the function doesn't get put through a reabstraction
// thunk when getting typed as a generic type T (such as with .initialize(to:))
struct VoidVoidFunction {
var f: () -> Void
func makeClosure() -> () -> Void {
var i = 5
return { i += 2 }
let f = VoidVoidFunction(f: makeClosure())
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<VoidVoidFunction>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr.initialize(to: f)
let ctx = ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: ThickFunction<Box<Int>>.self, capacity: 1) {
$0.pointee.context! // force unwrap as we know the function has a context object.
// Box<Int>(ref:
// RefCounted(type: 0x00000001002b86d0, refCountingA: 2, refCountingB: 2),
// value: 5
// )
f.f() // call the closure – increment the captured value.
// Box<Int>(ref:
// RefCounted(type: 0x00000001002b86d0, refCountingA: 2, refCountingB: 2),
// value: 7
// )
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 1)
We can see that by calling the function between printing out the value of the context object, we can observe the changing in value of the captured variable i.
For multiple captured values, we need extra indirection, as the boxes cannot be stored directly as the given function's context, and may be captured by other closures. This is done by adding pointers to the boxes to the end of a %swift.refcounted.
For example:
struct TwoCaptureContext<T, U> {
// reference counting header
var ref: RefCounted
// pointers to boxes with captured values...
var first: UnsafePointer<Box<T>>
var second: UnsafePointer<Box<U>>
func makeClosure() -> () -> Void {
var i = 5
var j = "foo"
return { i += 2; j += "b" }
let f = VoidVoidFunction(f: makeClosure())
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<VoidVoidFunction>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr.initialize(to: f)
let ctx = ptr.withMemoryRebound(to:
ThickFunction<TwoCaptureContext<Int, String>>.self, capacity: 1) {
print(ctx.first.pointee.value, ctx.second.pointee.value) // 5 foo
f.f() // call the closure – mutate the captured values.
print(ctx.first.pointee.value, ctx.second.pointee.value) // 7 foob
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 1)
Passing functions into parameters of generic type
You'll note that in the previous examples, we used a VoidVoidFunction wrapper for our function values. This is because otherwise, when being passed into a parameter of generic type (such as UnsafeMutablePointer's initialize(to:) method), Swift will put a function value through some reabstraction thunks in order to unify its calling convention to one where the arguments and return are passed by reference, rather than value (the relevant IR).
But now our function value has a pointer to the thunk, rather than the actual function we want to call. So how does the thunk know which function to call? The answer is simple – Swift puts the function that we want to the thunk to call in the context itself, which will therefore look like this:
// the context object for a reabstraction thunk – contains an actual function to call.
struct ReabstractionThunkContext<Context> {
// the standard reference counting header
var ref: RefCounted
// the thick function value for the thunk to call
var function: ThickFunction<Context>
The first thunk that we go through has 3 parameters:
A pointer to where the return value should be stored
A pointer to where the arguments for the function are located
The context object which contains the actual thick function value to call (such as shown above)
This first thunk just extracts the function value from the context, and then calls a second thunk, with 4 parameters:
A pointer to where the return value should be stored
A pointer to where the arguments for the function are located
The raw function pointer to call
The pointer to the context of the function to call
This thunk now retrieves the arguments (if any) from the argument pointer, then calls the given function pointer with these arguments, along with its context. It then stores the return value (if any) at the address of the return pointer.
Like in the previous examples, we can test this like so:
func makeClosure() -> () -> Void {
var i = 5
return { i += 2 }
func printSingleCapturedValue<T>(t: T) {
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr.initialize(to: t)
let ctx = ptr.withMemoryRebound(to:
ThickFunction<ReabstractionThunkContext<Box<Int>>>.self, capacity: 1) {
// get the context from the thunk function value, which we can
// then get the actual function value from, and therefore the actual
// context object.
// print out captured value in the context object
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 1)
let closure = makeClosure()
printSingleCapturedValue(t: closure) // 5
printSingleCapturedValue(t: closure) // 7
Escaping vs. non-escaping capture
When the compiler can determine that the capture of a given local variable doesn't escape the lifetime of the function it's declared in, it can optimise by promoting the value of that variable from the heap-allocated box to the stack (this is a guaranteed optimisation, and occurs in even -Onone). Then, the function's context object need only store a pointer to the given captured value on the stack, as it is guaranteed not to be needed after the function exits.
This can therefore be done when the closure(s) capturing the variable are known not to escape the lifetime of the function.
Generally, an escaping closure is one that either:
Is stored in a non-local variable (including being returned from the function).
Is captured by another escaping closure.
Is passed as an argument to a function where that parameter is either marked as #escaping, or is not of function type (note this includes composite types, such as optional function types).
So, the following are examples where the capture of a given variable can be considered not to escape the lifetime of the function:
// the parameter is non-escaping, as is of function type and is not marked #escaping.
func nonEscaping(_ f: () -> Void) {
func bar() -> String {
var str = ""
// c doesn't escape the lifetime of bar().
let c = {
str += "c called; "
// immediately-evaluated closure obviously doesn't escape.
{ str += "immediately-evaluated closure called; " }()
// closure passed to non-escaping function parameter, so doesn't escape.
nonEscaping {
str += "closure passed to non-escaping parameter called."
return str
In this example, because str is only ever captured by closures that are known not to escape the lifetime of the function bar(), the compiler can optimise by storing the value of str on the stack, with the context objects storing only a pointer to it (the relevant IR).
So, the context objects for each of the closures1 will look like Box<UnsafePointer<String>>, with pointers to the string value on the stack. Although unfortunately, in a Schrödinger-like manner, attempting to observe this by allocating and re-binding a pointer (like before) triggers the compiler to treat the given closure as escaping – so we're once again looking at a Box<String> for the context.
In order to deal with the disparity between context objects that hold pointer(s) to the captured values rather than holding the values in their own heap-allocated boxes – Swift creates specialised implementations of the closures that take pointers to the captured values as arguments.
Then, a thunk is created for each closure that simply takes in a given context object, extracts the pointer(s) to the captured values from it, and passes this onto the specialised implementation of the closure. Now, we can just have a pointer to this thunk along with our context object as the thick function value.
For multiple captured values that don't escape, the additional pointers are simply added onto the end of the box, i.e
struct TwoNonEscapingCaptureContext<T, U> {
// reference counting header
var ref: RefCounted
// pointers to captured values (on the stack)...
var first: UnsafePointer<T>
var second: UnsafePointer<U>
This optimisation of promoting the captured values from the heap to the stack can be especially beneficial in this case, as we're no longer having to allocate separate boxes for each value – such as was the case previously.
Furthermore it's worth noting that lots of cases with non-escaping closure capture can be optimised much more aggressively in -O builds with inlining, which can result in context objects being optimised away entirely.
1. Immediately-evaluated closures actually don't use a context object, the pointer(s) to the captured values are just passed directly to it upon calling.

How do I store a value of type Class<ClassImplementingProtocol> in a Dictionary of type [String:Class<Protocol>] in Swift?

I want to store a more specialized type in a Dictionary of type [String:SomeClass]. Here is some sample code illustrating my problem (also available to play with at
class Thing<T> {}
protocol Flavor {}
class Vanilla: Flavor {}
var dict = [String:Thing<Flavor>]()
dict["foo"] = Thing<Vanilla>()
It produces the error ERROR at line 9, col 28: cannot assign value of type 'Thing<Vanilla>' to type 'Thing<Any>?'.
I've tried casting Thing<Vanilla>() as Thing<Flavor> but that produces the error cannot convert value of type 'Thing<Vanilla>' to type 'Thing<Flavor>' in coercion.
I've also tried to define the Dictionary as type [String:Thing<Any>] but that doesn't change anything either.
How do I create a collection of different Things without resorting to plain [String:AnyObject]?
I should also mention that the class Thing is not defined by me (in fact it's about BoltsSwift Tasks), so the solution to create a base class of Thing without a type parameter doesn't work.
A Thing<Vanilla> is not a Thing<Flavor>. Thing is not covariant. There is no way in Swift to express that Thing is covariant. There are good reasons for this. If what you were asking for were allowed without careful rules around it, I would be allowed to write the following code:
func addElement(array: inout [Any], object: Any) {
var intArray: [Int] = [1]
addElement(array: &intArray, object: "Stuff")
Int is a subtype of Any, so if [Int] were a subtype of [Any], I could use this function to append strings to an int array. That breaks the type system. Don't do that.
Depending on your exact situation, there are two solutions. If it is a value type, then repackage it:
let thing = Thing<Vanilla>(value: Vanilla())
dict["foo"] = Thing(value: thing.value)
If it is a reference type, box it with a type eraser. For example:
// struct unless you have to make this a class to fit into the system,
// but then it may be a bit more complicated
struct AnyThing {
let _value: () -> Flavor
var value: Flavor { return _value() }
init<T: Flavor>(thing: Thing<T>) {
_value = { return thing.value }
var dict = [String:AnyThing]()
dict["foo"] = AnyThing(thing: Thing<Vanilla>(value: Vanilla()))
The specifics of the type eraser may be different depending on your underlying type.
BTW: The diagnostics around this have gotten pretty good. If you try to call my addElement above in Xcode 9, you get this:
Cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: implicit conversion from '[Int]' to '[Any]' requires a temporary
What this is telling you is that Swift is willing to pass [Int] where you ask for [Any] as a special-case for Arrays (though this special treatment isn't extended to other generic types). But it will only allow it by making a temporary (immutable) copy of the array. (This is another example where it can be hard to reason about Swift performance. In situations that look like "casting" in other languages, Swift might make a copy. Or it might not. It's hard to be certain.)
One way to solve this is adding an initialiser to Thing and creating a Thing<Flavor> that will hold a Vanilla object.
It will look something like:
class Thing<T> {
init(thing : T) {
protocol Flavor {}
class Vanilla: Flavor {}
var dict = [String:Thing<Flavor>]()
dict["foo"] = Thing<Flavor>(thing: Vanilla())

Cannot assign to property: function call returns immutable value

Consider the following example.
struct AStruct{
var i = 0
class AClass{
var i = 0
var a: A = A(i: 8)
func aStruct() -> AStruct{
return a
If I try to mutate the the variable of a instance of class AClass it compiles successfully.
var ca = AClass()
ca.a.i = 7
But If I try to mutate the return value of aStruct method, the compile screams
ca.aStruct().i = 8 //Compile error. Cannot assign to property: function call returns immutable value.
Can someone explain this.
This is compiler's way of telling you that the modification of the struct is useless.
Here is what happens: when you call aStruct(), a copy of A is passed back to you. This copy is temporary. You can examine its fields, or assign it to a variable (in which case you would be able to access your modifications back). If the compiler would let you make modifications to this temporary structure, you would have no way of accessing them back. That is why the compiler is certain that this is a programming error.
Try this.
var aValue = ca.aStruct()
aValue.i = 9
aStruct() actually returns a copy of the original struct a. it will implicitly be treated as a constant unless you assign it a var.
Try using a class instead of a struct, as it's passed by reference and holds onto the object, while a struct is passed by value (a copy is created).

What is the reason for which a function's return type cannot be var?

public var SomeMethod()
return "hello";
The contextual keyword var may only appear within a local variable declaration
C# only supports type inference for local variables. It doesn't support it for the return type of a non-anonymous function. This is a design decision. It's possible that they change it in the future. Languages like F# do in fact support return type inference so there's no inherent impossibility involved here. Of course, sometimes, the inferred return type may be ambiguous and requires further clarification in the languages that support it:
// not real C#:
public var Method(bool returnInt) {
if (returnInt) return 42; else return true;
// what's the return type of Method is going to be? ValueType? object? ...?
I would recommend that you read Why no var on fields?:
In my recent request for things that make you go hmmm, a reader notes that you cannot use "var" on fields.
Now you don't want to use var for a field but you do want to use it for another purpose other than how it is specified. That article should give you a little insight into the compiler implementation around the var feature (and why, perhaps, var is not a valid return type).
Now, all that being said, it would be perfectly valid for the return type of a method to be inferred by the type of the return expression.
Consider a potentially ambiguous situation, a slight enhancement of your question:
public var SomeMethod() {
return DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 0 ? "hello" : 3;
Should the compiler raise an error or infer type System.Object?
Only at runtime can the correct type be resolved between int and string.
var must be used on the left side of an initialization statement because its type is inferred by the C# compiler from the resulting data type on the right side.
var thing = 3;
// infers System.Int32 from right side.
var thing = 3L;
// infers System.Int64 from right side.
// This also applies to methods and things that have a defined type on the right side:
var thing = obj.AnyMethod();
If you could use var in place of the method return type, how could the C# compiler easily infer that type from all the logic inside the method?
var MyCall() { // ??? could be various things really
// lots of logic...
Available C# alternative
However, what you might be looking for in the C# language is to allow an interchangeable return type from your method via a Type Parameter and Generics like so:
T MyCall<T>() {
// lots of logic...
The caller can then specify the type that will be returned. Example:
An int.
var result = MyCall<int>();
// var will infer System.Int32
A string.
var result = MyCall<string>();
// var will infer System.String