Running a scala application in maven project - eclipse

I am trying to use maven to handle dependencies in a scala project in Eclipse. But once the project is converted to maven, the application wont run anymore.
Here is the steps to reproduce :
1) new scala project
project name : test
2) new scala object
name : hello_world
3) hello_world.scala
package test
object hello_world {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello world !!!")
4) run scala application
project : test
main class : test.hello_world
result : working, hello world is printed
5) right clic on project -> configure -> convert to mavem project
group id : test
artifact id : test
version : 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
packaging : jar
6) run scala application
project : test
main class : test.hello_world
result :
Error: Could not find or load main class test.hello_world
Versions details :
Eclipse 4.4.1
M2E 1.5.0
Scala IDE for Eclipse 4.0.0.nightly-2_11
Generated pom-xml :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
</project> is deprecated, here is a working pom.xml :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
To run the application :
run -> scala application
project : test
main class : test.hello_world

Your pom.xml should contain these parts (change the versions of course):
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
Plugin repositories:
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>

Go to
project properties->Select scala compiler->Select scala installation and change to scala-2.10->apply->close
maven clean
Run Scala application
then you cant see the output in Console

May be mine is late reply but it may help some one, Below process fixed my issue.
Please do check whether your source folders is on build path or not. If your source folders is not in build path you can't see run as scala application in runas
To add your source to build path
1) Right click on project properties
2) In left side pane select Java Build Path and in source tab click on add folder and select your source folder and click ok


cyclic dependency using the p2-maven-plugin

I 've been using the p2-maven-plugin and I have some problems: it seems to be generating cycling dependencies but I could not find why (the same jars in maven show no problem). I am wondering whether anyone can help.
here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- specify your depencies here -->
<!-- groupId:artifactId:version -->
here is the cyclic dependency (look for org.apache.shiro.core)
Thanks in advance
K. Apostolou

Scala: Write log to file with log4j

I am trying to build a scala based jar file in eclipse that uses log4j to make logs. It prints out perfectly in the console but when I try to use file to make it write to a log file, nothing happens.
The project structure is as follows
package scala.n*****.n****
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
object loggerTest extends LogHelper {
def main(args : Array[String]){"This is info");
log.error("This is error");
log.warn("This is warn");
trait LogHelper {
lazy val log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass.getName)
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, stdout, file
# Redirect log messages to console
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Redirect log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Hadoop Releases</name>
<name>Cloudera Repos</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<!-- mixed scala/java compile -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
When I run it as a maven build, it generates a jar file in "target" folder.
I copy the jar to /home/abc/test
I run that jar in spark shell with command
$ spark-submit --class scala.n*****.n*****.loggerTest loggerTest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The console come out alright but it should write to a file in /home/abc/log which it does not.
Could someone please help?
Hello while you are deploying you application you should define log4j file for executor and driver as follows
spark-submit --class MAIN_CLASS --driver-java-options "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:PATH_OF_LOG4J" --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:PATH_OF_LOG4J" --master MASTER_IP:PORT JAR_PATH
For more details and step by step solution you can check this link

Why is this Scala Maven POM file isn't good?

I got a new Spark app I'm writing with Scala on Maven, and I just found out I can't even run a "Hello World" for some reason. While compilation works fine trying to run the jar itself ends up with an error.
EDIT: Removed <scope>provided</scope> from dependencies, getting another error.
This is the POM file:
<name>Device Score</name>
<name>Maven Repository</name>
<name>Apache release repo</name>
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
The App is as simple as:
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
println ("Hi!")
When I run mvn clean package -P scala-2.11 the build goes fine, but when I try to run the jar I get using java -jar target/deviceScore-1.0.0.jar i get:
Error: Could not find or load main class
When trying scala target/deviceScore-1.0.0.jar I get:
at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader$
at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader$
What am I missing? What else is supposed to be included in the POM file in order to simply run the jar?
You've defined scala-library (and other Scala dependencies) as provided - which means they don't get packaged in the jar, but are rather expected to be provided at runtime externally, and yet they are not - hence these classes are missing at runtime.
If you remove the <scope>provided</scope> from all dependencies (perhaps scala-compiler can remain provided), this should work.
Per your update - not sure why you get that specific error (main class should be found), but seems like there's more to be fixed here: when you use maven's maven-jar-plugin, it builds the jar without including its dependencies, which means you still won't have Scala's classes available.
Instead you can use maven's maven-assembly-plugin which can create a "fat jar", with its dependencies included. Do that by replacing the jar plugin with:
Then, run:
> mvn clean package -P scala-2.11
> java -jar target/deviceScore-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
To run a Scala program packaged in a runnable jar file, use the scala command instead of java -jar:
scala target/deviceScore-1.0.0.jar
If you want to run it with java -jar, then you must make sure that the Scala library is included in the classpath. By setting the scope of the Scala library to provided, you excluded it from the runtime classpath.
Got it to work. In the plugins section, I used these three:
The first one is different than the scala-maven-plugin used in the previous pom file. The second plugin makes the jar executable when using scala target/deviceScore-1.0.0.jar, and the third as mentioned by Tzach Zohar creates a fat jar which is executable with java -jar target/deviceScore-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running Scala-Maven project

Trying to run a new project for the first time. mvn install goes smoothly, but when I try to run it, I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/Tuple2
Now, something is terribly wrong if it can't even find the Scala basics. To be honest, it doesn't recognize anything outside of the code itself.
I''m attaching my POM file, hope someone can help..
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Foo Bar</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Maven Repository</name>
<name>Apache release repo</name>

Scala simple dummy project

Currently my whole work cycle is:
edit foo.scala
fsc foo.scala && scala -cp . FooMain
But my project is getting bigger and I would like to split files, make unit tests, etc.
But I'm too lazy for reading sbt documentation and doing whatever needs to be done to get a sbt's "Makefile". Similarly for unit tests (there are so many frameworks, which to choose?)
What would make my day is a simple zipped dummy project with a dummy unit tests using sbt.
Do you know whether such thing exists?
Well, you should use SBT. You don't need to write anything for it: it will create everything you need for a basic project, and only ask you what is the project name and what version of Scala you'll be using.
After that, just put the files in the correct places. Look up the directory layout, though the short answer is main source files in src/main/scala and test source files in src/test/scala. You will have to create a very small "makefile" to get a test library in, though.
Updated answer (2016)
These days, you have the Giter8 project, combined with the sbt’s launcher version 0.13.13 or above, and its command new.
sbt new ...
Original answer (2010)
Yes, such a template project, based on sbt, complete with scala tests, exists:
see Get Started With Scala, Sbt And Eclipse and its template project.
1) Clone OR download/extract source from sbt-console-template
% git clone git:// your-project
2) From sbt console
# update dependencies
> update
# run project
> run
# test project continuously
> ~test
# eclipsify
> eclipse
(the "eclipse" part is optional, and only here if you want to generate a Scala eclipse project from your sbt project)
Another Scala template project:
Build a mixed Scala 2.8/Java application from scratch with Maven
It uses the following template (here is the zip file with the full Maven-Scala project):
| +-main/
| | +-java/
| | | +-de/
| | | +-mackaz/
| | |
| | +-scala/
| | +-de/
| | +-mackaz/
| | +-App.scala
| +-test/
| +-scala/
| +-de/
| +-mackaz/
| +-AppTest.scala
| +-MySpec.scala
And the following pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<!-- Scala 2.8 Latest -->
<name>Scala Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<snapshots />
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<!-- Specs (Behavior Driven Testing through JUnit) -->
<!-- to support mix java/scala only -->
You can run it with:
mvn scala:run
and at the end of the output you should see
[INFO] launcher 'myLauncher' selected => de.mackaz.App
Hello from Java
Scala says: Hello from Scala!
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Mar 24 18:14:22 CET 2010
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/33M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
In Fanf's blog, Francois Armand presents:
Maven2 bootstrap pom.xml for Scala with SLF4J and no-commons-logging
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- UTF-8 for everyone -->
<!-- Other general properties -->
Starting pom
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository snapshots</name>
<name>No-commons-logging Maven Repository</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository snapshots</name>
<!-- test -->
All the following is related to our will to NOT use Commong-logging
<!-- use no-commons-logging -->
<!-- no-commons-logging-api, if you need it -->
<!-- the slf4j commons-logging replacement -->
<!-- the other slf4j jars -->
<!-- using slf4j native backend -->