How can I run vim from PowerShell just by typing vim? - powershell

I just installed vim. It's awesome. From PowerShell, I want to be able to launch it both via typing vim and by typing vim someFile.txt.
I can already open vim through the run dialog. Further, it's already in my system PATH. What must I do to launch it from PowerShell?

If it's already in the path, it should work.
But you can, alternatively, use an alias via New-Alias. If you add that to your profile, it will load every time.
To see how the run box behaves differently from powershell, and how you might get around that, see my answer here:
Run a program by name from PowerShell (similarly to the run box)


VS Code Integrated terminal does not execute commands from extensions

Ideally, the integrated VS Code terminal, depending on the context, the type of the folder and the extension, executes some commands. For example, when opening a folder containing a Python virtual environment in VS code, the environment is recognized and activated (by the python extension) by default when opening a new integrated terminal instance (situation 1). This is done by running some command similar to source /path/to/venv/bin/activate.
Or, when using the ROS extension to debug nodes, selecting "Start Debugging (F5)" uses the launch.json file to start some nodes and finally starts debugging the desired code. To do so also, there is some command that is executed (also by he ROS extension, I assume) in the integrated terminal (situation 2) to start the debugging process. In case of debugging ROS nodes, the command usually looks something like /usr/bin/env /bin/sh /tmp/someFileName.
But, unfortunately, both of the above mentioned situations fail. I believe this happens because while the extension tries to run these two commands within their respective integrated terminals, the commands do not actually get executed in either situation. Instead, these commands are printed on the top of the terminal, but the state of the terminal is unchanged (as opposed to when the commands would have been executed, in which case depending on the commands some actions are performed). Here are two images to show what I mean. Top, situation 1 and bottom, situation 2.
The fact that these two commands are printed on top of the terminal as soon as the a new terminal instance is opened tells me that the extension tries to execute them, but they do not work for some unknown reasons.
Just to be clear, both of them are run in a seperate VC Code window, they have nothing to do with each other. When I manually run both the commands in their respective terminals I do get the desired results.
Now, I am unsure exactly how to name this issue. But I think this is surely an issue with the integrated terminal, and not a problem of the extensions. I am not sure how one could reproduce this problem.
I did a clean reinstall of VS code by deleting %APPDATA%\Code and %USERPROFILE%\.vscode. Because I am using this on WSL, there is only ~/.vscode-server on the ubuntu side. I manually uninstalled all extensions on WSL but did not delete this folder, in fear of breaking something. The problem still persisted. I have also created an issue on the VS Code GitHub page with nearly the same information.
I am unsure if this is a bug or is there something wrong with my settings. Does anyone know how I could fix this? For smaller use-cases I can still manually enter the command in the terminal. But I am trying to debug a ROS application with nearly 10 different terminals opening up and I cannot be manually entering the command each time to restart the process.
Please let me know if you need any more information. Many thanks in advance.
Edit: both edits to frame the question properly.
Although not related to WSL, I dug a little deeper today as to why in my case the extension commands were not being executed or were being chopped.
I'm an iTerm2 user. iTerm2 has something called Shell Integrations, which allow iTerm to behave differently under certain circumstances, for example, adding markers to each prompt or coloring output with certain text (e.g. WARNING or ERROR)
From time to time, I also use the VSCode Integrated Terminal, which recently added support for reporting whether the previous command errored out with an indicator on the gutter of the Integrated Terminal panel using the exit code.
iTerm can do something similar but the shell integrations mess up completely the VSCode functionality and therefore I changed my .bashrc file to detect if the terminal emulator was iTerm2 or not (which can be done with the it2check utility of iTerm2) so that it only sourced the shell integrations if I was using iTerm2.
The problem is that it2check "eats" some STDIN bytes using dd, specifically, until it finds an n so that it can obtain the name of the emulator. This of course chops the commands on the STDIN until the first n and makes VSCode Extension Terminal commands unusable
The workaround I came up with is to use the value of "$TERM_PROGRAM" as means to distinguish between the different programs. The only caveat is that the value won't be passed if you're inside of a tmux session or similar, but I can live with that.
In your case, I'd check for any process that is either not passing the STDIN to the WSL process or any dot files or shell profile scripts eating up the STDIN they receive.
I suspect that the real problem is that the local process doesn't relay the STDIN contents to the WSL and as a workaround you may try to create a VSCode Integrated Terminal profile that uses SSH to connect to the WSL host so that the STDIN is preserved

How to switch default run terminal for VSCode with Powershell

When I select RUN for my PowerShell script it executes in my "Integrated PowerShell Console" which is running PowerShell 7.x.
Some of my scripts use commands that are not available in PS7 (yet?) but works in PS5.
I have a second Terminal running in VSCode running PS5 and I can paste the script there and it works.
How can I switch the functionality of RUN (F5) to execute the script in my second terminal window?
Thank you Shivam Jha for the link.
I tried to map F5 to "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile: Run the active file in the terminal instance." and that works except it can only run code from files, not code just entered in the editor and not yet saved.
The solution then is to have F5 mapped to and CTRL+F5 mapped to workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.
This way I can have several PowerShell terminals active and use CTRL+F5 to run the active file in any of them.
This is just a guess, untested, but to me, it seems promising.
Open two instances of vscode, open the same folder in both, and open the two different terminals, one in each instance. If it still takes the default terminal even if you open another one in advance, try running in interactive window. Also check whether running just a selection (then just select the whole file) might influence the chosen output terminal.

Script in PATH Mac OSX terminal not working

I have the following script in my /path/to/startupscripts directory, so I can open the emacs GUI with the command 'emacs':
/Applications/ "$#"
I edited my ~/.bash_profile and added the following line
export PATH=/path/to/startupscripts/emacs:$PATH
However, the script is not working because when I type in 'emacs' into the command line emacs still opens within terminal and not the GUI like I want. Also, when I am in the /path/to/startupscripts directory and I can execute and run the script with
chmod +x emacs
but even when I type 'emacs' afterwards it still opens within terminal. I am a bit of a beginner, and I think I am missing something painfully obvious.
The PATH should contain a directory name where your script(s) can be found, not the name of your individual script.
You probably need to source your .bash_profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
No changes made in your profile will be applied unless you source the profile or log out and back in.
Aside from that every looks like it should work.
However you may want to consider just using an alias instead of a script for this. This can be done by adding this to your profile:
alias emacs=/Applications/
That's probably a cleaner way to get the functionality you want without adding more to your PATH variable.
I hope that helps! [insert obligatory comment about how you should be using vim and not emacs :P]

External editor for IPython notebook

I am using IPython notebook and I want to edit programs in an external editor.
How do I get the %edit to open an editor such as Notepad++.
Running %edit? will give you the help for the %edit magic function.
You need to set c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor, which is in your I'm not quite sure where this is located in Windows; on OS X and Linux, it is in ~/.ipython. You'll want to set the variable to be the full path of the editor you want.
Alternatively, you can create an environment variable EDITOR in Windows itself, and set that equal to the full path of the editor you want. iPython should use that.
I'm using Windows 7 and 8 (and 10TP) and Python 3.4.2.
I started with ipython locate to tell me where ipython thought config files suggested elsewhere should be. When I saw it was different I read around and came up with the following:
On my system, the ipython locate gave me c:\users\osmith\.ipython, not the _ipython you'll see mentioned in the YouTube videos done with Windows XP,
Look in the directory ipython locate specifies for a profile directory; if you aren't actively doing anything with ipython profiles, it should be .ipython\profile_default, if you are using profiles, then I leave it to you to s/profile_default/${YOUR_PROFILE_NAME}/g
Check the profile_default directory for a file, if it's not there, tell IPython to initialize itself: ipython profile create
Open the config file in a text editor,
If you are the kind of person who hasn't messed around with their console overly much and installs things in standard places, you can skip straight to this step by typing: ipython profile create followed by start notepad .ipython\profile_default\
Search for the string c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor,
The comment above this indicates you can also use the EDITOR environment variable, but hard coding file paths never hurt anyone so lets do eet:
Copy the line and remove the leading hash and spaces from the copy.
Replace the text between the apostrophes ('notepad') with the path of our desired editor, e.g.
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = 'c:/program files (x86)/noddyeditor/noddy.exe'
There is a catch here, though; some modern editors get a bit fancy and automatically and, when invoked like this, detach from the console. Notepad++ and Sublime Text, for example. Sublime accepts a "--wait" option, which works some of the time; this tells the command invocation to hang around until you close the file, for some definition of until and some other definition of close.
However, the following setting will work most of the time for sublime text:
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = '"c:/program files/sublime text 3/subl.exe" --wait'
(assuming c:\program files\ is where your sublime text 3 directory is)
Try the 'Pycharm' editor
This works for me.

Notepad++ using "Run" command in a macro

Is it possible to create a macro in Notepad++ that is able to utilize the "Run" command so that I may call an external .exe to operate on the file specified? I am able to do it manually, but when I create a macro that includes the run (F5) and give it a specified command it fails to execute. Is this because the run command isn't supported when creating macros? If so, is there a work-around method?
edit: to add context -- I've written a couple ruby scripts to facilitate data-entry that's done using notepad++, and would like to integrate them to the editor. Having them run by a shortcut method created by recording a macro seems to be the best way to do this, unless it's not possible to utilize the run command.
FWIW The Zeus and Zeus Lite editors can do this.
You can do it with the NppExec plugin (available in the Notepad++ wiki ). It allows you to create mini-scripts with keywords that perform commands.
You will also be able to add your script in the contextual (right-click) menu, or assign a shortcut to it.
I personaly uses it to saves a sql file, place myself in the current directory, and then executes isql.exe (external executable) on that file. That simple script transforms my Notepad++ into a rather handy SQL IDE.
I don't think you do it using only Notepad++.
Please see this thread:
If I understood you correctly, you have it all set up but are having issues with running it through Notepad++'s run command?
If so, try what I mentioned here.
I had similar issues with running php compiler and resolved it with the "cmd /c" added like in that mentioned example. And a "& pause" at the end, just so I see what goes on.