Scala, GUI and immutability - scala

I created an algorithm that calculates certain things. This can be considered as the model. The algorithm is implemented in a fully functional way, so it uses immutable classes only.
Now using this model, I would like to develop a GUI layer on the top of it. However I do not know anything about the best-practises of building GUI in Scala. I intend to use ScalaFX.
My problem is the following: in ScalaFX (similarly to JavaFX) you can bind values from the GUI to object properties. This clearly violates the functional paradigm, but seems very convenient.
This would require rewriting my classes to use bindable properties which would feel like the tail wagging the dog — the model would depend on the GUI.
On the other hand, I could have an independent GUI layer. In this case I would need proxy objects to bind to and I would have to create my model objects based on these proxy objects. This would feel more idiomatic but implies a lot of code duplication and extra work. My model and the proxy objects would have to be kept in sync and I would have to take care of copying the attributes.
What is a good way of doing this? A GUI is always full of mutability so functional programming does not feel right here. Nevertheless I love Scala so I would like to keep using it for the GUI, too.

Despite the extra effort, take the second approach. Create small mutable "view" instances for each of your model. Bind the views to the widgets and install observers or hooks that update the view proxies based on changes in your model. Don't let the GUI API dictate how your concurrency approach and model should look like.
I believe there are a few open source libraries around that provide a more functional and/or reactive abstraction layer to the plain Scala-Swing or Scala-FX.


Difference between using and not using Model Classes in Flutter

I would like to know the pros and cons of the following scenarios:
Using a Model Class?
Decoding the API data using json.decode() and using a copy of that data instead of using a model class?
Currently, I am a lot into using the second scenario and I wonder what could that result into going forward?
It depends on the developer's preference whether you use model class or not but there are definitely pros of using model class over refraining to use it.
As Dart is a statically typed language it is best practice to benefit from its typed nature. It's what model classes do, it gives you power of typed nature. It becomes less error-prone. It also provides features like Intellisense, for example code completion.

Pattern to bridge the gap between Scalas functional immutable style and JavaFX 2 Properties?

currently working on a GUI application using JavaFX 2 as framework. Used in Java allready and know the principles of data binding.
As the functional style programming in scala advocates the use of imutable values (vals), there is a gap.
Is there an other solution than having an mutable fx-property based presentation model for the gui and and immutable model for application logic with an conversion layer?
Since your question is a bit vague, please forgive if this is largely based on personal opinion: There are, to my knowledge, no other approaches to the mutable property model. I would however argue that you don't want one:
First of, functional programming, at least from a puristic point of view, attempts to avoid side effects. User interfaces, however, are exclusively about causing side effects. There is a slight philosophical mismatch to begin there.
One of the main benefits of immutable data is that you don't have to deal with control structures to avoid concurrent modification. However, JavaFX's event queue implements a very strict single-threaded approach with an implicit control of read and write access. On the other hand, user interface components fit the idea of mutable objects better than most other fields of programming. The node structure is, after all, an inherent hierarchy of stateful components.
Considering this, I think trying to force a functional and immutable paradigm on JavaFX is not going to work out. Instead, I would recommend building a translation layer based on keypath selections - e.g. binding a Label to display an (immutable) Person's name to the Person, not the name property, and having a resolver handle the access to the name attribute. Basically, this would mean having a combination of Bindings#select and a JavaBeanStringProperty.

Deep class inheritance hierarchy -- bad idea?

hoping a grandmaster can shed some light. Very high overview is that I am no beginner to coding, but still new to OOP. This set of message classes is at the heart of a large simulation application we're writing, and I don't want to do it stupidly--this interface cuts the application in half, from sequencer to executer and vice-versa.
My question is whether or not it's a bad idea to have an inheritance hierarchy this deep (image is not yet fleshed out, might go 5 or 6 deep in the end). This is as opposed to having some of the child classes just have a directed association to their parent class, instead of inheriting.
I've read that a deep inheritance hierarchy is not a good idea, and that if a child class is inheriting simply to have the parent's data, then you should simply include the parent as data in the child, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why. What bad thing is going to happen to us if I decided to make an inheritance hierarchy 7-deep or something like that? Clearly there's a small performance hit, and changing things at the top of the hierarchy is going to have huge ripples throughout the app, but other than that I don't see an issue. Aside, I care little about minor differences in performance.
(bonus question: Is there an off-the-shelf package that handles this kind of stuff? We have most of the low level physical simulations handled, but the sequencing program we're going to have to write. I just have this suspicion that what I've laid out is very similar to what about 10,000 simulation developers before me did.)
(bonus question #2: any masters of both simulation systems and OOP programming, that would not hate living in Los Angeles? We're hiring.)
that if a child class is inheriting simply to have the parent's data
This is a bad idea. There's this understanding that you define base classes as the most generic of contracts that a set of (concrete) classes are going to honor. This typically means that your contract is about behavior and not implementation.
What bad thing is going to happen to us if I decided to make an inheritance hierarchy 7-deep or something like that?
The major issues here are mundane:
Fragile base classes (changes to base are a nightmare for the derived)
Increased coupling (with too many base classes comes tight coupling)
Encapsulation weakens
Testing issues (leaf level overridden methods can't just be tested to reproduce end-user behavior correctly always due to multiple chained calls here and there)
Maintenance (comes from strong coupling)
(You many want to peruse this paper on Why Ada isn't popular, particularly, Item 6, para 6.)
Is there an off-the-shelf package that handles this kind of stuff?
I'm not sure what you are looking for, but if you're looking for an automated hierarchy simplifier then I don't know of any. Also if such a package exists it'll be highly dependent on your language of choice and you haven't mentioned one.
Note that most of the times such issues can be resolved by looking at alternatives like aggregation or traits or dependency injection or whatever. These are design time issues and are typically (IMO) best ironed out on a whiteboard than with a compiler and millions of LOC.
Seeing this question quite late, but I have had many thoughts on this and have been bitten with deep inheritance hierarchies. One reason they are bad is because you will inevitably get the classification wrong as you specialize the many subclasses. However, once you have the class structure in place it will be hard to change because doing so would break client code.
I blogged about this here.
Old question, but active issue in software development and wanted to add an opinion that may help.
Maintenance overhead can't be estimated when you touch the base classes with DI. This is a major drawback that recently affected our 3 level deep inheritance structure.
Also, if you base is a template, expect to violate SOL(I)(D) if you have too many children with just 1 derived parent in 3 levels for example.
Generally, just to access data I'd choose an adequate design pattern or pass the data pointer if it doesn't violate SOLID. Depending on whether you just read or write, I'd also avoid getters and setters to avoid the Quasi-Classes. It's rare case that default children are 'protected' and I think the structure in this case is a candidate to be flawed by design.

Does the DataMapper pattern break MVC?

I have been reading up on multiple PHP frameworks, especially the Zend Framework but I am getting confused about the proper way to go forward.
Zend Framework does not use ActiveRecords but instead uses the Table Data Gateway and Row Data Gateway pattern, and uses a DataMapper to map the contents of the Row Data Gateway to the model, because ActiveRecord breaks down when your models don't have a 1:1 mapping to your database tables. There is an example of this in the Zend Quickstart guide.
To me, their example looks very bloated with a ton of getters and setters all over the place. I came across various blog posts about Domain Driven Design arguing that using so many getters and setters is bad practice because it exposes all the inner model data to the outside, so it has no advantage over public attributes. Here is one example.
My question: If you remove those getters and setters, how will you render your views? At some point the data has to hit the view so you can actually show something to the user. Following the DDD advice seems to break the separation between M and V in MVC. Following the MVC and Zend example seems to break DDD and leaves me typing up a whole lot of getters, setters and DataMappers for all my models. Aside from being a lot of work it also seems to violate DRY.
I would really appreciate some (links to) good examples or more information about how it all fits together. I'm trying to improve my achitecture and design skills here.
Using Value Objects, you can eliminate some of those public setter methods. Here's a description of the difference between Entity and Value Objects. Value Objects are immutable and often tied to an Entity. If you pass all values in with the constructor, you don't need to set these properties from external code.
Something extra, not directly related to an answer, but more focused on DDD:
(Disclaimer: The only thing I know about the Zend Framework is what I read in the linked article.) The Zend Framework is using DataMappers instead of Repositories. Is this really DDD-ish? Well, Fowler's interpretation of a Repository might say no. However, Eric Evans states that a DDD Repository can be very simple. At its simplest, a Repository is a DataMapper (See DDD book). For something more complex and still DDD, see the Fowler article. DDD has a conceptual Repository that may differ from the pattern definition.
I urge you to continue reading about Domain-Driven Design. I think there's a flaw in the assumption that getters and setters violate DDD. DDD is about focusing on the domain model and best practices to accomplish that. Accessors are just a minor detail.
You don't need to implement all the getters/setters, you can use__get() and __set(). What's the problem then?
From my reading of the post, the question is more philosophical rather than practical.
I don't have the time to write in depth, but here is my two cents. While I agree that you want to limit the number of get and set requests because a class should hide its internals, you also need to take into account the Java and PHP are different tools and have different purposes. In the web environment your classes are being built and taken down with each request and therefore the code you write should not depend on huge classes. In the article you pointed out the author suggests placing the view logic in the class. This probably does not makes sense on the web since I will likely want to present the view in multiple formats (rss, html, etc...). Using accessor methods (get & set) therefore is a necessary evil. You still want to use them thoughtfully so that you don't shoot yourself in the foot. The key is to try to have your classes do the work for you instead of trying to force them to do work externally. By accessing your properties with a method instead of directly you hide the internals which is what you want.
Again, this post could use some examples, but I don't have the time right now.
Can someone else provide a few examples of why accessor methods aren't evil?
There are two approaches here: What I call the "tell don't ask approach", and the other is the ViewModel/DTO approach.
Essentially the questions revolves around what is the "model" in your view.
Tell don't ask requires that the only way an object can be externalized, is from the the object itself. In other words, to render an object, you would have a render method, but that render method would need to talk to an interface.
Something like this:
class DomainObject {
public function render(DomainObjectRenderer $renderer) {
return $renderer->renderDomainObject(array $thegorydetails);
In the context of Zend Framework, you can subclass Zend_View and have your subclass implement this interface.
I've done this before, but its a bit unwieldy.
The second option is convert your domain model in to a ViewModel object, which is like a simplified, flattened out, "stringed out" view of your data, customized for each specific view (with one ViewModel per view), and on the way back, convert the POST data to an EditModel.
This is a very popular pattern in the ASP.NET MVC world, but its also similar to the class "DTO" pattern used to transfer data between "layers" in an application. You would need to create mappers to do the dirty work for you (not unlike a DataMapper, actually). In PHP 5.3, you can use reflection to change private properties, so your DomainObject doesn't even need to expose itself either!
Implementing getters and setters has two advantages, in my eyes:
You can choose which properties to make public, so you don't necessarily have to expose all of the model's internals
If you use an IDE with autocomplete, all the available properties will be a TAB away when you start typing "get" or "set"—this alone is reason enough for me.

What are the important rules in Object Model Design

We are developing an extension (in C# .NET env.) for a GIS application, which will has predefined types
for modeling the real world objects, start from GenericObject, and goes to more specific types like Pipe and Road with their detailed properties and methods like BottomOfPipe, Diameter and so on.
Surely, there will be an Object Model, Interfaces, Inheritance and lots of other essential parts in the TypeLibrary, and by now we fixed some of them. But as you may know, designing an Object Model is a very ambiguous work, and (I as much as I know), can be done in many different ways and many different results and weaknesses.
Is there any distinct rules in designing O.M.: the Hierarchy, the way of defining Interfaces, abstract and coclasses enums?
Any suggestion, reference or practice?
A couple of good ones:
Single responsibility principle
Open/closed principle
Liskoff substitution principle
Interface segregation principle
Dependency inversion principle
More information and more principles here:
Check out Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software. I think it will answer your questions.
what they said, plus it looks like you are modeling real-world entities, so:
restrict your object model to exactly match the real-world entities.
You can use inheritance and components to reduce the code/model, but only in ways that make sense with the underlying domain.
For example, a Pipe class with a Diameter property would make sense, while a DiameterizedObject class (with a Diameter property) with a GeometryType property of GeometryType.Pipe would not. Both models could be made to work, but the former clearly corresponds to the problem domain, while the latter implements an artificial (non-real-world) perspective.
One additional clue: you know you've got the model right when you find yourself discovering new features in the code that you didn't plan from the start - they just 'naturally' fall out of the model. For example, your model may have Pipe and Junction classes (as connectivity adapters) sufficient to solve the immediate problem of (say) joining different-diameter pipes to each other and calculating flow rates, maximum pressures, and structural integrity. You later realize that since you modeled the structural and connectivity properties of the Pipes and Junctions accurately (within the requirements of the domain) you can also create a JungleGym object from connected pipes and correctly calculate how much structural load it will bear.
This is an extreme example, but it should get the point across: correct object models support extension and often manifest beneficial unexpected properties and features (not bugs!).
The Liskov Substitution Principle, often expressed in terms of "is-a".
Many examples of OOP would be better off making use of "has-a" (in c++ private inheritance or explicit composition) rather than public inheritance ("is-a")
Getting Inheritance right is hard. Doing so with interfaces (pure virtual classes) is often easier than for base/sub classes
Check out the "principles" of Object oriented design. These have guidelines for all the questions you ask.
"Object oriented software construction" by Robert Martin
Checkout the "Design Principles" articles at the above site. They are the best references available.
"BottomOfPipe"? Is that another way of saying the depth of the Pipe below the Road?
Any kind of design is difficult and can be done different ways. There are no guarantees that your design will work when you create it.
The advantage that people who design ball bearings and such have is many more years of experience and data to determine what works and what does not. Software doesn't have as much time or hard data.
Here's some advice:
Inheritance means IS-A. If that doesn't hold, don't use inheritance.
A deep hierarchy is probably a sign of trouble.
From Scott Meyers: Make non-leaf classes interfaces or abstract.
Prefer composition to inheritance.