Scala scalaz.Monad[scala.concurrent.Future], what about the execution context? - scala

I see a couple of questions which make use of the scalaz Monad for what looks like a scala Future.
Here and here. I havent seen a satisfactory way of resolving this as an implicit type class without using a global execution context, however I feel that the import of these type classes shouldnt have to have static knowledge of the context.
Is there something I am missing here?
(Im assuming they are not using scalaz.concurrent.Future)

The ExecutionContext just needs to be implicitly available at the call site where your Monad is known to be Future. I agree there is some awkwardness surrounding potentially multiple different definitions of your type class existing in your program, but there is no need to depend on an implementation of it statically.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
def foo[A, T[_]: Traverse, M[_]: Monad](t: T[M[A]]): M[T[A]] =
def bar(l: List[Future[Int]])(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext): Future[List[Int]] =


parSequence and parTraverse in tagless final

Using tagless final (without using IO, but rather a generic F) how can I abstract over something like this:
def doSomething(s: String): IO[Unit] = ???
List("authMethods", "secretEngines", "plugins", "CAs", "common").parTraverse(doSomething)
The closest I can get is using parTraverseN from the Concurrent object, but I assume this will run concurrently instead of in parallel (as in parallelism). It also forces me to choose an n where as parTraverse does not.
The size of the list is just an example, it could be way bigger. doSomething is a pure function, multiple executions of it can run in parallel without problems.
Ideally, given that doSomething returns IO[Unit] I would like to abstract over parTraverse_ to an F with the correct typeclass instance.
Here's a similar complete working example:
import cats.Applicative
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.foldable._
trait Service[F[_]] {
val items = List("authMethods", "secretEngines", "plugins", "CAs", "common")
def doSomething(s: String): F[Unit] = ???
def result(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Unit] =
If you want to use parTraverse_ here, the minimal changes necessary would look something like this:
import cats.{Applicative, Parallel}
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.parallel._
trait Service[F[_]] {
val items = List("authMethods", "secretEngines", "plugins", "CAs", "common")
def doSomething(s: String): F[Unit] = ???
def result(implicit F: Applicative[F], P: Parallel[F]): F[Unit] =
Alternatively you could use Parallel.parTraverse_(items)(doSomething) and skip the syntax import. Both approaches require a Foldable instance for List (provided here by the cats.instances.list._ import, which will no longer be necessary in Cats 2.2.0), and a Parallel instance for F, which you get via the P constraint.
(Note that the Applicative constraint on result is no longer necessary in the second version, but that's only because this is a very simple example—I'm assuming your real code relies on something like Sync instead, and will need both that and Parallel.)
This answer needs a couple of footnotes, though. The first is that it might not actually be a good thing that parTraverse_ doesn't make you specify a bound in the way that parTraverseN does, and may result in excessive memory use, etc. (but this will depend on e.g. the expected size of your lists and the kind of work doSomething is doing, and is probably outside the scope of the question).
The second footnote is that "parallel" in the sense of the Parallel type class is more general than the "parallel" in the parallel-vs.-concurrent distinction in the Cats "Concurrency Basics" document. The Parallel type class models a very generic kind of logical parallelism that also encompasses error accumulation, for example. So when you write:
I assume this will run concurrently instead of in parallel (as in parallelism).
…your assumption is correct, but not exactly because the parTraverseN method is on Concurrent instead of Parallel; note that Concurrent.parTraverseN still requires a Parallel instance. When you see par or the Parallel type class in the context of cats.effect.Concurrent, you should think of concurrency, not "parallelism" in the "Concurrency Basics" sense.

Where does this akka-http test import Marshaller?

I am looking at this akka-http docs example (which links to akka-http test code):
This is actually a test from github code MarshalSpec.scala. My question is, where is the implicit Marshaller imported here? I am looking at imports, and I couldn't find it? I tried using IntelliJ to show me implicit imports, but I still couldn't figure this out. Where is the import statement that gets the implicit declaration for a Marshaller that is passed to:
val entityFuture = Marshal(string).to[MessageEntity]
at line 21?
It calls
def to[B](implicit m: Marshaller[A, B], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] =
in Marshal.scala and passes an implicit m: Marshaller, which I can't pinpoint.
Marshaller extends PredefinedToEntityMarshallers , which provides marshalling from String.
But, why does Marshaller comes with its own implicits ? It's because scala search for implicits in the implicit scope of type arguments : Where does Scala look for implicits?
So, Marshaller comes with its own Marshallers ready to use :)

how to understand the following scala call

I have a quite puzzling question. I am playing with squeryl, and found when I used:
package models
import org.squeryl.{Schema, KeyedEntity}
object db extends Schema {
val userTable = table[User]("User")
on(userTable)(b => declare( is(unique,indexed("idxEmailAddresses"))
I had to import import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
But this does not make sense to me. Here is is defined in org.squeryl.dsl.NonNumericalExpression, but why do I have to include the seemingly irrelevant import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._?
Thank you.
I agree with #sschaef that this is due to required implicit conversions. When APIs (like squeryl) decide to build a DSL (domain specific language) in order to get a slick looking way to code against their API, implicit conversions will be required. The core API probably takes certain types of objects that it might be cumbersome/ugly to be instantiating directly in the code. Thus, they will use implicit conversions to do some of the lifting for you and keep the DSL as clean as possible. If you check out the Scaladoc for the PrimitiveTypeMode object, you can see the many implicit defs that are defined on it. Implicit conversions (used in pimping libraries) will 'upconvert' from one type into another to gain access to more functionality on the pimped out class. When the code is the implicit things are explicitly included into the final compiled code.$
Also, I believe the implicit conversion you are looking for is:
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.string2ScalarString
which is inherited from org.squeryl.dsl.QueryDsl.

How to import several implicit at once?

I have several implicit context for my application.
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import HadoopConversion._
Right now I have to copy paste all those imports at each file. Is it possible to combine them in one file and make only one import?
A good technique that some libraries provide by default is bundling up implicits into a trait. This way you can compose sets of implicits by defining a trait that extends other implicit bundling traits. And then you can use it at the top of your scala file with the following.
import MyBundleOfImplicits._
Or be more selective by mixing it in only where you need it.
object Main extends App with MyBundleOfImplicits {
// ...
Unfortunately with something like JavaConversions, to use this method you will need to redefine all the implicits you want to use inside a trait.
trait JavaConversionsImplicits {
import java.{lang => jl}
import java.{util => ju}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions
implicit def asJavaIterable[A](i : Iterable[A]): jl.Iterable[A] = JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(i)
implicit def asJavaIterator[A](i : Iterator[A]): ju.Iterator[A] = JavaConversions.asJavaIterator(i)
trait MyBundleOfImplicits extends JavaConversionsImplicits with OtherImplicits
Scala does not have first-class imports. So the answer to your question is no. But there is an exception for the scala REPL. You can put all your imports in a file and then just tell the REPL where it is located. See this question.
The other answers/comments are already comprehensive. But if you just want to reduce COPY/PASTEs, all mainstream IDE/text-editors support text templating ('live template' in IntelliJ IDEA, 'template' in Eclipse, 'snippets' in TextMate ...) that will definitely make your life easier.

How should I organize implicits in my Scala application?

Having written a few scala tools, I'm trying to come to grips with the best way to arrange my code - particularly implicits. I have 2 goals:
Sometimes, I want to be able to import just the implicits I ask for.
Othertimes, I want to just import everything.
To avoid duplicating the implicits, I've come up with this structure (similar to the way scalaz is arranged):
case class StringW(s : String) {
def contrived = s + "?"
trait StringWImplicits {
implicit def To(s : String) = StringW(s)
implicit def From(sw : StringW) = sw.s
object StringW extends StringWImplicits
// Elsewhere on Monkey Island
object World extends StringWImplicits with ListWImplicits with MoreImplicits
This allows me to just
import StringW._ // Selective import
or (in most cases)
import World._. // Import everything
How does everyone else do it?
I think that implicit conversions are dangerous if you don't know where they are coming from. In my case, I put my implicits in a Conversions class and import it as close to the use as possible
def someMethod(d: Date) ; Unit {
import mydate.Conversions._
val tz = TimeZone.getDefault
val timeOfDay = d.getTimeOfDay(tz) //implicit used here
I'm not sure I like "inheriting" implicits from various traits for the same reason it was considered bad Java practice to implement an interface so you could use its constants directly (static imports are preferred instead).
I usually had implicit conversions in an object which clearly signals that what it is imported is an implicit conversion.
For example, if I have a class, the implicit conversions would go into I know the names are a bit long, but that's why we have IDEs (and Scala IDE support is getting better). The way I do this is that I feel it is important that all the implicit conversions can be clearly viewed in a 10 second code review. I could look at the following code:
// other imports
// other implicits
and at a glance see all the implicit conversions that are active in this source file. They would also be all gathered together, if you use the convention that imports are grouped by packages, with a new line between different packages.
Along the lines of the same argument, I wouldn't like a catch-all object that holds all of the implicit conversions. In a big project, would you really use all of the implicit conversions in all your source files? I think that doing that means very tight coupling between different parts of your code.
Also, a catch-all object is not very good for documentation. In the case of explicitly writing all the implicit conversions used in a file, one can just look at your import statements and straight away jump to the documentation of the implicit class. In the case of a catch-all object, one would have to look at that object (which in a big project might be huge) and then search for the implicit conversion they are after.
I agree with oxbow_lakes that having implicit conversion in traits is bad because of the temptation of inheriting from it, which is, as he said, bad practice. Along those lines, I would make the objects holding the implicit conversions final just to avoid the temptation altogether. His idea of importing them as close to the use as possible is very nice as well, if implicit conversions are just used sparingly in the code.
-- Flaviu Cipcigan