Crystal report Memo field characters limit - crystal-reports

I`m using Crystal Reports Version to show an RTF Field stored in my SQL server as nvarchar(max), the problem is that my nvarchar(max) is interpreted as a Memo Field in Crystal Reports, only part of my data is being previewed (text is being truncated). Field's property is set to "Can Grow" with 0 as a Maximum number of lines. thanks for any help.

After some research, it turned out that Crystal Report have this fault by design, and there is no means to fix it. The maximum size of a text field is set to 64KB at maximum, and the only way to resolve this is by String Splitting very large fields.
Check this post for more information.


How to set font size to a rich text box field in crystal report

I am using vb 6 and crystal report 8.5. I have a field called Instruction whose data type nvarchar. Previously i was saving plain text data in Instruction field. But now i am saving txtRTF data in Instruction field to save instruction in local language.
So now my database contains some records with instructions as plain text and some records of instruction like {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\
When i try to print this data in crystal report. Font size for plain text is different and instruction with rtf data with differnt font size. I want to same size for all records of instruction field.
Even I tried to use formula for Font size but it did not work.
If Len(Medical.Instructions}) > 1 then 9
Please help me. Thank you

crystal report 10: what are the differences between "memo" fields and normal "string" fields

In crystal report 10, under field explorer menĂ¹, every "string" source fields have relatives "Memo" fields. What are the differences between these two type of fields ?
Because in some report the "string" field is truncated and i must use the relative "memo" type to see the entire content of that field. But i don't know why. Can anyone help me to understand the diffenreces of these two type of fields and when i have to chose one insted of other.
I believe in the past, the text functions in Crystal were limited to strings with a length less than or equal to 255 Characters, unless you were checking for nulls
Crystal introduced Memo fields to get around this limitation. So with the memo data type you can perform searches and manipulation on strings greater than 255 characters in length.
Like vice said, if you use sql datatype text or varchar(>255) Crystal Reports, (or at least CR 2013) will treat it as a memo
I'm only adding my answer because I found another difference. You cannot group by memo fields.

can grow field object in crystal reports

I'm working vb.net2010 and Crystal Reports for. NET Framework 4.0.
I have a text field in mysql db with RTF data, output the data to the report assigns by default a text field (IFieldObject).
The problem is that when the data exceed 4,922 words (with respect to microsoft Word) does not show the other data, I have activated the property can grow.
Could someone please tell me how I can show the rest of data are like a 2000 or 3000 words. Or Crystal Reports can not display more data.
Thanks in advance.
If you don't want to set a limit as to how many lines (not words) the report displays, make sure that when you set the "Can Grow" property to set the "Maximum Number of Lines" value to zero, which means there is no limit.
Since that doesn't seem to work, try right-clicking on the field, click on Format Field -> Paragraph tab -> Text Interpretation -> RTF text.

SSRS Textbox Entry Limit Chars

I am looking for a way to limit the entry size of a textbox for an SSRS parameter. The report is being rendered in ReportServer 2008. To be clear, this is NOT a textbox rendered in the report.
The report is accepting a limited number of characters for a text search, and I would like the presentation layer to match the report/SQL logic entry limit. I do not want to get 100 chars passed into a VARCHAR(20) field and produce a silent error.
There is no option to limit the length directly. One possible solution would be to have the report return a warning message indicating that the parameter is too long instead of running the query. You can do this by adding a hidden parameter after the parameter in question to be used as a flag that determines the visibility of the objects on the report.

Crystal Reports database field length

I'm running a Crystal Report connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database.
When I use Standard Report Expert and added my SQL Server table and clicked on 'Browse data', the field length seems to be double what is in the database for strings (nvarchars and varchars). Any idea why?
IIRC a field thats nvarchar(2000) for example will hold 2000 characters but it has 4000 bytes reserved since each char requires 2bytes storage. could this be the problem that you're seeing... SQL lists size in characters and crystal lists size in bytes?