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escape dictionary key double quotes when doing println dictionary item in Swift
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
This freaks out because it finds an unexpected " in the string interpolation:
let temp = "\(catalogueRows[0]["person"])"
Tried using single quotes but that didn't work. Seems like a pretty simple step and I'm confused why it doesn't work.
You can't use quotes in a string interpolation. That's just the way the syntax is.
You can't "escape" or single-quote your way out. You'll need two lines of code to do what you're trying to do:
let temptemp = catalogueRows[0]["person"]
let temp = "\(temptemp)"
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How do you print a dollar sign $ in Dart
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to use this as String in Dart.
String s = 'reservoir$lbc_release'
Getting error due to $. How do I solve this?
Just use escape sequence
print('Hello \$');
Please use '\' in front of '$'
String s = 'reservoir\$lbc_release'
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How to print double quotes inside ""?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a really simple question and I bet the answer is as simple..
I want to create a String which include the symbol " twice, such as (Hello "" World !) or (Hello "new" World !), without breaking my String (for comprehension purpose, I've put my sentences inside of parentheses instead of said symbol ").
I can't remember the name of the symbol ("), so I can't google anything, because (" ") is not clear enough for searching motor..
I hope I'm being clear, thank you for your help !
You can use hashtag before and after the double quotes to allow any special character to be added inside your string:
let string = #"Hello "" World !"#
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Why do integers in PowerShell compare by digits?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
In powershell, when I add string + array the result is a string, but when I add array + string the result is an array? Why is that?
PowerShell converts the second operand to the type of the first operand (if it can).
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PowerShell outputting array items when interpolating within double quotes
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is a function call in a verbatim PowerShell string a thing?
CSharp example:
$"this my { GetSomeValue() }";
I would rather not extract a variable if I don't have to.
I always do it this way:
$verbatimString = 'something' + (GetSomeValue) + 'end'
Since it's verbatim string, you cannot do any trick, to put value directly into it, like you showed in your example.
Remember to call functions without (), you can read about it here: 4988226
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How do I split a string into an array by comma but ignore commas inside double quotes?
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to split a csv file. ex a row contain name,id,address,pin etc..... if the adress contains again commas then how to parse? ex: Abc,123,"xyz,asd,pqr",123456 "xyz,asd,pqr" is one element and kept in double quotes only
Use a CSV parser. If you don't want to install new modules for some reason then look at Text::ParseWords instead.