Our tester have new device with same email address. They want to me add this new device to TestFlight.
So tester have two devices anymore. Tester accept my new invitation by new device but i still see only one and old device (UDID) in TestFlight>Testers section.
How can i solve this? How can i add this new device?
I deleted tester from TestFlight and add him again but still no result.
Any help please.
I'm not in the developer program. I can run the app fine on my iPhone, and on my friends iPhone. But when I unplug his iPhone and try to run the app is says "MYAPP beta has expired".
Anyone know how to fix this without paying apple?
Try this: Create a new user account on your Mac for your friend. Copy the Xcode project from your account to his account. Delete your Apple ID from that project copy. Have him log into his new account on your Mac, and configure it using his Apple ID. Then build the app using Xcode with his Apple ID for the personal provisioning profile, and install the app on his iPhone from his account.
Note that personal provisioning profiles might only be valid for something around one week. For longer profile expiration times on stock iOS devices, you will need to enroll in Apple's Developer Program.
I have Registered AppID.
Using Wild card and without Wold card also.
this is not first time i am creating app ID and submitting it on appstore.
But after registering appID on developer.apple.com
and when i try to add new app on itunesconnect.apple.com
it all time shows "You have no eligible Bundle IDs for iOS apps. Register one here."
I have created 4 appId for This.but till msg not disappears.
Logging out and back in of iTunes Connect fixed this for me.
seems a problem with iTunes Connect Contracts and payments. Here is a quote
Had the same problem. Just had to update my contract & tax info and accept the new iAd contract and everything worked again (Even though I don't want to use iAd at all).
Seems to be working for them. Not sure though.I am gonna check it out.
I guess there is something wrong with iTunes Connect now. I can't add new app either. Itunes connect doesn't see any of my recently added APP_STORE provisioning profiles.
I'm trying to add a user to a Testflight build. So I go to the Developer Portal and add their info (UDID and Device name) and add their device to the provisioning profile, redownload it, and apply it to the project. Then I archive to an .ipa file. However, when I upload the ipa to Testflight, I'm only seeing the users that were available before, I would exact the new ID to show up under "Anonymous" or something. I opened up the .ipa file (convert to zip, unzip, check Payload/embeddedprofile.mobileprovision) and the device's UDID that I added was there, so it's just Testflight refusing to add my device. Is there something up with the Testflight service, or am I missing something? I'm not getting any errors at any step, just not seeing the new UDID in the "Invite Testers" page (and the user can't access the build, Testflight turns them away).
I'll bet you didn't apply it when you archived the project for distribution. I did the same thing, took me an hour or so to figure that out! You need to double check that your Ad Hoc profile is selected in this dialog.
I deleted my account completely and started over with a new email address and it works now.
If I add a tester to TestFlightApp.com They get a link to register their device. This then downloads a profile, which is called TestFlight Access. Not for my app.
What is this profile for and how does it relate to my app?
Also do I still need to add the tester's UDID to the apple developer portal, myself?
That profile allows the service to gather the UDID of the testers device. This way the user never has to manually search that UDID and it is possible for the service to provide developers who invite users that information automatically.
Additionally, the installed web clip will authenticate the device against the service, so the apps that can be installed will be offered. These apps are found by comparing the UDID of the device against the provisioning profiles of all apps available.
So yes, you still need to add the UDID to the provisioning profile and compile your app against it.
The profile process is provided by Apple and well documented here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/iPhoneOTAConfiguration/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009505
There are also other services who leverage that functionality for "easier" gathering of UDIDs and providing an easy way to let users download their beta apps.
I'm jumping in here to say, yes you do need to re-build your app with a new profile that includes the new tester's device UDID. I'm having a problem with this for one tester only, that no matter what I do TestFlight refuses to acknowledge that the profile I am using has this one person's UDID in it yet it does. I'm writing to their support group about it and will let the forum know what I find out if anything useful.
The profile allows the test flight app to install your app. And yes, you will still need to add their UDID to the provisioning profile.
Our app is already there in app store. We now have integrated push notification support to our app and this requires new app id to be created, because our existing app id has got asterisk symbol in it. To enable push notification, app id should not have asterisk at the end, instead it has to have an unique name. So we decided to create a new app id which has got push notification enabled.
But if we do so, will we be able to upload our app as an update to our existing app which is there in the app store?, or our new submission will be considered as a new app? or what other problems we will be facing?
Thanks in advance!
We've gone through similar issues, and I'd like to put a disclaimer here that we don't actually have anything released yet, but we were able to use the same bundle identifier with a new app-id and a new provisioning profile, and it did overwrite the old app on the phone that had the old version.
I don't think the changed app-id will make a difference After all, if you have 10 different apps using the asterisk ID, they are still considered 10 different apps, so the app-id is probably more specific to the signing end. The Bundle-id is what determines the app's identity on the device itself, and so I think it's the same in the app store.