Y86 .long -5 being sent from memory to register as -1 - y86

In my code, whenever I import a negative number from the input array to a different register, the value is always 0xFFFFFFFF regardless of what the negative number is. Has anyone else ran into this issue? Here is the code:
.pos 0x200
.align 4
InputArray: .long -5
.long -10
Done: .long 0x0
.pos 0x0
irmovl InputArray, %eax
mrmovl (%eax),%ebx #here is where %ebx gets assigned 0xFFFFFFFF instead of 0xFFFFFFFB
I am compiling the code with yas and testing with ssim.

I've been informed from my instructor that this is a common error with the graphical interface in ssim, where all negative numbers appear to be negative 1. Although it appears wrong, the values are actually correct.


How to use fast division operation without support of division instruction, for a constant divisor? [duplicate]

I've been reading about div and mul assembly operations, and I decided to see them in action by writing a simple program in C:
File division.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
size_t i = 9;
size_t j = i / 5;
return 0;
And then generating assembly language code with:
gcc -S division.c -O0 -masm=intel
But looking at generated division.s file, it doesn't contain any div operations! Instead, it does some kind of black magic with bit shifting and magic numbers. Here's a code snippet that computes i/5:
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-16] ; Move i (=9) to RAX
movabs rdx, -3689348814741910323 ; Move some magic number to RDX (?)
mul rdx ; Multiply 9 by magic number
mov rax, rdx ; Take only the upper 64 bits of the result
shr rax, 2 ; Shift these bits 2 places to the right (?)
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rax ; Magically, RAX contains 9/5=1 now,
; so we can assign it to j
What's going on here? Why doesn't GCC use div at all? How does it generate this magic number and why does everything work?
Integer division is one of the slowest arithmetic operations you can perform on a modern processor, with latency up to the dozens of cycles and bad throughput. (For x86, see Agner Fog's instruction tables and microarch guide).
If you know the divisor ahead of time, you can avoid the division by replacing it with a set of other operations (multiplications, additions, and shifts) which have the equivalent effect. Even if several operations are needed, it's often still a heck of a lot faster than the integer division itself.
Implementing the C / operator this way instead of with a multi-instruction sequence involving div is just GCC's default way of doing division by constants. It doesn't require optimizing across operations and doesn't change anything even for debugging. (Using -Os for small code size does get GCC to use div, though.) Using a multiplicative inverse instead of division is like using lea instead of mul and add
As a result, you only tend to see div or idiv in the output if the divisor isn't known at compile-time.
For information on how the compiler generates these sequences, as well as code to let you generate them for yourself (almost certainly unnecessary unless you're working with a braindead compiler), see libdivide.
Dividing by 5 is the same as multiplying 1/5, which is again the same as multiplying by 4/5 and shifting right 2 bits. The value concerned is CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD in hex, which is the binary representation of 4/5 if put after a hexadecimal point (i.e. the binary for four fifths is 0.110011001100 recurring - see below for why). I think you can take it from here! You might want to check out fixed point arithmetic (though note it's rounded to an integer at the end).
As to why, multiplication is faster than division, and when the divisor is fixed, this is a faster route.
See Reciprocal Multiplication, a tutorial for a detailed writeup about how it works, explaining in terms of fixed-point. It shows how the algorithm for finding the reciprocal works, and how to handle signed division and modulo.
Let's consider for a minute why 0.CCCCCCCC... (hex) or 0.110011001100... binary is 4/5. Divide the binary representation by 4 (shift right 2 places), and we'll get 0.001100110011... which by trivial inspection can be added the original to get 0.111111111111..., which is obviously equal to 1, the same way 0.9999999... in decimal is equal to one. Therefore, we know that x + x/4 = 1, so 5x/4 = 1, x=4/5. This is then represented as CCCCCCCCCCCCD in hex for rounding (as the binary digit beyond the last one present would be a 1).
In general multiplication is much faster than division. So if we can get away with multiplying by the reciprocal instead we can significantly speed up division by a constant
A wrinkle is that we cannot represent the reciprocal exactly (unless the division was by a power of two but in that case we can usually just convert the division to a bit shift). So to ensure correct answers we have to be careful that the error in our reciprocal does not cause errors in our final result.
-3689348814741910323 is 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD which is a value of just over 4/5 expressed in 0.64 fixed point.
When we multiply a 64 bit integer by a 0.64 fixed point number we get a 64.64 result. We truncate the value to a 64-bit integer (effectively rounding it towards zero) and then perform a further shift which divides by four and again truncates By looking at the bit level it is clear that we can treat both truncations as a single truncation.
This clearly gives us at least an approximation of division by 5 but does it give us an exact answer correctly rounded towards zero?
To get an exact answer the error needs to be small enough not to push the answer over a rounding boundary.
The exact answer to a division by 5 will always have a fractional part of 0, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 or 4/5 . Therefore a positive error of less than 1/5 in the multiplied and shifted result will never push the result over a rounding boundary.
The error in our constant is (1/5) * 2-64. The value of i is less than 264 so the error after multiplying is less than 1/5. After the division by 4 the error is less than (1/5) * 2−2.
(1/5) * 2−2 < 1/5 so the answer will always be equal to doing an exact division and rounding towards zero.
Unfortunately this doesn't work for all divisors.
If we try to represent 4/7 as a 0.64 fixed point number with rounding away from zero we end up with an error of (6/7) * 2-64. After multiplying by an i value of just under 264 we end up with an error just under 6/7 and after dividing by four we end up with an error of just under 1.5/7 which is greater than 1/7.
So to implement divison by 7 correctly we need to multiply by a 0.65 fixed point number. We can implement that by multiplying by the lower 64 bits of our fixed point number, then adding the original number (this may overflow into the carry bit) then doing a rotate through carry.
Here is link to a document of an algorithm that produces the values and code I see with Visual Studio (in most cases) and that I assume is still used in GCC for division of a variable integer by a constant integer.
In the article, a uword has N bits, a udword has 2N bits, n = numerator = dividend, d = denominator = divisor, ℓ is initially set to ceil(log2(d)), shpre is pre-shift (used before multiply) = e = number of trailing zero bits in d, shpost is post-shift (used after multiply), prec is precision = N - e = N - shpre. The goal is to optimize calculation of n/d using a pre-shift, multiply, and post-shift.
Scroll down to figure 6.2, which defines how a udword multiplier (max size is N+1 bits), is generated, but doesn't clearly explain the process. I'll explain this below.
Figure 4.2 and figure 6.2 show how the multiplier can be reduced to a N bit or less multiplier for most divisors. Equation 4.5 explains how the formula used to deal with N+1 bit multipliers in figure 4.1 and 4.2 was derived.
In the case of modern X86 and other processors, multiply time is fixed, so pre-shift doesn't help on these processors, but it still helps to reduce the multiplier from N+1 bits to N bits. I don't know if GCC or Visual Studio have eliminated pre-shift for X86 targets.
Going back to Figure 6.2. The numerator (dividend) for mlow and mhigh can be larger than a udword only when denominator (divisor) > 2^(N-1) (when ℓ == N => mlow = 2^(2N)), in this case the optimized replacement for n/d is a compare (if n>=d, q = 1, else q = 0), so no multiplier is generated. The initial values of mlow and mhigh will be N+1 bits, and two udword/uword divides can be used to produce each N+1 bit value (mlow or mhigh). Using X86 in 64 bit mode as an example:
; upper 8 bytes of dividend = 2^(ℓ) = (upper part of 2^(N+ℓ))
; lower 8 bytes of dividend for mlow = 0
; lower 8 bytes of dividend for mhigh = 2^(N+ℓ-prec) = 2^(ℓ+shpre) = 2^(ℓ+e)
dividend dq 2 dup(?) ;16 byte dividend
divisor dq 1 dup(?) ; 8 byte divisor
; ...
mov rcx,divisor
mov rdx,0
mov rax,dividend+8 ;upper 8 bytes of dividend
div rcx ;after div, rax == 1
mov rax,dividend ;lower 8 bytes of dividend
div rcx
mov rdx,1 ;rdx:rax = N+1 bit value = 65 bit value
You can test this with GCC. You're already seen how j = i/5 is handled. Take a look at how j = i/7 is handled (which should be the N+1 bit multiplier case).
On most current processors, multiply has a fixed timing, so a pre-shift is not needed. For X86, the end result is a two instruction sequence for most divisors, and a five instruction sequence for divisors like 7 (in order to emulate a N+1 bit multiplier as shown in equation 4.5 and figure 4.2 of the pdf file). Example X86-64 code:
; rbx = dividend, rax = 64 bit (or less) multiplier, rcx = post shift count
; two instruction sequence for most divisors:
mul rbx ;rdx = upper 64 bits of product
shr rdx,cl ;rdx = quotient
; five instruction sequence for divisors like 7
; to emulate 65 bit multiplier (rbx = lower 64 bits of multiplier)
mul rbx ;rdx = upper 64 bits of product
sub rbx,rdx ;rbx -= rdx
shr rbx,1 ;rbx >>= 1
add rdx,rbx ;rdx = upper 64 bits of corrected product
shr rdx,cl ;rdx = quotient
; ...
To explain the 5 instruction sequence, a simple 3 instruction sequence could overflow. Let u64() mean upper 64 bits (all that is needed for quotient)
mul rbx ;rdx = u64(dvnd*mplr)
add rdx,rbx ;rdx = u64(dvnd*(2^64 + mplr)), could overflow
shr rdx,cl
To handle this case, cl = post_shift-1. rax = multiplier - 2^64, rbx = dividend. u64() is upper 64 bits. Note that rax = rax<<1 - rax. Quotient is:
u64( ( rbx * (2^64 + rax) )>>(cl+1) )
u64( ( rbx * (2^64 + rax<<1 - rax) )>>(cl+1) )
u64( ( (rbx * 2^64) + (rbx * rax)<<1 - (rbx * rax) )>>(cl+1) )
u64( ( (rbx * 2^64) - (rbx * rax) + (rbx * rax)<<1 )>>(cl+1) )
u64( ( ((rbx * 2^64) - (rbx * rax))>>1) + (rbx*rax) )>>(cl ) )
mul rbx ; (rbx*rax)
sub rbx,rdx ; (rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax)
shr rbx,1 ;( (rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1
add rdx,rbx ;( ((rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1)+(rbx*rax)
shr rdx,cl ;((((rbx*2^64)-(rbx*rax))>>1)+(rbx*rax))>>cl
I will answer from a slightly different angle: Because it is allowed to do it.
C and C++ are defined against an abstract machine. The compiler transforms this program in terms of the abstract machine to concrete machine following the as-if rule.
The compiler is allowed to make ANY changes as long as it doesn't change the observable behaviour as specified by the abstract machine. There is no reasonable expectation that the compiler will transform your code in the most straightforward way possible (even when a lot of C programmer assume that). Usually, it does this because the compiler wants to optimize the performance compared to the straightforward approach (as discussed in the other answers at length).
If under any circumstances the compiler "optimizes" a correct program to something that has a different observable behaviour, that is a compiler bug.
Any undefined behaviour in our code (signed integer overflow is a classical example) and this contract is void.

unknown non-binary data encoding - any hints?

I' trying to decode data sent via RF by a weather station.
Unfortunately, the data representation isn't in standard binary way (0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, ...). What I've found is the following scheme:
value representation
0 => 0xff = 0b11111111
1 => 0x00 = 0b00000000
2 => 0x01 = 0b00000001
3 => 0xfe = 0b11111110
4 => 0x03 = 0b00000011
5 => 0xfc = 0b11111100
6 => 0xfd = 0b11111101
7 => 0x02 = 0b00000010
Or broken down to the bits:
value: 0 8 16 24
| | | |
Bit 0: 1010101010101010101010101010 ...
Bit 1: 1001100110011001100110011001
Bit 2: 1001011010010110100101101001
Bit 3: 1001011001101001100101100110
Bit 4: 1001011001101001011010011001
Bit 5: 1001011001101001011010011001
Bit 6: 1001011001101001011010011001
Bit 7: 1001011001101001011010011001
Each bit seems to follow a certain pattern of mirroring and inversion of the preceding, e.g. bit 3 = 10 01 0110 01101001
What is that kind of encoding called like, and how to easily convert it to a standard binary form?
It looks like the LSB pattern is periodic with period 2 (10 repeated), the next bit is periodic with period 4 (1001 repeated), and presumably the bit before that has period 8 (10010110 repeated).
This is somewhat similar to the normal representation, of course, except that usually the repeating patterns are 01, 0011, 00001111 etcetera.
It seems the pattern 1001 is created by copying 10 and inverting the second copy. Similarly, the pattern 100100110 is created by copying and inverting 1001. Hence, the next pattern of period 16 would be 10010011001101001.
Now, how are these patterns related?
For the lowest bit, 10 repeated is 01 repeated XOR (11). Simple.
For the next bit, 1001 repeated is 0011 XOR (1010) repeated - and note that the LSB pattern was 10 repeated.
After that, we get 10010110 repeated which is 00001111 XOR (10011001) repeated. See the pattern?
So: You need to XOR each bit with the bit to its right, starting from the MSB.

Borrow during subtracting operation (sbc asm instruction) on 6502?

When the borrow (i.e. carry flag is cleared) happens during subtracting operation (sbc asm instruction) on 6502 used by NES? Is it each time the result is negative (-1 to -128)?
Many thanks!
On a 6502 SBC n is exactly identical to ADC (n EOR $FF) — it's one's complement. So carry is clear when A + (operand ^ 0xff) + existing carry is less than 256.
EDIT: so, if carry is set then the subtraction occurs without borrow. If carry is clear then subtraction occurs with borrow. Therefore if carry is set after the subtraction then there was no borrow. If carry is clear then there was borrow.
If you want to test whether a result is negative, check the sign bit implicitly via a BMI or BPL.
It's a bit more complicated than that if in decimal mode on a generic 6502 but the NES variant doesn't have decimal mode so ignore anything you read about that.
To clarify re: the comments below; if you're treating numbers as signed then 127 is +127, 128 is -128, etc. Normal two's complement. Nothing special. E.g.
LDA #-63 ; i.e. 1100 0001
SBC #65 ; i.e. 0100 0001
; result in accumulator is now -128, i.e. 1000 0000,
; and carry remains set because there was no borrow
BPL somewhere ; wouldn't jump, because -128 is negative
BMI somewhereElse ; would jump, because -128 is negative
The following is exactly equivalent in terms of inner workings:
LDA #-63 ; i.e. 1100 0001
SEC ; ... everything the same up until here ...
ADC #65 ; i.e. 1011 1110 (the complement of 0100 0001)
; result = 1100 0001 + 1011 1110 + 1 = [1] 0111 1111 + 1 = [1] 1000 0000
; ^
; |
; carry
; = -128
So, as above, defining "the result" as per the 6502 manual and ordinary programmatic meaning of "the thing sitting in the accumulator", you can test whether the result is positive or negative as stated above, e.g.
SBC $23
BMI resultWasNegative
resultWasPositive: ...
If you're interested in whether the complete result would have been negative (i.e. had it fitted into the accumulator) then you can also check the overflow flag. If overflow is set then that means that whatever is in the accumulator has the wrong sign because of the 8-bit limit. So you can do the equivalent of an exclusive OR between overflow and sign:
SBC $23
BVC signIsTheOpposite
BMI resultWasNegative
JMP resultWasPositive
BPL resultWasNegative
JMP resultWasPositive
Tommy's answer is correct, but I have a simpler way of looking at it.
Operations in the 6502's ALU are all 8 bit so you can think of a subtraction like this (for $65 and $64):
What I do is imagine the subtraction is a 9 bit (unsigned) operation with the 9th bit of the accumulator set to 1, so $65 - $64 would look like this:
1 01100101
- 01100100
1 00000001
Whereas $64 - $65 would look like this
1 01100100
- 01100101
0 11111111
The new carry bit is the imaginary 9th bit of the result.
Essentially, the carry is set when the operand interpreted as an unsigned number is greater than the accumulator interpreted as an unsigned number. Or to be pedantic when
A < operand - 1 + oldcarry
Nope, the result may as well be positive.
lda #$10
sbc #$f0
Carry will be clear after that and Accumulator will be $20.
To test for positive/negative values after substraction use the N(egative)-flag of the status-register and the branches evaluating it (BMI/BPL).

Assignment vs if not equal to then assign... Swift being the language I care most about

I have some code that will get ran every so often. As far as performance goes, is there any difference between the following to satements, and if so, which one is faster?
num = 4
if num != 4 {
num = 4
I understand the difference is probably minimal, but I have had this question run through my mind on occasion. Also I would be interested in the closely related questions to this that might use a Bool or String instead of an Int.
The first one is faster for sure, because the processor has to do 1 instruction, which takes 1 clock cycle. In the second one there is at least 1 instruction or more (Comparison and optional assignment).
Assuming we have this code:
var x = 0
x = 4
Here are the important lines of the assembly (swiftc -emit-assembly):
movq $0, __Tv4test3numSi(%rip) // Assigns 0 to the variable
movq $4, __Tv4test3numSi(%rip) // Assigns 4 to the variable
As you can see, a single instruction is needed
And with this code:
var x = 0
if x != 4 {
x = 4
movq $0, __Tv4test3numSi(%rip) // Assign 0 to the variable
cmpq $4, __Tv4test3numSi(%rip) // Compare variable with 4
je LBB0_4 // If comparison was equal, jump to LBB0_4
movq $4, __Tv4test3numSi(%rip) // Otherwise set variable to 4
xorl %eax, %eax // Zeroes the eax register (standard for every label)
As you can see, the second one uses either 3 instructions (when already equal to 4) or 4 instructions (when not equal 4).
It was clear to me from the beginning, but the assembly nicely demonstrates that the second one can't be faster.
It's faster for me to read "num = 4". About three times faster. That's what I care about. You are attempting a microoptimisation of very dubious value, so I would be really worried if I saw someone writing that kind of code.
I believe this check
if num != 4 { ... }
if faster than an assignment
num = 4
Scenario #1
So if most of the times num is equals to 4 you should skip the useless assignment and use this code
if num != 4 {
num = 4
Scenario #2
On the other hand if most of the times num is different from 4 you could remove the check and juts go with the assignment
num = 4

Scalar::Util looks_like_number returning number types

I notice that looks_like_number doesn't simply return true/false as I'd assumed, but actually returns a byte indicating the type of number the perl internals say is stored in the scalar. For example:
perl -e'use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/; for (qw/ 1 3 10 34.23 545435.234 2343.0 234 -1423 1sddf -865178652134876152348761253487613254 sdf 24363456345636534563567253765734655 8764325hjkh435 iuh340874 &*^*& 786521948761324876132497821347816.23452345 -8762135487126387432.12435154243 0 nan inf/) { print $_, ": ", looks_like_number($_), "\n" } '
1: 1
3: 1
10: 1
34.23: 5
545435.234: 5
2343.0: 5
234: 1
-1423: 9
1sddf: 0
-865178652134876152348761253487613254: 10
sdf: 0
24363456345636534563567253765734655: 2
8764325hjkh435: 0
iuh340874: 0
&*^*&: 0
786521948761324876132497821347816.23452345: 6
-8762135487126387432.12435154243: 14
0: 1
nan: 36
inf: 20
It's not actually documented in Scalar::Util that I can find, just a mention of it returning perlapi's looks_like_number value, which also isn't in the documentation. At a glance, it appears to be:
& 1 = numeric
& 2 = 64 bit
& 4 = floating point
& 8 = negative
& 16 = infinity
& 32 = not a number
Are these masks portable and safe to use in code?
No, if they are not documented, they are subject to change. And "numeric" and "64 bit" aren't really adequate descriptions of those flags. What they do do doesn't seem particularly useful to know in Perl code.
What problem are you trying to solve?
Don't rely on undocumented behaviour, the return value is bound to Perl's internals, it can (and likely will) change in the future; it may even be different depending on which platform/architecture your script is running on!
If you want to test for NaN, infinity or negative zero, see this question.