buildbot: How to set boolean property using Interpolate? - buildbot

I try to set a new Boolean property using Interpolate:
but 'new-property' gets the value 'True' (string) instead of the value True (Boolean).
How can I set the new property to Boolean value?


How to set Field private boolean set true?

When i set the true value but error what's am wrong with this code
".field private isPro:Z"
My set
'''.field private isPro:Z=true'''
In smali/dalvik "Z" means "boolean", in your case it is defining only the type, not the value:
.field private isPro:Z
Changing "Z" to "true" will not work, since "true" it is not a valid type.
If you want to change its value, you need to search where the variable isPro is used, and change/override from 0x0 (false) to 0x1 (true).
you should use iput-boolean in constructor or any method instead of assign directly when defining field.
.field private isPro:Z
#assign value
const/4 v0, 0
iput-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/example/YourClassPath;->isPro:Z
btw, direct assign only works in static field like below
# not 0 not 1
.field private static isPro:Z = true

What is the default value for a String in Dart?

What is the default value for a String in Dart.
It must be either '' or null.
String myString;
What will this return ?
According to the official documentation:
Uninitialized variables have an initial value of null.
Even variables with numeric types are initially null because numbers—like everything else in Dart—are objects.
String lineCount;
assert(lineCount == null);
you can check this link
The default value will be null
I actually found the answer here :
Uninitialized variables have an initial value of null.
And thanks to #pskink and, I was also able to run this without having to wait for the iOS build to complete, and the result of code is :
null // from print(myString);
false // from print(myString=='');
true // print(myString==null);
By default In dart lang string value is null.
String myString;

I didn't understand java boolean

I'm new at java and I didn't understand boolean very well. Can someone explain boolean?
What is it?
Where will I use it?
Why ı use?
A boolean value is one with two choices: true or false, like yes or no, 1 or 0.
boolean isSunday= true;
So instead of typing int or double or string, you just type boolean (with a lower case "b"). After the name of you variable, you can assign a value of either true or false.
This is how to use. By the way, boolean's value is false default in Java.
boolean isSunday= true;
if ( isSunday ) {
System.out.println("it's Sunday!");
else {
System.out.println("it's not Sunday");
What is it?
boolean is a data type to represent true/false value.
Where will I use it?
In your java programs for instance a flag to know if an item is found in list or not.
Why ı use?
To save memory and enhance readability.

cannot set accessibilityValue property

I'm trying to set an accessibilityValue property in swift application.
It doesn't work , while I'm trying to inspect the element with appium , the actual value is different from the value I've tried to set.
In case and I'm setting next values :
self?.isAccessibilityElement = true
self?.accessibilityLabel = "Header"
self?.accessibilityValue = Some dynamic value
The value property is being override by the accessibilityLabel value
Any idea what has gone wrong ?

How to check if %ZEN.proxyObject has a property in Caché Object Script?

How to properly check that some %ZEN.proxyObject's object has a specific property?
In my case I have %ZEN.proxyObject instance. My guess is set p = $PROPERTY(object, "propertyName"). $PROPERTY returns an empty string if property does not exists, but what if the property value is an empty string?
Use %data property of %ZEN.proxyObject:
Set obj = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
Set obj.a = 2
Write $Data(obj.%data("a"))
Write $Data(obj.%data("b"))