Which Google API can access Hangouts Data? - google-apps

What Google API would be the easiest to father the following information:
A list of all hangouts currently going on in my Google for Work Organization
People in those Hangouts
Links to join those hangouts.

I think the link below maybe could help.
It provides basic information such as getting the list of participants, getting the URL for the Hangout, and getting the HangoutId.


How do I find all Google groups I am member of via api?

I have a Google Apps account (now, G Suite). I want to find out all groups I am member of via api call. I know that this can be done from UI. https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/46711/where-can-i-see-the-groups-i-am-a-member-of-in-my-enterprise-account . But I need to do this from an api call. Thanks.
Google Admin SDK has an api for this. This is the api to use.

Can I access Facebook Ad Billing data through an API?

Thats the url id like to pull data from. I looked at all the API's, but none of them seem to offer up this data.
Try this: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.9/{business_id}/business_invoices
YES YOU CAN USIG FACEBOOK MARKETING API Marketing APIs are a collection of Graph API endpoints that can be used to help you advertise on Facebook. To get started with advertising on Facebook, we recommend you learn about Facebook's Ad Campaign Structure, to understand the objects you're working with and how they relate to each other.

How can I find most shared/liked/commented post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api

I'm looking for a way to find most shared/liked/commented facebook post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api?
Is this possible to create through the Facebook API? I could not find how to pull information in general that many websites offer.
Any help would be greatl! Thanks
No, there is no direct possibility to do that. You can only get Pages/Places by location (Search API), read their feed (/page-id/feed), go through the posts and calculate on your own.

Get list of friends above the messenger in Facebook with Graph Api

I stuck on finding a way to get the list of friends above the messenger :
This list contains the "most used friends" in facebook messenger...
Facebook give us a way to get these information ?
Thank you
Facebook chat does not use standard Graph Api, it uses XMPP protocol instead. Here you can find facebook documentation. As far as I know you can get list of active friends in XMPP, you can get more info about xmpp roster here. The best way to implement this is to use some open source XMPP libraries. There is official list so use one of those.
You should also note that "Your Facebook Chat integration should only be used for sessions that are expected to be long-lived. Clients should not rapidly churn on and off." The chat API is meant to be used for chat. With that in mind consider if you are really going to use that api for a long term session.
There is currently no API which returns the list of friends visible at the top of the chat window on Facebook.com

Get Adwords keyword that lead user to the page from Google Analytics API

I asked a question about how to determine keywords from which the user came to the page.
I was suggested to link Google Adwords with Google Analytics and use Google Analytics API to pull the keywords.
What API methods can I use to do this?
I seem to have found the answer to my question: http://certifiedknowledge.org/blog/using-adwords-dynamic-parameters-in-links/