How to implement security Authorization using scala and play? - scala

I am using scala and play framework. I want to use play security Authorization in my app.
Previously I implemented it in project using java and play like following :
public class Secured extends Security.Authenticator {
private static String EMAIL = "Email";
private static String U_COOKIE = "ucookie";
public String getUsername(Context ctx) {
String decodedText = null;
String CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1";
Cookies cookies = play.mvc.Controller.request().cookies();
try {
Cookie emailCookie = cookies.get(EMAIL);
Cookie uCookie = cookies.get(U_COOKIE);
if (uCookie !=null && uCookie.value() != null) {
String userId = uCookie.value();
if (emailCookie != null && emailCookie.value() != null) {
String email = emailCookie.value();
try {
decodedText = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(email.getBytes(CHARSET)));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return decodedText;
public Result onUnauthorized(Context ctx) {
String done = play.mvc.Controller.request().path();
return redirect(routes.RegController.signIn(done));
and I used above Authorization in all of my method using
Before any of my methods throughout my application.
When I call any method #before that method gives call to secured class and authenticate user.
Now I want to implement same thing using scala. Following are my questions....
1) Is it possible to use # to inherit and call methods of secured class??
2) What is the right method to call play's security authentication??
P.S. I want to use cookies for implementation of security Authentication/Authorization.
Any help or workaround will be great favor..

If you build an application intended for production:
Don't do it
Use one of the many frameworks out there:
Deadbolt2 :
Silhouette :
They are also a great starting point to look for best practices.
If you want to do it mainly for learning and there are no real scecurity concerns go for:
There look for the heading auth it gives some information how to do it.
To have the authentication kick in before any method you could use a Filter to intercept the request:


Unable to set values in the map using webclient call response

I am unable to get values filled in the map after making a web client call and using the response of the previous Mono.Here is the code I have tried.The value of parameters.size() comes out to zero.Not able to get the reason as to why the value is not filled.I basically want to return age ( and not Mono object)
from this method.Using block gives an error block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3.
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String,String>();
Mono<Person> obj = webClient
.uri("dummy url")
.flatMap(resp -> {
parameters.put("name", resp.getName());
parameters.put("age", resp.getAge());
return Mono.just(new Person(resp.getName(),resp.getAge()));
Please suggest where I am wrong and solution to fix the same.
Since this is about collecting and using a token of some sort collected from a previous HTTP call, your best bet is to delegate all that to an ExchangeFilterFunction.
An ExchangeFilterFunction is a filter that is executed on the client side for each outgoing request. Here is a very, very naïve implementation of such a filter:
class TokenFilterFunction implements ExchangeFilterFunction {
private final AtomicReference<String> token = new AtomicReference<>();
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest req, ExchangeFunction next) {
if (this.token.get() == null) {
return fetchToken(next).then(sendRequest(req, next));
else {
return sendRequest(req, next);
private Mono<ClientResponse> sendRequest(ClientRequest req, ExchangeFunction next) {
ClientRequest request = ClientRequest.from(req)
.header("Token", this.token.get()).build();
private Mono<Void> fetchToken(ExchangeFunction next) {
ClientRequest tokenRequest = ClientRequest.create(HttpMethod.GET,
return -> {
This could automatically call the token endpoint to fetch a token when needed and directly chain with the request you asked in the first place. Again, such an implementation should be much more complex than that, handling domains, errors, and more.
If you're using some authentication technology, such a filter might be implemented already in Spring Security in a much, much better way.
You can configure it on your client during the building phase, like:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().filter(new TokenFilterFunction()).build();

How to prevent infinite retries - Apache Shiro RESTful service

I am setting up a RESTful webservice, using RESTEasy framework. For security I use Apache Shiro. I want my api to stop accepting requests or timing out persons that login too much.
Whenever I go some URL with my browser (chrome), I can try to login infinitely many times. Seems a really bad idea to allow this. As a measure, I have made sure to remember the nr of login attempts, for which users cannot login after 3 times. However, with a brute force attack, you could still block all users from loging in. I want a more general solution.
# We store users and passwords inside the realm.
myRealm = com.myproject.shiro.DatabaseRealm
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
/api/version = anon
/api/** = authcBasic
public class DatabaseRealm extends AuthorizingRealm {
protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principalCollection) {
// No clue what to do with this functin. I only use authentication and not authorization, so probably just nothing.
return null;
* Check if the user inputted is valid. The user can login if holds:
* 1. Password is correct. (if not, nrOfLogonAttempts++)
* 2. LogonUser.nrOfLogonAttemps is less than 3
* 3. LogonUser.dateEndValid is null or >= today.
* #param authenticationToken Token with basic information.
* #return SimpleAuthenticationInfo
* #throws AuthenticationException Whenever the user cannot login.
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken)
throws UnknownAccountException, IncorrectCredentialsException, LockedAccountException, ExpiredCredentialsException {
// Connect with the database.
DbContext context = null;
try {
context = DbContextUtil.getContextFromTomcat();
// Lookup user in the database.
LogonUserMyDao logonUserMyDao = new LogonUserMyDao(context);
LogonuserPojo logonuserPojo = logonUserMyDao.fetchOneByUsername(((UsernamePasswordToken) authenticationToken).getUsername());
if (logonuserPojo == null) {
throw new UnknownAccountException("Could not find user.");
// Check password
String plainTextPassword = new String(((UsernamePasswordToken) authenticationToken).getPassword());
if (!BCryptUtil.checkPassword(plainTextPassword, logonuserPojo.getPassword())) {
// We will note this event.
logonuserPojo.setNroflogonattempts(logonuserPojo.getNroflogonattempts() + 1);
throw new IncorrectCredentialsException("Incorrect password.");
// Check nrOfLogonAttempts
if (logonuserPojo.getNroflogonattempts() >= 2) {
throw new LockedAccountException("Cannot login anymore.");
// Check date
if (logonuserPojo.getDateendvalid() != null && DateTimeUtil.isBeforeToday(logonuserPojo.getDateendvalid())) {
throw new ExpiredCredentialsException("Account is expired.");
// User is valid, so return some info.
return new SimpleAuthenticationInfo(logonuserPojo.getUsername(), plainTextPassword, getClass().getName());
} catch (SQLException e) {
MyLogger.logError("Could not connect to user database.", e);
throw new AuthenticationException("Could not connect to databse.");
} finally {
if (context != null) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
MyLogger.logError("Could not close connection", e);
Are you looking for more general DDOS protection? There are a few options out there depending on where your app is running (for example AWS Shield).
You could also prevent connections from reaching your db with something like this: (but, that that would still require handling the request in your application)
On the Shiro side of things, counting your attempts is NOT a bad idea, but you need to watch out for the user management side of things (How does a user get unlocked, support request? Wait 30 minutes?) Instead of recording failures, you may just want to record/audit all attempts (excluding the actual password of course). With either option a call to support or an n minute window, this may help provide some context to support or an easy query.

Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) in an MVVM Phone 8.1 App

I am currently trying to convert the phone sample app from the official ADAL github repo to a caliburn.micro MVVM app. But there are so many moving parts backed into the code-behind to get along with WebAuthenticationBroker that I don't now how to push that into viewmodels and handle navigation correctly when the app is activated again after the broker did the sign-on. Since I am totally clueless at the moment there is no code to share yet.
I've been using MvvmLight along with ADAL in my Windows Phone 8.1 App. What you need to do is as soon as you get a token, you need to send the message using the Messenger pattern. All of those view models which require the token and have already subscribed to it will receive it. Here is something I've done in my app using MvvmLight. Remember that you need to have a ContinuationManager class and IWebContinuable interface to make the app work.
private async void Login()
AuthenticationResult result = null;
context = AuthenticationContext.CreateAsync("<tenant-id>").GetResults();
//try to check if you can get the token without showing pop-up
result = await context.AcquireTokenSilentAsync("", "<clientid>");
bool exists = CheckInVault();
PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
var tokenvault = vault.FindAllByResource("Token");
string RefreshToken = tokenvault[0].Password;
var refresh=await context.AcquireTokenByRefreshTokenAsync(RefreshToken, clientid);
context.AcquireTokenAndContinue("", clientid, WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri(), StoreToken);
else if(result != null && result.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Success)
// A token was successfully retrieved. Post the new To Do item
bool exists = CheckInVault();
if (exists)
PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
var tokenvault = vault.FindAllByResource("Token");
//this method will be called when app is opened first time and pop-up appears
result=await context.AcquireTokenSilentAsync("", "<client-id>");
catch(Exception e)
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Error");
What I am doing here is - after acquiring the access token and reference token when the user signs up first, I store the refresh token in the PasswordVault, so as to get it in the future to enable single sign-on. ADAL actually does using its caching feature, but sometimes the single sign-on failed for me, hence using the PasswordVault to store the refresh token. After the authentication completes, I have a delegate to StoreToken function, where I actually store the new refresh token and send the access token to all the subscribers using the Messenger class in MvvmLight.
private void StoreToken(AuthenticationResult result)
var token = result.AccessToken;
Messenger.Default.Send<string>(token); //send the access token.
PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
PasswordCredential credential = new PasswordCredential();
credential.UserName = result.AccessToken;
credential.Password = result.RefreshToken;
credential.Resource = "Token";
catch(Exception e)
I would recommend handling the navigation in the view models. Define a helper class like NavigationService:
public class NavigationService:INavigationService
private Frame _frame;
public Frame Frame
return _frame;
_frame = value;
_frame.Navigated+= OnFrameNavigated;
public void NavigateTo(string type)
public void GoForward()
if (Frame.CanGoForward)
public void GoBack()
if (Frame.CanGoBack)
To navigate to a page from the view models, you use the NavigateTo(string) method as
NavigateTo("<fully qualified class name of the page you want to navigate to>,<assembly name>")
I would also suggest using a IoC container (MvvmLight gives you a ViewModelLocator class) so that you can maintain singleton instances of your view models and helpers like NavigationService. I haven't used the CaliburnMicro framework but I would assume there would be similar features for Messaging and Dependency Injection.

GCM Cloud Connection Server doesn't respond to SASL on XMPP

Using agsXMPP to connect to Google Cloud Messaging XMPP API for the purpose of sending notification to Android devices.
The connection is established OK, but on SASL start, after sending the PLAIN auth element, the server stops responding, and closes the connection after a further 20 seconds.
Base64 decoding the auth example from the documentation page ( shows login values of:
Where as agsXMPP is (correctly I think) encoding the string, to give something like:
Note the \40 in my version instead of the # in the Google example - could this make a difference?
I'm expecting either a success or failure message, no response at all is difficult to debug. Could this at character be responsible for some failure, or does Google's implementation of XMPP just not provide the correct responses.
I answered below, essentially, yes, Google can't handled the encoded # character because it doesn't support that XMPP extension.
After some more testing, I added a new SaslFactory mechanism in agsXMPP and bound it to use the username without encoding (part of extension, which Google doesn't support), and then on SaslStartEvent - specify that I want to use that mechanism instead of the inbuilt plain one. - and now the connection will continue normally.
xmpp = new XmppClientConnection();
xmpp.UseSSL = true;
xmpp.UseStartTLS = false;
xmpp.Server = "";
xmpp.ConnectServer = "";
xmpp.Port = 5235;
/* Other connection settings /*
SaslFactory.AddMechanism("MyPLAINMechanism", typeof(MyPlainMechanismClass));
xmpp.OnSaslStart += (sender, args) =>
args.Auto = false;
args.Mechanism = "MyPLAINMechanism";
args.ExtentedData = new GcmPlainSaslExtendedData
Then we define the MyPlainMechanismClass which inherits from the Mechanism in agsXMPP, the source code is the same as the original PlainSaslMechanism except the line where the username is input - you can pass in an unencoded username using the ExtendedData property on args.
public class MyPlainMechanismClass: Mechanism
private XmppClientConnection m_XmppClient = null;
public GcmPlainSaslMechanism()
public override void Init(XmppClientConnection con)
m_XmppClient = con;
// <auth mechanism="PLAIN" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">$Message</auth>
m_XmppClient.Send(new agsXMPP.protocol.sasl.Auth(agsXMPP.protocol.sasl.MechanismType.PLAIN, Message()));
public override void Parse(Node e)
// not needed here in PLAIN mechanism
private string Message()
// NULL Username NULL Password
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//sb.Append( (char) 0 );
sb.Append(((GcmPlainSaslExtendedData) this.ExtentedData).Username);
byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
return Convert.ToBase64String(msg, 0, msg.Length);
Our custom ExtendedData object which we use to pass in custom arguments, such as an unencoded username in this case.
public class GcmPlainSaslExtendedData : agsXMPP.Sasl.ExtendedData
public string Username { get; set; }

Possible to force the C# Facebook SDK to use HTTP instead of HTTPS?

I need to do some connectivity simulations to see that my code handles various connectivity errors to Facebook. I want to be able to simulate 500s, timeouts etc.
The easiest way to do that is to use Fiddler, but it seems to not be working with HTTPS (I get 403s when I try).
Is ther a way to force the SDK to work with HTTP instead of HTTPS for debugging purposes?
Facebook C# SDK supports your scenario for mocking the entire HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse. In fact we actually use that internally in our unit tests so that every single line of the code in Facebook C# SDK actually gets executed and the result is always the same. For now you will need to check these tests in v5 branch as we haven't yet migrated those tests to v6.
For v5, you will need to override the protected CreateHttpWebRequest method in FacebookClient.
Here is an example for v5 when there is no internet connection. There are three hidden classes HttpWebRequestWrapper, HttpWebResponseWrapper and WebExceptionWrapper that you will need to make use of.
public static void NoInternetConnection(this Mock<Facebook.FacebookClient> facebookClient, out Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper> mockRequest, out Mock<WebExceptionWrapper> mockWebException)
mockRequest = new Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper>();
mockWebException = new Mock<WebExceptionWrapper>();
var mockAsyncResult = new Mock<IAsyncResult>();
var request = mockRequest.Object;
var webException = mockWebException.Object;
var asyncResult = mockAsyncResult.Object;
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.Method);
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.ContentType);
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.ContentLength);
.Setup(ar => ar.AsyncWaitHandle)
.Setup(e => e.GetResponse())
.Setup(r => r.GetResponse())
.Setup(r => r.EndGetResponse(It.IsAny<IAsyncResult>()))
AsyncCallback callback = null;
.Setup(r => r.BeginGetResponse(It.IsAny<AsyncCallback>(), It.IsAny<object>()))
.Callback<AsyncCallback, object>((c, s) =>
callback = c;
.Returns(() =>
return asyncResult;
var mockRequestCopy = mockRequest;
var mockWebExceptionCopy = mockWebException;
.Setup<HttpWebRequestWrapper>("CreateHttpWebRequest", ItExpr.IsAny<Uri>())
.Callback<Uri>(uri =>
mockRequestCopy.Setup(r => r.RequestUri).Returns(uri);
mockWebExceptionCopy.Setup(e => e.Message).Returns(string.Format("The remote name could not be resolved: '{0}'", uri.Host));
You can then write your tests as below.
public void SyncWhenThereIsNotInternetConnectionAndFiddlerIsNotOpen_ThrowsWebExceptionWrapper()
var mockFb = new Mock<FacebookClient> { CallBase = true };
Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper> mockRequest;
Mock<WebExceptionWrapper> mockWebException;
mockFb.NoInternetConnection(out mockRequest, out mockWebException);
Exception exception = null;
var fb = mockFb.Object;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
In v6 we have made mocking the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse much easier.
Create your custom HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse by inheriting HttpWebRequestWrapper and HttpWebReponseWrapper.
Then change the default http web request factory for Facebook C# SDK. Here is the sample of the default factory.
FacebookClient.SetDefaultHttpWebRequestFactory(uri => new HttpWebRequestWrapper((HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri)));
If you want to change the HttpWebRequestFactor per FacebookClient instance then use the following code.
var fb = new FacebookClient();
fb.HttpWebRequestFactory = uri=> new MyHttpWebRequestWrapper(uri);
Note: HttpWebRequestWrapper, HttpWebResponseWrapper, WebExceptionWrapper, FacebookClient.SetDefaultHttpWebRequestFactory and FacebookClient.HttpWebRequestFactory has the attribute [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] so you might not see it in the intellisense.
Things like no internet connection that you mention should actually be a part of facebook c# sdk tests and not your app unit tests. The sdk should guarantee that when there is not internet conenction it always throws WebExceptionWrapper and your app unit tests should actually be handling the WebExceptionWrapper exception and not mocking the entire httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse.
I'd suggest you introduce another level of abstraction to your code and code to that abstraction rather than the implementation. Eg.
public interface IFacebookClient {
IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends();
public class HttpsClient : IFacebookClient {
public IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends() {
// Make a call out to the Facebook API, as per usual
In your consuming code you'd do something like;
public class ConsumingCode {
private IFacebookClient _client;
public ConsumingCode(IFacebookClient client) {
_client = client;
foreach (Friend friend in _client.GetFriends()) {
// Do something with each Friend
If you're using an IoC container this can all get wired up for you automatically. MVVM frameworks like Caliburn.Micro tend to support this as well.
Then when it comes to unit testing (or manual testing) you can change the implementation of your interface;
public class Http403Client : IFacebookClient {
public IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends() {
throw new HttpException(403, "Forbidden");
Obviously this is just a mock up example but I think it demonstrates the concept that you want to implement.