Should Aggregates be Event Handlers - cqrs

I am currently beginning my first real attempt at a DDD/CQRS/ES system after studying a lot of material and examples.
1) I have seen event sourcing examples where the Aggregates are Event Handlers and their Handle method for each event is what mutates the state on the object instance (They implement an IHandleEvent<EventType> interface for events that would mutate the state)
2) I have also seen examples where the Aggregates would just look like plain classic Entity classes modelling the domain.
Another Event Handler class is involved in mutating the state.
State, of course, is mutated on an aggregate by the event handlers in both cases when rebuilding the aggregate from a repository call that gets all the previous events for that aggregate, and when a command handler calls methods on an aggregate. Although in the latter I've seen examples where the events are published in the command handler rather than by the aggregate, which I'm convinced is wrong.
My question is what are the pros and cons between method (1) and (2)

The job of receiving/handling a command is different from actioning it. The approach I take is to have a handler. It's job is to receive a command. The command hold the AggregateId which it can then use to get all the events for the aggregate. It can then apply those events to the aggregate via a LoadFromHistory method. This brings the aggregate up to date and makes it ready to receive the command. So my the short version is option 2.
I have some posts that you find helpful, the first is a overview of the flow of a typical CQRS/ES application. It's not how it should be just how they often are. You can find that at CQRS – A Step-by-Step Guide to the Flow of a typical Application!
I also have a post on how to build an aggregate root for CQRS and ES if thats helpful. You can find that at Aggregate Root – How to Build One for CQRS and Event Sourcing
Anyway, I hope that helps. All the best building your CQRS/ES app!

While I agree with Codescribler , I need to go a bit further into details. ES is about expressing an entity state as a stream of events (which will be stored). A message handler is just a service implementation which will tell an Entity what to do.
With ES the entity implements its changes by generating one or more events and then applying them to itself. The entity doesn't know that its changes come from a command or event handler (it should be 'always' a command handler but well.. sometimes it doesn't matter), however it modifies state via its own events that will be published by a service (or the event store itself).
But... in a recent app, for pragmatic reasons my ES entity accepted the commands directly, although the entity itself wasn't an implementation of a command handler. The handler would just relay the command to the entity.
So, you can actually handle messages directly with an entity but only as an implementation detail, I wouldn't recommend to designate an entity to be a command/event handler, as it's a violation of the Separation of Concerns.


CQRS - sending response by command with immediate consistency

I have the following architecture:
Ofc. there are ports and adapters, and everything else you can imagine...
What do you suggest, how to send a rest response by immediate consistency? Should I add another event bus and raise an event? (I guess the projection must send something about the success.)
How to handle errors in an event based system like this? (The event bus is not necessary, I can solve loose coupling with an IoC container, but I don't think sending a callback through so many objects would be a good solution.)
It's not hard, instead of sending a command, you can call directly the command handler from controller. Or have a service method which will handle the input and returns something. The important bit is that all these are done synchronously (i.e you need to wait until the handler finishes). The domain events handlers are unaffected, they can be async.
If you don't want to go 'hybrid' and want to always use the same workflow (as described in your pic) things are more complicated, you need the client to check often if the operation has completed. I think the better way is to be flexible so, for some tasks you can use the 'old' ways. The domain events will still be generated and handled, that part would not change. You're just changing the way a 'command' is executed.
Also, it's worth mentioning that you shouldn't expect responses from event handlers and if it makes you feel better, use the 'request-response' terminology instead of command-response.
Btw, you don't break CQRS this way, as long as your domain model isn't used to do queries i.e you have different model for writes and reads, it is CQRS.
Immediate consistency, at what cost? are you using DTC?
What if you later on want to have more than one subscriber for a given event in the read model, how many transactions will be involved in a DTC transaction scope? In order for you to have immediate consistency your events need to be handled sync, so what is the benefit in this architecture?
You can have immediate consistency and even immediate user notifications with client callback (signalR), but IMHO you should changes a few things in your architecture, starting with the drop of the immediate consistency bit.
Why do you think you need that btw?

Using aggregates and Domain events with nosql storage

I'm wandering on DDD and NoSql field actually. I have a doubt now: i need to produce events from the aggregate and i would like to use a NoSql storage. But how can i be sure that events are saved on the storage AND the changes on the aggregate root not having transactions?
Does it makes sense? Is there a way to do this without being forced to use event sourcing or a transactional db?
Actually i was lookin at implementing a 2 phase commit algorithm but it seems pretty heavy from a performance point of view...
Am i approaching the problem the wrong way?
Stuffed with questions...
Thanks for every suggestion
I'm a newbie on stackoverflow so any suggestion/critic/... is more than welcome
Edit 1
Well i would need events to notify aggregates that something happened and i they should react to the change. The problem arise when such events are important for the business logic. As far as i understood, after a night of thinking, i can't use a nosql storage to do such things. Let me explain (thinking with loud voice :P):
With ES (1st scenery): I save the "diff" of the data. Then i produce an event associated with it. 2 operations.
With ES (2nd scenery): I save the "diff" of the data. A process, watch the ES and produce the event. But i'm tied to having only one watcher process to ensure the correct ordering of events.
With ES (3d scenery): Idempotent events. The events can be inferred by the state and every reapplication of the event can cause a change on the consumer only once, can have multiple "dequeue" processes, duplicates can't possibly happen. 1 operation, but it introduce heavy limitations on the consumers.
In general: I save the aggregate's data. Then i produce an event associated with it. 2 operations.
Now the question becomes wider imho, is it possible to work with domain events and nosql when such domain events are fundamental part of the business process?
I think that could be a better option to go relational... even if i would need to add quite a lot of machines to get the same performances.
Edit 2
For the sake of completness, searching for "domain events nosql idempotent" on google:
If you need Event Sourcing, you should store events only.
This should be the sequence:
the aggregate root recieves a command
it fires proper events
events are stored
Each aggregate's re-hydratation should be done only by executing events over them. You can create aggregates' snapshots if you measure performance problems on their initialization, but this doesn't require two-phase commits, since you can build snapshots asynchronously via batch.
Note however that you need CQRS and/or Event Sourcing only if your application is heavily concurrent and you need to cope with partition tolerance and compensating actions.
Event Sourcing is alternative to the persistence of object state. You either store the events or the state of the object model. You can save snapshot, but they're just performance tools: your application must be able to work without them. You can consider such snapshots as a caching technique. As an alternative you can persist object state (the classical model), but in that case you don't need to store events.
In my own DDD application, I use observable entities to decouple (via direct events' subscription from the repository) aggregates and their persistence. For example your repository can subscribe each domain events, and execute the actions required by the application (persist to the store, dispatch to a queue and so on...). But as a persistence technique, Event Sourcing is alternative to classical persistence of the observable object state. In most scenarios you don't need both.
edit 2
A final note: if you choose ES, one of the events subscriber can build a relational read-model too.

EventStore: learning how to use

I'm trying to learn EventStore, I like the concept but when I try to apply in practice I'm getting stuck in same point.
Let's see the code:
foreach (var k in stream.CommittedEvents)
//handling events
Two question about that:
When an app start ups after some maintenance, how do we bookmark in a
safe way what events start to read? Is there a pattern to use?
as soon the events are all consumed, the cycle ends... what about the message arriving run time? I would expect the call blocking until some new message arrive ( of course need to be handled in a thread ) or having something like BeginRead EndRead.
Do I have to bind an ESB to handle run time event or does the EventSore provides some facility to do this?
I try to better explain with an example
Suppose the aggregate is a financial portfolio, and the application is an application showing that portfolio to a trader. Suppose the trader connect to the web app and he looks at his own portfolio. The current state will be the whole history, so I have to read potentially a lot of records to reproduce the status. I guess this could be done by a so called snapshot, but who's responsible for creating it? When one should choose to create an aggregate? How can one guess a snapshot for an aggregate exists ?
For the runtime part: as soon the user look at the reconstructed portfolio state, the real time part begin to run. The user can place an order and a new position can be created by succesfully execute that order in the market. How is the portfolio updated by the infrastructure? I would expect, but maybe I'm completely wrong, having the same event stream being the source of that new event new long position, otherwise I have two path handling the state of the same aggregate. I would like to know if this is how the strategy is supposed to work, even if I feel a little tricky having the two state agents, that can possibly overlap.
Just to clarify how I fear the overlapping:
I know events has to be idempotent, so I know it must not be a
problem anyway,
But let's consider the following:
I subscribe an event bus before streaming the event to update the state of the portfolio. some "open position event" appears on the bus: I must handle them, but maybe the portfolio is not in the correct state to handle it since is not yet actualized. Even if I'm able to handle such events I will find them again when I read the stream.
More insidious: I open the stream and I read all events and I create a state. Then I subscribe to the bus: some message on the bus happen in the middle between the end of the steram reading and the beggining of the subscription: those events are missing and the aggregate is not in the correct state.
Please be patient all, my English is poor and the argument is tricky, hope I managed to share my doubt :)
The current state will be the whole history, so I have to read
potentially a lot of records to reproduce the status. I guess this
could be done by a so called snapshot, but who's responsible for
creating it?
In CQRS and event sourcing, queries are served by projections which are generated from events emitted by aggregates. You don't use the aggregate instance as reconstituted from the event store to display information.
The term snapshot refers specifically to an optimization of the event store which allows rebuilding the aggregate without replaying all of the events.
Projections are essentially event handlers which maintain a denormalized view of aggregates. Events emitted from aggregates are published, possibly out of band, and the projection subscribes to and handles those events. A projection can combine multiple aggregates if a requirement exists to display summary information, for instance. In case of a trading application, each view will typically contain data from various aggregates. Projections are designed in a consumer-driven way - application requirements determine the different views of the underlying data that are needed.
With this type of workflow you have to embrace eventual consistency throughout your application. For instance, if an end user is viewing their portfolio and initiating new trades, the UI has to subscribe to updates to reflect updated projections in an asynchronous manner.
Take a look at here for an overview of CQRS and event sourcing.

CQRS sagas - did I understand them right?

I'm trying to understand sagas, and meanwhile I have a specific way of thinking of them - but I am not sure whether I got the idea right. Hence I'd like to elaborate and have others tell me whether it's right or wrong.
In my understanding, sagas are a solution to the question of how to model long-running processes. Long-running means: Involving multiple commands, multiple events and possibly multiple aggregates. The process is not modeled inside one of the participating aggregates to avoid dependencies between them.
Basically, a saga is nothing more but a command / event handler that reacts on internal and external commands / events. It does not contain its own logic, it's just a (finite) state machine, and therefor provides tasks such as When event X happens, send command Y.
Sagas are persisted to the event store as well as aggregates, are correlated to a specific aggregate instance, and hence are reloaded when this specific aggregate (or set of aggregates) is used.
Is this right?
There are different means of implementing Sagas. Reaching from stateless event handlers that publish commands all the way to carrying all the state and basically being the domain's aggregates themselves. Udi Dahan once wrote an article about Sagas being the only Aggregates in a (in his specific case) correctly modeled system. I'll look it up and update this answer.
There's also the concept of document-based sagas.
Your definition of Sagas sounds right for me and I also would define them so.
The only change in your description I would made is that a saga is only a eventhandler (not a command) for event(s) and based on the receiving event and its internal state constructs a command and sents it to the CommandBus for execution.
Normally has a Saga only a single event to be started from (StartByEvent) and multiple events to transition (TransitionByEvent) to the next state and mutiple event to be ended by(EndByEvent).
On MSDN they defined Sagas as ProcessManager.
The term saga is commonly used in discussions of CQRS to refer to a
piece of code that coordinates and routes messages between bounded
contexts and aggregates. However, for the purposes of this guidance we
prefer to use the term process manager to refer to this type of code
artifact. There are two reasons for this: There is a well-known,
pre-existing definition of the term saga that has a different meaning
from the one generally understood in relation to CQRS. The term
process manager is a better description of the role performed by this
type of code artifact. Although the term saga is often used in the
context of the CQRS pattern, it has a pre-existing definition. We have
chosen to use the term process manager in this guidance to avoid
confusion with this pre-existing definition. The term saga, in
relation to distributed systems, was originally defined in the paper
"Sagas" by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem. This paper proposes
a mechanism that it calls a saga as an alternative to using a
distributed transaction for managing a long-running business process.
The paper recognizes that business processes are often comprised of
multiple steps, each of which involves a transaction, and that overall
consistency can be achieved by grouping these individual transactions
into a distributed transaction. However, in long-running business
processes, using distributed transactions can impact on the
performance and concurrency of the system because of the locks that
must be held for the duration of the distributed transaction.

Domain Events v Event Aggregator v... other

I have a composite structure in my domain where the leaf node (Allocation) has a DurationChanged event that I would like to use at the top of my presentation layer view model structure (in the TimeSheetViewModel), and I am wondering what the best way is to get to it.
Options that come to mind include:
Subscribe to it in the TimeSheetComposite. Each composite is ultimately composed of Allocations, and the TimeSheetComposite is the Model to the TimeSheetViewModel. It seems I would also need an event in the TimeSheetComposite that gets fired when a child DurationChanged event is fired; the TimeSheetViewModel would subscribe to the latter event.
Ignore the DurationChanged event and just follow the INPC chain that bubbles up to the TimeSheetViewModel when AllocationViewModel.Amount is changed. I wouldn't have a useful piece of information, specifically the old Amount prior to the edit, but I can calculate the needed end results cheaply enough if necessary.
Make the DurationChanged event a Domain Event; I do not currently use domain events, but I sure like the concept and it looks like there is enough code in Udi's article to get started with it.
Set up some sort of Event Aggregator to publish & subscribe to DurationChanged. I am not very sure yet what the difference is yet between Domain Events and Event Aggregators are, and whether they are complimentary or alternative approaches to solving the same thing. The implementation here using Rx looks promising.
In this design, the TimeSheetViewModel needs to know when an Allocation.Duration has changed so it can get a new total of all allocation durations by date.
How would you provide the DurationChanged notice?
Domain Composite structure & event
Presentation layer structure
I wound up listening for the leaf event in the (TimeSheet)Composite, and then essentially re-throwing a similar event there to make it easy for the (TimeSheet)ViewModel to listen to it.
When I understand DomainEvents / EventAggregators better I will revisit this one.