Why am I always getting corrupted image file when uploading to FTP server? .gif image doesn't get corrupted, only .jpeg/jpg and .png get corrupted.
sub png{
my $ftp=Net::FTP->new($fhost)or die &ftpErr;
$ftp->login($hostname, $hostpass);
my $img=$ftp->put("$file");
our $image="$img";
our $shot=$window->Photo(-format=>'png',-file=>"$image");
sub jpeg{
my $ftp=Net::FTP->new($fhost)or die &ftpErr;
$ftp->login($hostname, $hostpass);
my $img=$ftp->put("$file");
our $image="$img";
our $shot=$window->Photo(-format=>'jpeg',-file=>"$image");
You are transferring the files in the default mode, which is ASCII. This mode translates line ends. To transfer binary files use binary mode:
When I am trying to read many h5 files in one shoot. There is an OS error states like this:
OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = '/scratch-lustre/hpc-0227/deepcpgData/c{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13}_*.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
I am sure all of these files exist and files' name corresponded with c{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13}_*.h5 rightly. I am also using absolute path. My bash script looks like this:
It works when I use the full name of a single file, for example, c16_1572864-1605632.h5. However, I need to read a lot of files. So I have to read them in one round. I have searched many other answers but none of them deal with multiple files and the os error at the same time.
I have generated a box file from a png image then I followed this tutorial:
https://pretius.com/how-to-prepare-training-files-for-tesseract-ocr-and-improve-characters-recognition/ to generate custom traineddata file.
I encountered an error when I tried to use the generated traineddata alongside with Pytesseract.
and i got this kind of error:
raise TesseractError(proc.returncode, get_errors(error_string))
pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (-4, "read_params_file:
Can't open txt read_params_file: Can't open txt read_params_file: Can't open txt read_params_file: Can't open txt Error: LSTM requested, but not present!! Loading tesseract. mgr->GetComponent(TESSDATA_NORMPROTO, &fp)
:Error:Assert failed:in file adaptmatch.cpp, line 552")
I'm using Tesseract version 5.0
This is my config options
traineddata = f'+eng+lav+lav2'
config = f'-l {traineddata} --oem 1 --psm 3 {tessdata_dir}'
I followed the same tutorial and encountered the exact same error. At my first tries the ***.traineddata didn't generated well, and I findout that one file was missing (normproto). So I just cleaned all the generated files (except the corrected .box files) and rerun the train process, and everything worked fine on the second attempt.
I am trying to read and compare large number of image files in a folder. But I am not able to read the image file.
Code snippet :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Image::Compare;
opendir my $ref_dir, "./" or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
my #ref_files = readdir $ref_dir;
closedir $ref_dir;
print $#ref_files;
my($cmp) = Image::Compare->new();
img => './'.$ref_files[0], #one instance - reading first file in the folder
type => 'bmp',
The code is throwing the following error - "Unable to read image data from file './.': 'Could not open ./.: Permission denied' at C:/Perl64/site/lib/Image/Compare.pm line 162. "
The code works fine if I provide the file name directly - img => './image.bmp'. So it can't be a permission issue.
The error message seems pretty clear.
Unable to read image data from file './.': 'Could not open ./.: Permission denied
The first file you're getting back from opendir() is the current directory (.) - and it's no surprise that Image::Compare can't get the image data that it wants from that file!
Perhaps you should add a filter to only return the files you're interested in.
my #ref_files = grep { -f } readdir $ref_dir;
I am using the below code to download files from SFTP and I am getting error message after one file download. Then I am rerunning the program and then it downloads only one file again and when trying to download the next file in the array it get failed. I couldn't understand the reasons for this failure and kindly review the below code and share opinions.
use strict;
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants qw(:error :status);
use Net::SFTP::Foreign;
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes;
my $SFTP_CON=Net::SFTP::Foreign->new("sftpserver.test.com",user=>"testuser",password=>"pass");
my #SFTP_Files=('/test/1.txt','/test/2.txt','/test/3.txt');
my $root_dir='/test/';
foreach my $file_to_dwn(#SFTP_Files){
my $file_to=$file_to_dwn;
$SFTP_CON->status == SSH2_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE) {
print "Remote file does not exist!";
else {
print "Transfer Failed";
print $SFTP_CON->error."\n";
I am getting "Transfer Failed", when the program tries to download the one after another (second file download).
Please do needful.
I'm using Net::FTP to transfer files up to a mainframe and I'm testing failure conditions.
My code is basically along the following lines:
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new ("mainframe.com", Timeout => 20);
if (! $ftp) {
logMessage ("Could not connect to host: $!");
if (! $ftp->login ("paxdiablo", "demigodemporeroftheuniverse")) {
logMessage ("Could not log in to host: $!");
$ftp->quit ();
if (! $ftp->put ("myfile.txt", "'CANT.WRITE.TO.THIS'")) {
logMessage ("Could not put file: $!");
$ftp->quit ();
I know I can't create the data set CANT.WRITE.TO.THIS since I don't have the required permissions but, when I try, the only message I see is:
Could not put file:
There is no indication in $! as to what the problem was. I've looked in the Net::FTP doco and all it says is:
put ( LOCAL_FILE [, REMOTE_FILE ] )Put a file on the remote server. LOCAL_FILE may be a name or a filehandle. If LOCAL_FILE is a filehandle then REMOTE_FILE must be specified. If REMOTE_FILE is not specified then the file will be stored in the current directory with the same leafname as LOCAL_FILE.Returns REMOTE_FILE or the generated remote filename if REMOTE_FILE is not given.
I also cannot find anything there about retrieving the specific error (like $ftp->getLastError() or something similar).
How can I indicate to the user why the transfer failed?
On an earlier iteration, I resorted to putting the file, then getting it again and checking contents locally. I'd really rather not have to inflict such kludgy code on people again.
From Net::FTP:
$ftp = Net::FTP->new("some.host.name", Debug => 0)
or die "Cannot connect to some.host.name: $#"
Note $#.
or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message;
Note $ftp->message