My Mac (OSX 9) had a power blip and when restarted, I have one db in Mongo that is completely unrecoverable. I am using the db per directory with dbpath and logpath specified options and was able to recover all except one of the dbs. This is the log from the unrecoverable one. Any ideas would be helpful - I have run --repair and removed the lock file with zero results.
2014-12-01T09:40:40.607-0700 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=1273 port=27017 dbpath=/mongo/dbs/ 64-bit host=bbcoms-imac-2.body.local
2014-12-01T09:40:40.607-0700 [initandlisten]
2014-12-01T09:40:40.607-0700 [initandlisten] ** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.5
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] git version: nogitversion
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] build info: Darwin minimavericks.local 13.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Sun Aug 17 19:50:11 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.115.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] options: { repair: true, storage: { dbPath: "/mongo/dbs/", repairPath: "/mongo/db" } }
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 12590 repairpath (/mongo/db) does not exist, terminating
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2014-12-01T09:40:40.609-0700 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2014-12-01T09:20:58.339-0700 [clientcursormon] mapped (incl journal view):2176
2014-12-01T09:20:58.339-0700 [clientcursormon] connections:1
2014-12-01T09:25:58.390-0700 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:41 virt:4655
2014-12-01T09:25:58.390-0700 [clientcursormon] mapped (incl journal view):2176
2014-12-01T09:25:58.390-0700 [clientcursormon] connections:1
2014-12-01T09:28:53.518-0700 [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open)
2014-12-01T09:30:55.153-0700 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (1 connection now open)
2014-12-01T09:30:57.586-0700 [conn3] command admin.$cmd command: listDatabases { listDatabases: 1.0 } keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) R:3 W:105826 r:14 reslen:337 106ms
2014-12-01T09:30:58.313-0700 [TTLMonitor] articles.system.indexes Assertion failure isOk() src/mongo/db/storage/extent.h 80
2014-12-01T09:30:58.316-0700 [TTLMonitor] articles.system.indexes 0x1010665aa 0x101011135 0x100ffdbf2 0x100e1ca0c 0x100e4d4bc 0x100977b13 0x100ad7187 0x100cfdbcb 0x100ce5e6d 0x100b7d0b7 0x100b85055 0x100b852bb 0x1008dae1b 0x1008bee8a 0x100b854f1 0x100e50be6 0x100e4fe07 0x101000606 0x10109f2a1 0x7fff84fd0899
0 mongod 0x00000001010665aa _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEE + 58
1 mongod 0x0000000101011135 _ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc + 453
2 mongod 0x0000000100ffdbf2 _ZN5mongo12verifyFailedEPKcS1_j + 626
3 mongod 0x0000000100e1ca0c _ZNK5mongo13ExtentManager9getExtentERKNS_7DiskLocEb + 108
4 mongod 0x0000000100e4d4bc _ZN5mongo12FlatIteratorC2EPKNS_10CollectionERKNS_7DiskLocERKNS_20CollectionScanParams9DirectionE + 92
5 mongod 0x0000000100977b13 _ZNK5mongo10Collection11getIteratorERKNS_7DiskLocEbRKNS_20CollectionScanParams9DirectionE + 115
6 mongod 0x0000000100ad7187 _ZN5mongo14CollectionScan4workEPm + 519
7 mongod 0x0000000100cfdbcb _ZN5mongo12PlanExecutor7getNextEPNS_7BSONObjEPNS_7DiskLocE + 283
8 mongod 0x0000000100ce5e6d _ZN5mongo11newRunQueryERNS_7MessageERNS_12QueryMessageERNS_5CurOpES1_ + 3101
9 mongod 0x0000000100b7d0b7 _ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_11HostAndPortE + 2663
10 mongod 0x0000000100b85055 _ZN5mongo14DBDirectClient4callERNS_7MessageES2_bPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE + 165
2014-12-01T09:40:40.609-0700 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2014-12-01T09:40:40.609-0700 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2014-12-01T09:40:40.610-0700 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2014-12-01T09:40:40.610-0700 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
I see the error about an assertion failure with an extent, but above that you have the lines
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] options: { repair: true, storage: { dbPath: "/mongo/dbs/", repairPath: "/mongo/db" } }
2014-12-01T09:40:40.608-0700 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 12590 repairpath (/mongo/db) does not exist, terminating
so it seems you aren't supplying a valid repairPath when you are running repair. Can you start the server? Is this mongod part of a replica set? If the server can start, can you run db.collection.validate on the collections in the bad database? What happens?
new to this my MONGOD unexpectedly shutdown and i can't seem to repair it ..this is what i see when i try to start up ./mongod
**2018-04-21T19:59:06.237+0000 ** WARNING: --rest is specified without --httpinterface,
2018-04-21T19:59:06.238+0000 ** enabling http interface
warning: bind_ip of is unnecessary; listens on all ips by default
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=2848 port=27017 dbpath=data 64-bit host=omarr11-webdevbootcamp-5900192
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.12
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] git version: d73c92b1c85703828b55c2916a5dd4ad46535f6a
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] options: { net: { bindIp: "", http: { RESTInterfaceEnabled: true, enabled: true } }, storage: { dbPath: "data", journal: { enabled: false } } }
Unclean shutdown detected.
Please visit for recovery instructions.
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 12596 old lock file, terminating
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2018-04-21T19:59:06.241+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2018-04-21T19:59:06.242+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2018-04-21T19:59:06.242+0000 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2018-04-21T19:59:06.242+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now**
can someone help me repair this please?
You should look for the lock file (mongod.lock) in the data folder of
the mongodb and you need to delete it and try to start again.
In case you have some data corruption issue you can try repair option . But in case it is just normal course of learning deleting the mongod.lock file should start the mongod process again...
I installed a MongoDB on my MacBook. Today, my MacBook crashed, after hard reboot Mac, mongod couldn't start up:
$ mongod
mongod --help for help and startup options
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=44355 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=L-MY-MAC.local
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.4
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] git version: 3a830be0eb92d772aa855ebb711ac91d658ee910
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] build info: Darwin bs-osx108-4 12.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0: Sun Sep 29 13:33:47 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] allocator: system
2016-06-16T15:35:27.118+0800 [initandlisten] options: {}
2016-06-16T15:35:27.120+0800 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/journal
2016-06-16T15:35:27.120+0800 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
2016-06-16T15:35:27.164+0800 [initandlisten] openExisting size 16384 less than minimum file size expectation /data/db/stock.4
2016-06-16T15:35:27.164+0800 [initandlisten] Assertion failure false src/mongo/db/storage/data_file.cpp 112
2016-06-16T15:35:27.169+0800 [initandlisten] 0x1006c014b 0x100677502 0x100668182 0x1004d4695 0x1004db516 0x1000ec387 0x1000ece0e 0x1000efdf0 0x100107d74 0x100107fc5 0x100003f4c 0x100005823 0x100005fb1 0x1000015d4 0x1
0 mongod 0x00000001006c014b _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43
1 mongod 0x0000000100677502 _ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc + 114
2 mongod 0x0000000100668182 _ZN5mongo12verifyFailedEPKcS1_j + 274
3 mongod 0x00000001004d4695 _ZN5mongo8DataFile12openExistingEPKc + 953
4 mongod 0x00000001004db516 _ZN5mongo13ExtentManager4initEv + 200
5 mongod 0x00000001000ec387 _ZN5mongo8Database12openAllFilesEv + 45
6 mongod 0x00000001000ece0e _ZN5mongo8DatabaseC2EPKcRbRKSs + 958
7 mongod 0x00000001000efdf0 _ZN5mongo14DatabaseHolder11getOrCreateERKSsS2_Rb + 834
8 mongod 0x0000000100107d74 _ZN5mongo6Client7Context11_finishInitEv + 78
9 mongod 0x0000000100107fc5 _ZN5mongo6Client7ContextC2ERKSsS3_b + 117
10 mongod 0x0000000100003f4c _ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi + 2828
11 mongod 0x0000000100005823 _ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi + 19
12 mongod 0x0000000100005fb1 main + 977
13 mongod 0x00000001000015d4 start + 52
14 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
2016-06-16T15:35:27.169+0800 [initandlisten] warning database /data/db stock could not be opened
2016-06-16T15:35:27.169+0800 [initandlisten] DBException 0: assertion src/mongo/db/storage/data_file.cpp:112
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 0 assertion src/mongo/db/storage/data_file.cpp:112, terminating
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2016-06-16T15:35:27.170+0800 [initandlisten] journalCleanup...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.174+0800 [initandlisten] removeJournalFiles
2016-06-16T15:35:27.174+0800 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2016-06-16T15:35:27.174+0800 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
What I'm sure is, when my Mac crashed, mongod was idle, no any read/write operation on mongo.
How can I recover this my database?
If you have important information within database and you need to recover that
Try to run
In first terminal
sudo mongod --auth --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --smallfiles
In second terminal get the backup in
sudo mongoexport --db -c --out .json
after that you need to remove and reinstall mongo db and restore your database
If you need more help please do let me know
Muhammad Adil
I'm having some trouble starting up mongo. I am using it on a remote machine that I SSH into where. The remote machine is where I do everything (nothing is done on my own machine). Should I change the bind_ip from to the remote machine's IP address? But regardless of whether I leave the IP as it is or change it to the IP of my remote machine, I get the same error message below:
melissa#simba:~$ mongo --version
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
melissa#simba:~$ sudo service mongod start
mongod start/running, process 10623
melissa#simba:~$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
connecting to: test
2015-09-24T19:27:55.279+0000 warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused
2015-09-24T19:27:55.280+0000 Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:146
exception: connect failed
My remote machine is: Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux x86_64) where the user melissa is a sudoer.
And this is the message I get when starting mongod &
melissa#simba:~$ mongod
mongod --help for help and startup options
2015-09-24T19:40:20.706+0000 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=10656 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=simba
2015-09-24T19:40:20.707+0000 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.11
2015-09-24T19:40:20.707+0000 [initandlisten] git version: d00c1735675c457f75a12d530bee85421f0c5548
2015-09-24T19:40:20.707+0000 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2015-09-24T19:40:20.707+0000 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2015-09-24T19:40:20.707+0000 [initandlisten] options: {}
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 10309 Unable to create/open lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.746+0000 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2015-09-24T19:40:20.747+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2015-09-24T19:40:20.747+0000 [initandlisten] couldn't remove fs lock errno:9 Bad file descriptor
2015-09-24T19:40:20.747+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
More info:
melissa#simba:~$ ps -edaf | grep mongo
melissa 10748 10555 0 19:45 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mongo
melissa#simba:~$ service mongod status
status: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
melissa#simba:~$ sudo service mongod status
mongod stop/waiting
melissa#simba:~$ ps -aux | grep mongo
Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
melissa 10786 0.0 0.3 8148 904 pts/1 S+ 19:47 0:00 grep --color=auto mongo
melissa#simba:~$ mongod --shutdown
There doesn't seem to be a server running with dbpath: /data/db
Then I tried to change the permission based on this, but got a new error:
melissa#simba:~/meeth-app$ sudo chown -R `id -u` /data/db
[sudo] password for melissa:
melissa#simba:~/meeth-app$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
connecting to: test
2015-09-25T01:57:54.966+0000 warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused
2015-09-25T01:57:54.967+0000 Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:146
exception: connect failed
melissa#simba:~/meeth-app$ mongod &
[1] 16467
melissa#simba:~/meeth-app$ mongod --help for help and startup options
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=16467 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=simba
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.11
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] git version: d00c1735675c457f75a12d530bee85421f0c5548
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2015-09-25T01:55:07.366+0000 [initandlisten] options: {}
2015-09-25T01:55:07.369+0000 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/journal
2015-09-25T01:55:07.369+0000 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten]
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] ERROR: Insufficient free space for journal files
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] Please make at least 3379MB available in /data/db/journal or use --smallfiles
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten]
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 15926 Insufficient free space for journals, terminating
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] journalCleanup...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.370+0000 [initandlisten] removeJournalFiles
2015-09-25T01:55:07.371+0000 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2015-09-25T01:55:07.371+0000 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
Permission for /data are wrong. Startup cannot write the PID file or likely the db files either. Try
sudo chmod -R mongodb /data
Here is what happened that made mongo work again. Btw, I'm on Ubuntu 11.10.
Change the owner of /data from root to mongodb: sudo chown -R mongodb /data.
Add a line to turn smallfiles on in /etc/mongod.conf: smallfiles = true
Do NOT run mongod & because it's not running from a place with the right permissions, instead do sudo service mongod start and you can open the mongo shell with mongo.
Thanks to r05c03 and oldlaptop from freenode irc #linux for their help.
I installed mongodb using the information in this link. However, when I user the service mongod start command I get the following error. Can someone help me troubleshoot?
[Piyush#localhost ~]$ service mongod start
/etc/init.d/mongod: line 54: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
/etc/init.d/mongod: line 56: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Starting mongod: runuser: using restricted shell /bin/false
runuser: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted
[Piyush#localhost ~]$ sudo service mongod start
[sudo] password for Piyush:
Starting mongod: [FAILED]
I tried using --repair command. I get the following output for that:
[Piyush#localhost ~]$ sudo mongod --repair
2014-09-24T00:05:06.089-0400 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=2807 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=localhost.localdomain
2014-09-24T00:05:06.089-0400 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.4
2014-09-24T00:05:06.089-0400 [initandlisten] git version: 3a830be0eb92d772aa855ebb711ac91d658ee910
2014-09-24T00:05:06.089-0400 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2014-09-24T00:05:06.089-0400 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2014-09-24T00:05:06.090-0400 [initandlisten] options: { repair: true }
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] finished checking dbs
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.106-0400 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2014-09-24T00:05:06.107-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2014-09-24T00:05:06.107-0400 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
[EDIT 1]_____________________________________________________________________________
In the log file I see:
[root#localhost ~]# cat /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log.2014-09-24T16-00-32
2014-09-24T11:54:23.636-0400 ***** SERVER RESTARTED *****
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3004 port=27017 dbpath=/var/lib/mongo 64-bit host=localhost.localdomain
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.4
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] git version: 3a830be0eb92d772aa855ebb711ac91d658ee910
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2014-09-24T11:54:23.665-0400 [initandlisten] options: { config: "/etc/mongod.conf", net: { bindIp: "" }, processManagement: { fork: true, pidFilePath: "/var/run/mongodb/" }, storage: { dbPath: "/var/lib/mongo" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", logAppend: true, path: "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log" } }
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten] journal dir=/var/lib/mongo/journal
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten]
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten] ERROR: Insufficient free space for journal files
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten] Please make at least 3379MB available in /var/lib/mongo/journal or use --smallfiles
2014-09-24T11:54:23.680-0400 [initandlisten]
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 15926 Insufficient free space for journals, terminating
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] journalCleanup...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.681-0400 [initandlisten] removeJournalFiles
2014-09-24T11:54:23.684-0400 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2014-09-24T11:54:23.684-0400 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
The --repair flag is meant to repair a corrupt database, not to solve any permission problems
You obviously didn't follow the instructions of the link too closely, because he did start the service as root. ;) sudo may only allow certain parts of the init scripts to be executed with superuser rights by the user calling it. Others may (though they shouldn't) silently fail. As for init scripts at least: sudo != being root.
To fix the problem: sudo chown mongod -R /var/log/mongodb/ && sudo chown mongod -R /var/run/mongodb && sudo chown mongod -R /var/lib/mongo Then become root and try to run mongo manually with sudo -u mongod mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongo --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log. In case there are other problems left, mongodb will tell you. Fix those until starting mongodb manually as written above works flawless, then use the initscript from that point on.
Edit: corrected the --dbpath option as per comment
Because of the size of the mongodb database I'm trying to build and because I needed a filesystem that can handle parallel writes, I moved it on a cluster that has lustreFS, which fulfills these needs.
The problem is that I can't start mongod, so I can't connect anything to the database, because mongod can't get a lock on mongod.lock. I don't have root or sudo permissions but this does not seem to be the problem here because permissions are not mentioned, as you can see:
[user#host mongo]$ ./mongod --dbpath=path-to-db
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=54974 port=27017 dbpath=path-to-db 64-bit host=hostname
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten]
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode is 1
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten] ** We suggest setting it to 0
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten] **
2014-07-28T20:29:58.600+0300 [initandlisten] db version v2.6.3
2014-07-28T20:29:58.601+0300 [initandlisten] git version: 255f67a66f9603c59380b2a389e386910bbb52cb
2014-07-28T20:29:58.601+0300 [initandlisten] build info: Linux 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2014-07-28T20:29:58.601+0300 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2014-07-28T20:29:58.601+0300 [initandlisten] options: { storage: { dbPath: "path-to-db" } }
2014-07-28T20:29:58.614+0300 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 10310 Unable to lock file: path-to-db/mongod.lock. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] dbexit:
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2014-07-28T20:29:58.615+0300 [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
Could you please tell me if there's any way around that lock? And no, there weren't any other mongod instances running.
Solution: File locking was being disabled by cluster admins. After file locking was enabled, mongod started and accepted connections as it should.