Unit Test with transaction: CREATE DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction - entity-framework

I have base class for my unit tests:
public abstract class DatabaseTestsBase
protected OvuContext DbContext;
protected TransactionScope TransactionScope;
public void TestSetup()
TransactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew);
DbContext = new OvuContext("IntegrationTestContext");
public void TestCleanup()
And the test itself:
public class MyEntityTests : DatabaseTestsBase
public void MyEntity_Create_HasSucceeded()
var myEntity = new MyEntity(Guid.NewGuid());
myEntity.Description = "bla bla bla";
var id = myEntity.Id;
var temp = DbContext.MyEntities.Single(x => x.Id == id);
ComparisonResult result = CompareLogic.Compare(myEntity, temp);
I got the following error when the test runs:
CREATE DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction
The 'strange' thing is that when I run the test a second time, it passes.

I believe you are taking the pattern of rolling back database side-effecting Integration / Unit Tests done under an uncommitted transaction (such as TransactionScope) a bit far :)
Code First EF is attempting to create the database under the context of the ambient TransactionScope, which isn't possible.
In Sql Server (and possibly other RDBMS's), it isn't possible to execute certain statements, such as CREATE DATABASE, command under a transaction. You'll get the same error if you execute the following directly in SSMS:
use master;
-- CREATE DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
I would suggest that you change your strategy such that you pre-create a permanent, empty test database for testing. Other DDL statements executed by EF Code First, such as CREATE TABLE can be rolled back by the uncommitted TransactionScope.


EF Migration script to exit migration on a condition

I want to abort the migration in code first approach on a condition basis.
Suppose, if the condition is true, I want to exit the migration without making changes to the database.
This should be possible with MigrationBuilder.Sql(String, Boolean) method, so create an SQL script with what you want to do with IF...ELSE conditions. Then create an empty migration and write the script in the Sql() method as a verbatim string.
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
#sales = SUM(list_price * quantity)
sales.order_items i
INNER JOIN sales.orders o ON o.order_id = i.order_id
YEAR(order_date) = 2018;
SELECT #sales;
IF #sales > 1000000
-- // What you want to do if sales > 1,000,000
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
// But you need to write another script to revert the changes done by Up method.
If you don't know how to create a script for your migration, use Script-Migration.
I don't think you can run queries or inject services to migrations, since the Entity-framework command-line tool analyzes your code but does not run the startup.cs class.

Create database with data

I'm trying to create my database (code first) and I want to add some data in it when it's created.
public class InitializerWithData : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<DatabaseContext>
protected override void Seed(DatabaseContext ctx)
GroupType gt = new GroupType() { Name = "RNC" };
public DatabaseContext()
Database.SetInitializer<DatabaseContext>(new InitializerWithData());
As you can see I wrote my custom initializer but the code inside it is never fired though the database does get created.
So how do I solve this?
When you call Database.CreateIfNotExists(), it doesn't trigger the InitializeDatabase of the initializer. Basically it has separated implementation than the initializer.
If you want the Seed method to be fired. You need to execute a code that causes EF to send a query to the database.
First remove this line.
Then just execute a query, the least you could have is something like.
using(var db = new DatabaseContext())
This code will create the database if it doesn't exist and execute the Seed method.

MSTest fails when I do run all, but works otherwise

So I have a Testclass using MSTest and every test works great if I run them one and one, however if I select 2 tests, namely can_register and cannot_Register_existing_username then the second fails (cannot_register_existing_username).
I have let my testclass inherit from an abstract class that looks like this:
public abstract class RollbackCapabilities
private TransactionScope _transactionScope;
public virtual void TestInitialize()
_transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TransactionOptions { Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0) });
public virtual void TestCleanup()
If I comment this file out then it works (but now the data remains in the test-db which I don't want).
With this file above active the second test fails, the tests look like this
public void Can_Register()
AccountController ac = ControllerFactory.CreateAccountController();
RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel();
model.UserName = "TestUser";
model.Password= "TestPassword";
model.ConfirmPassword = "TestPassword";
ActionResult result = ac.Register(model);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectToRouteResult));
Assert.AreEqual("Home", ((RedirectToRouteResult)result).RouteValues["controller"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Index", ((RedirectToRouteResult)result).RouteValues["action"]);
public void Cannot_Register_Existing_Username()
AccountController ac = ControllerFactory.CreateAccountController();
RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel();
model.UserName = "TestUser";
model.Password = "TestPassword";
model.ConfirmPassword = "TestPassword";
RegisterModel model2 = new RegisterModel();
model2.UserName = "TestUser";
model2.Password = "OtherTestPassword";
model2.ConfirmPassword = "OtherTestPassword";
ActionResult result = ac.Register(model2);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
Assert.AreEqual("", ((ViewResult)result).ViewName);
Assert.AreEqual(model2, ((ViewResult)result).ViewData.Model);
and finally the error i get is as follows:
Test method
threw exception: System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException: An
error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner
exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
Invalid object name 'dbo.Users'.
Thats my problem, not big but very annoying and as mentioned if I run the tests one and one it works, it also works but leaves data in the db if I comment out my RollbackCapabilities class
Okay so I found out that my error was that I had created the database (but not tables) by hand because create database is not supported in multi-transaction.
however creating an empty database means that EF assumes there is tables already and that is why it failed with dont know what dbo.users are.
So what I did was created the tables as well and now it works. However this means I can never run this on a new development machine without first creating the tables and database. so annoying.
I think I will set up another test class that does not inherit my abstract rollback class and hade that create the tables permanently... should solve the problem as long as that runs first.

Reset Embedded H2 database periodically

I'm setting up a new version of my application in a demo server and would love to find a way of resetting the database daily. I guess I can always have a cron job executing drop and create queries but I'm looking for a cleaner approach. I tried using a special persistence unit with drop-create approach but it doesn't work as the system connects and disconnects from the server frequently (on demand).
Is there a better approach?
H2 supports a special SQL statement to drop all objects:
If you don't want to drop all tables, you might want to use truncate table:
As this response is the first Google result for "reset H2 database", I post my solution below :
After each JUnit #tests :
Disable integrity constraint
List all tables in the (default) PUBLIC schema
Truncate all tables
List all sequences in the (default) PUBLIC schema
Reset all sequences
Reenable the constraints.
public void tearDown() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void clearDatabase() throws SQLException {
Connection c = datasource.getConnection();
Statement s = c.createStatement();
// Disable FK
// Find all tables and truncate them
Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>();
while (rs.next()) {
for (String table : tables) {
s.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE TABLE " + table);
// Idem for sequences
Set<String> sequences = new HashSet<String>();
while (rs.next()) {
for (String seq : sequences) {
s.executeUpdate("ALTER SEQUENCE " + seq + " RESTART WITH 1");
// Enable FK
The other solution would be to recreatethe database at the begining of each tests. But that might be too long in case of big DB.
Thre is special syntax in Spring for database manipulation within unit tests
#Sql(scripts = "classpath:drop_all.sql", executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.AFTER_TEST_METHOD)
#Sql(scripts = {"classpath:create.sql", "classpath:init.sql"}, executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD)
public class UnitTest {}
In this example we execute drop_all.sql script (where we dropp all required tables) after every test method.
In this example we execute create.sql script (where we create all required tables) and init.sql script (where we init all required tables before each test method.
The command: SHUTDOWN
You can execute it using
RunScript.execute(jdbc_url, user, password, "classpath:shutdown.sql", "UTF8", false);
I do run it every time when the Suite of tests is finished using #AfterClass
If you are using spring boot see this stackoverflow question
Setup your data source. I don't have any special close on exit.
driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
url: "jdbc:h2:mem:psptrx"
Spring boot #DirtiesContext annotation
#DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.BEFORE_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
Use #Before to initialise on each test case.
The #DirtiesContext will cause the h2 context to be dropped between each test.
you can write in the application.properties the following code to reset your tables which are loaded by JPA:

Is this safe? - NUnit base class opens and rollsback a TransactionScope

I was thinking it would be nice to create a base class for NUnit test fixtures that opens a TransactionScope during the SetUp phase, then rolls back the transaction during tear down.
Something like this:
public abstract class TestFixtureBase
private TransactionScope _transaction;
public void TestFixtureSetup()
_transaction = new TransactionScope();
public void TestFixtureTearDown()
if (_transaction != null)
Do you think this is a good idea?
Obviously the database is just a test database, not a live database, but it would still be annoying if it filled up with junk data from the unit tests.
What do other people do when running unit tests that involve a lot of data access?
You want to be careful here. TransactionScope is going to promote the transaction to a distributed transaction if you open up more than one connection to the database. I find that it is easier just to write some simple SQL that clears out the tables of interest to my test class before I start running the test.
EDIT: Normally I would call any test that touches the database an integration test since it involves another system. Typically, I will mock out the database when unit testing my code.
public void Setup()
foreach (string table in new string[] { "table1", "table2" })
ClearTable( table );
private void ClearTable( string table )
...standard stuff to set up connection...
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand() );
command.CommandText = "delete from " + table;
... stuff to clean up connection...
I've used XtUnit
It automatically rolls back at the end of a unit test. You can simply add a [Rollback] attribute to the test. It's an extension to NUnit or MbUnit