How to install application to new samsung Smart tvs - samsung-smart-tv

Hello I want to develop basic application for samsung smart tv for picture gallery. But im having troubles connecting the tv to my local server. As far as I red the information on the topics like this one I should have a local server and my developing machine and tv to be connected to same WIFI. This done. I have donwloaded SDKs with Eclipse from .
I was using this video tutorial :
But tv im using is model 2014 and is with new tizen OS it has no button "More apps". So Im not able to reach the dialog where I should put my local server IP address.
I have already set my "develop" account, but cant go forward to next step.
Any of you know how to make it. Thanks in advance and hope this is not duplicate problem.

Follow Samsung official guide to install Smart TV apps on Smart TV 2014 models:
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2014
Check if you're missing this step:
"Long press the Enter button on remote control to any application. And enter the IP Setting."

Those are the links with guidance for testing the following Samsung TV versions:
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2011
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2013
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2014


Run AWS Device Farm Built in Explorer test on a responsive web app

We are building a responsive Web App. As it is responsive it has no .apk and .ipa files.
Can I use the AWS Device Farm Built in Explorer tests for my responsive Web App?
If Yes, please let me know how to configure it thru AWS Device Farm
I don't believe so. The built-in explorer tests do a depth first search of the views in an Android app. Because we don't have an app and we're testing a website
, this option shouldn't be available to us. We haft to choose from the appium java/python client whilst using Device Farm.

Samsung TV emulator does not work from eclipse

Hey guys i want to run a simple hello world application on Samsung smart TV emulator but when i run my project as Samsung smart TV application .. an exception appeared which is :
Could not find a registration machine please check emulator sittings from Samsung smart TV preference page
I installed the SDK 5, the virtual box, and import the SDK emulator image
I also follow this solution But also its not working.
Can anybody knows How to solve this ?
It seems that the problem is in your virtual box. Have you downloaded the official one from Oracle. This version is working for me with SDK for Eclipse 4.5:
Virtual Box
Edit after comments:
Emulator settings in Eclipse Samsung SDK 4.5 Linux

How to get Samsung Smart TV Emulator to see my app?

I'm just getting started on Samsung Smart TV development, and so far my first baby step has been a big failure.
I am running Linux, and because I already have Eclipse installed and configured for Android development, I haven't had success in getting the Smart TV SDK installed and working. However, encouraged by How to build & deploy a Samsung SmartTV app without the IDE (e.g: on Linux), I have decided to go forward without it.
I do have the VirtualBox emulator running, however. So right now, I have built a basic app from the example here:
And would like to see if I can just get it to start up on my emulator.
If I understand correctly, I need to take the directory structure of my app (with config.xml, index.html, and the Resources, JavaScript and CSS folders), package it into a .zip, and drop it in the "Apps" folder I have shared with the emulator. But when I do that, if I go to the emulator, refresh it, and hit "Open App", I am presented with an empty App list.
I know that the emulator is seeing the Apps folder, because if I put a subdirectory in it, then that directory shows in the Apps list in the emulator. But it's not showing the .zip file for my app.
I have been scouring the web for any useful information, but all tutorials just say something along the lines of "now test the app in your emulator to make sure it works. Now on to deployment...". Nobody gives any information on how to test the app in the emulator.
Can someone please shine some light on this for me?
Unzip your app in the app folder it should look like this
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\index.html
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\config.xml
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\other files and folders

Google TV remote app can't discover device

I am building Google TV remote app (official sample from Google).
But it's can't find any google tv device.
I found Samsung official remote app works fine.
Does Samsung change the service name or broadcast port?
I am using Google nexus one and Samsung Smart TV.
Google TV is not the Samsung Smart TV. It's completely different platform.
Thats why Google TV remote app doesn't work with your Samsung Smart TV.

Running Android app in PiP mode

Is it possible to put Google TV Android app in PiP mode (not full screen)?
I think this would be a nice feature.
Currently, the only app that is able to run in PiP mode on Google TV is the "Live TV" app. We've passed the feature request on to the Google TV product development team, and we'll definitely let the dev community know if/when it's part of a release!
There's a feature request opened for this at:
If this is an important feature to you, add a star!
In Android 8.0 oreo, they support the custom pip mode now. The document is here.
Not only works for the tv devices but also mobile devices.