Issue with SAPUI5 SplitApp when emulated on mobile device using Google Chrome - sapui5

The splitApp loads master and detail pages on initial load on desktop and on tab as normal but when i try to emulate it on any phone like iphone 4,5,6 or nexus in chrome split app shows only master page on initial load instead of detail page.I tried all three modes of splitApp but does not work well with phone.
And also when i make my detail page to show nav button the default navigation button that comes with splitApp to switch to master from detail does not appear.
Ajaay Krishna

That is the way a 'SplitApp' behaves on a mobile device.
As there isn't enough screen space on a mobile device to display both the 'Master' and the 'Detail', as you can, say, on a desktop or a tablet, the expected behaviour on a mobile device is to first display the 'Master' list and then on navigation, display the 'Detail'. So there isn't anything wrong there.
As for the issue with the back navigation button, please post a code snippet to further elaborate..


Full page view - Issues with Auto-fill code - Flutter

In my flutter app, I'm implementing a full page view using -
Now, It works just fine until I reach a page in the app that uses PinCodeTextField. In that page, a user can input the received OTP.
Now, the issue is that as soon as the page is opened, "Auto-fill code from Messages" appears and it brings back the notification bar as well as the bottom menu bar.
I have not implemented this feature and looks like somehow It has come on its own. Though, it is a nice feature to have, I really don't want it to mess up my app's full page view. Not until I restart the app, it goes back to full page view but again whenever I reach to a page with PinCodeTextField, that popup appears and messes things up.
Now, how do I force my app to go back to full page view ? If that is not possible, how do I stop Auto-fill code to keep coming on my screen on such pages ?? Kindly help.

Ionic Vue - Master Detail View

I'm developing an app for PC, tab and mobile, which consists in a list of items. Each item has a detail page. The idea is to display each item's detail page when the user clicks on that specific item, but with different behaviour depending on the device. In PC/tablet, the detail view will be displayed on the right side of the list, and in mobile the detail page will be opened in a new page. You can see the idea in this image:
The image was made by Martin Pritchard, who wrote this Medium post some years ago about how to solve the same problem I'm facing now. He used IonSplitPane in Ionic 3 with Angular. I'm afraid I can't use this approach, or at least I'm not able to replicate it with Vue.
I've tried IonSplitPane alongside with IonMenu, but the behaviour is not the expected, because I don't need a 'hamburguer' menu that collapses in mobile view. Besides, I've tried with IonSplitPane only and I'm not able to put the collapsible side at the end (as it should be the detail view which hides in mobile, and not the left (master) pane). I'm not even sure this could be a solution, as I need that in mobile the detail page displays in a new view.
Has anyone faced this problem and could help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

Navigating to an external link from an ionic 4 app makes the hardware back button close the app where there is navigation history?

Navigate to an external link or display an interstitial Ad (AdMob) and then return to the app by clicking on the hardware back button. At this stage where there are pages in the history (navigation stack), clicking on the hardware back button will cause the app to close! Knowing that I had tried to register to the back button by:
// Also tried: this.navCtrl.back();
But it is still exiting the app!
Any idea about how to solve this?!
Actually, I had realized that navigating to an external link from the app and returning to it will not cause hardware back button issues, but the problem was that I am displaying the AdMob banner at top of the screen, and when I place it at the bottom (default position) the hardware back button is stable and works as expected even when navigating from the app to an external link and then returning back! So, I kept the banner at bottom where I noticed that positioning banner at bottom was more elegant (at least to my app).
It seems that this is one of the issues in the AdMob plugin, where I had seen other issues about the ionic AdMob plugin without solutions!

Display MasterView on default SAPUI5

I'm trying to make a fiori app using <SplitApp> view. My problem is when I use small device such as phone (portrait mode), the master view is not shown, but only the detail view (look like below):
I've tried to use property mode="PopoverMode" or StretchCompressMode but none of those worked.
Any suggestion?
Thanks and Best regards
I found the solution. I change the order of 2 views in target from:[master, detail] to [detail, master]
SplitApp is another root element of a UI5 mobile application besides App control.
It maintains two NavContainers if running on tablet/desktop and one - on phone. The display of master NavContainer depends on the portrait/landscape mode of the device and the mode of SplitApp.
Try to add items to the master page and then navigate and check if it goes to detail screen.

Link Target in iPhone Based web app

I am building a web application that is to be run by adding the app to the home screen. Currently it has a list of users, clicking on a user takes you to a detail screen for that user and on that screen is a notes link to take the user to another screen with a grid of notes and a text box to add more notes.
When any links are clicked/tapped, the link is opened in Safari, not the current full screen Safari instance. I tried setting the target of the link to _self, but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
I learned a full screen iPhone webapp can only be a single web page. Any link you try to open will launch Safari instead of replacing the current page. To combat this, I used postbacks with panels to hide/load/show requested data.
I use target="_webapp" and it works just use for example <a href="" target="_webapp"> and it gonna open the link without exit landscape (full screen) i dont know why but with some of my webapps works and sometimes dont.