Play with Activator Issue on IntelliJ Idea 14 - scala

I have the following problem on IntelliJ IDEA 14:
I created a Play (Scala) project using the Activator (v1.2.10). Then, I converted it to an IDEA project using activator idea command. When, I opened the project with IDEA 14 (Community Edition) the SBT module is not enabled. Therefore, a new dependency in build.sbt file is not included in the classpath. Moreover, the project is not listed in IDEA's SBT view.
The following warning is shown by IDEA:
"This IDEA project is converted from an SBT project by gen-idea tool, which currently relies on a legacy Scala project model. Please consider using built-in SBT support via the Import project action."
Note that, the Scala and SBT plugins are already installed on IDEA.
I don't encounter with the same issue in IDEA 13.

Have you tried File | Import Project and select build.sbt file?
IDEA imports it as an SBT project, with all the dependencies properly resolved. It works fine for me on IDEA 14 and on 13.

Apparently, this is a bug in some versions of IntelliJ 14, that just got fixed (as of version 14.0.3). Updating IJ then updating the scala plugin seems to make things work.

In this case simply import manually the "build.sbt" from your project, so if the directory is ~/Documents/myPlayApp then choose to import ~/Documents/myPlayApp/build.sbt


sbteclipse not adding generated source folders to java build path?

I ran sbt eclipse on a Scala Project and when I imported it into Scala IDE(4.0.0 RC2), it gave me a type not found error as the types referred to were actually auto-generated code which were at target/scala-2_10/src_managed/main/compiled_avro/org/... I was able to do a sbt compile at the console though.
I got it to compile by adding the above folder to the Java Build Path.
My question is that since sbt eclipse can already detect Java Projects which the current project depends on and since sbt compile works at the console, should sbt eclipse be able to figure out dependencies to source folders of generated code as well? or maybe such a feature exists and I just don't know about it?
This may not be the correct way of doing things but to fix the issue i did the following.
sbt avro:compile
sbt compile
sbt eclipse
In eclipse i right clicked on target/scala-*/src_managed/main/compiled_avro > build path > use as source folder
The sbteclipse way:
Edit your project or global build.sbt file. My global ~/.sbt/0.13/build.sbt contains:
import com.typesafe.sbteclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin._
EclipseKeys.createSrc := EclipseCreateSrc.Default + EclipseCreateSrc.Managed
I'm using an older version of _sbteclipse, version 2.5.0 (various non-relevant reasons), which seems to require both the import and a single blank link between each line of real content (this drives me a bit crazy, yes). I don't believe the import is required for newer versions of sbteclipse.
sbt clean avro:compile compile
sbt eclipse

`Cannot find symbol` in IntelliJ 14

I have use the IntelliJ Scala plugin before, in 13 and 13.1. I upgraded to 14, and it doesn't work anymore for my SBT project.
For all Scala standard lib stuff, I see errors like "Cannot find symbol scala.Option".
at scala project, compiler error - Cannot resolve symbol List? says I need to have the Scala facet for my module. I looked in facets, and Scala wasn't an option.
I've uninstalled IntelliJ and the Scala plugin and my settings and the projects files multiple times, but still happens.
How do I fix this?
the new scala plugin for intellij 14 removed the facet and replaced it with Scala SDK library, see blog
for sbt project, I guess the best bet is to re-create your project by:
File -> open -> select the build.sbt of your project in popup -> delete existing project and import
I had a similar issue when a Java module calls an Scala object. The issue was from the wrong setup in Source Folders; the Scala source was in src/main/scala/..., but in the Project Structure, the Source Folders were setup as src by default. When I changed it as src/main/scala, the Java module can find the Scala object correctly.
I fixed this by using the nightly builds of the Scala plugin.
The fixes have now been incorporated into the stable versions.
In my case i just had to reload the IDE...

Sbt 0.12.4+ required on project import

I'm currently reading the Play for Scala: Covers Play 2 book by Peter Hilton (publisher: Manning) , and trying to stick to the versions they've outlined in the book (Play version 2.1.1).
I downloaded the new IntelliJ IDEA 14 CE app and installed it. I'm currently importing the project, and it's failing because it wants a version of sbt that is 0.12.4 or greater.
This issue occurred in 13 the other day, but I haven't had time to resolve it, so please, no recommendations to go back to 13 :)
Here is the meat of the issue:
When I type sbt --version on the CLI, it prints sbt launcher version 0.13.6. I have a "greater" version, but it appears that IDEA doesn't recognize this.
In an effort to specify my own SBT launcher JAR, I pointed my custom launcher (in IDEAs global settings) to the one in /usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.13.6/libexec/sbt-launch.jar, but the build also failed with the same error.
As you may have guessed at this point, I have used Homebrew to install and manage Scala and sbt. When I first started working with Scala back in February, I remember having to make a few small tweaks in my settings to get IDEA to find Scala, but my version of IDEA 14 is totally fresh -- I did not import any previous settings. I downloaded the Scala and sbt plugins and they appear to be properly configured after a cursory look and creation of a new test project.
Here is what I'm failing to understand:
First, and most obvious, why would an sbt version that meets the supposed requirement (0.12.4+) fail with version 0.13.*?
Second, is the bundled sbt with IDEA also greater than this version? Is there possibly an sbt flag somewhere in my system that's pointing it to an earlier version? A side note, I have a few versions of sbt in my "Cellar", but all are greater than 0.13.
Many thanks for your help!
I had a look at the code samples from Manning's website, and the project/ files for each project specify sbt.version=0.12.2. My guess is that the Intellij Scala plugin only supports SBT 0.12.4, and cannot import you project which is configured to use an older version (hence why it recommends that you "update your project definition").
You should try using sbt.version=0.12.4 in the project/ file.
Generally speaking, keep in mind that when an SBT version is specified in project/, the SBT launcher downloads the specified version and uses it to build the project. In your case, that means that the SBT 0.13.6 launcher will download SBT 0.12.2 and use that version to build the project.

Error: scala: No 'scala-library*.jar' in Scala compiler library

Environment: Play 2.3.0/Scala 2.11.1/IntelliJ 13.1
I used Typesafe Activator 1.2.1 to create a new project with Scala 2.11.1. After the project was created, I ran gen-idea. The generated IDEA project fails to compile with the error:
Error: scala: No 'scala-library*.jar' in Scala compiler library in test
Am I doing something wrong? Workaround?
Open File -> Project Structures -> Libraries, remove any scala sdk in it, e.g. scala-sdk-2.11.8 in the following image.
Click on +, then Scala SDK.
Select the right Scala SDK from the list, for me, it's Ivy-Scala-2.11.8 shown in the picture.
Select the current project(mine is spark-test), click OK.
Then click OK to close it.
Run again, it should work now.
Since IDEA 13 you should use SBT support which is bundled with Scala plugin.
With it there is no need to add third-party SBT plugins and run special commands; just import the project using "File -> Import project..." menu item, and it will automatically load SBT project structure and its dependencies.
I had the same issue with the .idea files generated by ./activator idea with play 2.3. A quick fix is to look in "Project Structure->modules" and note the name of the compiler library. For me it was "SBT: scala2.11.1". The look in "Project Structure->Libraries" and check the contents of this library. It should contain scala-compiler.jar, scala-library.jar, scala-reflect.jar. If this libraries are not present, add them (in my case they are located in ~/.sbt/boot/scala-2.11.1/lib).
For IDEA 15 and project exported from Activator 1.3.5 only Russell's solution helped at the moment.
I have fixed scala compiler library with adding 3 libraries located in ~/.sbt/boot/scala-2.11.1/lib to library's compiler classpath and classes. After indexing project I moved this library to global libraries of IDEA and it was saved there.
I had the same issue.
If you are building your project using external sbt i.e sbt compile then it will create or add dependencies in libraries(all external dependency also) and scala sdk will be added as SBT:scala* based on version of your scala.
So you can remove SDK with SBT as prefix and add proper SDK through Intellij.
File->Project Structure->Libraries
Remove SBT SDK and add it manually.
For me with IDEA 12, I fixed this issue when I unchecked the box for "Use external build" in Settings.Compiler.
now is 2021 year, in Mac, use IntelliJ to run scala:
core logic
Mac: brew install scala
IntelliJ: open *.scala file, then according notice to auto config java JDK and Scala SDK
detailed steps: pls refer another post's answer
I'm an absolute Scala beginner. I was wanting to get up and running. I needed to create a Scala project, not a Java project with Scala library:

IntelliJ plugin for cucumber-scala

I am running Cucumber scala project in IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA - 13.0.2
I couldn't find separate plugin called cucumber for scala
In my project I am getting cannot resolve message for cucumber as below
Could see below errors as well
Existing plugins installed
What could be the solution
You are missing dependencies for cucumber-core and cucumber-scala, please have a look at the documentation and add them to your build.sbt file.
There is a newer version available for sbt-cucumber-plugin (0.8.0): Maybe that solves your problems.
Did you try the gen-idea plugin to create the IntelliJ IDEA project files ?