We want to have a customized subscription form, that includes a coupon code input - coupon

As I understand it - I cannot use Recurly.js v3 for this... the hosted pages are not very pretty - so we want to style our own, however it seems like the coupon code field is not supported - and its very necessary for our business model.
Am I missing something?

It's definitely supported. Just add an input and use the data-recurly="coupon" attribute:
<input type="text" data-recurly="coupon">
You can see it in the pricing section of the R.JS docs.

I have integrated this into my application in few weeks ago. You can add the following to your page for the coupon code field.
<input type="text" name="couponcode" placeholder="Coupon Code" data-recurly="coupon_code" >
You can get the value by input field name name="couponcode". Following is the PHP code.
'coupon-code' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['couponcode'])


How to configure "accept Terms and Conditions" on Keycloak registration page

I use Keycloak 1.7.0-Final. The user must agree with Term and Conditions at registration.
I enabled "Terms and Conditions" in Authentication > Required actions, But nothing is shown on the registration page.
Also, I cannot find where to configure specific Terms and Condition files for each language.
Could you help?
Thank you.
By default existing users cannot have this page. You need to configure "Terms and Conditions" as "Default Action", then this will be applied by default for all new users.
For existing users, you need to put it manually unser "Users" > "Required actions".
Dont forget to customize the terms page under //themes/base/login/terms.ftl
You will see terms and conditions once the user has filled in the registration form and submits registration. You will have to override the terms.ftl (build your own theme) page if you want it customized and add your own messages locale - see Keycloak Docs - Themes ...
Enable terms and conditions
Regularly you must enable "Terms and Conditions" in Authentication > Required Actions as Enabled and Default Action. By default, this will show a dedicated page after the registration form page, using the template terms.ftl.
Using a checkbox for accepting terms and conditions in the registration page
For this purpose you must specify terms and conditions as Enabled, but not a Default Action. Otherwise you will see the dedicated page using terms.ftl. The problem here is that Keycloak has not a way to enable a checkbox to accept the terms and conditions in the registration page.
Nonetheless, doing a little of reverse engineering I found that when you accept the conditions the user will have an attribute called terms_and_conditions:
In order to reproduce this, you just need to create a custom attribute, named terms_and_conditions, with a numeric value, that seems to be the current time (Date.now()). Being that said, you need an HTML like:
<!-- other inputs -->
value="<generated value, e.g. 1668029792010>" />
<label for="terms">I accept the terms and conditions</label>
<button type="submit">Create user</button>
This approach should also be valid if you create that user using the API.
If your are using a checkbox in the registration page, you can use the standard internationalisation strategy: using the messages properties files. It would probably have a link that reference the content of the "terms and conditions" in the current language. To get the lang code to construct the URL use ${locale.currentLanguageTag}.
Show a page for each language
On the other hand, if you want to use the typical Keycloak strategy using terms.ftl, then you must use the same layout as always and the text will change using the internationalisation.
But if the content of the terms and conditions is very long, then it should be better to create pages for each language, e.g. terms-en.ftl, terms-fr.ftl, etc. These ftl files will only contain the content in the corresponding language and they will be loaded using a code like:
<#include "terms-fr.ftl" />
<#if (locale.currentLanguageTag!"en") == "en">
<#include "terms-en.ftl" />
<#include "terms-es.ftl" />
I hope this helps
You can use Keycloakify to create a theme.
Here is the section related to customizing Terms and conditions.

virtuemart 3.0.10 disable double confirmation on checkout

There is solution.
In my sites on virtuemart I manually (with code editing) do one page checkout (and one step). But after version 3.0.10 my solution no longer work.
Before version 3.0.10 I used follow method:
In cart/tmpl/default.php in bottom of file present hidden inputs.
After <input type='hidden' name='task' value='updatecart'/>
add <input type='hidden' name='task' value='confirm'/>. And it works.
But after version 3.0.10 I found no other option except hack of virtuemart core:
In cart/tmpl/default.php in bottom of file present hidden inputs.
Del <input type='hidden' name='task' value='updatecart'/>
add <input type='hidden' name='task' value='confirm'/>.
In site/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/cart.php
in method display() change
if(($task == 'confirm' or isset($request['confirm'])) and !$cart->getInCheckOut()){
if(($task == 'confirm' or isset($request['confirm'])) and !$cart->getInCheckOut()){
My English is bad, but hope this will helpful.
There is no need for hacks anymore. VirtueMart 3.0.10 doesn't have double confirmation. Just check "OPC" and "Ajax for OPC" in the VirtueMart configuration - tab "checkout".
If you have chosen shipping and payment and checked the TOS button, the "Check Out Now" button switches to "Confirm Purchase".
One click and it is done.
Best practise will be to delete your old overrides and use the original VirtueMart files. Apply any custom changes to the new original files.

How does Chrome detect Credit Card fields?

In some forms, Chrome autofill prompts with Credit card autofill.
EDIT:Adding screenshot. This is not the same as browser autocomplete. You need not have entered the value in the same form before.
How should I write my HTML form so the browser detects these as Credit card fields and triggers this behavior?
An example of it working with a Stripe form would be ideal.
This question is pretty old but I have an updated answer for 2019!
You can now tell your browser which fields are for credit card info just by naming the <input> correctly.
The following answer is from my original answer from here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41965106/1696153
Here's a link to the official current WHATWG HTML Standard for enabling autocomplete.
Google wrote a pretty nice guide for developing web applications that are friendly for mobile devices. They have a section on how to name the inputs on forms to easily use auto-fill. Eventhough it's written for mobile, this applies for both desktop and mobile!
How to Enable AutoComplete on your HTML forms
Here are some key points on how to enable autocomplete:
Use a <label> for all your <input> fields
Add a autocomplete attribute to your <input> tags and fill it in using this guide.
Name your name and autocomplete attributes correctly for all <input> tags
<label for="frmNameA">Name</label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="frmNameA"
placeholder="Full name" required autocomplete="name">
<label for="frmEmailA">Email</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="frmEmailA"
placeholder="name#example.com" required autocomplete="email">
<!-- note that "emailC" will not be autocompleted -->
<label for="frmEmailC">Confirm Email</label>
<input type="email" name="emailC" id="frmEmailC"
placeholder="name#example.com" required autocomplete="email">
<label for="frmPhoneNumA">Phone</label>
<input type="tel" name="phone" id="frmPhoneNumA"
placeholder="+1-555-555-1212" required autocomplete="tel">
How to name your <input> tags
In order to trigger autocomplete, make sure you correctly name the name and autocomplete attributes in your <input> tags. This will automatically allow for autocomplete on forms. Make sure also to have a <label>! This information can also be found here.
Here's how to name your inputs:
Use any of these for name: name fname mname lname
Use any of these for autocomplete:
name (for full name)
given-name (for first name)
additional-name (for middle name)
family-name (for last name)
Example: <input type="text" name="fname" autocomplete="given-name">
Use any of these for name: email
Use any of these for autocomplete: email
Example: <input type="text" name="email" autocomplete="email">
Use any of these for name: address city region province state zip zip2 postal country
Use any of these for autocomplete:
For one address input:
For two address inputs:
address-level1 (state or province)
address-level2 (city)
postal-code (zip code)
Use any of these for name: phone mobile country-code area-code exchange suffix ext
Use any of these for autocomplete: tel
Credit Card
Use any of these for name: ccname cardnumber cvc ccmonth ccyear exp-date card-type
Use any of these for autocomplete:
Use any of these for name: username
Use any of these for autocomplete: username
Use any of these for name: password
Use any of these for autocomplete:
current-password (for sign-in forms)
new-password (for sign-up and password-change forms)
Current WHATWG HTML Standard for autocomplete.
"Create Amazing Forms" from Google. Seems to be updated almost daily. Excellent read.
"Help Users Checkout Faster with Autofill" from Google in 2015.
From this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/9795126/292060, it looks like Chrome is either matching a regex pattern on the field name, or the form is explicitly using the x-autocompletetype attribute, like this (This example uses "somename" to avoid mixing issues matching on the name):
<input type="text" name="somename" x-autocompletetype="cc-number" />
Practically, you could do both, picking a name that matches, and the x-autocompletetype:
<input type="text" name="ccnum" x-autocompletetype="cc-number" />
Do you have a view-source of the input box in your screenshot? That would show if it's matching on the name or on the x-autocompletetype attribute.
The answer I linked to has several links for more information; I didn't repeat them here.
Some other comments:
I know Chrome pops a question whether to save the credit card information (I don't), but I don't know if it is popping that question regardless of how it detected it. That is, I'm not sure if Chrome will autocomplete separate fields of credit cards along with other fields, or if it needs to save the whole thing as a credit card.
Your question was how to do it, not whether to. But from the comment in your question, I agree that you might not want to autocomplete the credit card fields. Personally I find it disconcerting when it happens, even knowing it's local in my browser (I especially feel this way about the CVV, and get a surprising amount of resistance when I report it). However, there are posts that find it frustrating when a customer wants to use it, has Chrome set up with credit cards, and a website blocks it.
Thanks #goodeye for directing me to the correct answer.
To trigger the Credit Card autofill,
SSL must be enabled on your form
Most variants of standard credit card field names should work if SSL is enabled.
Here is a link to the regexes Chrome uses to trigger detection
As of 04-12-2022 (from the link above)
// credit_card_field.cc
// ... snipped ...
const char kCardNumberRe[] =
"|nummer" // de-DE
"|credito|numero|número" // es
"|numéro" // fr-FR
"|カード番号" // ja-JP
"|Номер.*карты" // ru
"|信用卡号|信用卡号码" // zh-CN
"|信用卡卡號" // zh-TW
"|카드"; // ko-KR
Chrome is using autocomplete attribute in inputs for autofill. This will probably be used by other browsers in future if not yet.
autocomplete's actual use is to say whether autocomplete is enabled or not by specifying autocomplete="off". But chrome uses the same for autofill.
Autofill and autocomplete are different, so don't get confused.
Autofill is what chrome uses to fill up forms from what is stored in your autofill settings in your chrome browser.
Autocomplete is what all browsers use to remember what you may have entered previously in the same form by suggesting values as you type. So when you use autocomplete="off" on an input, browser stops suggesting these values.
Coming back to the solution, for autofill to work use cc-number for card number, cc-name for card holder name, cc-csc for cvc and cc-exp for card expiry date in your autocomplete attribute.
Here is a sample that will be compatible with chrome autofill:
<label for="frmNameCC">Name on card</label>
<input name="ccname" id="frmNameCC" required placeholder="Full Name" autocomplete="cc-name">
<label for="frmCCNum">Card Number</label>
<input name="cardnumber" id="frmCCNum" required autocomplete="cc-number">
<label for="frmCCCVC">CVC</label>
<input name="cvc" id="frmCCCVC" required autocomplete="cc-csc">
<label for="frmCCExp">Expiry</label>
<input name="cc-exp" id="frmCCExp" required placeholder="MM-YYYY" autocomplete="cc-exp">
If you have credit cards saved in your chrome browser right now, try clicking Run code snippet button above and you can see chrome autofill in action.
Source: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/06/checkout-faster-with-autofill
Chrome also scans thru placeholders.
Example: <input placeholder='dd-mm-yyyy'/> will trigger it to become a credit card field.

How to add a contact form to a static web site?

I have a mostly "static" web site with no server-side code and just a little JavaScript. Now I would like to add a contact form. I do not care how I get the contact form data (so just writing this data to a text file in the server will be ok).
What is the simplest solution for this problem? How do people usually handle this?
I believe I can add some server-side code (PHP or something) to handle the form (and write the form data to a file, for instance) but I would prefer a client-side solution.
Use an external tool, they are commonly referred to as "formmailer". You basically submit the form to their server, and they send the form contents via mail to you.
If you don't want that, you have to do something server-sided: Storing data on the server, without having a server side program that accepts the data from the client, is just not possible.
You could install CouchDB and interface that from Javascript :) Everyone could use that then, too :)
The most easy PHP script that stores POST data on your harddisk:
<?php file_put_contents('/path/to/file', serialize($_POST) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); ?>
You can use Google Drive and create form with required fields. and embed code (which will be iframe) in your static web page.
You will be able to get submitted data in spreadsheet.
You can use qontacto . it is a free contact form you can add to any website. it forwards you the messages.
I set up the fwdform service for this exact need.
Just two simple steps to get your form forwarded to your email.
Make an HTTP POST request to register your email.
$ curl --data "email=<your_email>" https://fwdform.herokuapp.com/register
Token: 780a8c9b-dc2d-4258-83af-4deefe446dee
2. Set up your form
<form action="https://fwdform.herokuapp.com/user/<token>" method="post">
Email: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
Name: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
Message: <textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Send Message">
With a couple of extra seconds you can spin up your own instance on Heroku.

Can I send a variable to paypal, and have it post it back to me when payment completes?

Ive been using express checkout API to convert people's accounts on my site to premium accounts after paying. The only problem with it is that it doesn't send the user back to the site until they click the button to return, and it updates their permission when that happens. About 40% of the users don't seem to do that.... so their accounts never get credited after payment.
Although paypal does an instant post-back upon the successful payment, I was never able to make it actually update the user's account right away, since I cant get it to send back some sort of informational that would identify the user that just completed the payment. I could only do that when you are sent back to the site, which sends the transaction ID, that I logged with a post-back. It searches for it, and grants permission if it was found int he DB.
Is there a way to submit some sort of a variable to paypal, that it will then post back to me? Something like &user_id=123, which would make it very handly to update the user's permission.
Iten_number hidden variable don't work in my application. But i found that custom hidden field works fine. Just add this field to the form, generated by paypal: <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="YOUR VALUE FROM DB"/>. After, you can read this value to identify, for example, what product have been purchased. (Java code): String custom = request.getParameter("custom");
Yes, if you send item_number, the IPN notification will include that when it posts back to you. I record a unique ID in the database when the user starts the payment process, and include that when sending them to PayPal. When the IPN comes in, that unique ID matches up with the record in the database, giving me all the info I need.
Edit Re your comment:
I expect there's a code example somewhere on the site linked above, but basically in my case I'm using a form that I POST to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr. Within that form are various hidden fields documented in the IPN stuff (cmd for what command to perform, business to specify your business ID, item_name for a nice description in the PayPal UI, item_number for the item number I mentioned above, etc., etc.). When IPN posts back to your IPN address, it includes various fields (such as payment_status — kind of important! &mdash and the item_number you fed in when posting to them).
Just to add to this old question...
There are option parameters that are commonly used for custom data sending through paypal.
These option tags are on0, on1, or on2 for the custom field names and os0, os1, and os2 for the custom field values.
I would send on0 with a value of "UserID" and os0 the actual ID.
These values will be represented in the IPN as follows:
os0 is represented as option_selection1
os1 is represented as option_selection2
os2 is represented as option_selection3
on0 is represented as option_name1
on1 is represented as option_name2
on2 is represented as option_name3
Here's the info on PayPal's HTML parameters
According to HTML Variables for PayPal Payments Standard you can send all the "Pass-through" variables:
item_number Pass-through variable for you to track product or service
purchased or the contribution made. The value you specify is passed
back to you upon payment completion. This variable is required if you
want PayPal to track inventory or track profit and loss for the item
the button sells.
custom Pass-through variable for your own tracking purposes, which buyers do not see. Default – No variable is passed back to you.
invoice Pass-through variable you can use to identify your invoice number for this purchase. Default – No variable is passed back to
All these pass-through variables are sent back by the IPN in the payment response info.
You just have to render your HTML template server-side and write the fields back in the HTML code like
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="{{ productID }}">
<input type="hidden" name="invoice_id" value="{{ invoiceID }}">
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="{{ jsonInfo }}">
Technically the field "custom" can be a JSON encoded string if you want to handle more data like
myItemObject = {
"customerEmail" : "john#doe.com
"customerID: "AAFF324"
jsonInfo = json.dumps( myItemObject )
return render_template(tmpl_name, jsonInfo=jsonInfo, productID=productID, invoiceID=invoiceID)
I finally get this answer, I want to share with all of you look:
on your HTML form put this code (this is Paypal sandbox):
form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?custom=YOUR_VAR" method="post"
On your PHP after the Paypal redirect to your page success: use the cm GET variable:
$example = $_GET["cm"];
I hope this URL solves your issue. As it solved mine as well. Add a custom variable to your form and then retrieve it on your success payment page.
Example :
<input type='hidden' name='custom' value='<?php echo $email; ?>'/>
and then retrieve it as :
<input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Ajay Gadhavana">
<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="my_phone_number">
<input type="hidden" name="on2" value="my_third_extra_field">
Response from paypal would be
[option_name1] => Ajay Gadhavana
[option_name1] => my_phone_number
[option_name1] => my_third_extra_field
What worked for me in 2021 is passing "custom_id" (inside the "purchase_units" array) to PayPal in my client app and checking "custom" on my backend.
Yes, it looks like PayPal renames the parameter for some reason.