publishing user relevant data - mongodb

I have created a simple, minimalistic diary app.
On the client, I use
Meteor.subscribe('entries', Meteor.userId());
to subscribe to the entries created by the user (stored in a mongodb collection). I pass the users ID to the publish function (on the server):
Meteor.publish('entries', function(userID) {
return Entries.find({userId: userID});
After login, Meteor.userId() isn't falsy anymore, because it's a reactive data source. However, the relevant data is not being published. I fixed that by auto-running the subscribe function:
Tracker.autorun(function() {
Meteor.subscribe('entries', Meteor.userId());
It works, but I feel it's a bad solution.
So here comes the question:
How should one publish user-relevant data in general? There must be a better way to do this, than passing the users ID to the publish-function. Also, isn't it insecure?
By the way, would love to hear some feedback on the app

You don't need to pass the userId from the subscription. Inside the publish function you can use this.userId to get the current user. You can also just return an empty array if the user is not logged in.
Meteor.publish("entries", function () {
if (!this.userId) return [];
return Entries.find({ userId: this.userId });


Custom fields and global subscriptions for Meteor user accounts

I'm adding custom data to Meteor user accounts for the first time. I've been able to add custom fields without difficulty and I know they're there because I can see them in Mongol. I am publishing via a global subscription so how do I then go about reading data from individual fields? It seems the syntax is very different from that when using publish/subscribe methods.
So, I have user accounts like this (as seen in Mongol):
"_id": "#################",
"profile": {
"name": "Test User"
"customfields": {
"customfield1": [
In server/main.js I have the following
Meteor.publish(null, function() {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {fields:{customfields:1}});
This seems to be publishing fine. But what code do I use to render the cursor as data? I've been using variations on code like this in client/main.js and having no success:
var stuff = Meteor.users.find(this.userId).fetch();
Any help appreciated.
MyCollection.find() returns a cursor whereas MyCollection.findOne() returns an object, i.e. a single mongodb document.
A publication must return a cursor or array of cursors. You publication is fine.
You are basically trying to make the customfields key of the user object visible on the client. (The profile key is automatically published by Meteor).
On the client, where you are doing:
var stuff = Meteor.users.find(this.userId).fetch();
You can simply use:
var stuff = Meteor.user();
var stuff = Meteor.users.findOne(Meteor.userId());
Then stuff.customfields will contain what you're looking for.
The second form is way too verbose for me unless you're looking for a different user than the logged in user.
Note: this.userId on the client will not be the userId of the current user, it will be undefined. That only works on the server. That may actually be the root cause of your problem. In addition, your publications must be ready() for the data to be available. This isn't true immediately after login for example.
Since customfield1 is nested in customfields, did you try stuff.customfields.customfield1?

Meteor publish not working for private publication

This is a Meteor/MongoDb question. In the code below, I am attempting to give all clients access to all users' Facebook names and Facebook profile Ids.
At the same time, I am attempting to give clients access to their own email as defined on their Facebook profiles.
Meteor.publish("users", function(){
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields:
{'': true,
'': true}
Meteor.publish("mail", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'': 1}});
In the code below is how I have subscribed to the above publications.
This should work as far as I am aware, yet when I attempt to make use of the user object, such as in the code below...
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Meteor.userId()});
... I receive only the parts of the user object published as standard ( & _id) and the parts of the user object published by the first meteor.publish function in the code above ("users"). The user's Facebook email is nowhere to be found. The code below demonstrates what I consistently keep receiving when I run the above findOne code.
_id: "3aNP7euRFGWhGEgq2",
profile: {name: "David Daish"},
services: {facebook: {name: "David Daish", ID: "1987779184781528"}}
As you can see, the Facebook email property is nowhere to be found. It's zilch, gone, not there. So there is my question:
How can I get's value, and more importantly, how can I do it in a way that allows clients access to only their own value?
Thank you very much in advance for your assistance. This has been confounding me for a couple days.

Sails.js general security

Using sails sockets.
From a browser I can get all 'tasks' where the user id is 1.
I can now listen for the 'task' event and look for 'created' in the verb to get new tasks and add them to the list.
However I get events from ALL created tasks regardless of user. This seems to be me as a major security issue. All someone needs to do jump into the console and set up a listener to get notified whenever any user creates a new task.
I had a look around for sometime but can't find any posts on the topic.
Being new to this kind of thing - can someone be kind enough to help out?
What is the best practise for dealing with lists over in Sails?
This should be what you're looking for; it prevents you from subscribing to all existing tasks on the client side. It only subscribes if you're logged in and only to tasks that belong to you. Keep in mind that this is just a first-step in implementing a secure REST API for your app - but it should get you started.
In your client-side app you'd write:
socket.on('connect', function socketConnected()
// This subscribes the user to all tasks that belong to him and only him.
socket.get('/task/subscribe', null, function response(data, jwres)
// We don’t really care about the response.
// This 1.) creates a new task and 2.) subscribes the user to that task.
// If the 'rest' blueprint is on, POSTing to /task gets redirected to TaskController.create automatically by sails.
// If it's not on, you write "socket.get('/task/create' ..."'/task', {name : 'MyNewTask'}, function response(data, jwres)
// Add the created task inside of 'data' to your client side app.
Then in TaskController.js you would write:
subscribe : function(req, res)
// Is the user logged in?
return res.badRequest();
// Find all tasks that belong to the currently logged in user.
Task.find({userID :}, findUsersCB(err, tasks)
// Subscribe the user to all of his tasks.
Task.subscribe(req.socket, tasks);
// Send user's tasks back to the client.
create : function(req, res)
//Is the user logged in?
return res.badRequest();
var taskToBeCreated =
name : req.param('name'),
userID :;
// Attempt to create the given task.
Task.create(taskToBeCreated, function createTaskCB(err, createdTask)
// Subscribe the user to the newly-created task.
Task.subscribe(req.socket, createdTask);
// Send user's task back to the client.
I haven't shown an example for the 'update' and 'destroy' actions but the idea is the same for both.

Transforming DB Collections in Meteor.publish

Hopefully this question is not too long but I am trying to include as much details as possible in what I did..
I am trying to figure out how to implement logic in Meteor.publish() that takes data from the DB, changes all the values in a column and makes the updated collection available for client-side subscription.
Specifically, I have a table that stores messages between users and the recipient is identified by his userId. I would like to replace the userId with his actual phone number which should be available in the Meteor.users table.
When I looked it up online I saw suggestions to use transform but my understanding is that it's not reactive.. I then learned about map but discovered that it returns an array which breaks the Meteor.publish() method. Finally I found something that uses forEach and self.added() and self.ready() so my code currently looks like this:
Meteor.publish("myMessages", function () {
var self = this;
$or: [
{ senderId: this.userId },
{ recipientId: this.userId }
}).forEach(function(m) {
m.recipientId = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: m.recipientId }).username;
console.log("adding msg to collection:");
self.added("Messages", m._id, m);
The log messages look right and when Meteor restarts it prints all the messages from the DB related to the user where the recipient is replaced correctly with the phone number. However, on the client side when I try to run Messages.findOne(msgId) (with an id I verified exists by selecting it directly in mongo shell) I get undefined back and furthermore, running Messages.find() through developer tools in the browser returns undefined as well although I expected the messages that showed up in the logs to be available..
I feel that this is a basic use case but I am not able to make this work.. any help is appreciated!
"You can transform a collection on the server side like this:"
It worked for me.
Unfortunately, changes in users collection will not update reactively these custom fields.

Sails pubsub how to subscribe to a model instance?

I am struggling to receive pubsub events in my client. The client store (reflux) gets the data from a project using its id. As I understand it this automatically subscribes the Sails socket for realtime events (from version 0.10), but I don't see it happening.
Here's my client store getting data from sails
(this is ES6 syntax)
onLoadProject(id) {
var url = '/api/projects/' + id;
io.socket.get(url, (p, jwres) => {
console.log('loaded project', id);
this.project = p;
io.socket.on("project", function(event){
console.log('realtime event', event);
Then I created a test "touch" action in my project controller, just to have the modifiedAt field updated.
touch: function(req, res){
var id = req.param('id');
.then(function(project) {
if (!project) throw new Error('No project with id ' + id);
return Project.update({id: id}, {touched: project.touched+1});
// this should not be required right?
return Project.publishUpdate(id);
.done(function() {
sails.log('touched ok');
}, function(e) {
sails.log("touch failed", e.message, e.stack);
This doesn't trigger any realtime event in my client code. I also added a manual Project.publishUpdate(), but this shouldn't be required right?
What am I missing?
-------- edit ----------
There was a complication a result of my model touched attribute, since I set it to 'number' instead of 'integer' and the ORM exception wasn't caught by the promise error handling without a catch() part. So the code above works, hurray! But the realtime events are received for every instance of Project.
So let me rephrase my question:
How can I subscribe the client socket to an instance instead of a model? I could check the id on the client side and retrieve the updated instance data but that seems inefficient since every client receives a notification about every project even though they only should care about a single one.
----- edit again ------
So nevermind. The reason I was getting updates from every instance is simply because at the start of my application I triggered a findAll to get a list of available projects. As a result my socket got subscribed for all of them. The workaround would be to either initiate that call via plain http instead of a socket, or use a separate controller action for retrieving the list (therefor bypassing the blueprint route). I picked the second option because in my case it's silly to fetch all project data prior to picking one.
So to answer my own question. The reason I was getting updates from every instance is simply because at the start of my application I triggered a findAll to get a list of available projects. As a result my socket got subscribed for all of them.
The workaround would be to either initiate that call via plain http instead of a socket, or use a separate controller action for retrieving the list (therefor bypassing the blueprint route). I picked the second option because in my case it's silly to fetch all resources data prior to selecting one.
Here's the function I used to list all resources, where I filter part of the data which is not relevant for browsing the list initially.
list: function(req, res) {
.then(function(projects) {
var keys = [
return _.pick(project, keys);
.catch(function (e){
}, function(e) {
Note that when the user loads a resource (project in my case) and then switches to another resource, the client is will be subscribed to both resources. I believe it requires a request to an action where you unsubscribe the socket explicitly to prevent this. In my case this isn't such a problem, but I plan to solve that later.
I hope this is helpful to someone.