How to integrate Python-social-auth to osqa - python-social-auth

I would like to integrate Python-social-auth to OSQA.
Do you have any idea or any suggestion to do that?
Thank you so much.


Can I somehow import an image/screenshot of a website and then have it transform it to a XD design?

I'm not looking to convert a website like Protoship does.
I'd like to be able to make a screenshot of a website and then import/translate that to a XD design.
Is there a plugin or way I'd be able to do this?
I was trying to make a prototype for PowerApps and now I've seen that there's literally an option to exactly what I wanted to achieve:
Yes, you can by using ProtoPie plugin.

CanĀ“t open an submitted sap app (via Eclipse Neon) on Fiori LaunchPad

I'm going to try to be as more specific I can be.
So I'm building an Planning Calendar app on SapUi5 similar to this one.
But after I 'share project' on Eclipse and try to open the app on Fiori LaunchPad it gives me this error:
I'm new to this language and any kind of help will be appreciated. If you need anything else please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your help
Well after some time searching and analyzing the code with my fellow partners the only answer we can assume is the answer of #Ethan Jewett which is: 'Not sure. You'll probably have to share your app with someone to fully diagnose. It's possible that you used example code in your index.html and are pulling UI5 from a CDN or something instead of using the local one.'. If you want to understand (well) the problem please check the comments. Thanks to Ethan for all his help!!

tinymce create own plugin

I'm trying to create a plugin in TinyMCE. Sofar Google didn't help much: Alot of tutorials that don't work and give alot of errors.
Does anyone have a good tutorial or could someone post some sample code with some info?
I'm using version 3.5.4.
Like I said: I tried searching on Google and also searched StackOverflow.. Nothing usefull.
Thanks in advance.
Usually the tinymce developer documentation is a good way to start: .

How to achieve this using Joomla?

I want to build a website using Joomla. My target is something like this My question is how to achieve the functionality like that website?(The course pricing table, the download menu)
If you know some extension that is useful for this, please recommend for me.
Thank you.
You need DT register. It's commercial but well worth the price.

What Lightbox plugin is this?

Can anyone tell me what is being used to generate the image on this page?
I assume it's some kind of lightbox plugin?
Any help appreciated.
it is jquery based and the "close lightbox" icon is similar to the one used in fancybox.