Where the materialized views stored in metadata of postgresql - postgresql

My database is postgresql 9.3.5
we created some materialized views. we are able seeing those are in views folder through pgadmin tool
but our issue is we are not able to finding out those materialized views in metadata
we checked in information_schema and all catalogs.
we found all tables,views and schemas except materialized views in metadata

A query like this will give you an overview of the materialized views and their columns:
select ns.nspname as schemaname,
mv.relname as matviewname,
string_agg(atr.attname ||' '||pg_catalog.format_type(atr.atttypid, NULL), ', ') as columns
from pg_class mv
join pg_namespace ns on mv.relnamespace = ns.oid
join pg_attribute atr
on atr.attrelid = mv.oid
and atr.attnum > 0
and not atr.attisdropped
where mv.relkind = 'm'
group by ns.nspname, mv.relname;


PostgreSQL 12 - List sequences that do not match their related table name

I have a database with plenty of tables.
I want to tidy up relations that do not fit namewise anymore, due to name changes of the tables.
I was able to fix the constraints, but I am not able to put the lines together to list the sequences and the related columns. As pgAdmin shows under dependencies the column a sequence is connected to, it should be possible to create a SELECT to show sequences and their related column.
Try this:
SELECT a.attrelid::regclass AS table_name,
a.attname AS column_name,
pg_get_serial_sequence(a.attrelid::regclass::text, a.attname) AS sequence_name
FROM pg_attribute AS a
JOIN pg_class AS t ON a.attrelid = t.oid
WHERE t.relkind IN ('r', 'P')
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND pg_get_serial_sequence(a.attrelid::regclass::text, a.attname) IS NOT NULL;

Temporarily deactivate constraints for updating datatype of PKs and FKs

I have to update all columns of type "uuid" to "varchar(38)". I created all the necessary queries with:
SELECT format(
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE data_type = 'uuid'
AND table_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND lower(table_schema) <> 'information_schema'
AND is_updatable = 'YES';
Obviously, I can't execute the resulting queries because of all the existing PK and FK constraints involving the uuid columns.
Is there a way to temporarily disable the constraints, then executing all the queries and reactivating the constraints afterwards without dropping the constraints?
Or if I have to drop all the constraints first, is there a way to set them all up again after the updates? I am not the creator of the database so I don't have all necessary queries to create the constraints again.
I found a way to create all queries for dropping and creating all constraints of the database.
So first I have to save the output of the first query
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE "'||nspname||'"."'||relname||'" DROP CONSTRAINT "'||conname||'";'
FROM pg_constraint
INNER JOIN pg_class ON conrelid=pg_class.oid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid=pg_class.relnamespace
ORDER BY CASE WHEN contype='f' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,contype,nspname,relname,conname;
and of the second query
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE "'||nspname||'"."'||relname||'" ADD CONSTRAINT "'||conname||'" "'||
FROM pg_constraint
INNER JOIN pg_class ON conrelid=pg_class.oid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid=pg_class.relnamespace
ORDER BY CASE WHEN contype='f' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END DESC,contype DESC,nspname DESC,relname DESC,conname DESC;
When I have all the queries, I first dropped every constrained, updated the tables and then executed the queries for adding the constraints again. Worked perfectly!

How to introspect materialized views

I have a utility that introspects columns of tables using:
select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns
where table_name=%s
How can I extend this to introspect columns of materialized views?
Your query carries a few shortcomings / room for improvement:
A table name is not unique inside a database, you would have to narrow down to a specific schema, or could get surprising / misleading / totally incorrect results.
It's much more effective / convenient to cast the (optionally) schema-qualified table name to regclass ... see below.
A cast to regtype gives you generic type names instead of internal ones. But that's still only the base type.
Use the system catalog information functions format_type() instead to get an exact type name including modifiers.
With the above improvements you don't need to join to additional tables. Just pg_attribute.
Dropped columns reside in the catalog until the table is vacuumed (fully). You need to exclude those.
SELECT attname, atttypid::regtype AS base_type
, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS full_type
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'myschema.mytable'::regclass
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped; -- no dead columns
As an aside: the views in the information schema are only good for standard compliance and portability (rarely works anyway). If you don't plan to switch your RDBMS, stick with the catalog tables, which are much faster - and more complete, apparently.
It would seem that postgres 9.3 has left materialized views out of the information_schema. (See http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Re-Materialized-views-WIP-patch-td5740513i40.html for a discussion.)
The following will work for introspection:
select attname, typname
from pg_attribute a
join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid
join pg_type t on a.atttypid = t.oid
where relname = %s and attnum >= 1;
The clause attnum >= 1 suppresses system columns. The type names are pg_specific this way, I guess, but good enough for my purposes.

Dumping tables and schemas that are accessible to me only?

Is it possible to dump tables and schemas that are accessible to me only in PostgreSQL?
First find the relations you have access to (this can be tweaked to pull schemas too)
with relnames as (SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind='r' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'public'))
select array_agg(relname) from relnames WHERE has_table_privilege(SESSION_USER, relname, 'SELECT');
Now we aren't quite done now because that just creates an array of tables we have access to. We now need to change this to use array_to_string to get something we can feed into pg_dump:
with relnames as (SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind='r' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'public'))
select array_to_string(array_agg(relname), ' -t ') from relnames WHERE has_table_privilege(SESSION_USER, relname, 'SELECT');
the above queries can be tweaked (changing the pg_namespace subquery) to pull namespaces you have access to and you could change it to a join to pull fully qualified table names.

Find out if user got permission to select/update/... a table/function/... in PostgreSQL

What is the recommended way to figure out if a user got a certain right (e.g. select or execute) on a certain class (e.g. table or function) in PostgreSQL?
At the moment I got something like
but it's terrible since I have to check for every grantorOid that is possible and for every userOid the user can belong to.
On a related note: what are the possible rights you can test for?
I haven't found any documentation but reading the source code I guess:
There also seems to be a CREATE TEMP right, but I can't figure out the correct text to use in the makeaclitem-function.
I've found that a better approach (and I seem to remember this was taken from some queries built into psql, or maybe the information_schema views) is to use the has_*_privilege functions, and simply apply them to a set of all possible combinations of user and object. This will take account of having access to an object via some group role as well.
For example, this will show which users have which access to non-catalogue tables and views:
select usename, nspname || '.' || relname as relation,
case relkind when 'r' then 'TABLE' when 'v' then 'VIEW' end as relation_type,
from pg_class join pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace,
(values('SELECT', 1),('INSERT', 2),('UPDATE', 3),('DELETE', 4)) privs(priv, privorder)
where relkind in ('r', 'v')
and has_table_privilege(pg_user.usesysid, pg_class.oid, priv)
and not (nspname ~ '^pg_' or nspname = 'information_schema')
order by 2, 1, 3, privorder;
The possible privileges are detailed in the description of the has_*_privilege functions at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-info.html#FUNCTIONS-INFO-ACCESS-TABLE.
'CREATE TEMP' is a database-level privilege: it permits a user to use a pg_temp_* schema. It can be tested with has_database_privilege(useroid, datoid, 'TEMP').
Take a look at the "Access Privilege Inquiry Functions" and also the "GRANT" reference page.
Because Redshift is supporting values() only in INSERT INTO queries, the below query can be used with the obviously not-so-nice union all select.
select usename, nspname || '.' || relname as relation,
case relkind when 'r' then 'table' when 'v' then 'view' end as relation_type,
from pg_class join pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace,
(select 'select' as priv,1 as privorder union all select 'insert',2 union all select 'update',3 union all select 'delete',4)
where relkind in ('r', 'v')
and has_table_privilege(pg_user.usesysid, pg_class.oid, priv)
and not (nspname ~ '^pg_' or nspname = 'information_schema')
order by 2, 1, 3, privorder;
Also, I realized, that in our db Dataiku creates tables that can have CAPITAL letter in them, so, if table not exist error happens, you should use the lower() function