I am trying to rebuild Hibernate configuration but i got Wrong Compiler Settings error, please find below screenshots of my App configuration and a of the error:
The problem was because Eclipse ran on a different JVM than the one specified in my project (I have two installed JDK on my machine), to resolve that i just modified the file eclipse.init in a way to ensure Eclipse will run the appropriate JVM.
This is what i added to eclipse.init (you need to use your exact path to javaw.exe):
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\javaw.exe
Further informations regarding the eclipse.init file, could be found here.
It seems that you are using maven so you need to adjust it in the compile plugin it your POM
for more details check this example
Eclipse 4.4.2
Tomcat : 7
java 1.7
maven 3.5
STS packages installed.
This is my condition right now. when I made Spring legacy project(MVC) there was some problem in pom.xml.
First of all, Error occurred in war but after I clean the maven and update, the error was gone. but after that, the part of occurred the error. I don't know how to fix it.
But strangely I did this just like same on my other laptop yesterday, There wasn't any problem.
java 1.8
Eclipse 4.7.0
Tomcat 8.5.16
Here is the section of pom file
//plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin2.5.1:testCompile(execution:default-testComplile, phase:test-conpile)").
Once done , try doing a Update Project by Right Click Project , Maven->Update Maven Project and select codebase and do check the Force Update of Snapshot/Release check box.
This will update your maven build and will surely remove your errors with pom.xml
Posting my solution, in case anyone else runs into a similar error. I had a very similar issue on a much later version of Eclipse, etc. No amount of Maven>Update Project solved it.
I ran manually ran "mvn clean install" from the command line, and it cleaned up the errors in eclipse.
Eclipse Neon
maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.1
You need to include the plugins in one of the life-cycles as pointed out by the error. If you want these plugins to be packed in the war file then enclose them in the <packaging></packaging>. But you will be needed to include that in a life cycle.
I'm using maven-bundle-plugin to generate MANIFEST.MF for OSGi container.
However, that manifest file got destroyed (overwritten) by Eclipse (4.6.1 Neon) after, f.g Maven/Update Project or Clean/Build.
Is it possible to make Eclipse somehow aware of the maven plugins, and not destroy their output? What should I setup to prevent that (mis)behaviour?
If that issue is not to be fixed with Eclipse, does it work better with IntelliJ, for example? OSGi support within IDE is quite important for me...
I have to change my answer. I missed the part that you define the goal manifest. This is the new and recommended way to use the maven bundle plguin but it requires that you tell the jar plugin to use the existing Manifest.
old answer
I suspect you are using the Eclipse PDE. The PDE is always working Manifest first. This means it is incompatible with the maven-bundle-plugin.
I recommend to use a plain maven build which we use a lot at apache projects like Apache Karaf or Apache Aries. It lacks the special OSGi support of Eclipse PDE but this sucks anyway.
You can augment this by using the eclipse plugin bndtools. Bndtools now provides maven support to a degree. This means you can now provide maven based OBR indexes for your project and define which bundles to start in a bndrun file. This allows to directly start and debug your OSGi project in Eclipse. See the osgi-chat example on how to do it.
Beware though that bndtools just started with maven support recently. So the current version 3.3.0 still lacks some of the convenience for maven builds.
With my configuration:
And the Plugins installed:
m2e Connector: http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/releases/neon/
BND Tools: http://bndtools.org/
The Eclipse build finally didn't destroy the manifest file. But there were some iterations(maven build, Update Maven Dependencies, Eclipse Build, maven build) necessary. Also beforehand, I deleted all project related settings on the filesystem: .classpath, .project, .factorypath, .settings, .apt_generated, target. Hope that helps.
I am trying to build an existing maven project on a fresh install of the latest netbeans but am getting the following error, any help is much appreciated:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project com.rory.ngp.test: Compilation failure
Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
javac: invalid target release: 1.7
I think it has something to do with paths but am not sure exactly. Here is the contents of my /usr/lib/jvm directory;
bash-4.1$ pwd
bash-4.1$ ls
java java-openjdk jre-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64
java-1.5.0-gcj- jre jre-gcj
java-1.6.0 jre-1.5.0 jre-openjdk
java-1.6.0-openjdk- jre-1.5.0-gcj
java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 jre-1.6.0
Thanks oers, you were right.
I needed to install JDK 1.7/Java 7, and then edit the netbeans config file in the netbeans install directory /etc/netbeans.conf to point to where I installed the new version of Java:
# Default location of JDK, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir>:
Add the following to your pom under build and plugins it should target 1.6
If Platform or Source/Binary Format in project properties is not same with this configuration it gives error
I have a maven project in eclipse and have maven goals that run annotation processors to generate code. The output folder for this code is target/generated-sources/apt.
In order for Eclipse to see this generated code I need to add target/generated-sources/apt as a source folder to the Eclipse project.
However, this causes there to be an error of type "Maven Configuration Problem" saying
Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Run project
configuration update
I think I understand why this is the case as Eclipse has a different set of source folders to Maven's set. But I need this different set, as I need Eclipse to be able to see the generated source folders...
When doing a pure Maven built, these source folders will be included in the build, by Maven.
BTW, I have upgraded to the official Eclipse release of the Maven Eclipse plugin, m2e 1.0 - what used to be m2eclipse. I'd like to see if I can find a work around/solution to this with the m2e plugin before I have to go back to the old m2eclipse version.
You need to attach the source directory with the build-helper-plugin.
Like so:
You will also need to:
Install the "Apt M2E Connector" from the Eclipse Marketplace.
To do so click the error in the Overview tab of your pom.xml and select "Discover".
Ensure there are no plugin execution filters for the build-helper-maven-plugin (see https://www.eclipse.org/m2e/documentation/m2e-execution-not-covered.html)
Right-click the Error message:
Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml Run project
configuration update
in the Problems View and select Quick Fix and click Finish to select the default Update project configuration. This fixes it.
After switching to new versions of m2e/maven/apt,... i had builderrors because of the duplicated files, caused by the added buildpath by the buildhelper, so i needed to remove the "apt-generated"-Folders from the buildhelper.
To fix the Problem in Eclipse, not adding the "apt-generated"-folder via Update Maven Configuration in M2E, i've written a M2E Plugin to fix this problem. It adds the outputDirectories configured in the maven-apt-plugin to the buildpath of the Project.
In m2e 1.0 the handling of Maven plugins has changed. You might be lacking a specific m2e extension for your code generating plugin. Here is all the documentation I managed to find.
This bug report may also be relevant.
request on CXF JIRA (see 1) to add lifecycle mappings in the cxf-codegen-plugin itself. This would require m2e 1.1 but I believe it is better approach than having connectors built outside of cxf project, assuming that lifecycle mapping API would change less frequently than cxf-codegen-plugin and cxf.
You can also use the buildhelper m2e connector available in the discovery catalog. I'm using Eclipse 3.7
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Juno Service Release 1
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \
mvn clean install
work perfectly.
But in eclipse I have the same error on Asinc class.
Just press F5 on project. Fix this problem.
This was what I found that worked good using spring 3.1.1 which does have the 3.0.6 version as well in it. Once I got the plugins setup and put into the correct area of the pom and included the argline and endorseddirs to have the java sources put out into the target/generated-sources/cxf folder then maven generated the sources ok.
<!-- *************************** Build process ************************************* -->
<!-- Force Java 6 -->
<!-- Deployent on AS from console
<!-- wildbill added tomcat plugin -->
<!-- Surefire plugin before 2.9 version is buggy. No need to declare here,
it's being referenced below w/ the version
<!-- developer added these -->
<!-- *********************** Profiles ************************************ -->
<!-- When built in OpenShift the 'openshift' profile will be
used when invoking mvn. -->
<!-- Use this profile for any OpenShift specific customization
your app will need. -->
<!-- By default that is to put the resulting archive into the
'deployments' folder. -->
<!-- http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-building-for-different-environments.html -->
<!-- Actual war created in default target dir -->
If your wsdl folder is in ${basedir}/src/main/resources it'll find it automatically
Hope this helps!
In case for some reason you can't use the build helper plugin the easiest way (albeit not as convenient and somewhat tedious) I have found to deal with this is:
Separate the generated source code into its own project or sub module.
You will want to keep this project predominately closed or not imported into Eclipse when you are working on the parent project.
In the parent project that needs the generated code make sure to now depend on the generated source code project via Maven pom dependency.
When you need to update the generated code go to the generated code project and run mvn install. Now refresh the parent project by right clicking and selecting Maven->Update Project...
This generally works well for projects that use a semi static source for code generation such as SOAP WSDLs (Apache CXF) or code generated from a database (jOOQ). For APT and other AspectJ-like-code it doesn't work as well because you are editing the source frequently.
For new visitors to this question -
build helper maven plugins and m2e connectors go hand in hand. Older versions
(before 2.0) of build helpers have moved into an eclipse archive link
build helper versions archived
Pick the correct link from the list and add it as an eclipse update site. It should ask you for a bunch (seriously.. a huge bunch ) of eclipse updates . Please accept and you are good to go.
the configuration to the build helper plugin did work for us.
but be aware, that the destination folder always has to be equal to the configuration of the plugin u're using for the annotation processing itself.
for example the maven-processor-plugin uses the target folder ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/apt as default. if you wish another destination for your generated source files you can set it by the tag as shown below.
Here is the solution
Open Marker View (Window > Show View
Right-click on the Error message
Select Quick Fix
Click Finish
Using eclipse 3.5, when I create a new maven project, m2eclipse automatically adds J2SE1.4 to libraries and Compiler Compliance Level to 1.4 (Project properties > Java Compiler).
My JRE system library is 1.6 and my default compiler compliance level is 1.6. I don't even have 1.4 installed.
Can I make m2eclipse use my default settings and prevent it from modifying project settings?
It should follow the maven-compiler-plugin configuration:
(even if, as mentioned in this thread, it won't work for aspect-j)
This thread reminds us about the difference between m2eclipse within eclipse, and a maven script:
One thing worth to mention that this only applies to "the development mode" when m2eclipse is configuring Eclipse tools such as JDT, AJDT and WTP according to the configuration from pom.xml. This is how you normally code and debug your application, run unit tests (with Run as... / JUnit test) or run on web app server (Run as... / Server app).
However if you use Run as... / Maven build..., or create corresponding launch config from the Run/Debug menu, then you can select JVM that is used to launch Maven and all your compiler configuration will be respected in the same way it is respected in the command line.
<executable><!-- path-to-javac --></executable>
m2e does not (and cannot) use external java compiler, so it will just ignore these configuration parameters. m2 only considers source/target maven-compiler-plugin parameters.
The JDK compliance level is derived from the maven project, not the other way around. In other words, you need to configure the maven compiler plugin for 1.6 level compliance and then m2eclipse will derive the appropriate settings under Eclipse:
The pom.xml is the master, not m2eclipse.
In summary I did an mvn eclipse:eclipse on the project and an F5 refresh of the project in Eclipse and this configured the Java compliance setting correctly.
My set-up as follows. Using Kepler. Java 1.7 configured as default in preferences in Eclipse (as mentioned already, seems to be ignored anyway in deference to whatever is found in the pom.xml). I imported a bunch of Maven projects into Eclipse. All showed up as Java compliance level 1.4 and even the build path of the projects lists the Java 1.4 runtime. I double checked 1.7 is correctly specified in the pom.xml by requesting the effective pom on the command line to confirm the setting is present and correct in the pom:
mvn help:effective-pom -Doutput=eff.xml
This showed the correct setting was present:
Guessing the problem is with the import part of the m2e plugin, version showing in Eclipse is: