Spring Cloud Configuration recommended architecture in data center - spring-cloud

I have been playing with Spring Cloud Configuration. I like the simplicity of the solution and the fact that it uses git as it's default configuration store.
There are two aspects I need to figure out before pushing it as a solution for centralized configuration management.
The aspects are:
High availability
How to gradually roll out configuration changes (to support canary releases)
If you already implemented this in your data center or just playing with that please share your ideas!
Also I would like to hear from the creators, how they see the recommended deployment in single/cross data-center environments.

The Config Server itself is stateless, so you can spin up as many as these as you need and find them via eureka. Underneath the server itself, the git implementation you point to needs to be highly available as well. So if you point to github (private or public), then git is as available as github is. If the config server can't reach git it will continue to serve what it has checked out even if it is stale.
As far as gradual config changes, you could use a different branch and configure the canary to use that branch via spring.cloud.config.label and them merge the branch. You could also use profiles (eg application-<profilename>.properties) and configure the canary to use the specified profile.
I think the branch makes a little more sense, because you wouldn't have to reconfigure the non-canary nodes to use the new profile each time, just configure canary to use the branch.
Either way, the only time apps see config chages (when using spring cloud config client) is on startup or when you POST to /refresh on each node. You can also POST to /bus/refresh?destination=<servicename> if you use the Spring Cloud Bus to refresh all instances of a service at once.


Kubernetes Preview environments

I would like to ask what people use to provision an ephemeral preview environment in AWS EKS for your service under test. Also in addition, I am curious to know how you provision any dependent services (such as Database).
E.g. I am working on a back-end service and would like to deploy an isolated ephemeral version of this service packaged from my feature branch, including the database. Furthermore, I would also like copy of a front-end service in my isolated environment to test my back-end.
Any thoughts would be appreciated
You can roll your own solution: by wiring together your own CI/CD (Jenkins, CircleCI, BuildKite, Github Actions, etc) solution to trigger building and deploying of a preview environment by tying in to webhooks on your source repository. This would have to include your building of the modified code, then deploying that code to some staging environments, then of course seeding those environments with some type of data.
There is a bit of nuance to getting this right. You should check out https://ephemeralenvironments.io/ which is a good template of what needs to go in to these environments.
A lot of other folks use services that provide this as a SaaS platform, Shipyard.build, Release, and Velocity.tech are a few of your options.
Disclaimer: I'm on the Operations team at Shipyard
Hope this helps!

How to secure the environment repo in a GitOps setup?

In a GitOps setting, there are usually two repositories - a code repo and an environment repo. My understanding is that there are some security benefits in separating the repos so developers only need to be given access to the code repo, and environment repo's write access can be limited to only the CI/CD tools. As the environment repo is the source-of-truth in GitOps, this is claimed to be more secure as it minimizes human involvement in the process.
My questions are:
If the assumption above is correct, what CI/CD tools should be given access to the environment repo? Is it just the pipeline tools such as Tekton (CI) and Flux (CD), or can other tools invoked by the pipelines be also included in this "trusted circle"? What are the best practices around securing the environment repo in GitOps?
What is the thought process around sync'ing intermediate / dynamic states of the cluster back to the environment repo, e.g., number of replicas in a deployment controlled by an HPA, network routing controlled by a service mesh provider (e.g., Istio), etc.? From what I have seen, most of the CD pipelines are only doing uni-directional sync from the environment repo to the cluster, and never the other way around. But there could be benefit in keeping some intermediate states, e.g., in case one needs to re-create other clusters from the environment repo.
there are usually two repositories - a code repo and an environment repo. My understanding is that there are some security benefits in separating the repos so developers only need to be given access to the code repo, and environment repo's write access can be limited to only the CI/CD tools.
It is a good practice to have a separate code repo and configuration repo when practicing any form of Continuous Delivery. This is described in the "classical" Continuous Delivery book. The reason is that the two repos change in a different cycle, e.g. first the code is changed and after a pipeline has verified changes, an updated to config repo can be made, with e.g. Image Digest.
The developer team should have access to both repos. They need to be able to change the code, and they need to be able to change the app configuration for different environments. A build tool, e.g. from a Tekton pipeline may only need write access to config repo, but read access to both repos.
What is the thought process around sync'ing intermediate / dynamic states of the cluster back to the environment repo, e.g., number of replicas in a deployment controlled by an HPA, network routing controlled by a service mesh provider (e.g., Istio), etc.? From what I have seen, most of the CD pipelines are only doing uni-directional sync from the environment repo to the cluster, and never the other way around.
Try to avoid sync'ing "current state" back to a Git repo, it will only be complicated. For you, it is only valueable to keep the "desired state" in a repo - it is useful to see e.g. who changes what an when - but also for disaster recovery or to create a new identical cluster.

How to manage logical grouping of microservice based application to ensure version compatibility for CI/CD Pipeline?

For the MicroService Architecture based application, I'm trying to understand a standard process about how to logically group and manage correct version compatibility among independently deployable microservices. Let me elaborate with practical scenario :
Say, I am building a software application which is composed of 10 microservices. All the microservices have their independent repositories(branching workflow etc.) and their separate CI/CD Pipeline.
The CI/CD Pipeline gets triggered whenever any change pushed to 'master' branch for respective microservice.
Considering Helm chart and Kubernetes based deployment, all the microservices will get deployed with version 1.0 for the very first deployment and our system would work. For subsequent releases, we might have only couple of services that will get deploy. So after couple of production releases, each microservice will be at different version to constituent an application at that point of time.
My question is :
How to logically group independently deployable microservices in order to deploy or rollback to earlier release i.e. how to determine what was the version of different microservices for earlier releases?
Is there any existing tool or standard practice to track versions of each microservice for given release to seamlessly rollback to expected release?
If not automated solution, what would be the right approach to address such requirement?
Appreciate your thoughts and suggestion on this.
With consideration kuberenets:
1. Helm is nice tool to deploy and track.
2. Native k8s deployment works nice, you need to use deployment properly especially look --record flag in k8s commands eg check this link
With AWS ECS clusters:
1. they have task definations and tasks. I think that works for you.
Not have pointers for docker-compose, swarm, and other tools. But you can always use the power of git and some scripting.
the idea is make a file that lists all versions of services/containers/code . and commit that file in git with code. Make tag out of it for simplicity. your script should compare this state file and current state and apply specific changes only. Look at git submodules also. it is nothing but a group of many git projects and it tracks status of each project with help of commit id of each project. This helped us in the situation you mention.
This is a fairly new problem, we just launched a new tool Reliza Hub to solve that. Also here is my post on the subject: Microservices – Combinatorial Explosion of Versions. Currently, we are at the MVP stage and a lot of work is going on - see this video tutorial if our direction makes sense for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDlf5fMBGuI
If you decide to implement and have any questions or need help with integration, just tag me on SO and I'd be very much willing to make it work for you.
To sum up few things that we are doing - we denote developer facing projects (those that map to source code) as Projects and customer facing projects (bundles that customer sees) as Products.
And we say that Products are essentially composition of Projects and provide tooling how you can compile different versions of Projects into what's called a Product bundle. You can then integrate this into any CI or CD tool out there or start manually if you haven't configured CICD yet.
Other than that, yes - I highly recommend helm and kubernetes - this is what we use on newer projects. (And I can also add ArgoCD and Spinnaker to the existing tooling). But it is not enough to track permutations of different versions of microservices and establishing which configurations are good and which are not between different environments.

is there a deploy tool (or set of tools) that supports rollback of a deployment?

I'm learning FluentMigrator. The thing that I like about FM is that it supports the idea of Forward and Back for migrations (aka Up/Down). I'm finding that it's not ideal about this; there are some holes. Still, it's good.
This leads me to wonder if there are any deployment tools (nant, msbuild or other) that support this idea of rolling forward and back. The scenario that I'm using it in is the deployment of a web app with a related database.
Ideally I'd like to set up my deployment so that, should any part of it fail, it will revert to the previous known working configuration. With FM, this is pretty easy to do (but there are rough spots), so that covers the db. How about the files that make up the web app? Do any deploy tools have support for this?
Deploying to a Windows Server. Assume that I can't make any changes to the server.
I don't know of any Microsoft-centric, automated provisioning/deployment tools like Capistrano. Here are some tools I've heard of, but never used:
MSDeploy, for deploying web application.
Microsoft Deployment Services, for managing operating system configuration
Microsoft's System Center Configuration Manager
HP's Operations Center
Up until about three months ago, we did our deployment/provisioning using custom MSBuild scripts. After a server is provisioned, deploys happen automatically using Robocopy to copy files to a share on the application server, updating changed application binaries and markup files. We've never had a need to rollback any of our deployments, but since our scripts are custom, we could write the logic if we needed to.
MSBuild is a terrible deployment/provisioning language. For the past three months, we've been writing all new scripts in, and porting existing ones to, PowerShell. It is wonderful. With version 2, there is support for running commands on remote servers, like SSH. We haven't used that functionality yet, but I'm looking forward to pushing setup scripts to remote server to provision and deploy at the same time.
We have been using Git to do our deploys for the last 6 months.
Here is the whole process:
CI server build the project
CI server checks it in to a local git repository
CI server pushes the changes to the centralised git repository
User creates an empty repository on the live server
User adds the central git repository to the remotes
User pulls the latest version over https (no need to open any ports)
It is a lot to setup in the beginning but once setup it works great. Deploys take seconds as only changed files get copied.
Another great thing about this method is that git keeps history of changes so rolling back is pretty simple. You can also roll back a few revisions and it's done straight on the live server. If something goes wrong reverting is super fast.
Also you can save some time if you use a hosted git service (github) for your central repository.
This is a very brief description but I can give you more info if you want.
Of course! My favorite is Capistrano. This was originally built for Ruby but I've found that it works just as well for other languages.

Simplest way to use mercurial to manage differences between web development and deployment?

I am using mercurial for website development. I "think" I'm using it correctly.
I develop on my development machine, commit fairly regularly. I will somewhat regularly push my commits to my hosted site-dev repository.
If things are set up how I want them for the live site, I push from my dev machine to the hosted site-live repository. Then I pull down from that repository onto the live server.
However, there are some changes that need to be made (changing directories from localhost to www.example.com, changing the DB connection stuff, etc.).
What I did was made these changes on my live machine, then pushed them back up to the site-live repository. I don't know why I did that, really, but at least there's a changeset sitting there with the necessary config changes.
What I don't know how to do is manage this process. I'm a little lost beyond committing, pushing and pulling with hg. I'm a single developer and haven't even done a merge yet.
Is there some way to keep that particular changeset identified, and just apply it, hopefully even BEFORE I pull from the repo down to the live server?
I think you can tell from my question that I'm in a little over my head with hg and workflow at the moment ;)
This is my understanding:
What essentially you are trying to do is have a development, staging and deployment environment. You do your development using 'development' repository, test it on a staging environment and then once satisfied, pull those changes into deployment repository.
And when you pull from staging to deployment, you need to change your environment / configuration data.
My take is you should not be changing the configuration at all.
You should have configuration files such that you have a
basic configuration file
Environment specific overrides
basic.dev.conf, basic.staging.conf and basic. deployment.conf
Use environment variable:
The overrides to the basic configuration data should be defined via an environment
specific variable : APP_ENV : dev or staging or deploy
This way you should be able to override the configuration based on the environment without changing the configuration information.
It is not a good idea to rely on making changes to config files each time you pull your code from development to staging to deployment.
I would keep the live server outside the version control. Meaning that I would have a small "install" script that pulls updates from the repository, removes any unnecessary development files, and applies the correct configuration files. Both development and production configuration files should be in version control.