How to access particular matrix element for all blocks in entire image? - matlab

I have a 512x512 image , which i made 4x4 block for entire image, then i want access the (3rd row , 3rd element) of the all indivial 4x4 matrices and add it to the index values, which i obtained. Please help me on below code.
[row col] = size(a);
m = zeros(row,col);
count = [(row-4)*(col-4)]/4;
outMat = zeros(4,4,count);
l = 0;
for i=2:4:row-4
for j=2:4:col-4
l = l + 1;
outMat(:,:,l) = double(a(i-1:i+2,j-1:j+2));% for each matrix i have to find(3rd row,3rd element of each matrix.
Adding the (3rd row,3rd element):
m(i,j) = sum(sum(a .* w)); %index value of each 4x4 matrix % w = 4x4 matrix.
LUT = m(i,j)+ outMat(3,3);%(3rd row,3rd element each matrix should be added to all m(i,j) values. In which i fail to add all(3rd row,3rd element) of all 4x4 matrices.

I am going to reword your question so that it's easier to understand, as well as allowing it to be easy for me to write an answer.
From your comments in Kostya's post, you have two images img1 and img2 where they are decomposed into 4 x 4 blocks. outMat would be a 3D matrix where each slice contains a 4 x 4 block extracted from img1. From this, you have a matrix m that stores a weighted sum of 4 x 4 blocks stored outMat.
Next, you'll have another matrix, let's call this outMat2, which also is a 3D matrix where each slice is a 4 x 4 block extracted from img2. From this 3D matrix, you wish to extract the third row and third column of each block, add this to the corresponding position of m and store the output into a variable called LUT.
All you have to do is extract a single vector that slices through all of the slices located at the third row and third column. You would then have to reshape this into a matrix that is the same size as m then add this on top of m and store it into a variable called LUT. Bear in mind that if we reshape this into a matrix, the reshaping will be done in column major format, and so you would stack the values by columns. Because your blocks were created row-wise, what we need to do reshape this matrix so that it has size(m,2) rows and size(m,1) columns then transpose it.
vec = outMat2(3,3,:);
vec = vec(:); %// Make sure it's a 1D vector
m2 = reshape(vec, size(m,2), size(m,1)).';
LUT = m + m2;
LUT will contain a 2D matrix where each element contains the weighted sum of the 4 x 4 blocks from img1 with the corresponding third row, third column of each block in img2.
Next time, please update your question so that you have all of the information. We shouldn't have to dig through your comments to figure out what you want.

I think you can do just
LUT = sum( sum( a(3:4:row,3:4,col) * w(3,3) ) );


convert 3d matrix to 4d matrix using matlab

I have 2D matrixs of dimensions 400 x 500,each of these matrixs show an image. my process contain 2 steps:
1) I have to partition these images (split matrix to equal sized sub-matrices)
2) I have to save each of these split in one matrix
first step is done and dimention of matrix change from 2D-->3D (the last index shows index of splits)
now for the step 2 I have 100 images and I want to have matrix with 4 dimensions which the last index show the number of images
sample : for accessing split 3 of image 40 : [:,:,3,40]
I already try to using permut and reshape but not successful
here is my code
nCol = 10;
nRow = 4;
for i=3:Len
if d1==1
%% determined width and height of divided matrix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
m = size(x,1)/nRow;
n = size(x,2)/nCol;
T = permute(reshape(permute(reshape(x, size(x, 1), n, []), [2 1 3]), n, m, []), [2 1 3]);
Im=[Im T(:,:,:,i-2)];
any idea would be appreciated.
reshape picks elements in column major ordering so you might have to write convoluted code to get it to work. Rather than going the way of using permute and reshape to create 4D matrices and potentially running into an out of memory issue I would advice the use of mat2cell to split your matrix into a cell array because mat2cell splits a matrix like you would want to split an image.
Here I show an example with an image
RGB = imread('peppers.png');
x = rgb2gray(RGB); % x is a 384 x 512 matrix, we want to split in 3 rows and 2 columns
x2 = mat2cell(x,384*ones(3,1)/3,512*ones(2,1)/2); % 2D cell array, each cell holds a part of the image
imshow(x2{1,1}) % Top left part of the image
You could loop over all your images and create a 3D cell array where each layer in the array represents each image split into pieces. I would suggest to preallocate you array and assign the matrix in the correct layer within the loop rather than incrementally increasing the size of your matrix.
Also there seems to be an Image processing toolbox specific function to do what you are trying to : Check this : How to divide an image into blocks in MATLAB?

How can we reshape a matrix into a matrix of matrices

I have a 10*1300 matrix where each block of 10*10 values is an image. We can say that we have 130 images in a row. I want to rearrange this matrix so that I get all these images rearranged in 13 rows and 10 columns, where each (row,col) location is a 10*10 image. How can this be done? Thanks in advance.
I have a 10*1300 matrix where row=1:10 and col=1:10 represents the
first image, row=1:10 and col=11:20 represents the second image and so
on. Therefore we have 130 images arranged side by side horizontally. I want to arrange these 130 images in such a way that first 10 images are arranged in first horizontal pane,next 10 images are arranged in a second horizontal pane and so on, thus getting 13 horizontal panes with 10 images in each pane.
You can do this with a combination of reshape and permute:
blk_size = 10; % # of rows/columns in each block
blks_in_row = 10;
% reshape M matrix -> output in N
% you should first check that the dimensions of M are correct
N = reshape(M, blk_size, blk_size*blks_in_row, []);
N = permute(N, [1 3 2]);
N = reshape(N, [], blk_size*blks_in_row);
You can combine these three lines into one if you wish, but I expanded them out to give a better idea of what's going on.
The first line makes a 3D array with each 10x100 row of the output matrix is a plane. The second line permutes this matrix so that the planes become columns, and the third reshapes to a 2D array.
You can use this code to rearrange your matrix:
% suppose image is a defined matrix which is 10x1300
rearranged = [];
for i = 0:12
startIndex = 100 * i + 1;
endIndex = startIndex + 100 - 1;
rearranged = [rearranged; image(:, startIndex:endIndex)];
the rearranged matrix is what you want.

Matrix Multiplication Issue - Matlab

In an attempt to create my own covariance function in MatLab I need to perform matrix multiplication on a row to create a matrix.
Given a matrix D where
D = [-2.2769 0.8746
0.6690 -0.4720
-1.0030 -0.9188
2.6111 0.5162]
Now for each row I need manufacture a matrix. For example the first row R = [-2.2770, 0.8746] I would want the matrix M to be returned where M = [5.1847, -1.9915; -1.9915, 0.7649].
Below is what I have written so far. I am asking for some advice to explain how to use matrix multiplication on a rows to produce matrices?
% Find matrices using matrix multiplication
for i=1:size(D, 1)
P1 = (D(i,:))
P2 = transpose(P1)
M = P1*P2
You are trying to compute the outer product of each row with itself stored as individual slices in a 3D matrix.
Your code almost works. What you're doing instead is computing the inner product or the dot product of each row with itself. As such it'll give you a single number instead of a matrix. You need to change the transpose operation so that it's done on P1 not P2 and P2 will now simply be P1. Also you are overwriting the matrix M at each iteration. I'm assuming you'd like to store these as individual slices in a 3D matrix. To do this, allocate a 3D matrix where each 2D slice has an equal number of rows and columns which is the number of columns in D while the total number of slices is equal to the total number of rows in D. Then just index into each slice and place the result accordingly:
M = zeros(size(D,2), size(D,2), size(D,1));
% Find matrices using matrix multiplication
for ii=1:size(D, 1)
P = D(ii,:);
M(:,:,ii) = P.'*P;
We get:
>> M
M(:,:,1) =
5.18427361 -1.99137674
-1.99137674 0.76492516
M(:,:,2) =
0.447561 -0.315768
-0.315768 0.222784
M(:,:,3) =
1.006009 0.9215564
0.9215564 0.84419344
M(:,:,4) =
6.81784321 1.34784982
1.34784982 0.26646244
Depending on your taste, I would recommend using bsxfun to help you perform the same operation but perhaps doing it faster:
M = bsxfun(#times, permute(D, [2 3 1]), permute(D, [3 2 1]));
In fact, this solution is related to a similar question I asked in the past: Efficiently compute a 3D matrix of outer products - MATLAB. The only difference is that the question wanted to find the outer product of columns instead of the rows.
The way the code works is that we shift the dimensions with permute of D so that we get two matrices of the sizes 2 x 1 x 4 and 1 x 2 x 4. By performing bsxfun and specifying the times function, this allows you to efficiently compute the matrix of outer products per slice simultaneously.

How to form a vector from RGB matrices

I have a problem in constructing a vector from an image. I had used a 512 x 512 colour image and separated the rgb planes. Now i want to convert these three planes into three 1D vectors which should be as given in the following example.
Consider a 4x4x3 matrix. Converting it into RGB planes is easy. Now I need to convert these three planes into 1D vectors as given below
The program ive written is as follows. I used the reshape function to convert RGB planes into 1D vectors. Now I have trouble in regrouping them into different vectors.
% Extract the individual red, green, and blue color channels.
R = A(:, :, 1);
G = A(:, :, 2);
B = A(:, :, 3);
R1 = reshape(R.',1,[]);
G1 = reshape(G.',1,[]);
B1 = reshape(B.',1,[]);
I had converted the 2D matrices R G and B into 1D vectors R1, G1 and B1. Now I just need to create new vectores with all three values.I have no idea how to proceed...Please do help...Thanks in advance.
OK, given your example, what you want to do is given a RGB image, you want to separate the image into 3 vectors such that the RGB components are interleaved. This can easily be achieved by a permutation of the dimensions first. What you can do specifically is:
B = permute(A, [3 1 2]);
What permute does is that it rearranges the dimensions so that it produces another matrix. Specifically, what we're going to do is we are going to take each value in the third dimension and make them appear in the first dimension. Next we will take the rows of A and make them unroll into the columns, and finally the columns of A and make them go over each plane.
The result is that each column will be a unique RGB pixel that describes your image. How the unrolling will work though is that it will go in column-major order. We can then use linear indexing to split them up into arrays like so:
N = numel(A)/3;
V = B(1 : N);
W = B(N + 1 : 2*N);
X = B(2*N + 1 : end);
The job of linear indexing is that you access elements using a single index, rather than indexing each dimension separately. How linear indexing would work here is that if we had an image that was X x Y x 3, after permutation, the image would be reshaped such that it became a 3 x X x Y matrix. N in our case would be the total number of elements in a single plane. Because you are trying to split up the image into 3 vectors, the above operation where it's calculating N should be able to evenly divide by 3 as we have three colour planes to deal with.
By doing B(1 : N), we would access all of the elements from the first slice, second slice, in column-major format up until we retrieve N elements. These get placed into V. We then continue from this point and grab N more elements and place them into W, and finally the rest go into X.
If you want to access the pixels in row-major order, you simply need to change the way permute is accessing the dimensions like so:
B = permute(A, [3 2 1]);
You would then just access the elements with the above code normally. If you don't want to use linear indexing, you could use reshape to reshape the matrix such that it becomes a three-column matrix, where each column would be the desired vector:
C = reshape(B, [], 3);
V = C(:,1);
W = C(:,2);
X = C(:,3);
From your 4x4x3 example it's clear that you want to index first with the color index. I assume you then want row and then column. In that case, if A is your image (3D array), your desired three vectors are the columns of
B = reshape(permute(A,[3 1 2]),[],3);
So, if you need those vectors as explicit variables,
vector1 = B(:,1);
vector2 = B(:,2);
vector3 = B(:,3);
If the desired index order is color, then column, then row, use
B = reshape(permute(A,[3 2 1]),[],3);

2d matrix histogram in matlab that interprets each column as a separate element

I have a 128 x 100 matrix in matlab, where each column should be treated as a separate element. Lets call this matrix M.
I have another 128 x 2000 matrix(called V) composed of columns from matrix M.
How would I make a histogram that maps the frequency of each column being used in the second matrix?
hist(double(V),double(M)) gives the error:
Error using histc
Edge vector must be monotonically
what should I be doing?
Here is an example. We start with data that resembles what you described
%# a matrix of 100 columns
M = rand(128,100);
sz = size(M);
%# a matrix composed of randomly selected columns of M (with replacement)
V = M(:,randi([1 sz(2)],[1 2000]));
%# map the columns to indices starting at 1
[~,~,idx] = unique([M,V]', 'rows', 'stable');
idx = idx(sz(2)+1:end);
%# count how many times each column occurs
count = histc(idx, 1:sz(2));
%# plot histogram
bar(1:sz(2), count, 'histc')
xlabel('column index'), ylabel('frequency')
set(gca, 'XLim',[1 sz(2)])
[Lia,Locb] = ismember(A,B,'rows') also returns a vector, Locb,
containing the highest index in B for each row in A that is also a row
in B. The output vector, Locb, contains 0 wherever A is not a row of
ismember with the rows argument can identify which row of one matrix the rows of another matrix come from. Since it works on rows, and you are looking for columns, just transpose both matrices.