CDI imports cannot be resolved in Eclipse - eclipse

i have written an application on my pc using CDI as the backing bean for jsf, the application works completely fine.
Now i setup everything on a new pc, installed glassfish 4.1, setup eclipse kepler by putting the installed jre as jdk7 from the glassfish folder.
when i make a war for the application on my pc and deploy it onto the glassfish server on the other pc everything works fine.
now i tried taking the project from my pc and imported it onto the new pc. the eclipse on the new pc wont recognize import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped; giving compiler error that this annotation is not available.
The import javax.enterprise.context cannot be resolved
it doesnt recognize javax.enterprise.context.* at all. like CDI is not available. i am using JDK 7 which contains JSR 346, so i am completely confused what the issue could be.
if i deploy the application directly through the glassfish admin console using the war file it works perfectly fine but if i try to publish it through eclipse, it gives me unresolved compilation errors

Eclipse did not import ALL glassfish jars, so you need to:
Right Click on the project name, Build Path, Configure build path, under Libraries Click Add External Jars, go to where you have extracted Glassfish and import all jars that exists in:
and all sub directories two, like endoresed.
This will fix the problem for CDI and other stuff lik JAX-RS

If I had to guess, your .project and .classpath files are pointing to JAR locations that are specific to your old computer.
This is why people like build tools such as maven, or gradle, you can pick up and reimport a project; it'll resolve all dependencies for you.

Do you happen to use the GlassFish Tools plugin for Eclipse? I found that the GlassFish System Libraries classpath container, which is created implicitly by that plugin and which is added to all projects that specify a GlassFish server as their runtime, misses cdi-api.jar. This is where the javax.enterprise.context.* package is located (and many others).
So I could fix this by adding cdi-api.jar as an External Jar to the build path. After that, you may get a warning like Classpath entry [...]/cdi-api.jar will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result., which can be eliminated by using the Quick Fix to Exclude the associated raw classpath entry from the set of potential publish/export dependencies. That JAR file is already contained in the modules folder of GlassFish, obviously.
Maybe this problem only occurs with the GlassFish Web Profile, at least that's what I use.


WebSphere Liberty Eclipse won't publish application to apps directory

I have a 4-project, Maven-based EAR application (JavaEE-7.0) with a parent, WAR, resources, and EAR project. I am using Eclipse Oxygen with the latest release of WAS Liberty and the latest release of the WAS Liberty plugin for Eclipse Oxygen.
I have no error markers anywhere in any of my files and Maven can produce an EAR.
When I try to publish to Liberty, nothing happens. I've done all number of possible cleans: workspace cleans, Liberty server clean, Maven clean, etc. but even though the server says [Synchronized], nothing ever shows up in the apps directory of my server.
The server is locally hosted on Windows 10 and I'm using JRE 8u141.
When WLP starts up, it says CWWKZ0014W: The application foo could not be started as it could not be found at location blah.ear.
I've tried nuking my WLP installation and reinstalling from scratch; still no dice.
(Cue rant about tools keeping me from getting work done...)
How can I resolve this?
Are you using the Add/Remove dialog from the Servers view to publish the EAR to the server? This works for me using my sample maven EAR project.
A few things to check:
EAR project's Deployment Assembly page references the other projects
The WebSphere Application Server Liberty Targeted Runtime is checked on the Targeted Runtimes properties page for each of the projects
Project > Build Automatically is turned on (or you've done a Build All) in your workspace
Your server's server.xml should contain an 'enterpriseApplication' element after the publish
If the publish still doesn't work, can you provide more details about your EAR's pom as well as how you created the project. (using an archetype? based off of a sample? converted an existing EAR project to a maven project?)

NoClassDefFoundError on Java EE server in eclipse with tomcat

I'm trying to build a hello world application utilising GCM for Android notifications. When developing the server part, I'm not entirely sure how to get the gcm-server.jar file into the project. I've added it to the build path and Eclipse finds it perfectly fine, but when I build and deploy the project to a tomcat server (from within eclipse) it's throwing the following error at runtime:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/android/gcm/server/Sender
I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong when importing the jar. What exactly is the procedure for getting a jar into a dynamic web project using Eclipse?
Going to answer my own question because I just got it working.
Turns out adding the .jar's to the Java build path is not enough. Tomcat has a seperate classpath for each project, and won't see the classes in the jar unless you dump the jar files into the WEB-INF/lib folder (which Eclipse does not do automatically).
You need to include the jar file for json. This question seems to have been repeated a few times.

JUnit uses wrong Base64

I wanna use the class Base64 from commons-codec 1.5 and when I run the code on Server this works fine. My application runs on Websphere 7.0.
But when I run my JUnit tests the wrong Base64 Class is choosen, when i ask the Class with:
the output is: file:/C:/EProg/IBM/SDP80/runtimes/base_v7/plugins/
Thats definitly the wrong Version.
And an error occurs because of the wrong Version:
The crazy thing is, that happens only it i choose one Test and run it with Run As: JUnit Test in Eclipse, if I run the whole thing with Maven everthing works fine.
I use JUnit 4.8.1 and Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 with some Plugins for Websphere, GWT and Maven.`` is an OSGi bundle, and in WebSphere (which is built on an OSGi container), the classes in org.apache.commons.codec.binary are not visible to applications because that package is not exported by the OSGi bundle (you can examine the list of exported packages by looking at the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in That explains why you don't encounter any issue when running your application in WebSphere.
On the other hand, when you add that JAR to a Java project in Eclipse, it will be treated like a simple JAR, not an OSGi bundle, and all packages will be visible. In your case this creates a conflict with another commons-codec dependency.
I guess that the reason why you don't encounter that issue in Maven is that is only a dependency of your Eclipse project, but not of your Maven project.
Unfortunately there are not many (simple) ways to solve that issue. One is to remove from your Java project (I doubt that you are actually using Apache SOAP). The other is to change the order, so that your other commons-codec dependency comes before
It looks like a class path issue. More precisely, Eclipse integration with Maven. I would investigate Eclipse dependencies and make sure that it uses Maven for dependency management.
You can do it in two ways, either you can run mvn eclipse:eclipse command or use M2Eclipse plugin. If you use the later, then there is a update dependency option, in the project context menu.

Import and run WAR on eclipse

I have a subproject in a Virtual Machine with Ubuntu which I compile with Maven and then run with mvn jetty:run.
Maven also packages it as a war.
All of this works fine and does what is expected.
I am trying to import this WAR from another eclipse in Windows so I have done it by Import -> WAR, thus creating a Web application.
I now want to run it from Eclipse so I have created a new Jetty Server and run my application as Run on Server but I am getting Could not find the main class.
What is the proper way of doing this?
Besides, I have tried deploying the application by putting it in the webapps Tomcat directory . I can see it in the Tomcat GUI and launches the index.html but when I tried to access some of the services it throws No service was found
When deploying, in the Tomcat console I can see runtime NoClassDefFoundErrors.
Is there anything that mvn jetty:run does that the tomcat regular deployment does not? How is it possible that this didn't happen in my Virtual Machine? Shouldn't those classes be all in the WAR?
Here is another hint. When I run the project imported from the WAR in the Ubuntu VM, either with Jetty from eclipse or adding it to the webapps folder it works fine.
It is only hen running it on Windows Host Environment when it fails.
The specific NoClassdefFoundErrors thrown on cmd is the following:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/ow2/frascati/explorer/
That is one of the modules fo the main project.
If you try to deploy your war in tomcat's webapps folder, and if you miss a class, then you probably miss a jar in your lib folder. It is probably a jar that is supposed to be provided by the web server.
We need to know which class is missing.
Finally all errors have been solved by doing the following:
First I recompiled the WAR which did work this time under Jetty in Windows cmd. I apologize as this must be due to some error I still don't know, probably sharing the wrong WAR with Windows HOST OS from the beginning.
On the other hand, the Eclipse was solved by moving the Jetty folder out of the "Program Files" directory. It seems the old Jetty 6 adapter Eclipse comes with does not recognize spaces in its route to the server.

Eclipse WTP: Glassfish does not include WEB-INF/lib in classpath

I started a new dynamic web project in eclipse helios. I integrated glassfish into eclipse and it works fine so far. Except one thing:
I place my libraries (jdbc, log4j etc.) in WEB-INF/lib. Eclipse deploys that files correctly to glassfish, but glassfish does not include that directory in its classpath, so my app won't run (because it can't find the jars).
When I edit the server's "launch configuration" in eclipse, I can manually add the libs under "Classpath", but that don't change a thing.
Only when I manully copy the jars to glassfish's lib/ext folder, the libs are included.
When I used tomcat as a server it works, the libs are in tomcat's classpath. But I want to use glassfish without copying the libs manually.
Any idea?
Not sure how do you add the libs in your project.
Try to show the project properties tab, select the Deployment Assembly node section, and click the add button. Select archives from file system or project (if your lib i also an Eclipse j2se project).
This should work.
Hoping you use the latest Eclipse 3.6 SR1 and the latest glassfish plugin from the update Center:
My servlet did not find the jdbc driver, so I thought it was a lib missing. Calling “ClassForName“ solved the problem. This seems strange to me, as this is not needed when used in the SE context.
So eclipse is correctly deploying the libs, just a little extra code is needed.