powershell will not keep commands in function call - powershell

I am trying to call a new powershell environment from powershell that sets a path location and imports a module...
at first glance it appears to do this, however... when trying to run any of the functions in the module (psm1 and ps1 files) it cannot find the module.
it appears to be dropping everything apart form the set location
heres my code
function NewEnv($path)
$new = powershell -NoExit -command "&{cpath $path}"
function cpath($path)
cd $path;
PGCheck $path
Import-Module ".\myModule"

Found the answer
Powershell -NoExit -command "&{cd $path; PGCheck $path; Import-Module .\mymodule}"


PowerShell function not running as expected

I have a curious case that I cannot fathom the reason for...
Please know I am a novice to PowerShell.
I am working on a PowerShell menu system to help automate building out new computers in my environment. I have a PS1 file that holds the script for an app install. When I use the script to reference this I am able to run it and have no issue. However, when I try inserting this into a function and referencing it does not.
This works:
4 # Microsoft Office 32-bit
Write-Host "`nMicrosoft Office 32-bit..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# {installMS32Bit}
Invoke-Expression "cmd /c start powershell -NoExit -File '\\**SERVERPATH**\menuItems\ms_office\32-bit\install.ps1'"
Start-Sleep -seconds 2
This does not:
function installMS32Bit(){
Invoke-Expression "cmd /c start powershell -NoExit -File '\\**SERVERPATH**\menuItems\ms_office\32-bit\install.ps1'"
4 # Microsoft Office 32-bit
Write-Host "`nMicrosoft Office 32-bit..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -seconds 2}
install.ps1 file:
# Copy MS Office uninstall and setup to local then run and install 32-bit Office
Copy-Item -Path '\\**SERVERPATH**\menuItems\ms_office\setup.exe' -Destination 'C:\temp\' -Force
Copy-Item -Path '\\**SERVERPATH**\menuItems\ms_office\uninstall.xml' -Destination 'C:\temp\' -Force
Copy-Item -Path '\\**SERVERPATH**\menuItems\ms_office\32-bit\Setup.exe' -Destination 'C:\temp' -Force
Invoke-Expression ("cmd /c 'C:\temp\setup.exe' /configure 'C:\temp\uninstall.xml'")
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\temp\Setup.exe'
Secondary question and a little explanation for Invoke-Expression...
I like to see progress and like to have secondary windows open to monitor the new process being run. I was unable to find a solution with a persistent window that worked for me to do this without Invoke-Expression.
If there is a better way to do this in PowerShell I am all ears!
As Mathias points out in a comment on the question, this statement doesn't call your function, it wraps it in a script block ({ ... })[1], which is a piece of reusable code (like a function pointer, loosely speaking), for later execution via &, the call (execute) operator.
To call your function, just use its name (by itself here, given that there are no arguments to pass): installMS32Bit
Invoke-Expression should generally be avoided; definitely don't use it to invoke an external program, as in your attempts.
Additionally, there's generally no need to call an external program via cmd.exe (cmd /c ...), just invoke it directly.
For instance, replace the last Invoke-Epression call from your question with:
# If the EXE path weren't quoted, you wouldn't need the &
& 'C:\temp\setup.exe' /configure 'C:\temp\uninstall.xml'
I like to see progress and like to have secondary windows open to monitor the new process being run. I was unable to find a solution with a persistent window that worked for me to do this without Invoke-Expression.
(On Windows), Start-Process by default executes a console application in a new window (unless you specify -NoNewWindow), asynchronously (unless you specify -Wait).
You cannot pass a .ps1 script directly to Start-Process (it will be treated like a document to open rather than an executable to call), but you can pass it to PowerShell's CLI via the -File parameter:
Start-Process powershell.exe '-File install.ps1'
The above is short for:
Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList '-File install.ps1'
That is, PowerShell will execute the following in a new window:
powershell.exe -File install.ps1
[1] Since you're not assigning the script block being created to a variable, it is implicitly output (printed to the display, in the absence of a redirection); a script block stringifies by its literal contents, excluding the enclosing { and }, so string installMS32Bit will print to the display.

Is it possible to get the caller's directory in PowerShell script when calling from CMD or batch file?

Let's say I type this in CMD from C:\source:
powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File C:\test\test.ps1
In test.ps1 I try to get C:\source as directory without success.
$script_folder = $PSScriptRoot
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Both $myDir and $PSScriptRoot returns C:\test\ instead of C:\source.
You could use $PWD which is the Automatic variable for Present Working Directory. When you open PowerShell it should continue to use the same working directory.
From about_automatic_variables
Contains a path object that represents the full path of the current directory.
Also MS-DOS is an Operating System which cannot run PowerShell. This is different from cmd.exe aka Command Prompt in Windows.
The automatic variables you are using are information about the script invocation. The location from which the command to launch the script was initiated is part of the environment.
$PWD contains information about the present working directory (nod to posix pwd command). Specifically, $PWD.Path.
Per the about_automatic_variables page (or Get-Help about_automatic_variables), $PSScriptRoot, $PSCommandPath, are properties of $MyInvocation.
See here for an example of using Split-Path -Path $($Global:$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) to get the current path.
Recommend a test script:
# TestInvocationAndPWDPaths.ps1
function Test-MyInvocation {
function Test-PWD {
'$MyInvocation from script:'
'$MyInvocation from function:'
'$PWD from script:'
'$PWD from function'
Has interesting results. Running this from powershell console, and from ISE, and from command prompt will show you the differences in $MyInvocation.
$MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot gives you the caller scripts folder.
When the caller is command line, this will return $null.
You should be able to use these two facts.
Just want to add that it is a general pitfall in powershell to use $pwd/get-location inside psm1 functions.
Instead inject the full paths as parameters.

Powershell Inkove-expression

Yesterday I read about the invoke-expression
invoke-expression -command "c:\batfile.bat"
It works very well, but how can I get the results and also , how to add args for .bat file?
Invoke-Expression is to Call up the EXpression,And '.Bat' is not an expression.
So if you want to call .Bat File Justc:\batfile.bat Could Do the trick.
Or if you want to explore on the invoke-expression Copy the commands in Batch file into a variable to see the code being executed.
There was similar instance where I had to do something similar,And I had used it as
$TARGETDIR = 'd:\temp'
$params=#("/C";"$x";" >d:\temp\result17.txt")
Start-Process -Verb runas $prog +$params
The $params Will Hold all the arguments you want to pass.

Different behavior when running ps1 Powershell script with Invoke-Expression vs Powershell -File

This is a new question stemming from a previous post at :
Run Powershell script from inside other Powershell script with dynamic redirection to file
I am running:
$logStreams = "2>&1>"
$command = '"C:\myscript.ps1" $_logStreams "C:\outputlog.txt"'
iex "& $command"
I observed that calling my script with iex "& $ command" is different than running it using Powershel -File "C:\myscript.ps1".
Myscript.ps1 calls a function Download (with some params) which creates and fills up a file $File1 then a second file $File2 (also it generates a third file from the previous two ones).
Then, in the next line in myscript.ps1 after calling Download(), I call another function Cleanup($File1, $File2) which deletes $File1 and $File2. All this works flawlessly with Powershell -File "C:\myscript.ps1" however when using iex "& $command" as above the Cleanup function complains it cannot bind $File1 and $File2 because they are null !
It is like iex executed the Download and Cleanup functions in parallel (call Download, do not wait for it to complete -> immediately call Cleanup). Is that an expected behavior of iex or am I missing something basic here ?

How to reload user profile from script file in PowerShell

I want to reload my user profile from a script file. I thought that dot sourcing it from within the script file would do the trick, but it doesn't work:
# file.ps1
However, it does work if I dot source it from PowerShell's interpreter.
Why do I want to do this?
I run this script every time I update my profile and want to test it, so I'd like to avoid having to restart PowerShell to refresh the environment.
If you want to globally refresh your profile from a script, you will have to run that script "dot-sourced".
When you run your script, all the profile script runs in a "script" scope and will not modify your "global" scope.
In order for a script to modify your global scope, it needs to be "dot-source" or preceded with a period.
. ./yourrestartscript.ps1
where you have your profile script "dot-sourced" inside of "yourrestartscript.ps1". What you are actually doing is telling "yourrestartscript" to run in the current scope and inside that script, you are telling the $profile script to run in the script's scope. Since the script's scope is the global scope, any variables set or commands in your profile will happen in the global scope.
That doesn't buy you much advantage over running
. $profile
So, the approach that you marked as the answer may work inside the Powershell command prompt, but it doesn't work inside PowerShell ISE (which, to me, provides a superior PowerShell session) and probably won't work right in other PowerShell environments.
Here's a script that I have been using for a while, and it has worked very well for me in every environment. I simply put this function into my Profile.ps1 at ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell, and whenever I want to reload my profile, I dot-source the function, i.e.
. Reload-Profile
Here's the function:
function Reload-Profile {
) | % {
if(Test-Path $_){
Write-Verbose "Running $_"
. $_
& $profile
works to reload the profile.
If your profile sets aliases or executes imports which fail then you will see errors because they were already set in the previous loading of the profile.
Why are you trying to do this?
Because it is likely to create duplicates (appends to $env:path) and problems with setting constant/readonly objects causing errors.
There was a thread on this topic recently on microsoft.public.windows.powershell.
If you are trying to reset the state of the session there is no way to do this, even using an inner scope ($host.EnterNestedPrompt()) because of the ability to set variables/aliases/... at "all scope".
I found this workaround:
#restart profile (open new powershell session)
cmd.exe /c start powershell.exe -c { Set-Location $PWD } -NoExit
Stop-Process -Id $PID
A more elaborated version:
# Copy profile files to PowerShell user profile folder and restart PowerShell
# to reflect changes. Try to start from .lnk in the Start Menu or
# fallback to cmd.exe.
# We try the .lnk first because it can have environmental data attached
# to it like fonts, colors, etc.
$dest = Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent
Copy-Item "*.ps1" $dest -Confirm -Exclude "publish.ps1"
# 1) Get .lnk to PowerShell
# Locale's Start Menu name?...
$SM = [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::StartMenu
$CurrentUserStartMenuPath = $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath($SM))
$StartMenuName = Split-Path $CurrentUserStartMenuPath -Leaf
# Common Start Menu path?...
$CAD = [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonApplicationData
$allUsersPath = Split-Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath($CAD)) -Parent
$AllUsersStartMenuPath = Join-Path $allUsersPath $StartMenuName
$PSLnkPath = #(Get-ChildItem $AllUsersStartMenuPath, $CurrentUserStartMenuPath `
-Recurse -Include "Windows PowerShell.lnk")
# 2) Restart...
# Is PowerShell available in PATH?
if ( Get-Command "powershell.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
if ($PSLnkPath) {
$pi = New-Object "System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
$pi.FileName = $PSLnkPath[0]
$pi.UseShellExecute = $true
# See "powershell -help" for info on -Command
$pi.Arguments = "-NoExit -Command Set-Location $PWD"
else {
# See "powershell -help" for info on -Command
cmd.exe /c start powershell.exe -Command { Set-Location $PWD } -NoExit
else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED "Powershell not available in PATH."
# Let's clean up after ourselves...
Stop-Process -Id $PID
This is only a refinement of the two line script in guillermooo's answer above, which did not get the new PowerShell window into the correct directory for me. I believe this is because $PWD is evaluated in the new PowerShell window's context, which is not the value we want set-location to process.
function Restart-Ps {
$cline = "`"/c start powershell.exe -noexit -c `"Set-Location '{0}'" -f $PWD.path
cmd $cline
Stop-Process -Id $PID
By rights it shouldn't work, as the command line it spits out is malformed, but it seems to do the job and that's good enough for me.
since I stumbled onto this several years later, I thought to add that you can use the invocation operator: & to load your profile with the default variable to your profile: $profile.
so, if your session somehow fails to load your profile (happens to me with cmder/conemu) just type:
& $profile
I used this to troubleshoot what profile was taking forever to load.
Start Run:
powershell_ise -noprofile
Then i ran this:
function Reload-Profile {
) | % {
if(Test-Path $_){
Write-Verbose "Running $_"
$measure = Measure-Command {. $_}
"$($measure.TotalSeconds) for $_"
. Reload-Profile
Thank you #Winston Fassett for getting me closer to finding my issue.
Pseudo Alias (simulate keys)
If you just want a function to work like an alias in the console, just simulate the key presses to get around having to use the dot source.
# when "reload" is typed in the terminal, the profile is reloaded
# use sendkeys to send the enter key to the terminal
function reload {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait(". $")
screenshot of it working